package com.intellij.flex; import com.intellij.execution.configurations.CommandLineTokenizer; import com.intellij.execution.process.BaseOSProcessHandler; import com.intellij.execution.process.ProcessAdapter; import com.intellij.execution.process.ProcessEvent; import com.intellij.execution.process.ProcessOutputTypes; import com.intellij.flex.model.JpsFlexCompilerProjectExtension; import com.intellij.flex.model.bc.*; import com.intellij.flex.model.sdk.JpsFlexSdkType; import com.intellij.flex.model.sdk.JpsFlexmojosSdkProperties; import com.intellij.flex.model.sdk.JpsFlexmojosSdkType; import com.intellij.flex.model.sdk.RslUtil; import com.intellij.openapi.application.PathManager; import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger; import com.intellij.openapi.util.*; import; import; import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil; import com.intellij.util.ArrayUtil; import com.intellij.util.PairConsumer; import com.intellij.util.PathUtilRt; import com.intellij.util.SystemProperties; import gnu.trove.THashMap; import org.jdom.Element; import org.jdom.JDOMException; import org.jdom.Namespace; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import org.jetbrains.jps.incremental.Utils; import org.jetbrains.jps.model.JpsElement; import org.jetbrains.jps.model.JpsProject; import org.jetbrains.jps.model.JpsSimpleElement; import; import org.jetbrains.jps.model.library.sdk.JpsSdk; import org.jetbrains.jps.model.module.JpsModule; import org.jetbrains.jps.model.module.JpsModuleSourceRoot; import org.jetbrains.jps.model.runConfiguration.JpsRunConfigurationType; import org.jetbrains.jps.model.runConfiguration.JpsTypedRunConfiguration; import org.jetbrains.jps.model.serialization.JpsModelSerializationDataService; import org.jetbrains.jps.util.JpsPathUtil; import*; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class FlexCommonUtils { public static final String AIR_NAMESPACE_BASE = ""; //keep in sync with OutputLogger.ERROR_PATTERN from BuiltInFlexCompiler project !!! public static final Pattern ERROR_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(.*?)(\\(\\D.*\\))?(?:\\((-?\\d+)\\))?: ?(?:col: (-?\\d+):?)? (Warning|Error): (.*)"); public static final String LOCALE_TOKEN = "{locale}"; public static final Pattern XMX_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(.* )?-Xmx([0-9]+)[mM]( .*)?"); public static final String AIR_SDK_VERSION_PREFIX = "AIR SDK "; public static final String FLEX_UNIT_LAUNCHER = "____FlexUnitLauncher"; public static final String SDK_TOOLS_ENCODING = "UTF-8"; public static final String OUT_OF_MEMORY = "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError"; public static final String JAVA_HEAP_SPACE = "Java heap space"; public static final String COULD_NOT_CREATE_JVM = "Could not create the Java virtual machine"; public static final String HTML_WRAPPER_TEMPLATE_FILE_NAME = "index.template.html"; public static final String SWF_MACRO = "${swf}"; public static final String TITLE_MACRO = "${title}"; public static final String APPLICATION_MACRO = "${application}"; public static final String BG_COLOR_MACRO = "${bgcolor}"; public static final String WIDTH_MACRO = "${width}"; public static final String HEIGHT_MACRO = "${height}"; public static final String VERSION_MAJOR_MACRO = "${version_major}"; public static final String VERSION_MINOR_MACRO = "${version_minor}"; public static final String VERSION_REVISION_MACRO = "${version_revision}"; public static final String TITLE_ATTR = "pageTitle"; public static final String BG_COLOR_ATTR = "backgroundColor"; public static final String WIDTH_ATTR = "width"; public static final String HEIGHT_ATTR = "height"; public static final String FLEXUNIT_4_TEST_RUNNER = "com.intellij.flexunit.runner.TestRunner4"; public static final String FLEXUNIT_1_TEST_RUNNER = "com.intellij.flexunit.runner.TestRunner1"; private static final String MODULE_PREFIX = "Module: "; private static final String BC_PREFIX = "\tBC: "; private static final String RUN_CONFIG_TYPE_PREFIX = "Run config type: "; private static final String RUN_CONFIG_NAME_PREFIX = "\tName: "; private static final String FORCED_DEBUG_STATUS = "\tForced debug status: "; private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getInstance(FlexCommonUtils.class.getName()); public static final boolean KEEP_TEMP_FILES = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("idea.keep.flex.temporary.files")); public static final Pattern AIR_VERSION_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+)*"); private static final Map<Pair<String, Long>, String> ourAdtJarPathAndTimestampToVersion = new THashMap<>(); public static boolean isSourceFile(final String fileName) { final String ext = FileUtilRt.getExtension(fileName); return ext.equalsIgnoreCase("as") || ext.equalsIgnoreCase("mxml") || ext.equalsIgnoreCase("fxg"); } public static boolean canHaveResourceFiles(final BuildConfigurationNature nature) { return nature.isApp(); } public static boolean isFlexUnitBC(final JpsFlexBuildConfiguration bc) { return bc.isTempBCForCompilation() && bc.getMainClass().endsWith(FLEX_UNIT_LAUNCHER); } public static boolean isRuntimeStyleSheetBC(final JpsFlexBuildConfiguration bc) { return bc.isTempBCForCompilation() && bc.getMainClass().toLowerCase().endsWith(".css"); } public static boolean isRLMTemporaryBC(final JpsFlexBuildConfiguration bc) { return bc.isTempBCForCompilation() && bc.getOutputType() == OutputType.RuntimeLoadedModule; } public static boolean canHaveRLMsAndRuntimeStylesheets(final JpsFlexBuildConfiguration bc) { return canHaveRLMsAndRuntimeStylesheets(bc.getOutputType(), bc.getTargetPlatform()); } public static boolean canHaveRLMsAndRuntimeStylesheets(final OutputType outputType, final TargetPlatform targetPlatform) { return