package jfxtras.scene.control.agenda.icalendar.editors.revisors; import java.time.temporal.Temporal; import java.time.temporal.TemporalAmount; import java.util.List; import jfxtras.icalendarfx.components.VLocatable; import; import; import jfxtras.icalendarfx.utilities.DateTimeUtilities; /** * Handles revising a {@link VComponentLocatable} * * @author David Bal * * @param <T> concrete implementation of this class * @param <U> concrete {@link VComponentLocatable} class */ public abstract class ReviserLocatable<T, U extends VLocatable<U>> extends ReviserDisplayable<T, U> { public ReviserLocatable(U component) { super(component); } /* * END RECURRENCE - NEW VALUE */ /** Gets the value of the end of the selected recurrence after changes */ public Temporal getEndRecurrence() { return endRecurrence; } private Temporal endRecurrence; /** Sets the value of the end of the selected recurrence after changes */ public void setEndRecurrence(Temporal startRecurrence) { this.endRecurrence = startRecurrence; } /** * Sets the value of the end of the selected recurrence after changes * * @return - this class for chaining */ public T withEndRecurrence(Temporal endRecurrence) { setEndRecurrence(endRecurrence); return (T) this; } @Override boolean isValid() { if (getEndRecurrence() == null) { // System.out.println("endRecurrence must not be null"); return false; } return super.isValid(); } @Override void adjustStartAndEnd(U vComponentEditedCopy, U vComponentOriginalCopy) { // Adjust start and end - set recurrence temporal as start vComponentEditedCopy.setDateTimeStart(new DateTimeStart(getStartRecurrence())); vComponentEditedCopy.setEndOrDuration(getStartRecurrence(), getEndRecurrence()); } @Override void becomeNonRecurring(U vComponentEditedCopy) { super.becomeNonRecurring(vComponentEditedCopy); if (getVComponentOriginal().getRecurrenceRule() != null) { // RRULE was removed, update DTSTART, DTEND or DURATION getVComponentCopyEdited().setDateTimeStart(new DateTimeStart(getStartRecurrence())); if (getVComponentCopyEdited().getDuration() != null) { TemporalAmount duration = DateTimeUtilities.temporalAmountBetween(getStartRecurrence(), getEndRecurrence()); getVComponentCopyEdited().setDuration(duration); } } } @Override public List<VPropertyElement> dialogRequiredProperties() { List<VPropertyElement> list = super.dialogRequiredProperties(); list.add(VPropertyElement.DATE_TIME_END); return list; } }