package jfxtras.icalendarfx.components; import java.time.DateTimeException; import java.time.LocalDate; import java.time.LocalDateTime; import java.time.ZonedDateTime; import java.time.temporal.Temporal; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Optional; import; import; import jfxtras.icalendarfx.VCalendar; import jfxtras.icalendarfx.components.VComponent; import jfxtras.icalendarfx.components.VDescribable; import jfxtras.icalendarfx.components.VDisplayable; import jfxtras.icalendarfx.components.VLastModified; import jfxtras.icalendarfx.components.VPersonal; import jfxtras.icalendarfx.components.VRepeatable; import jfxtras.icalendarfx.components.VRepeatableBase; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import jfxtras.icalendarfx.utilities.DateTimeUtilities; import jfxtras.icalendarfx.utilities.DateTimeUtilities.DateTimeType; /** * <p>{@link VComponent} with the following properties * <ul> * <li>{@link Attachment ATTACH} * <li>{@link Categories CATEGORIES} * <li>{@link Classification CLASS} * <li>{@link Contact CONTACT} * <li>{@link DateTimeCreated CREATED} * <li>{@link ExceptionDates EXDATE} * <li>{@link LastModified LAST-MODIFIED} * <li>{@link RecurrenceId RECURRENCE-ID} * <li>{@link RelatedTo RELATED-TO} * <li>{@link RecurrenceRule RRULE} * <li>{@link Sequence SEQUENCE} * <li>{@link Status STATUS} * <li>{@link Summary SUMMARY} * </ul> * </p> * * @author David Bal * * @param <T> concrete subclass */ public abstract class VDisplayable<T> extends VPersonal<T> implements VRepeatable<T>, VDescribable<T>, VLastModified<T> { /** * This property provides the capability to associate a document object with a calendar component. * *<p>Example: The following is an example of this property: *<ul> *<li> *<li>ATTACH;FMTTYPE=application/postscript:<br> * reports/ *</ul> *</p> */ @Override public List<Attachment<?>> getAttachments() { return attachments; } private List<Attachment<?>> attachments; @Override public void setAttachments(List<Attachment<?>> attachments) { if (this.attachments != null) { this.attachments.forEach(e -> orderChild(e, null)); // remove old elements } this.attachments = attachments; if (attachments != null) { attachments.forEach(e -> orderChild(e)); } } /** * CATEGORIES: * RFC 5545 iCalendar page 81 * This property defines the categories for a calendar component. * Example: * CATEGORIES:APPOINTMENT,EDUCATION * CATEGORIES:MEETING */ public List<Categories> getCategories() { return categories; } private List<Categories> categories; public void setCategories(List<Categories> categories) { if (this.categories != null) { this.categories.forEach(e -> orderChild(e, null)); // remove old elements } this.categories = categories; if (categories != null) { categories.forEach(e -> orderChild(e)); } } public T withCategories(List<Categories> categories) { if (getCategories() == null) { setCategories(new ArrayList<>()); } getCategories().addAll(categories); if (categories != null) { categories.forEach(c -> orderChild(c)); } return (T) this; } public T withCategories(String...categories) { return withCategories(new Categories(categories)); } public T withCategories(Categories...categories) { withCategories(new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(categories))); return (T) this; } /** * CLASS * Classification * RFC 5545,, page 82 * * This property defines the access classification for a calendar component. * * Example: * CLASS:PUBLIC */ public Classification getClassification() { return classification; } private Classification classification; public void setClassification(String classification) { setClassification(Classification.parse(classification)); } public void setClassification(Classification classification) { orderChild(this.classification, classification); this.classification = classification; } public void setClassification(ClassificationType classification) { setClassification(new Classification(classification)); } public T withClassification(Classification classification) { setClassification(classification); return (T) this; } public T withClassification(ClassificationType classification) { setClassification(classification); return (T) this; } public T withClassification(String classification) { setClassification(classification); return (T) this; } /** * CONTACT: * RFC 5545 iCalendar page 109 * This property is used to represent contact information or * alternately a reference to contact information associated with the * calendar component. * * Example: * CONTACT;ALTREP="ldap://\, * c=US???