package jfxtras.icalendarfx.components; import java.time.Duration; import java.time.ZonedDateTime; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import jfxtras.icalendarfx.components.VAlarm; import jfxtras.icalendarfx.components.VAttendee; import jfxtras.icalendarfx.components.VComponent; import jfxtras.icalendarfx.components.VDescribable2; import jfxtras.icalendarfx.components.VDescribableBase; import jfxtras.icalendarfx.components.VDuration; import jfxtras.icalendarfx.components.VEvent; import jfxtras.icalendarfx.components.VTodo; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * <p><h2>VALARM</h2> * Alarm Component<br> * RFC 5545 iCalendar 3.6.6. page 71</p> * * <p>The body of the iCalendar object is defined by the following * notation: *<ul> *<li>alarmc * <ul> * <li>"BEGIN" ":" "VALARM" CRLF * <li>(audioprop / dispprop / emailprop) * <li> "END" ":" "VALARM" CRLF * </ul> *<li>audioprop * <ul> * <li>The following are REQUIRED, but MUST NOT occur more than once. * <ul> * <li>{@link Action ACTION} * <li>{@link Trigger TRIGGER} * </ul> * <li>The following are OPTIONAL, but MUST NOT occur more than once; but if one occurs, so MUST the other. * <ul> * <li>{@link DurationProp DURATION} * <li>{@link RepeatCount REPEAT} * </ul> * <li>The following are OPTIONAL, but MUST NOT occur more than once. * <ul> * <li>{@link Attachment ATTACH} * </ul> * <li>The following are OPTIONAL, and MAY occur more than once. * <ul> * <li>{@link IANAProperty IANA-PROP} * <li>{@link NonStandardProperty X-PROP} * </ul> * </ul> *<li>dispprop * <ul> * <li>The following are REQUIRED, but MUST NOT occur more than once. * <ul> * <li>{@link Action ACTION} * <li>{@link Description DESCRIPTION} * <li>{@link Trigger TRIGGER} * </ul> * <li>The following are OPTIONAL, but MUST NOT occur more than once; but if one occurs, so MUST the other. * <ul> * <li>{@link DurationProp DURATION} * <li>{@link RepeatCount REPEAT} * </ul> * <li>The following are OPTIONAL, and MAY occur more than once. * <ul> * <li>{@link IANAProperty IANA-PROP} * <li>{@link NonStandardProperty X-PROP} * </ul> * </ul> *<li>emailprop * <ul> * <li>The following are REQUIRED, but MUST NOT occur more than once. * <ul> * <li>{@link Action ACTION} * <li>{@link Description DESCRIPTION} * <li>{@link Summary SUMMARY} * <li>{@link Trigger TRIGGER} * </ul> * <li>The following are REQUIRED, but MAY occur more than once. * <ul> * <li>{@link Attendee ATTENDEE} * </ul> * <li>The following are OPTIONAL, but MUST NOT occur more than once; but if one occurs, so MUST the other. * <ul> * <li>{@link DurationProp DURATION} * <li>{@link RepeatCount REPEAT} * </ul> * <li>The following are OPTIONAL, and MAY occur more than once. * <ul> * <li>{@link Attachment ATTACH} * <li>{@link NonStandardProperty X-PROP} * </ul> * </ul> *</ul> * * <p>Provide a grouping of component properties that define an alarm.</p> * * <p>Description: A {@link VAlarm VALARM} calendar component is a grouping of * component properties that is a reminder or alarm for an event or a * to-do. For example, it may be used to define a reminder for a * pending event or an overdue to-do.</p> * * <p>The {@link VAlarm VALARM} calendar component MUST include the {@link Action ACTION} and * {@link Trigger TRIGGER} properties. The {@link Action ACTION} property further constrains * the {@link VAlarm VALARM} calendar component in the following ways:</p> * * <p>When the action is "AUDIO", the alarm can also include one and * only one {@link Attachment ATTACH} property, which MUST point to a sound resource, * which is rendered when the alarm is triggered.</p> * * <p>When the action is "DISPLAY", the alarm MUST also include a * {@link Description DESCRIPTION} property, which contains the text to be displayed * when the alarm is triggered.</p> * * <p>When the action is "EMAIL", the alarm MUST include a {@link Description DESCRIPTION} * property, which contains the text to be used as the message body, * a {@link Summary SUMMARY} property, which contains the text to be used as the * message subject, and one or more {@link Attendee ATTENDEE} properties, which * contain the email address of attendees to receive the message. It * can also include one or more {@link Attachment ATTACH} properties, which are * intended to be sent as message attachments. When the alarm is * triggered, the email message is sent.