package jfxtras.icalendarfx.components; import java.time.DateTimeException; import java.time.LocalDateTime; import java.time.temporal.Temporal; import java.time.temporal.TemporalAmount; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import; import; import jfxtras.icalendarfx.components.VAlarm; import jfxtras.icalendarfx.components.VComponent; import jfxtras.icalendarfx.components.VDescribable2; import jfxtras.icalendarfx.components.VDisplayable; import jfxtras.icalendarfx.components.VDuration; import jfxtras.icalendarfx.components.VLocatable; import; import; import; import; import; import; public abstract class VLocatable<T> extends VDisplayable<T> implements VDescribable2<T>, VDuration<T> { /** * DESCRIPTION * RFC 5545 iCalendar page 84 * * This property provides a more complete description of the * calendar component than that provided by the "SUMMARY" property. * * Example: * DESCRIPTION:Meeting to provide technical review for "Phoenix" * design.\nHappy Face Conference Room. Phoenix design team * MUST attend this meeting.\nRSVP to team leader. * * Note: Only VJournal allows multiple instances of DESCRIPTION */ @Override public Description getDescription() { return description; } private Description description; @Override public void setDescription(Description description) { orderChild(this.description, description); this.description = description; } /** * DURATION * RFC 5545 iCalendar page 99, 3.3.6 page 34 * Can't be used if DTEND is used. Must be one or the other. * * Example: * DURATION:PT15M * */ private DurationProp duration; @Override public DurationProp getDuration() { return duration; } @Override public void setDuration(DurationProp duration) { if (duration != null) { LocalDateTime now =; LocalDateTime adjustedNow =; if (adjustedNow.isBefore(now)) { throw new DateTimeException("DURATION is negative (" + duration + "). DURATION MUST be positive."); } } orderChild(this.duration, duration); this.duration = duration; } /** * GEO: Geographic Position * RFC 5545 iCalendar page 85, 3.3.6 page 85 * This property specifies information related to the global * position for the activity specified by a calendar component. * * This property value specifies latitude and longitude, * in that order (i.e., "LAT LON" ordering). * * Example: * GEO:37.386013;-122.082932 */ private GeographicPosition geographicPosition; public GeographicPosition getGeographicPosition() { return geographicPosition; } public void setGeographicPosition(GeographicPosition geographicPosition) { orderChild(this.geographicPosition, geographicPosition); this.geographicPosition = geographicPosition; } public void setGeographicPosition(String geographicPosition) { setGeographicPosition(GeographicPosition.parse(geographicPosition)); } public void setGeographicPosition(double latitude, double longitude) { getGeographicPosition().setLatitude(latitude); getGeographicPosition().setLongitude(longitude); } public T withGeographicPosition(GeographicPosition geographicPosition) { setGeographicPosition(geographicPosition); return (T) this; } public T withGeographicPosition(String geographicPosition) { setGeographicPosition(geographicPosition); return (T) this; } public T withGeographicPosition(double latitude, double longitude) { setGeographicPosition(latitude, longitude); return (T) this; } /** * LOCATION: * RFC 5545 iCalendar page 87 * This property defines the intended venue for the activity * defined by a calendar component. * Example: * LOCATION:Conference Room - F123\, Bldg. 002 */ private Location location; public Location getLocation() { return location; } public void setLocation(Location location) { orderChild(this.location, location); this.location = location; } public void setLocation(String location) { setLocation(Location.parse(location)); } public T withLocation(Location location) { setLocation(location); return (T) this; } public T withLocation(String location) { setLocation(location); return (T) this; } /** * PRIORITY * RFC 5545 iCalendar page 85, 3.3.6 page 85 * This property defines the relative priority for a calendar component. * This priority is specified as an integer in the range 0 to 9. * * Example: The following is an example of a property with the highest priority: * PRIORITY:1 */ private Priority priority; public Priority getPriority() { return priority; } public void setPriority(Priority priority) { orderChild(this.priority, priority); this.priority = priority; } public void setPriority(String priority) { setPriority(Priority.parse(priority)); } public void setPriority(int priority) { setPriority(new Priority(priority)); } public T withPriority(Priority priority) { setPriority(priority); return (T) this; } public T withPriority(String priority) { setPriority(priority); return (T) this; } public T withPriority(int