(cn=Jim%20Dolittle)":Jim Dolittle\, ABC Industries\, * +1-919-555-1234 */ public List<Contact> getContacts() { return contacts; } private List<Contact> contacts; public void setContacts(List<Contact> contacts) { if (this.contacts != null) { this.contacts.forEach(e -> orderChild(e, null)); // remove old elements } this.contacts = contacts; if (contacts != null) { contacts.forEach(c -> orderChild(c)); } } public T withContacts(List<Contact> contacts) { if (getContacts() == null) { setContacts(new ArrayList<>()); } getContacts().addAll(contacts); if (contacts != null) { contacts.forEach(c -> orderChild(c)); } return (T) this; } public T withContacts(String...contacts) { List<Contact> list = .map(c -> Contact.parse(c)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); return withContacts(list); } public T withContacts(Contact...contacts) { return withContacts(Arrays.asList(contacts)); } /** * CREATED: Date-Time Created * RFC 5545 iCalendar page 136 * This property specifies the date and time that the calendar information was created. * This is analogous to the creation date and time for a file in the file system. * The value MUST be specified in the UTC time format. * * Example: * CREATED:19960329T133000Z */ public DateTimeCreated getDateTimeCreated() { return dateTimeCreated; } private DateTimeCreated dateTimeCreated; public void setDateTimeCreated(String dateTimeCreated) { setDateTimeCreated(DateTimeCreated.parse(dateTimeCreated)); } public void setDateTimeCreated(DateTimeCreated dateTimeCreated) { orderChild(this.dateTimeCreated, dateTimeCreated); this.dateTimeCreated = dateTimeCreated; } public void setDateTimeCreated(ZonedDateTime dateTimeCreated) { setDateTimeCreated(new DateTimeCreated(dateTimeCreated)); } public T withDateTimeCreated(ZonedDateTime dateTimeCreated) { setDateTimeCreated(dateTimeCreated); return (T) this; } public T withDateTimeCreated(String dateTimeCreated) { setDateTimeCreated(dateTimeCreated); return (T) this; } public T withDateTimeCreated(DateTimeCreated dateTimeCreated) { setDateTimeCreated(dateTimeCreated); return (T) this; } /** * EXDATE * Exception Date-Times * RFC 5545 iCalendar, page 117. * * This property defines the list of DATE-TIME exceptions for * recurring events, to-dos, journal entries, or time zone definitions. */ public List<ExceptionDates> getExceptionDates() { return exceptionDates; } private List<ExceptionDates> exceptionDates; public void setExceptionDates(List<ExceptionDates> exceptionDates) { if (this.exceptionDates != null) { this.exceptionDates.forEach(e -> orderChild(e, null)); // remove old elements } this.exceptionDates = exceptionDates; if (exceptionDates != null) { exceptionDates.forEach(e -> orderChild(e)); // order new elements } } public T withExceptionDates(List<ExceptionDates> exceptions) { if (getExceptionDates() == null) { setExceptionDates(new ArrayList<>()); } getExceptionDates().addAll(exceptions); if (exceptions != null) { exceptions.forEach(c -> orderChild(c)); } return (T) this; } public T withExceptionDates(String...exceptions) { List<ExceptionDates> list = .map(c -> ExceptionDates.parse(c)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); return withExceptionDates(list); } public T withExceptionDates(Temporal...exceptions) { return withExceptionDates(new ExceptionDates(exceptions)); } public T withExceptionDates(ExceptionDates...exceptions) { return withExceptionDates(Arrays.asList(exceptions)); } /** * LAST-MODIFIED * RFC 5545,, page 138 * * This property specifies the date and time that the * information associated with the calendar component was last * revised in the calendar store. * * Note: This is analogous to the modification date and time for a * file in the file system. * * The value MUST be specified as a date with UTC time. * * Example: * LAST-MODIFIED:19960817T133000Z */ @Override public LastModified