</p> * * <p>The {@link VAlarm VALARM} calendar component MUST only appear within either a * {@link VEvent VEVENT} or {@link VTodo VTODO} calendar component. {@link VAlarm VALARM} calendar * components cannot be nested. Multiple mutually independent</p> * * <p>{@link VAlarm VALARM} calendar components can be specified for a single * {@link VEvent VEVENT} or {@link VTodo VTODO} calendar component.</p> * * <p>The {@link Trigger TRIGGER} property specifies when the alarm will be triggered. * The {@link Trigger TRIGGER} property specifies a duration prior to the start of * an event or a to-do. The {@link Trigger TRIGGER} edge may be explicitly set to * be relative to the "START" or "END" of the event or to-do with the * "RELATED" parameter of the {@link Trigger TRIGGER} property. The {@link Trigger TRIGGER} * property value type can alternatively be set to an absolute * calendar date with UTC time.</p> * * <p>In an alarm set to trigger on the "START" of an event or to-do, * the {@link DateTimeStart DTSTART} property MUST be present in the associated event or * to-do. In an alarm in a {@link VEvent VEVENT} calendar component set to * trigger on the "END" of the event, either the {@link DateTimeEnd DTEND} property * MUST be present, or the {@link DateTimeStart DTSTART} and {@link Duration DURATION} properties MUST * both be present. In an alarm in a {@link VTodo VTODO} calendar component set * to trigger on the "END" of the to-do, either the "DUE" property * MUST be present, or the {@link DateTimeStart DTSTART} and {@link Duration DURATION} properties MUST * both be present.</p> * * <p>The alarm can be defined such that it triggers repeatedly. A * definition of an alarm with a repeating trigger MUST include both * the {@link Duration DURATION} and {@link RepeatCount REPEAT} properties. The {@link Duration DURATION} property * specifies the delay period, after which the alarm will repeat. * The {@link RepeatCount REPEAT} property specifies the number of additional * repetitions that the alarm will be triggered. This repetition * count is in addition to the initial triggering of the alarm. Both * of these properties MUST be present in order to specify a * repeating alarm. If one of these two properties is absent, then * the alarm will not repeat beyond the initial trigger.</p> * * <p>The {@link Action ACTION} property is used within the {@link VAlarm VALARM} calendar * component to specify the type of action invoked when the alarm is * triggered. The {@link VAlarm VALARM} properties provide enough information for * a specific action to be invoked. It is typically the * responsibility of a "Calendar User Agent" (CUA) to deliver the * alarm in the specified fashion. An {@link Action ACTION} property value of * AUDIO specifies an alarm that causes a sound to be played to alert * the user; DISPLAY specifies an alarm that causes a text message to * be displayed to the user; and EMAIL specifies an alarm that causes * an electronic email message to be delivered to one or more email * addresses.</p> * * <p>In an AUDIO alarm, if the optional {@link Attachment ATTACH} property is included, * it MUST specify an audio sound resource. The intention is that * the sound will be played as the alarm effect. If an {@link Attachment ATTACH} * property is specified that does not refer to a sound resource, or * if the specified sound resource cannot be rendered (because its * format is unsupported, or because it cannot be retrieved), then * the CUA or other entity responsible for playing the sound may * choose a fallback action, such as playing a built-in default * sound, or playing no sound at all.</p> * * <p>In a DISPLAY alarm, the intended alarm effect is for the text * value of the {@link Description DESCRIPTION} property to be displayed to the user.</p> * * <p>In an EMAIL alarm, the intended alarm effect is for an email * message to be composed and delivered to all the addresses * specified by the {@link Attendee ATTENDEE} properties in the {@link VAlarm VALARM} calendar * component. The {@link Description DESCRIPTION} property of the {@link VAlarm VALARM} calendar * component MUST be used as the body text of the message, and the * {@link Summary SUMMARY} property MUST be used as the subject text. Any {@link Attachment ATTACH} * properties in the {@link VAlarm VALARM} calendar component SHOULD be sent as * attachments to the message.