outputType == OutputType.Application && targetPlatform != TargetPlatform.Mobile; } @Nullable public static String getBCSpecifier(final JpsFlexBuildConfiguration bc) { if (!bc.isTempBCForCompilation()) return null; if (isFlexUnitBC(bc)) return "flexunit"; if (isRLMTemporaryBC(bc)) return "module " + StringUtil.getShortName(bc.getMainClass()); if (isRuntimeStyleSheetBC(bc)) return PathUtilRt.getFileName(bc.getMainClass()); return StringUtil.getShortName(bc.getMainClass()); } public static String getTempFlexConfigsDirPath() { return getTempFlexConfigsDirPath(FileUtil.getTempDirectory()); } public static String getTempFlexConfigsDirPath(final String tempDirPath) { return FileUtil.toSystemIndependentName(tempDirPath) + "/" + "IntelliJ_IDEA"; //ApplicationNamesInfo.getInstance().getFullProductName().replace(' ', '_'); } /** * @param forcedDebugStatus <code>true</code> or <code>false</code> means that this bc is compiled for further packaging and we need swf to have corresponding debug status; * <code>null</code> means that bc is compiled as is (i.e. as configured) without any modifications */ public static String getBuildTargetId(final String moduleName, final String bcName, final @Nullable Boolean forcedDebugStatus) { return MODULE_PREFIX + moduleName + BC_PREFIX + bcName + FORCED_DEBUG_STATUS + forcedDebugStatus; } public static String getBuildTargetIdForRunConfig(final String runConfigTypeId, final String runConfigName) { return RUN_CONFIG_TYPE_PREFIX + runConfigTypeId + RUN_CONFIG_NAME_PREFIX + runConfigName; } @Nullable public static Pair<String, String> getRunConfigTypeIdAndNameByBuildTargetId(final String buildTargetId) { if (buildTargetId.startsWith(RUN_CONFIG_TYPE_PREFIX)) { final int index = buildTargetId.indexOf(RUN_CONFIG_NAME_PREFIX); assert index > 0 : buildTargetId; return Pair.create(buildTargetId.substring(RUN_CONFIG_TYPE_PREFIX.length(), index), buildTargetId.substring(index + RUN_CONFIG_NAME_PREFIX.length())); } return null; } /** * @return <code>Trinity.first</code> - module name<br/> * <code>Trinity.second</code> - BC name<br/> * <code>Trinity.third</code> - forced debug status: <code>true</code> or <code>false</code> means that this bc is compiled for further packaging and we need swf to have corresponding debug status; * <code>null</code> means that bc is compiled as is (i.e. as configured) without any modifications */ @Nullable public static Trinity<String, String, Boolean> getModuleAndBCNameAndForcedDebugStatusByBuildTargetId(final String buildTargetId) { if (buildTargetId.startsWith(MODULE_PREFIX)) { final int bcIndex = buildTargetId.indexOf(BC_PREFIX); final int forceDebugIndex = buildTargetId.indexOf(FORCED_DEBUG_STATUS); assert bcIndex > 0 && forceDebugIndex > bcIndex : buildTargetId; final String moduleName = buildTargetId.substring(MODULE_PREFIX.length(), bcIndex); final String bcName = buildTargetId.substring(bcIndex + BC_PREFIX.length(), forceDebugIndex); final String forcedDebugText = buildTargetId.substring(forceDebugIndex + FORCED_DEBUG_STATUS.length()); final Boolean forcedDebugStatus = forcedDebugText.equalsIgnoreCase("true") ? Boolean.TRUE : forcedDebugText.equalsIgnoreCase("false") ? Boolean.FALSE : null; return Trinity.create(moduleName, bcName, forcedDebugStatus); } return null; } @Nullable public static <P extends JpsElement> JpsTypedRunConfiguration<P> findRunConfiguration(final @NotNull JpsProject project, final @NotNull JpsRunConfigurationType<P> runConfigType, final @NotNull String runConfigName) { for (JpsTypedRunConfiguration<P> runConfig : project.getRunConfigurations(runConfigType)) { if (runConfigName.equals(runConfig.getName())) { return runConfig; } } return null; } public static List<String> getOptionValues(final String commandLine, final String... optionAndAliases) { if (StringUtil.isEmpty(commandLine)) { return Collections.emptyList(); } final List<String> result = new LinkedList<>(); for (CommandLineTokenizer tokenizer = new CommandLineTokenizer(commandLine); tokenizer.hasMoreTokens(); ) { final String token = tokenizer.nextToken(); for (String option : optionAndAliases) { if (token.startsWith("-" + option + "=") || token.startsWith("-" + option + "+=")) { result.addAll(StringUtil.split(token.substring(token.indexOf("=") + 1), ",")); } else if (token.equals("-" + option) && tokenizer.countTokens() > 0) { if (tokenizer.countTokens() > 0) { String nextToken; while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens() && canBeCompilerOptionValue(nextToken = tokenizer.peekNextToken())) { tokenizer.nextToken(); // advance tokenizer position result.add(nextToken); } } } } } return result; } public static boolean canBeCompilerOptionValue(final String text) { if (text.startsWith("-")) { // option or negative number return text.length() > 1 && Character.isDigit(text.charAt(1)); } return !text.startsWith("+"); } public static String removeOptions(final String commandLine, final String... optionsToRemove) { if (commandLine.isEmpty()) return commandLine; final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); for (StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(commandLine, " ", true); tokenizer.hasMoreTokens(); ) { final String token = tokenizer.nextToken(); boolean remove = false; for (String option : optionsToRemove) { if (token.startsWith("-" + option)) { remove = true; break; } } if (remove) { String nextToken = null; WHILE: while (tokenizer.hasMoreElements()) { nextToken = tokenizer.nextToken(); if (StringUtil.isEmptyOrSpaces(nextToken) || canBeCompilerOptionValue(nextToken)) { continue; } for (String option : optionsToRemove) { if (nextToken.startsWith("-" + option)) { continue WHILE; } } break; } if (nextToken != null && !canBeCompilerOptionValue(nextToken)) { buf.append(nextToken); } } else { buf.append(token); } } return buf.toString(); } public static String getFlexCompilerWorkDirPath(final JpsProject project) { final File dir = JpsModelSerializationDataService.getBaseDirectory(project); return dir == null ? "" : dir.getPath(); } @Nullable public static String findXMLElement(final File file, final String xmlElement) { try { final BufferedInputStream inputStream = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)); try { return findXMLElement(inputStream, xmlElement); } finally { inputStream.