getDateTimeLastModified() { return lastModified; } private LastModified lastModified; @Override public void setDateTimeLastModified(LastModified lastModified) { orderChild(this.lastModified, lastModified); this.lastModified = lastModified; } // Other setters are default methods in interface /** * RDATE * Recurrence Date-Times * RFC 5545 iCalendar, page 120. * * This property defines the list of DATE-TIME values for * recurring events, to-dos, journal entries, or time zone definitions. * * NOTE: DOESN'T CURRENTLY SUPPORT PERIOD VALUE TYPE * */ @Override public List<RecurrenceDates> getRecurrenceDates() { return recurrenceDates; } private List<RecurrenceDates> recurrenceDates; @Override public void setRecurrenceDates(List<RecurrenceDates> recurrenceDates) { this.recurrenceDates = recurrenceDates; if (recurrenceDates != null) { recurrenceDates.forEach(c -> orderChild(c)); } } /** * RECURRENCE-ID: Recurrence Identifier * RFC 5545 iCalendar page 112 * The property value is the original value of the "DTSTART" property of the * recurrence instance before an edit that changed the value. * * Example: * RECURRENCE-ID;VALUE=DATE:19960401 */ public RecurrenceId getRecurrenceId() { return recurrenceId; } private RecurrenceId recurrenceId; public void setRecurrenceId(RecurrenceId recurrenceId) { orderChild(this.recurrenceId, recurrenceId); this.recurrenceId = recurrenceId; } public void setRecurrenceId(String recurrenceId) { setRecurrenceId(RecurrenceId.parse(recurrenceId)); } public void setRecurrenceId(Temporal temporal) { if ((temporal instanceof LocalDate) || (temporal instanceof LocalDateTime) || (temporal instanceof ZonedDateTime)) { if (getRecurrenceId() == null) { setRecurrenceId(new RecurrenceId(temporal)); } else { getRecurrenceId().setValue(temporal); } } else { throw new DateTimeException("Only LocalDate, LocalDateTime and ZonedDateTime supported. " + temporal.getClass().getSimpleName() + " is not supported"); } } public T withRecurrenceId(RecurrenceId recurrenceId) { setRecurrenceId(recurrenceId); return (T) this; } public T withRecurrenceId(String recurrenceId) { setRecurrenceId(recurrenceId); return (T) this; } public T withRecurrenceId(Temporal recurrenceId) { setRecurrenceId(recurrenceId); return (T) this; } /** Checks if RecurrenceId has same date-time type as DateTimeStart. Returns String containing * error message if there is a problem, null otherwise. */ String checkRecurrenceIdConsistency() { if (getRecurrenceId() != null && recurrenceParent() != null) { DateTimeType recurrenceIdType = DateTimeUtilities.DateTimeType.of(getRecurrenceId().getValue()); DateTimeType parentDateTimeStartType = DateTimeUtilities.DateTimeType.of(recurrenceParent().getDateTimeStart().getValue()); if (recurrenceIdType != parentDateTimeStartType) { return VPropertyElement.RECURRENCE_IDENTIFIER.toString() + ":RecurrenceId DateTimeType (" + recurrenceIdType + ") must be same as the type of its parent's DateTimeStart (" + parentDateTimeStartType + ")"; } } return null; } /** * RELATED-TO: *, RFC 5545 iCalendar, page 115 * This property is used to represent a relationship or reference between * one calendar component and another. By default, the property value points to another * calendar component's UID that has a PARENT relationship to the referencing object. * This field is null unless the object contains as RECURRENCE-ID value. * * Example: * */ public List<RelatedTo> getRelatedTo() { return relatedTo; } private List<RelatedTo> relatedTo; public void setRelatedTo(List<RelatedTo> relatedTo) { if (this.relatedTo != null) { this.relatedTo.forEach(e -> orderChild(e, null)); // remove old elements } this.relatedTo = relatedTo; if (relatedTo != null) { relatedTo.forEach(c -> orderChild(c)); } } public T withRelatedTo(List<RelatedTo> relatedTo) { if (getRelatedTo() == null) { setRelatedTo(new ArrayList<>()); } getRelatedTo().addAll(relatedTo); if (relatedTo != null) { relatedTo.forEach(c -> orderChild(c)); } return (T) this; } public T withRelatedTo(String...relatedTo) { List<RelatedTo> list = .map(c -> RelatedTo.parse(c)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); return withRelatedTo(list); } public T withRelatedTo(RelatedTo...relatedTo) { return