package; import java.time.LocalDate; import java.time.Period; import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit; import java.time.temporal.Temporal; import javafx.util.Pair; import jfxtras.icalendarfx.utilities.DateTimeUtilities.DateTimeType; /** * Date and Time utilities * * @author David Bal * */ public final class AgendaDateTimeUtilities { private AgendaDateTimeUtilities() {} /** * Format start and end of recurrence date or date/time to concisely describe range * * @param start - start of recurrence * @param end - end of recurrence * @return - formatted date or date/time string */ public static String formatRange(Temporal start, Temporal end) { DateTimeFormatter startFormatter = (DateTimeType.of(start) == DateTimeType.DATE) ? Settings.DATE_FORMAT : Settings.DATE_TIME_FORMAT; final String startString = startFormatter.format(start); final String endString; if (end != null) { Period days = Period.between(LocalDate.from(start), LocalDate.from(end)); if (start == end) { endString = ""; } else if (days.isZero() && end.isSupported(ChronoUnit.NANOS)) // same day { endString = " - " + Settings.TIME_FORMAT_END.format(end); } else { DateTimeFormatter endFormatterDifferentDay = (DateTimeType.of(start) == DateTimeType.DATE) ? Settings.DATE_FORMAT : Settings.DATE_TIME_FORMAT; endString = " - " + endFormatterDifferentDay.format(end); } } else { endString = (Settings.resources == null) ? " - forever" : " - " + Settings.resources.getString("forever"); } return startString + endString; } /** * Format start and end of recurrence date or date/time to concisely describe range * * @param range - a {@link Pair} representing start and end of a recurrence * @return - formatted date or date/time string */ public static String formatRange(Pair<Temporal,Temporal> range) { Temporal start = range.getKey(); Temporal end = range.getValue(); return formatRange(start, end); } }