</p> * * <p>Note: Implementations should carefully consider whether they * accept alarm components from untrusted sources, e.g., when * importing calendar objects from external sources. One * reasonable policy is to always ignore alarm components that the * calendar user has not set herself, or at least ask for * confirmation in such a case.</p> * * @author David Bal * @see VEvent * @see VTodo */ // TODO - add to isValid tests to verify audioprop / dispprop / emailprop public class VAlarm extends VDescribableBase<VAlarm> implements VDescribable2<VAlarm>, VAttendee<VAlarm>, VDuration<VAlarm> { /** * <p>Defines the action to be invoked when an alarm is triggered.<br> * RFC 5545 iCalendar page 132</p> * <p>actionvalue = "AUDIO" / "DISPLAY" / "EMAIL" / iana-token / x-name</p> * * <p>Example: * <ul> * <li>ACTION:DISPLAY * </ul> * </p> */ private Action action; public Action getAction() { return action; } public void setAction(String action) { setAction(Action.parse(action)); } public void setAction(Action action) { orderer.replaceChild(this.action, action); this.action = action; } public void setAction(ActionType action) { setAction(new Action(action)); } /** * Sets the value of the {@link #actionProperty()} * * @return this class for chaining */ public VAlarm withAction(Action action) { setAction(action); return this; } /** * Sets the value of the {@link #actionProperty()} by creating a new {@link Action} from the {@link ActionType} parameter * * @return this class for chaining */ public VAlarm withAction(ActionType actionType) { setAction(actionType); return this; } /** Sets the value of the {@link #actionProperty()} by parsing iCalendar content text * @return this class for chaining */ public VAlarm withAction(String action) { setAction(Action.parse(action)); return this; } /* * ATTENDEE: Attendee * RFC 5545 iCalendar page 107 * This property defines an {@link Attendee ATTENDEE} within a calendar component. * * Examples: * ATTENDEE;MEMBER="": * * ATTENDEE;ROLE=REQ-PARTICIPANT;PARTSTAT=ACCEPTED;CN=Jane Doe * */ private List<Attendee> attendees; @Override public List<Attendee> getAttendees() { return attendees; } @Override public void setAttendees(List<Attendee> attendees) { if (this.attendees != null) { this.attendees.forEach(e -> orderChild(e, null)); // remove old elements } this.attendees = attendees; if (attendees != null) { attendees.forEach(c -> orderChild(c)); } } /* * DESCRIPTION * RFC 5545 iCalendar page 84 * * This property provides a more complete description of the * calendar component than that provided by the {@link Summary SUMMARY} property. * * Example: * DESCRIPTION:Meeting to provide technical review for "Phoenix" * design.\nHappy Face Conference Room. Phoenix design team * MUST attend this meeting.\nRSVP to team leader. * * Note: Only VJournal allows multiple instances of DESCRIPTION */ @Override public Description getDescription() { return description; } private Description description; @Override public void setDescription(Description description) { orderer.replaceChild(this.description, description); this.description = description; } /* * DURATION * RFC 5545 iCalendar page 99, 3.3.6 page 34 * Can't be used if DTEND is used. Must be one or the other. * * Example: * DURATION:PT15M * */ private DurationProp duration; @Override public DurationProp getDuration() { return duration; } @Override public void setDuration(DurationProp duration) { orderer.replaceChild(this.duration, duration); this.duration = duration; } /** * <p>This property defines the number of times the alarm should * be repeated, after the initial trigger.<br> * RFC 5545 iCalendar page 133,</p> * * <p>If the alarm triggers more than once, then this property MUST be specified * along with the {@link Duration DURATION} property.