withRelatedTo(Arrays.asList(relatedTo)); } /** * RRULE, Recurrence Rule * RFC 5545 iCalendar, page 122. * This property defines a rule or repeating pattern for recurring events, * to-dos, journal entries, or time zone definitions * If component is not repeating the value is null. * * Examples: * RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=10 * RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=19971007T000000Z;WKST=SU;BYDAY=TU,TH */ @Override public RecurrenceRule getRecurrenceRule() { return recurrenceRule; } private RecurrenceRule recurrenceRule; @Override public void setRecurrenceRule(RecurrenceRule recurrenceRule) { orderChild(this.recurrenceRule, recurrenceRule); this.recurrenceRule = recurrenceRule; } /** * SEQUENCE: * RFC 5545 iCalendar page 138 * This property defines the revision sequence number of the calendar component within a sequence of revisions. * Example: The following is an example of this property for a calendar * component that was just created by the "Organizer": * * SEQUENCE:0 * * The following is an example of this property for a calendar * component that has been revised two different times by the * "Organizer": * * SEQUENCE:2 */ public Sequence getSequence() { return sequence; } private Sequence sequence; public void setSequence(Sequence sequence) { orderChild(this.sequence, sequence); this.sequence = sequence; } public void setSequence(String sequence) { setSequence(Sequence.parse(sequence)); } public void setSequence(Integer sequence) { setSequence(new Sequence(sequence)); } public T withSequence(Sequence sequence) { if (getSequence() == null) { setSequence(sequence); return (T) this; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Property can only occur once in the calendar component"); } } public T withSequence(Integer sequence) { if (getSequence() == null) { setSequence(sequence); return (T) this; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Property can only occur once in the calendar component"); } } public T withSequence(String sequence) { if (getSequence() == null) { setSequence(sequence); return (T) this; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Property can only occur once in the calendar component"); } } public void incrementSequence() { if (getSequence() != null) { setSequence(getSequence().getValue()+1); } else { setSequence(1); } } /** * STATUS * RFC 5545 iCalendar page 92 * * This property defines the overall status or confirmation for the calendar component. * * Example: * STATUS:TENTATIVE */ public Status getStatus() { return status; } private Status status; public void setStatus(Status status) { orderChild(this.status, status); this.status = status; } public void setStatus(String status) { setStatus(Status.parse(status)); } public void setStatus(StatusType status) { setStatus(new Status(status)); } public T withStatus(Status status) { setStatus(status); return (T) this; } public T withStatus(StatusType status) { setStatus(status); return (T) this; } public T withStatus(String status) { setStatus(status); return (T) this; } /** * SUMMARY * RFC 5545 iCalendar page 93 * * This property defines a short summary or subject for the calendar component. * * Example: * SUMMARY:Department Party */ @Override public Summary getSummary() { return summary; } private Summary summary; @Override public void setSummary(Summary summary) { orderChild(this.summary, summary); this.summary = summary; } @Override void dateTimeStartListenerHook() { super.dateTimeStartListenerHook(); String reccurenceIDErrorString = checkRecurrenceIdConsistency(); if (reccurenceIDErrorString != null) { throw new RuntimeException(reccurenceIDErrorString); } } /* * CONSTRUCTORS */ public VDisplayable() { super(); } public VDisplayable(VDisplayable<T> source) { super(source); } @Override @Deprecated // need to move to VCalendar public Stream<Temporal> streamRecurrences(Temporal start) { // get stream with recurrence rule (RRULE) and recurrence date (RDATE) Stream<Temporal> inStream = VRepeatable.super.streamRecurrences(start); // assign temporal comparator to match start type final Comparator<Temporal> temporalComparator = DateTimeUtilities.getTemporalComparator(start); // Handle Recurrence IDs final Stream<Temporal> stream2; List<VDisplayable<?