package; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import jfxtras.icalendarfx.components.VEvent; import jfxtras.icalendarfx.components.VTodo; import; import; /** * GEO * Geographic Position * RFC 5545 iCalendar page 86 * * This property specifies information related to the global * position for the activity specified by a calendar component. * * This property value specifies latitude and longitude, * in that order (i.e., "LAT LON" ordering). * * Example: * GEO:37.386013;-122.082932 * * @author David Bal * * The property can be specified in following components: * @see VEvent * @see VTodo */ public class GeographicPosition extends VPropertyBase<String, GeographicPosition> { public Double getLatitude() { return latitude; } private Double latitude; public void setLatitude(Double latitude) { this.latitude = latitude; buildNewValue(); } public GeographicPosition withLatitude(Double latitude) { setLatitude(latitude); return this; } private final static DecimalFormat DECIMAL_FORMAT = new DecimalFormat("#.######"); public Double getLongitude() { return longitude; } private Double longitude; public void setLongitude(Double longitude) { this.longitude = longitude; buildNewValue(); } public GeographicPosition withLongitude(Double longitude) { setLongitude(longitude); return this; } /* * CONSTRUCTORS */ public GeographicPosition(GeographicPosition source) { super(source); updateParts(getValue()); } public GeographicPosition(double latitude, double longitude) { super(); setLatitude(latitude); setLongitude(longitude); } public GeographicPosition() { super(); } /** Applies string converter only to description and exception parts of the RequestStatus property * This leaves the semicolon delimiters unescaped */ @Override protected String valueContent() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(20); builder.append(DECIMAL_FORMAT.format(getLatitude()) + ";"); builder.append(DECIMAL_FORMAT.format(getLongitude())); return builder.toString(); } public static GeographicPosition parse(String content) { return GeographicPosition.parse(new GeographicPosition(), content); } private void updateParts(String newValue) { String[] values = newValue.split(";"); if (values.length == 2) { setLatitude(Double.parseDouble(values[0])); setLongitude(Double.parseDouble(values[1])); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't parse geographic position value:" + newValue); } } @Override public void setValue(String value) { super.setValue(value); updateParts(value); } private void buildNewValue() { if ((getLatitude() != null) && (getLongitude() != null)) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(20); builder.append(DECIMAL_FORMAT.format(getLatitude()) + ";"); builder.append(DECIMAL_FORMAT.format(getLongitude())); super.setValue(builder.toString()); } } }