package jfxtras.icalendarfx.parameters; import jfxtras.icalendarfx.parameters.ParameterEnumBasedWithUnknown; import jfxtras.icalendarfx.parameters.Relationship; import jfxtras.icalendarfx.parameters.Relationship.RelationshipType; import jfxtras.icalendarfx.utilities.StringConverter; /** * RELTYPE * Relationship Type * RFC 5545, 3.2.15, page 25 * * To specify the type of hierarchical relationship associated * with the calendar component specified by the property. * * Example: * RELATED-TO;RELTYPE=SIBLING:19960401-080045-4000F192713@ * * * @author David Bal * */ public class Relationship extends ParameterEnumBasedWithUnknown<Relationship, RelationshipType> { private static final StringConverter<RelationshipType> CONVERTER = new StringConverter<RelationshipType>() { @Override public String toString(RelationshipType object) { return object.toString(); } @Override public RelationshipType fromString(String string) { return RelationshipType.valueOfWithUnknown(string.toUpperCase()); } }; public Relationship() { super(RelationshipType.PARENT, CONVERTER); // default value } public Relationship(RelationshipType value) { super(value, CONVERTER); } public Relationship(Relationship source) { super(source, CONVERTER); } public enum RelationshipType { PARENT, CHILD, SIBLING, UNKNOWN; /** get enum from name */ public static RelationshipType valueOfWithUnknown(String propertyName) { RelationshipType match; try { match = valueOf(propertyName); } catch (Exception e) { match = UNKNOWN; } return match; } } public static Relationship parse(String content) { return Relationship.parse(new Relationship(), content); } }