package; import jfxtras.icalendarfx.components.VEvent; import jfxtras.icalendarfx.components.VJournal; import jfxtras.icalendarfx.components.VTodo; import; import; import; import jfxtras.icalendarfx.utilities.StringConverter; /** * CLASS * Classification * RFC 5545,, page 82 * * This property defines the access classification for a calendar component. * * Example: * CLASS:PUBLIC * * @author David Bal * * The property can be specified in following components: * @see VEvent * @see VTodo * @see VJournal */ public class Classification extends VPropertyBase<ClassificationType, Classification> { // TODO - ADD X-VALUE private final static StringConverter<ClassificationType> CONVERTER = new StringConverter<ClassificationType>() { @Override public String toString(ClassificationType object) { // null means value is unknown and non-converted string in PropertyBase unknownValue should be used instead return (object == ClassificationType.UNKNOWN) ? null: object.toString(); } @Override public ClassificationType fromString(String string) { return ClassificationType.valueOf2(string); } }; public Classification(ClassificationType type) { super(); setConverter(CONVERTER); setValue(type); } public Classification(Classification source) { super(source); } public Classification() { super(); setConverter(CONVERTER); setValue(ClassificationType.PUBLIC); // default value } public enum ClassificationType { PUBLIC, PRIVATE, CONFIDENTIAL, UNKNOWN; // must treat as PRIVATE static ClassificationType valueOf2(String value) { try { return valueOf(value); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { return UNKNOWN; } } } public static Classification parse(String propertyContent) { Classification property = new Classification(); property.parseContent(propertyContent); return property; } }