</p> * * <p>Example: The following is an example of this property for an alarm * that repeats 4 additional times with a 5-minute delay after the * initial triggering of the alarm:<br> * * REPEAT:4<br> * DURATION:PT5M * </p> */ private RepeatCount repeatCount; public RepeatCount getRepeatCount() { return repeatCount; } public void setRepeatCount(RepeatCount repeatCount) { orderChild(this.repeatCount, repeatCount); this.repeatCount = repeatCount; } public void setRepeatCount(int repeatCount) { setRepeatCount(new RepeatCount(repeatCount)); } public void setRepeatCount(String repeatCount) { setRepeatCount(RepeatCount.parse(repeatCount)); } /** Sets the value of the {@link #repeatCountProperty()} * @return this class for chaining */ public VAlarm withRepeatCount(RepeatCount repeatCount) { setRepeatCount(repeatCount); return this; } /** Sets the value of the {@link #repeatCountProperty()} by creating new {@link RepeatCount} from int parameter * @return this class for chaining */ public VAlarm withRepeatCount(int repeatCount) { setRepeatCount(repeatCount); return this; } /** Sets the value of the {@link #repeatCountProperty()} by parsing iCalendar content text * @return this class for chaining */ public VAlarm withRepeatCount(String repeatCount) { setRepeatCount(repeatCount); return this; } /** * <p>This property specifies when an alarm will trigger.<br> * RFC 5545 iCalendar page 133</p> * * <p>Examples: * <ul> * A trigger set 15 minutes prior to the start of the event or to-do. * <li>TRIGGER:-PT15M<br> * * A trigger set five minutes after the end of an event or the due * date of a to-do. * <li>TRIGGER;RELATED=END:PT5M<br> * * A trigger set to an absolute DATE-TIME. * <li>TRIGGER;VALUE=DATE-TIME:19980101T050000Z * </ul> * </p> */ private Trigger<?> trigger; public Trigger<?> getTrigger() { return trigger; } public void setTrigger(String trigger) { setTrigger(Trigger.parse(trigger)); } public void setTrigger(Trigger<?> trigger) { orderChild(this.trigger, trigger); this.trigger = trigger; } public void setTrigger(Duration trigger) { setTrigger(new Trigger<Duration>(trigger)); } public void setTrigger(ZonedDateTime trigger) { setTrigger(new Trigger<ZonedDateTime>(trigger)); } /** Sets the value of the {@link #triggerProperty()} * @return this class for chaining */ public VAlarm withTrigger(Trigger<?> trigger) { setTrigger(trigger); return this; } /** Sets the value of the {@link #triggerProperty()} by creating new {@link Trigger} from Duration parameter * @return this class for chaining */ public VAlarm withTrigger(Duration trigger) { setTrigger(trigger); return this; } /** Sets the value of the {@link #triggerProperty()} by creating new {@link Trigger} from ZonedDateTime parameter * @return this class for chaining */ public VAlarm withTrigger(ZonedDateTime trigger) { setTrigger(trigger); return this; } /** Sets the value of the {@link #triggerProperty()} by parsing iCalendar content text * @return this class for chaining */ public VAlarm withTrigger(String trigger) { setTrigger(trigger); return this; } /* * CONSTRUCTORS */ /** * Creates a default VAlarm calendar component with no properties */ public VAlarm() { super(); } /** * Creates a deep copy of a VAlarm calendar component */ public VAlarm(VAlarm source) { super(source); } @Override public List<String> errors() { List<String> errors = new ArrayList<>(); if (getAction() == null) { errors.add("ACTION is not present. ACTION is REQUIRED and MUST NOT occur more than once"); } if (getTrigger() == null) { errors.add("TRIGGER is not present. TRIGGER is REQUIRED and MUST NOT occur more than once"); } boolean isDurationNull = getDuration() == null; boolean isRepeatNull = getRepeatCount() == null; if (isDurationNull && ! isRepeatNull) { errors.add("DURATION is present but REPEAT is not present. DURATION and REPEAT are both OPTIONAL, and MUST NOT occur more than once each, but if one occurs, so MUST the other."); } if (! isDurationNull && isRepeatNull) { errors.add("REPEAT is present but DURATION is not present. DURATION and REPEAT are both OPTIONAL, and MUST NOT occur more than once each, but if one occurs, so MUST the other."); } return Collections.unmodifiableList(errors); } @Override public List<? extends VComponent> calendarList() { throw new RuntimeException("VAlarm " + name() + " is embedded in VEVENT or VTODO not VCalendar"); } /** * Creates a new VAlarm calendar component by parsing a String of iCalendar content lines * * @param content the text to parse, not null * @return the parsed VAlarm */ public static VAlarm parse(String content) { return VAlarm.parse(new VAlarm(), content); } }