>> children = recurrenceChildren(); if (children != null) { // If present, remove recurrence ID original values List<Temporal> recurrenceIDTemporals = recurrenceChildren() .stream() .map(c -> c.getRecurrenceId().getValue()) .collect(Collectors.toList()); stream2 = inStream.filter(t -> ! recurrenceIDTemporals.contains(t)); } else { stream2 = inStream; } // If present, remove exceptions final Stream<Temporal> stream3; if (getExceptionDates() != null) { List<Temporal> exceptions = getExceptionDates() .stream() .flatMap(r -> r.getValue().stream()) .map(v -> v) .sorted(temporalComparator) .collect(Collectors.toList()); stream3 = stream2.filter(d -> ! exceptions.contains(d)); } else { stream3 = stream2; } if (getRecurrenceRule() == null) { return stream3; // no cache is no recurrence rule } if (getRecurrenceRule().getValue().getCount() == null) { return recurrenceCache().makeCache(stream3); // make cache of start date/times } else { // if RRULE has COUNT must start at DTSTART return stream3; } } /* * RECURRENCE STREAMER * produces recurrence set */ private RecurrenceRuleCache recurrenceCache = new RecurrenceRuleCache(this); @Override public RecurrenceRuleCache recurrenceCache() { return recurrenceCache; } /* * RECURRENCE CHILDREN - (RECURRENCE-IDs AND MATCHING UID) */ public List<VDisplayable<?>> recurrenceChildren() { if ((getParent() != null) && (getRecurrenceId() == null)) { UniqueIdentifier myUid = getUniqueIdentifier(); return calendarList() .stream() .map(c -> (VDisplayable<?>) c) .filter(c -> ! (c == this)) .filter(c -> c.getUniqueIdentifier().equals(myUid)) .filter(c -> c.getRecurrenceId() != null) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } else { return Collections.emptyList(); } } /* * RECURRENCE PARENT - (the VComponent with matching UID and no RECURRENCEID) */ public VDisplayable<?> recurrenceParent() { if (getParent() != null && (getRecurrenceId() != null)) { UniqueIdentifier myUid = getUniqueIdentifier(); @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Optional<VDisplayable> recurrenceParent = calendarList() .stream() .map(c -> (VDisplayable) c) .filter(c -> ! (c == this)) .filter(c -> c.getUniqueIdentifier().equals(myUid)) .filter(c -> c.getRecurrenceId() == null) .findAny(); return (recurrenceParent.isPresent()) ? recurrenceParent.get() : null; } else { return null; } } /** returns list of orphaned recurrence components due to a change. These * components should be deleted */ public List<VDisplayable<?>> orphanedRecurrenceChildren() { boolean isRecurrenceParent = getRecurrenceId() == null; if (isRecurrenceParent) { VCalendar vCalendar = (VCalendar) getParent(); if (vCalendar != null) { final UniqueIdentifier uid = getUniqueIdentifier(); return calendarList() .stream() .map(v -> (VDisplayable<?>) v) .filter(v -> v.getUniqueIdentifier().equals(uid)) .filter(v -> v.getRecurrenceId() != null) .filter(v -> { Temporal myRecurrenceID = v.getRecurrenceId().getValue(); Temporal cacheStart = recurrenceCache().getClosestStart(myRecurrenceID); Temporal nextRecurrenceDateTime = getRecurrenceRule().getValue() .streamRecurrences(cacheStart) .filter(t -> ! DateTimeUtilities.isBefore(t, myRecurrenceID)) .findFirst() .orElseGet(() -> null); return ! Objects.equals(nextRecurrenceDateTime, myRecurrenceID); }) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } } return Collections.emptyList(); } @Override public List<String> errors() { List<String> errors = super.errors(); String reccurenceIDErrorString = checkRecurrenceIdConsistency(); if (reccurenceIDErrorString != null) { errors.add(reccurenceIDErrorString); } // Tests from Repeatable errors.addAll(VRepeatableBase.errorsRepeatable(this)); errors.addAll(VRepeatableBase.errorsRecurrence(getExceptionDates(), getDateTimeStart())); errors.addAll(VRepeatableBase.errorsRecurrence(getRecurrenceDates(), getDateTimeStart())); return errors; } /** Erase all date/time properties such as DTSTART, DTEND, DURATION, and DUE (which ever exist). This * is necessary to prepare a CANCEL iTIP message for one recurrence instance. */ public void eraseDateTimeProperties() { setDateTimeStart((DateTimeStart) null); } }