priority) { setPriority(priority); return (T) this; } /** * RESOURCES: * RFC 5545 iCalendar page 91 * This property defines the equipment or resources * anticipated for an activity specified by a calendar component. * More than one resource can be specified as a COMMA-separated list * Example: * RESOURCES:EASEL,PROJECTOR,VCR * RESOURCES;LANGUAGE=fr:Nettoyeur haute pression */ public List<Resources> getResources() { return resources; } private List<Resources> resources; public void setResources(List<Resources> resources) { if (this.resources != null) { this.resources.forEach(e -> orderChild(e, null)); // remove old elements } this.resources = resources; if (resources != null) { resources.forEach(c -> orderChild(c)); // order new elements } } public T withResources(List<Resources> resources) { if (getResources() == null) { setResources(new ArrayList<>()); } getResources().addAll(resources); if (resources != null) { resources.forEach(c -> orderChild(c)); } return (T) this; } public T withResources(String...resources) { List<Resources> list = .map(c -> Resources.parse(c)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); return withResources(list); } public T withResources(Resources...resources) { return withResources(Arrays.asList(resources)); } /** * VALARM * Alarm Component * RFC 5545 iCalendar 3.6.6. page 71 * * Provide a grouping of component properties that define an alarm. * * The "VALARM" calendar component MUST only appear within either a * "VEVENT" or "VTODO" calendar component. */ public List<VAlarm> getVAlarms() { return vAlarms; } private List<VAlarm> vAlarms; public void setVAlarms(List<VAlarm> vAlarms) { if (this.vAlarms != null) { this.vAlarms.forEach(e -> orderChild(e, null)); // remove old elements } this.vAlarms = vAlarms; if (vAlarms != null) { vAlarms.forEach(c -> orderChild(c)); // order new elements } } public T withVAlarms(List<VAlarm> vAlarms) { if (getVAlarms() == null) { setVAlarms(new ArrayList<>()); } if (vAlarms != null) { getVAlarms().addAll(vAlarms); vAlarms.forEach(c -> orderChild(c)); } return (T) this; } public T withVAlarms(VAlarm...vAlarms) { withVAlarms(Arrays.asList(vAlarms)); return (T) this; } public T withVAlarms(String...vAlarms) { List<VAlarm> newElements = .map(c -> VAlarm.parse(c)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); return withVAlarms(newElements); } /* * CONSTRUCTORS */ public VLocatable() { super(); } public VLocatable(VLocatable<T> source) { super(source); } @Override void addSubcomponent(VComponent subcomponent) { if (subcomponent instanceof VAlarm) { final List<VAlarm> list; if (getVAlarms() == null) { list = new ArrayList<>(); setVAlarms(list); } else { list = getVAlarms(); } list.add((VAlarm) subcomponent); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unspoorted subcomponent type:" + subcomponent.getClass().getSimpleName() + " found inside " + name() + " component"); } } @Override public List<String> errors() { List<String> errors = super.errors(); if (getVAlarms() != null) { getVAlarms().forEach(v -> errors.addAll(v.errors())); } boolean isDurationPresent = getDuration() != null; if (isDurationPresent) // duration is present { LocalDateTime now =; LocalDateTime adjustedNow =; if (adjustedNow.isBefore(now)) { errors.add("DURATION is negative (" + getDuration().getValue() + "). DURATION MUST be positive."); } } return errors; } @Override // include VAlarms public int hashCode() { int hash = super.hashCode(); if (getVAlarms() != null) { Iterator<VAlarm> i = getVAlarms().iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { Object property =; hash = (31 * hash) + property.hashCode(); } } return hash; } /** Stream recurrence dates with adjustment to include recurrences that don't end before start parameter */ @Override public Stream<Temporal> streamRecurrences(Temporal start) { final TemporalAmount adjustment = getActualDuration(); return super.streamRecurrences(start.minus(adjustment)); } @Override public void eraseDateTimeProperties() { super.eraseDateTimeProperties(); setDuration((DurationProp) null); } /** A convenience method that returns either Duration property value, or a calculated duration based on start and end values */ public abstract TemporalAmount getActualDuration(); /** * A convenience method that sets DTEND, DURATION (VEvent) or DUE (VTodo) depending on which ever is already set * to new value calculated by the duration or period between input parameters (depending on if the parameters * are LocalDate or a date/time type (i.e. ZonedDateTime)) * * Note: In order to set DTEND, DTSTART must be assigned a value. DURATION and DUE doesn't require a DTSTART value. * * @param startRecurrence * @param endRecurrence */ public abstract void setEndOrDuration(Temporal startRecurrence, Temporal endRecurrence); }