package jfxtras.icalendarfx.components; import java.time.ZoneId; import java.time.ZonedDateTime; import java.time.temporal.Temporal; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; import; import jfxtras.icalendarfx.components.DaylightSavingTime; import jfxtras.icalendarfx.components.StandardTime; import jfxtras.icalendarfx.components.VPrimary; import jfxtras.icalendarfx.components.VRepeatable; import jfxtras.icalendarfx.components.VRepeatableBase; import; import; import; import; import; import jfxtras.icalendarfx.utilities.DateTimeUtilities; import jfxtras.icalendarfx.utilities.DateTimeUtilities.DateTimeType; /** * Contains following properties: * @see RecurrenceRule * @see RecurrenceDates * * @author David Bal * * @param <T> - concrete subclass * @see DaylightSavingTime * @see StandardTime */ public abstract class VRepeatableBase<T> extends VPrimary<T> implements VRepeatable<T> { /** * RDATE * Recurrence Date-Times * RFC 5545 iCalendar, page 120. * * This property defines the list of DATE-TIME values for * recurring events, to-dos, journal entries, or time zone definitions. * * NOTE: DOESN'T CURRENTLY SUPPORT PERIOD VALUE TYPE * */ @Override public List<RecurrenceDates> getRecurrenceDates() { return recurrenceDates; } private List<RecurrenceDates> recurrenceDates; @Override public void setRecurrenceDates(List<RecurrenceDates> recurrenceDates) { if (this.recurrenceDates != null) { this.recurrenceDates.forEach(e -> orderChild(e, null)); // remove old elements } this.recurrenceDates = recurrenceDates; if (recurrenceDates != null) { recurrenceDates.forEach(c -> orderChild(c)); // order new elements } } /** * RRULE, Recurrence Rule * RFC 5545 iCalendar, page 122. * This property defines a rule or repeating pattern for recurring events, * to-dos, journal entries, or time zone definitions * If component is not repeating the value is null. * * Examples: * RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=10 * RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=19971007T000000Z;WKST=SU;BYDAY=TU,TH */ @Override public RecurrenceRule getRecurrenceRule() { return recurrenceRule; } private RecurrenceRule recurrenceRule; @Override public void setRecurrenceRule(RecurrenceRule recurrenceRule) { orderChild(this.recurrenceRule, recurrenceRule); this.recurrenceRule = recurrenceRule; } /* * CONSTRUCTORS */ VRepeatableBase() { } public VRepeatableBase(VRepeatableBase<T> source) { super(source); } @Override public Stream<Temporal> streamRecurrences(Temporal start) { Stream<Temporal> inStream = VRepeatable.super.streamRecurrences(start); if (getRecurrenceRule() == null) { return inStream; // no cache is no recurrence rule } return recurrenceCache().makeCache(inStream); // make cache of start date/times } @Override public List<String> errors() { List<String> errors = super.errors(); errors.addAll(errorsRepeatable(this)); errors.addAll(errorsRecurrence(getRecurrenceDates(), getDateTimeStart())); return errors; } protected static List<String> errorsRepeatable(VRepeatable<?> testObj) { List<String> errors = new ArrayList<>(); String recurrenceDateError = testObj.checkRecurrencesConsistency(testObj.getRecurrenceDates()); if (recurrenceDateError != null) errors.add(recurrenceDateError); if (testObj.getRecurrenceRule() != null && testObj.getRecurrenceRule().getValue().getUntil() != null) { Temporal until = testObj.getRecurrenceRule().getValue().getUntil().getValue(); DateTimeType untilType = DateTimeType.of(until); DateTimeType startType = DateTimeType.of(testObj.getDateTimeStart().getValue()); switch (startType) { case DATE: if (untilType != DateTimeType.DATE) { errors.add("If DTSTART specifies a DATE then UNTIL must also specify a DATE value instead of:" + untilType); } break; case DATE_WITH_LOCAL_TIME: case DATE_WITH_LOCAL_TIME_AND_TIME_ZONE: case DATE_WITH_UTC_TIME: if (untilType != DateTimeType.DATE_WITH_UTC_TIME) { errors.add("If DTSTART specifies a DATE_WITH_LOCAL_TIME, DATE_WITH_LOCAL_TIME_AND_TIME_ZONE or DATE_WITH_UTC_TIME then UNTIL must specify a DATE_WITH_UTC_TIME value instead of:" + untilType); } break; default: throw new RuntimeException("unsupported DateTimeType:" + startType); } } return errors; } protected static List<String> errorsRecurrence(List<? extends PropertyBaseRecurrence<?>> recurrenceDates, DateTimeStart dtstart) { List<String> errors = new ArrayList<>(); // error check - all Temporal types must be same if ((recurrenceDates != null) && (! recurrenceDates.isEmpty())) { PropertyBaseRecurrence<?> sample = recurrenceDates.get(0); Temporal sampleTemporal = .flatMap(r -> r.getValue().stream()) .findAny() .get(); DateTimeType sampleType = DateTimeUtilities.DateTimeType.of(sampleTemporal); Optional<String> error1 = recurrenceDates .stream() .flatMap(r -> r.getValue().stream()) .map(v -> { DateTimeType recurrenceType = DateTimeUtilities.DateTimeType.of(v); if (! recurrenceType.equals(sampleType)) { return + ": DateTimeType " + recurrenceType + " doesn't match previous recurrence's DateTimeType " + sampleType; } return null; }) .filter(s -> s != null) .findAny(); if (error1.isPresent()) { errors.add(error1.get()); } else { // don't check ZoneID if some types don't match - can cause ClassCastException otherwise // ensure all ZoneId values are the same if (sampleTemporal instanceof ZonedDateTime) { ZoneId zone = ((ZonedDateTime) sampleTemporal).getZone(); boolean allZonesIdentical = recurrenceDates .stream() .flatMap(r -> r.getValue().stream()) .map(t -> ((ZonedDateTime) t).getZone()) .allMatch(z -> z.equals(zone)); if (! allZonesIdentical) { errors.add("ZoneId are not all identical"); } } } // DTSTART check if (dtstart != null) { DateTimeType dateTimeStartType = DateTimeUtilities.DateTimeType.of(dtstart.getValue()); if (sampleType != dateTimeStartType) { errors.add("DTSTART, " + + ": The value type of " + + " elements MUST be the same as the DTSTART property (DTSTART=" + dateTimeStartType + ", " + + "=" + sampleType); } } } return errors; } /* * RECURRENCE STREAMER * produces recurrence set */ private RecurrenceRuleCache streamer = new RecurrenceRuleCache(this); @Override public RecurrenceRuleCache recurrenceCache() { return streamer; } }