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { return null; } } @Nullable public static String findXMLElement(final InputStream is, final String xmlElement) { // xmlElement has format "<root_tag><child_tag>" final List<String> elementNames = StringUtil.split(StringUtil.replace(xmlElement, ">", ""), "<"); if (elementNames.isEmpty()) return null; try { final Element root = JDOMUtil.load(is); if (!root.getName().equals(elementNames.get(0))) { return null; } Element element = root; int depth = 0; while (elementNames.size() > ++depth) { element = element.getChild(elementNames.get(depth), element.getNamespace()); if (element == null) { return null; } } return element.getTextNormalize(); } catch (JDOMException | IOException ignore) {/**/} return null; } public static String getMaximumTargetPlayer(final String sdkHome) { return getMaximumVersion(getTargetPlayers(sdkHome)); } @NotNull public static String getMaximumVersion(final String[] versions) { String version = versions.length > 0 ? versions[0] : ""; for (int i = 1; i < versions.length; i++) { if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(versions[i], version) > 0) { version = versions[i]; } } return version; } public static String[] getTargetPlayers(final String sdkHome) { final File playerFolder = new File(sdkHome + "/frameworks/libs/player"); if (playerFolder.isDirectory()) { return playerFolder.list((dir, name) -> new File(playerFolder, name + "/playerglobal.swc").isFile()); } return ArrayUtil.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY; } /** * @param processor (namespace, relative path with no leading slash) */ public static void processStandardNamespaces(final JpsFlexBuildConfiguration bc, final PairConsumer<String, String> processor) { final JpsSdk<?> sdk = bc.getSdk(); if (bc.isPureAs() || sdk == null || sdk.getSdkType() != JpsFlexSdkType.INSTANCE) return; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(sdk.getVersionString(), "4") < 0) { processor.consume("", "frameworks/mxml-manifest.xml"); } else { processor.consume("", "frameworks/mxml-2009-manifest.xml"); if (bc.getTargetPlatform() == TargetPlatform.Mobile || bc.getDependencies().getComponentSet() == ComponentSet.SparkAndMx || bc.getDependencies().getComponentSet() == ComponentSet.SparkOnly) { processor.consume("library://", "frameworks/spark-manifest.xml"); } if (bc.getTargetPlatform() != TargetPlatform.Mobile) { if (bc.getDependencies().getComponentSet() == ComponentSet.SparkAndMx || bc.getDependencies().getComponentSet() == ComponentSet.MxOnly) { processor.consume("library://", "frameworks/mx-manifest.xml"); } processor.consume("", "frameworks/mxml-manifest.xml"); } } } public static LinkageType getDefaultFrameworkLinkage(final String sdkVersion, final BuildConfigurationNature nature) { return nature.isLib() ? LinkageType.External : nature.pureAS || !nature.isWebPlatform() ? LinkageType.Merged : StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(sdkVersion, "4") >= 0 && StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(sdkVersion, "4.8") < 0 ? LinkageType.RSL : LinkageType.Merged; // Flex 3 or Apache Flex } /** * If <code>LinkageType.Default</code> is returned then use {@link #getDefaultFrameworkLinkage(String, BuildConfigurationNature)} to get real value. * * @return <code>null</code> if entry should not be included at all */ @Nullable public static LinkageType getSdkEntryLinkageType(final String swcPath, final JpsFlexBuildConfiguration bc) { final JpsSdk<?> sdk = bc.getSdk(); LOG.assertTrue(sdk != null); return getSdkEntryLinkageType(sdk.getHomePath(), swcPath, bc.getNature(), bc.getDependencies().getTargetPlayer(), bc.getDependencies().getComponentSet()); } /** * If <code>LinkageType.Default</code> is returned then use {@link #getDefaultFrameworkLinkage(String, BuildConfigurationNature)} to get real value. * * @return <code>null</code> if entry should not be included at all */ @Nullable public static LinkageType getSdkEntryLinkageType(final String sdkHome, final String swcPath, final BuildConfigurationNature bcNature, final String targetPlayer, final ComponentSet componentSet) { LOG.assertTrue(!swcPath.endsWith("!/"), "plain local filesystem path is expected"); if (swcPath.endsWith("/frameworks/libs/air/airglobal.swc")) { return bcNature.isWebPlatform() ? null : LinkageType.External; } if (swcPath.endsWith("/playerglobal.swc") && swcPath.contains("/frameworks/libs/player/")) { if (swcPath.endsWith("/frameworks/libs/player/" + targetPlayer + "/playerglobal.swc")) { return bcNature.isWebPlatform() ? LinkageType.External : null; } return null; } final boolean swcIncluded; final int lastSlashIndex = swcPath.lastIndexOf('/'); if (lastSlashIndex <= 0 || lastSlashIndex == swcPath.length() - 1) { LOG.error("Unexpected Flex SDK root: " + swcPath); } final String swcName = swcPath.substring(lastSlashIndex + 1).toLowerCase(); final String folderPath = swcPath.substring(0, lastSlashIndex); if (folderPath.endsWith("/frameworks/libs")) { swcIncluded = isSwcFromLibsFolderIncluded(bcNature, componentSet, swcName); } else if (folderPath.endsWith("/frameworks/libs/air")) { swcIncluded = isSwcFromAirFolderIncluded(bcNature, componentSet, swcName); } else if (folderPath.endsWith("/frameworks/libs/mobile")) { swcIncluded = isSwcFromMobileFolderIncluded(bcNature, swcName); } else if (folderPath.endsWith("/frameworks/libs/mx")) { swcIncluded = isSwcFromMxFolderIncluded(bcNature, componentSet, swcName); } else if (folderPath.contains("/frameworks/themes/")) { swcIncluded = false; } else { if (Utils.IS_TEST_MODE) { LOG.warn("Unknown Flex SDK root: " + swcPath); } swcIncluded = true; } if (!swcIncluded) return null; // our difference from FB is that in case of library _ALL_ SWCs from SDK are external by default (except *global.swc) if (bcNature.isLib()) return LinkageType.Default; return RslUtil.canBeRsl(sdkHome, swcPath) ? LinkageType.Default : LinkageType.Merged; } private static boolean isSwcFromLibsFolderIncluded(final BuildConfigurationNature bcNature, final ComponentSet componentSet, final String swcName) { if (swcName.equals("advancedgrids.swc")) { return !(bcNature.isMobilePlatform() || bcNature.pureAS || componentSet == ComponentSet.SparkOnly); } if (swcName.equals("authoringsupport.swc")) { return true; } if (swcName.equals("charts.swc")) { return !bcNature.pureAS; } if (swcName.equals("core.swc")) { return bcNature.pureAS; } if (swcName.equals("datavisualization.swc")) { return !bcNature.pureAS; } if (swcName.endsWith("flash-integration.swc")) { return !bcNature.pureAS; } if (swcName.equals("flex.swc")) { return bcNature.pureAS; } if (swcName.endsWith("framework.swc")) { return !bcNature.pureAS; } if (swcName.endsWith("osmf.swc")) { return true; } if (swcName.endsWith("rpc.swc")) { return !bcNature.pureAS; } if (swcName.endsWith("spark.swc")) { return !bcNature.pureAS && (bcNature.isMobilePlatform() || componentSet != ComponentSet.MxOnly); } if (swcName.endsWith("spark_dmv.swc")) { return !bcNature.pureAS && !bcNature.isMobilePlatform() && componentSet == ComponentSet.SparkAndMx; } if (swcName.endsWith("sparkskins.swc")) { return !bcNature.pureAS && !bcNature.isMobilePlatform() && componentSet != ComponentSet.MxOnly; } if (swcName.endsWith("textlayout.swc")) { return true; } if (swcName.endsWith("utilities.swc")) { return true; } if (swcName.endsWith("asc-support.swc")) { return true; } if (swcName.equals("apache.swc") || swcName.equals("experimental.swc")) { return !bcNature.pureAS; // Apache Flex SDK 4.9 } if (swcName.equals("experimental_mobile.swc")) { return bcNature.isMobilePlatform() && !bcNature.pureAS; // Apache Flex SDK 4.11 } if (swcName.equals("automation.swc") || swcName.equals("automation_agent.swc") || swcName.equals("automation_dmv.swc") || swcName.equals("automation_flashflexkit.swc") || swcName.equals("qtp.swc")) { // additionally installed on top of Flex SDK 3.x return true; } LOG.warn("Unknown SWC in '<Flex SDK>/frameworks/libs' folder: " + swcName); return true; } private static boolean isSwcFromAirFolderIncluded(final BuildConfigurationNature bcNature, final ComponentSet componentSet, final String swcName) { if (bcNature.isMobilePlatform()) { return swcName.equals("servicemonitor.swc"); } if (bcNature.isDesktopPlatform()) { if (swcName.equals("airframework.swc")) { return !bcNature.pureAS; } if (swcName.equals("airspark.swc")) { return !bcNature.pureAS && componentSet != ComponentSet.MxOnly; } return true; } return false; } private static boolean isSwcFromMobileFolderIncluded(final BuildConfigurationNature bcNature, final String swcName) { return bcNature.isMobilePlatform() && !bcNature.pureAS; } private static boolean isSwcFromMxFolderIncluded(final BuildConfigurationNature bcNature, final ComponentSet componentSet, final String swcName) { if (!swcName.equals("mx.swc")) { LOG.warn("Unknown SWC in '<Flex SDK>/frameworks/libs/mx' folder: " + swcName); } return !bcNature.isMobilePlatform() && !bcNature.pureAS && componentSet != ComponentSet.SparkOnly; } public static boolean checkDependencyType(final OutputType bcOutputType, final OutputType dependencyBCOutputType, final LinkageType linkageType) { switch (dependencyBCOutputType) { case Application: case RuntimeLoadedModule: return bcOutputType != OutputType.Library && linkageType == LinkageType.LoadInRuntime; case Library: return ArrayUtil.contains(linkageType, LinkageType.getSwcLinkageValues()); default: LOG.error(dependencyBCOutputType); return false; } } public static String getPathToBundledJar(String filename) { final URL url = FlexCommonUtils.class.getResource(""); if ("jar".equals(url.getProtocol())) { // running from build return FileUtil.toSystemDependentName(PathManager.getHomePath() + "/plugins/flex/lib/" + filename); } else { final File dir1 = new File("../lib"); if (dir1.isDirectory()) { final String path = FileUtil.toSystemIndependentName(FileUtil.toCanonicalPath(dir1.getAbsolutePath())); if (path.endsWith("/flex/lib")) { // running tests from 'flex-plugin' project return FileUtil.toSystemDependentName(path + "/" + filename); } } final File dir2 = new File(PathManager.getHomePath() + "/plugins/flex/lib"); if (dir2.isDirectory()) { // running IDE from 'flex-plugin' project return FileUtil.toSystemIndependentName(dir2.getAbsolutePath() + "/" + filename); } // running from 'IDEA' project sources return FileUtil.toSystemDependentName(PathManager.getHomePath() + "/contrib/flex/lib/" + filename); } } public static Collection<String> getFlexUnitSupportLibNames(final BuildConfigurationNature nature, final ComponentSet componentSet, final String pathToFlexUnitMainClass) { boolean flexUnit4 = true; try { final String content = FileUtil.loadFile(new File(pathToFlexUnitMainClass), SDK_TOOLS_ENCODING); if (content.contains(FLEXUNIT_1_TEST_RUNNER)) { flexUnit4 = false; } } catch (IOException ignore) {/*unlucky*/} final Collection<String> result = new ArrayList<>(2); if (flexUnit4) { result.add("unittestingsupport_flexunit_4.swc"); } if (nature.pureAS) { result.add("unittestingsupport_as.swc"); } else if (nature.isMobilePlatform() || componentSet == ComponentSet.SparkOnly) { result.add("unittestingsupport_spark.swc"); } else { result.add("unittestingsupport_mx.swc"); } return result; } public static String getPathToMainClassFile(final String mainClassFqn, final JpsModule module) { if (StringUtil.isEmpty(mainClassFqn)) return ""; final String s = mainClassFqn.replace('.', '/'); final String[] classFileRelPaths = {"/" + s + ".mxml", "/" + s + ".as"}; for (JpsModuleSourceRoot srcRoot : module.getSourceRoots()) { final String srcRootPath = JpsPathUtil.urlToPath(srcRoot.getUrl()); for (final String classFileRelPath : classFileRelPaths) { final String pathToMainClassFile = srcRootPath + classFileRelPath; if (new File(pathToMainClassFile).isFile()) { return pathToMainClassFile; } } } return ""; } public static String replacePathMacros(final @NotNull String text, final @NotNull JpsModule module, final @NotNull String sdkRootPath) { String preResult = StringUtil.replace(text, CompilerOptionInfo.FLEX_SDK_MACRO, sdkRootPath); final File moduleDir = JpsModelSerializationDataService.getBaseDirectory(module); if (moduleDir != null) { preResult = StringUtil.replace(preResult, "${MODULE_DIR}", moduleDir.getPath()); } final File projectDir = JpsModelSerializationDataService.getBaseDirectory(module.getProject()); if (projectDir != null) { preResult = StringUtil.replace(preResult, "${PROJECT_DIR}", projectDir.getPath()); } preResult = StringUtil.replace(preResult, "${USER_HOME}", SystemProperties.getUserHome()); final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(preResult); int startIndex; int endIndex = 0; while ((startIndex = builder.indexOf("${", endIndex)) >= 0) { endIndex = builder.indexOf("}", startIndex); if (endIndex > startIndex) { final String macroName = builder.substring(startIndex + 2, endIndex); final String macroValue = JpsModelSerializationDataService.getPathVariableValue(module.getProject().getModel().getGlobal(), macroName); if (macroValue != null && !StringUtil.isEmptyOrSpaces(macroValue)) { builder.replace(startIndex, endIndex + 1, macroValue); endIndex = endIndex + macroValue.length() - (macroName.length() + 3); } } else { break; } } return builder.toString(); } public static String getFlexUnitLauncherExtension(final BuildConfigurationNature nature) { return nature.pureAS ? ".as" : ".mxml"; } public static boolean is64BitJava6(final String javaHome) { JdkVersionDetector.JdkVersionInfo info = JdkVersionDetector.getInstance().detectJdkVersionInfo(javaHome); if (info != null) { boolean is64Bit = info.getBitness() == Bitness.x64; boolean isJava6 = info.getVersion().contains("version \"1.6."); return is64Bit && isJava6; } return false; } public static List<String> getCommandLineForSdkTool(final @NotNull JpsProject project, final @NotNull JpsSdk<?> sdk, final @Nullable String additionalClasspath, final @NotNull String mainClass) { String javaHome = SystemProperties.getJavaHome(); boolean customJavaHomeSet = false; String additionalJavaArgs = null; int heapSizeMbFromJvmConfig = 0; String classpath = additionalClasspath; final boolean isFlexmojos = sdk.getSdkType() == JpsFlexmojosSdkType.INSTANCE; final JpsFlexmojosSdkProperties flexmojosSdkData = isFlexmojos ? ((JpsSimpleElement<JpsFlexmojosSdkProperties>)sdk.getSdkProperties()).getData() : null; if (isFlexmojos) { classpath = (StringUtil.isEmpty(classpath) ? "" : (classpath + File.pathSeparator)) + FileUtil.toSystemDependentName(StringUtil.join(flexmojosSdkData.getFlexCompilerClasspath(), File.pathSeparator)); } else { FileInputStream inputStream = null; try { inputStream = new FileInputStream(FileUtil.toSystemDependentName(sdk.getHomePath() + "/bin/jvm.config")); final Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.load(inputStream); final String configuredJavaHome = properties.getProperty("java.home"); if (configuredJavaHome != null && configuredJavaHome.trim().length() > 0) { javaHome = configuredJavaHome; customJavaHomeSet = true; } final String javaArgs = properties.getProperty("java.args"); if (javaArgs != null && javaArgs.trim().length() > 0) { additionalJavaArgs = javaArgs; final Matcher matcher = XMX_PATTERN.matcher(javaArgs); if (matcher.matches()) { try { heapSizeMbFromJvmConfig = Integer.parseInt(; } catch (NumberFormatException e) {/*ignore*/} } } final String classpathFromJvmConfig = properties.getProperty("java.class.path"); if (classpathFromJvmConfig != null && classpathFromJvmConfig.trim().length() > 0) { classpath = (StringUtil.isEmpty(classpath) ? "" : (classpath + File.pathSeparator)) + classpathFromJvmConfig; } //jvm.config also has properties which are not handled here: 'env' and 'java.library.path'; though not sure that there's any sense in them } catch (IOException e) { // not a big problem, will use default settings if (inputStream != null) { try { inputStream.close(); } catch (IOException e1) {/*ignore*/} } } } final String javaExecutable = FileUtil.toSystemDependentName((javaHome + "/bin/java" + (SystemInfo.isWindows ? ".exe" : ""))); final String applicationHomeParam = isFlexmojos ? null : ("-Dapplication.home=" + FileUtil.toSystemDependentName(sdk.getHomePath())); final String d32 = getD32IfNeed(customJavaHomeSet, javaHome); final List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); result.add(javaExecutable); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(d32)) result.add(d32); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(applicationHomeParam)) result.add(applicationHomeParam); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(additionalJavaArgs)) result.addAll(StringUtil.split(additionalJavaArgs, " ")); final String vmOptions = JpsFlexCompilerProjectExtension.getInstance(project).VM_OPTIONS; if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(vmOptions)) result.addAll(StringUtil.split(vmOptions, " ")); if (additionalJavaArgs == null || !additionalJavaArgs.contains("file.encoding")) { result.add("-Dfile.encoding=" + SDK_TOOLS_ENCODING); } result.add("-Djava.awt.headless=true"); result.add("-Duser.language=en"); result.add("-Duser.region=en"); final int heapSizeMb = JpsFlexCompilerProjectExtension.getInstance(project).HEAP_SIZE_MB; if (heapSizeMb > heapSizeMbFromJvmConfig) { result.add("-Xmx" + heapSizeMb + "m"); } if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(classpath)) { result.add("-classpath"); result.add(classpath); } result.add(mainClass); return result; } public static String getD32IfNeed(boolean customJavaHomeSet, String javaHome) { return (!customJavaHomeSet && SystemInfo.isMac && is64BitJava6(javaHome)) ? "-d32" : null; } @Nullable public static String getPathRelativeToSourceRoot(final JpsModule module, final String _path) { final String path = FileUtil.toSystemIndependentName(_path); for (JpsModuleSourceRoot srcRoot : module.getSourceRoots()) { final String rootPath = JpsPathUtil.urlToPath(srcRoot.getUrl()); if (path.equals(rootPath)) return ""; if (path.startsWith(rootPath + "/")) return path.substring(rootPath.length() + 1); } return null; } @Nullable public static String getPathRelativeToContentRoot(final JpsModule module, final String path) { for (String rootUrl : module.getContentRootsList().getUrls()) { final String rootPath = JpsPathUtil.urlToPath(rootUrl); if (path.equals(rootPath)) return ""; if (path.startsWith(rootPath + "/")) return path.substring(rootPath.length() + 1); } return null; } public static String getWrapperFileName(final JpsFlexBuildConfiguration bc) { return FileUtil.getNameWithoutExtension(PathUtilRt.getFileName(bc.getActualOutputFilePath())) + ".html"; } public static String getGeneratedAirDescriptorName(final JpsFlexBuildConfiguration bc, final JpsAirPackagingOptions packagingOptions) { final String suffix = packagingOptions instanceof JpsAirDesktopPackagingOptions ? "-descriptor.xml" : packagingOptions instanceof JpsAndroidPackagingOptions ? "-android-descriptor.xml" : "-ios-descriptor.xml"; return FileUtil.getNameWithoutExtension(PathUtilRt.getFileName(bc.getActualOutputFilePath())) + suffix; } public static String replace(final String text, final Map<String, String> replacementMap) { final String[] from = new String[replacementMap.size()]; final String[] to = new String[replacementMap.size()]; int i = 0; for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : replacementMap.entrySet()) { from[i] = entry.getKey(); to[i] = entry.getValue(); i++; } return StringUtil.replace(text, from, to); } @Nullable public static String getVersionOfAirSdkIncludedInFlexSdk(final String flexSdkHomePath) { final File adtFile = new File(flexSdkHomePath + "/lib/adt.jar"); if (!adtFile.isFile()) { return null; } String version = ourAdtJarPathAndTimestampToVersion.get(Pair.create(adtFile.getPath(), adtFile.lastModified())); if (version != null) { return version; } try { final Ref<String> versionRef = Ref.create(); final String javaExecutable = FileUtil.toSystemDependentName((SystemProperties.getJavaHome() + "/bin/java" + (SystemInfo.isWindows ? ".exe" : ""))); String[] cmdarray = {javaExecutable, "-jar", adtFile.getPath(), "-version"}; final Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmdarray); final BaseOSProcessHandler handler = new BaseOSProcessHandler(process, StringUtil.join(cmdarray, " "), Charset.defaultCharset()); handler.addProcessListener(new ProcessAdapter() { public void onTextAvailable(ProcessEvent event, Key outputType) { if (outputType != ProcessOutputTypes.SYSTEM) { parseAirVersionFromAdtOutput(event.getText().trim(), versionRef); } } }); handler.startNotify(); handler.waitFor(3000); if (!handler.isProcessTerminated()) { handler.destroyProcess(); } version = versionRef.get(); ourAdtJarPathAndTimestampToVersion.put(Pair.create(adtFile.getPath(), adtFile.lastModified()), version); return version; } catch (IOException e) {/*ignore*/} return null; } public static void parseAirVersionFromAdtOutput(String adtOutput, final Ref<String> versionRef) { // adt version "" // final String prefix = "adt version \""; final String suffix = "\""; if (adtOutput.startsWith(prefix) && adtOutput.endsWith(suffix)) { adtOutput = adtOutput.substring(prefix.length(), adtOutput.length() - suffix.length()); } if (AIR_VERSION_PATTERN.matcher(adtOutput).matches()) { versionRef.set(adtOutput); } } @Nullable public static String getAirVersion(final String sdkHomePath, final String sdkVersion) { final String version; if (sdkVersion != null && sdkVersion.startsWith(AIR_SDK_VERSION_PREFIX)) { version = sdkVersion.substring(AIR_SDK_VERSION_PREFIX.length()); } else if (sdkHomePath != null && sdkHomePath.endsWith(".pom") && new File(sdkHomePath).isFile()) { version = guessAirSdkVersionByFlexmojosSdkVersion(sdkVersion); } else { version = getVersionOfAirSdkIncludedInFlexSdk(sdkHomePath); } if (version != null) { final Trinity<String, String, String> majorMinorRevision = getMajorMinorRevisionVersion(version); return majorMinorRevision.third.isEmpty() || "0".equals(majorMinorRevision.third) ? majorMinorRevision.first + "." + majorMinorRevision.second : majorMinorRevision.first + "." + majorMinorRevision.second + "." + majorMinorRevision.third; } return null; } private static String guessAirSdkVersionByFlexmojosSdkVersion(final String sdkVersion) { // todo consider separate Flex and AIR SDK management supported by Flexmojos 6. if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(sdkVersion, "4") < 0) { if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(sdkVersion, "3.1") < 0) return "1.0"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(sdkVersion, "3.2") < 0) return "1.1"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(sdkVersion, "3.3") < 0) return "1.5"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(sdkVersion, "3.4") < 0) return "1.5"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(sdkVersion, "3.5") < 0) return "1.5.2"; return "1.5.3"; } if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(sdkVersion, "4.1") < 0) return "1.5.3"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(sdkVersion, "4.5") < 0) return "2.0"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(sdkVersion, "4.6") < 0) return "2.6"; return "3.1"; } public static String fixApplicationId(final String appId) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < appId.length(); i++) { final char ch = appId.charAt(i); if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z' || ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z' || ch >= '0' && ch <= '9' || ch == '-' || ch == '.') { builder.append(ch); } } return builder.toString(); } @Nullable public static String parseAirVersionFromDescriptorFile(final String descriptorFilePath) { if (StringUtil.isEmpty(descriptorFilePath)) return null; try { final Element rootElement = JDOMUtil.load(new File(descriptorFilePath)); final String localName = rootElement.getName(); final Namespace namespace = rootElement.getNamespace(); if ("application".equals(localName) && namespace != null && namespace.getURI().startsWith(AIR_NAMESPACE_BASE)) { return namespace.getURI().substring(AIR_NAMESPACE_BASE.length()); } } catch (JDOMException | IOException e) {/*unlucky*/} return null; } public static String getSwfVersionForTargetPlayer(final String targetPlayer) { if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(targetPlayer, "30") >= 0) return "41"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(targetPlayer, "29") >= 0) return "40"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(targetPlayer, "28") >= 0) return "39"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(targetPlayer, "27") >= 0) return "38"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(targetPlayer, "26") >= 0) return "37"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(targetPlayer, "25") >= 0) return "36"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(targetPlayer, "24") >= 0) return "35"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(targetPlayer, "23") >= 0) return "34"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(targetPlayer, "22") >= 0) return "33"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(targetPlayer, "21") >= 0) return "32"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(targetPlayer, "20") >= 0) return "31"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(targetPlayer, "19") >= 0) return "30"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(targetPlayer, "18") >= 0) return "29"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(targetPlayer, "17") >= 0) return "28"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(targetPlayer, "16") >= 0) return "27"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(targetPlayer, "15") >= 0) return "26"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(targetPlayer, "14") >= 0) return "25"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(targetPlayer, "13") >= 0) return "24"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(targetPlayer, "12") >= 0) return "23"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(targetPlayer, "11.9") >= 0) return "22"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(targetPlayer, "11.8") >= 0) return "21"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(targetPlayer, "11.7") >= 0) return "20"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(targetPlayer, "11.6") >= 0) return "19"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(targetPlayer, "11.5") >= 0) return "18"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(targetPlayer, "11.4") >= 0) return "17"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(targetPlayer, "11.3") >= 0) return "16"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(targetPlayer, "11.2") >= 0) return "15"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(targetPlayer, "11.1") >= 0) return "14"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(targetPlayer, "11") >= 0) return "13"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(targetPlayer, "10.3") >= 0) return "12"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(targetPlayer, "10.2") >= 0) return "11"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(targetPlayer, "10.1") >= 0) return "10"; return "9"; } public static String getSwfVersionForAirVersion(final String airVersion) { if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(airVersion, "30") >= 0) return "41"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(airVersion, "29") >= 0) return "40"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(airVersion, "28") >= 0) return "39"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(airVersion, "27") >= 0) return "38"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(airVersion, "26") >= 0) return "37"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(airVersion, "25") >= 0) return "36"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(airVersion, "24") >= 0) return "35"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(airVersion, "23") >= 0) return "34"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(airVersion, "22") >= 0) return "33"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(airVersion, "21") >= 0) return "32"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(airVersion, "20") >= 0) return "31"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(airVersion, "19") >= 0) return "30"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(airVersion, "18") >= 0) return "29"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(airVersion, "17") >= 0) return "28"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(airVersion, "16") >= 0) return "27"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(airVersion, "15") >= 0) return "26"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(airVersion, "14") >= 0) return "25"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(airVersion, "13") >= 0) return "24"; // yes, they are going to release 13 after 4 if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(airVersion, "4") >= 0) return "23"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(airVersion, "3.9") >= 0) return "22"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(airVersion, "3.8") >= 0) return "21"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(airVersion, "3.7") >= 0) return "20"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(airVersion, "3.6") >= 0) return "19"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(airVersion, "3.5") >= 0) return "18"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(airVersion, "3.4") >= 0) return "17"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(airVersion, "3.3") >= 0) return "16"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(airVersion, "3.2") >= 0) return "15"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(airVersion, "3.1") >= 0) return "14"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(airVersion, "3") >= 0) return "13"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(airVersion, "2.7") >= 0) return "12"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(airVersion, "2.6") >= 0) return "11"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(airVersion, "1.5") >= 0) return "10"; return "9"; } /** * Try not to use this method. Correct swf version can be obtained only by target player or AIR version. */ public static String getSwfVersionForSdk_THE_WORST_WAY(final String sdkVersion) { if (sdkVersion.startsWith(AIR_SDK_VERSION_PREFIX)) { return getSwfVersionForAirVersion(sdkVersion.substring(AIR_SDK_VERSION_PREFIX.length())); } if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(sdkVersion, "4.6") >= 0) return "14"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(sdkVersion, "4.5") >= 0) return "11"; assert false : sdkVersion; return null; } public static boolean containsASC20(final String sdkHome) { return new File(sdkHome + "/lib/compiler.jar").isFile(); } public static Pair<String, Integer> getSourcePathAndLineFromASC20Message(final String message) { if (message == null) return null; final int index = message.lastIndexOf(':'); if (index <= 0) return null; final String filePath = message.substring(0, index); final String lineNumber = message.substring(index + 1); try { final int line = Integer.parseInt(lineNumber); if (new File(filePath).isFile()) { return Pair.create(FileUtil.toSystemIndependentName(filePath), line); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) {/*unlucky*/} return null; } public static InputStreamReader createInputStreamReader(final InputStream inputStream) { try { return new InputStreamReader(inputStream, SDK_TOOLS_ENCODING); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { return new InputStreamReader(inputStream); } } public static String fixSizeReportOption(final String additionalOptions, final String postfix) { final List<String> values = getOptionValues(additionalOptions, "size-report"); final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(removeOptions(additionalOptions, "size-report")); if (values.size() == 1 && values.get(0).toLowerCase().endsWith(".xml")) { final String path = values.get(0); result.append(" -size-report="); if (path.contains(" ")) { result.append("\""); } result.append(path.substring(0, path.length() - ".xml".length())); result.append("-").append(postfix); result.append(path.substring(path.length() - ".xml".length())); if (path.contains(" ")) { result.append("\""); } } return result.toString(); } public static boolean isAirSdkWithoutFlex(final @Nullable JpsSdk<?> sdk) { final String version = sdk == null ? null : sdk.getVersionString(); return version != null && version.startsWith(AIR_SDK_VERSION_PREFIX); } public static Trinity<String, String, String> getMajorMinorRevisionVersion(final @NotNull String version) { final int firstDotIndex = version.indexOf('.'); if (firstDotIndex == -1) { return Trinity.create(version, "0", "0"); } final String majorVersion = version.substring(0, firstDotIndex); final int secondDotIndex = version.indexOf('.', firstDotIndex + 1); if (secondDotIndex == -1) { return Trinity.create(majorVersion, version.substring(firstDotIndex + 1), "0"); } final String minorVersion = version.substring(firstDotIndex + 1, secondDotIndex); final int thirdDotIndex = version.indexOf('.', secondDotIndex + 1); final String revision = thirdDotIndex == -1 ? version.substring(secondDotIndex + 1) : version.substring(secondDotIndex + 1, thirdDotIndex); return Trinity.create(majorVersion, minorVersion, revision); } public static void deleteTempFlexConfigFiles(final String projectName) { if (KEEP_TEMP_FILES) return; final String hash1 = Integer.toHexString((SystemProperties.getUserName() + projectName).hashCode()).toUpperCase(); final File dir = new File(getTempFlexConfigsDirPath()); if (!dir.isDirectory()) return; final File[] filesToDelete = dir.listFiles((file, name) -> { return name.startsWith("idea-" + hash1) && name.endsWith(".xml"); // PlatformUtils.getPlatformPrefix().toLowerCase() }); if (filesToDelete != null) { for (final File file : filesToDelete) { FileUtil.delete(file); } } } }