package; import com.intellij.util.PairConsumer; import gnu.trove.TIntArrayList; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; public class AmfOutputStream extends PrimitiveAmfOutputStream { private static final byte[] STRING_ALIAS = {3, 115}; TransactionableStringIntHashMap stringTable; TransactionableStringIntHashMap traitsTable; public AmfOutputStream(AbstractByteArrayOutputStream out) { super(out); } public void resetAfterMessage() { if (stringTable != null) { stringTable.clear(); } if (traitsTable != null) { traitsTable.clear(); } } @Override public void reset() { resetAfterMessage(); super.reset(); } /** * Write array as fixed flash Vector.<int> * * @param array of int * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs or if array length out of range (29-bit number) */ public void write(int[] array) { write(Amf3Types.VECTOR_INT); writeUInt29((array.length << 1) | 1); write(true); for (int i : array) { writeInt(i); } } /** * Write array as fixed flash Vector.<String> */ public void write(String[] array) { write(Amf3Types.VECTOR_OBJECT); writeUInt29((array.length << 1) | 1); write(true); write(STRING_ALIAS); for (String s : array) { write(Amf3Types.STRING); writeAmfUtf(s, true); } } @SuppressWarnings({"UnusedDeclaration"}) public void writeStringCollection(Collection<String> collection) { write(Amf3Types.VECTOR_OBJECT); writeUInt29((collection.size() << 1) | 1); write(true); write(STRING_ALIAS); for (String s : collection) { write(Amf3Types.STRING); writeAmfUtf(s, true); } } public <T> void write(Collection<T> collection, PairConsumer<T, AmfOutputStream> outConsumer) { writeUInt29(collection.size()); for (T e : collection) { outConsumer.consume(e, this); } } public <T extends Identifiable> void write(@Nullable List<T> collection) { writeUInt29(collection == null ? 0 : collection.size()); if (collection == null) { return; } for (Identifiable e : collection) { writeUInt29(e.getId()); } } public void write(Collection<TIntArrayList> collection) { writeUInt29(collection.size()); for (TIntArrayList list : collection) { writeUInt29(list.size()); list.forEach(value -> { writeUInt29(value); return true; }); } } public void write(Collection collection, Class elementType) { write(collection, elementType.getName(), false); } public void write(Collection collection, String elementTypeName, boolean homogeneous) { write(collection, elementTypeName, homogeneous, false); } public void write(Collection collection, String elementTypeName, boolean homogeneous, boolean emptyAsNull) { if (collection == null || (emptyAsNull && collection.isEmpty())) { write(Amf3Types.NULL); } else { writeVector(collection, true, elementTypeName, homogeneous); } } public void write(String s) { if (s == null) { write(Amf3Types.NULL); } else { write(Amf3Types.STRING); writeStringWithoutType(s); } } public void writeAmfByteArray(byte[] bytes) { writeUInt29(bytes.length); write(bytes); } private void writeVector(Collection collection, boolean fixed, String elementTypeName, boolean homogeneous) { write(Amf3Types.VECTOR_OBJECT); final int n = collection.size(); writeUInt29((n << 1) | 1); write(fixed); if (elementTypeName.equals("java.lang.Object")) { writeUInt29(1); } else { writeStringWithoutType(elementTypeName); } if (n == 0) { return; } for (Object current : collection) { if (current == null) { write(Amf3Types.NULL); } else { write(Amf3Types.OBJECT); writeObjectTraits(homogeneous ? elementTypeName : current.getClass().getName()); ((AmfOutputable)current).writeExternal(this); } } } void writeStringWithoutType(String s) { if (s.isEmpty()) { write(1); } else if (!byReference(s)) { writeAmfUtf(s, true); } } private boolean byReference(String s) { if (stringTable == null) { stringTable = new TransactionableStringIntHashMap(32); } else { int reference = stringTable.get(s); if (reference != -1) { writeUInt29(reference << 1); return true; } } stringTable.put(s, stringTable.size()); return false; } public void writeObjectTraits(String className) { if (!traitsByReference(className)) { write(7); writeStringWithoutType(className); } } private boolean traitsByReference(String s) { if (traitsTable == null) { traitsTable = new TransactionableStringIntHashMap(8); } else { int reference = traitsTable.get(s); if (reference != -1) { writeUInt29((reference << 2) | 1); return true; } } traitsTable.put(s, traitsTable.size()); return false; } }