package com.jetbrains.lang.dart.analyzer; import; import; import; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import com.intellij.codeInsight.intention.IntentionManager; import com.intellij.openapi.Disposable; import com.intellij.openapi.application.ApplicationInfo; import com.intellij.openapi.application.ApplicationManager; import com.intellij.openapi.application.ApplicationNamesInfo; import com.intellij.openapi.application.ModalityState; import com.intellij.openapi.components.ServiceManager; import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.Document; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.EditorFactory; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.event.DocumentEvent; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.event.DocumentListener; import com.intellij.openapi.fileEditor.FileDocumentManager; import com.intellij.openapi.fileEditor.FileEditorManager; import com.intellij.openapi.fileEditor.FileEditorManagerEvent; import com.intellij.openapi.fileEditor.FileEditorManagerListener; import com.intellij.openapi.module.Module; import com.intellij.openapi.progress.ProgressIndicator; import com.intellij.openapi.progress.ProgressManager; import com.intellij.openapi.progress.Task; import com.intellij.openapi.project.DumbService; import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project; import com.intellij.openapi.roots.ProjectFileIndex; import com.intellij.openapi.roots.ProjectRootManager; import com.intellij.openapi.roots.libraries.Library; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Comparing; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Condition; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Ref; import; import com.intellij.openapi.util.registry.Registry; import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.LocalFileSystem; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile; import com.intellij.psi.PsiFileSystemItem; import; import; import com.intellij.util.Alarm; import com.intellij.util.Consumer; import com.intellij.util.PathUtil; import com.intellij.util.Processor; import com.intellij.util.concurrency.QueueProcessor; import com.intellij.util.containers.ContainerUtil; import com.intellij.util.ui.UIUtil; import com.intellij.xml.util.HtmlUtil; import com.jetbrains.lang.dart.DartBundle; import com.jetbrains.lang.dart.DartFileListener; import com.jetbrains.lang.dart.DartFileType; import com.jetbrains.lang.dart.DartYamlFileTypeFactory; import com.jetbrains.lang.dart.assists.DartQuickAssistIntention; import com.jetbrains.lang.dart.assists.QuickAssistSet; import com.jetbrains.lang.dart.ide.errorTreeView.DartFeedbackBuilder; import com.jetbrains.lang.dart.ide.errorTreeView.DartProblemsView; import com.jetbrains.lang.dart.sdk.DartSdk; import com.jetbrains.lang.dart.sdk.DartSdkLibUtil; import com.jetbrains.lang.dart.sdk.DartSdkUpdateChecker; import com.jetbrains.lang.dart.util.PubspecYamlUtil; import gnu.trove.THashMap; import gnu.trove.THashSet; import gnu.trove.TObjectIntHashMap; import org.dartlang.analysis.server.protocol.*; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Contract; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; public class DartAnalysisServerService implements Disposable { public static final String MIN_SDK_VERSION = "1.12"; private static final long UPDATE_FILES_TIMEOUT = 300; private static final long CHECK_CANCELLED_PERIOD = 10; private static final long SEND_REQUEST_TIMEOUT = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(1); private static final long EDIT_FORMAT_TIMEOUT = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(3); private static final long EDIT_ORGANIZE_DIRECTIVES_TIMEOUT = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMillis(300); private static final long EDIT_SORT_MEMBERS_TIMEOUT = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(3); private static final long GET_HOVER_TIMEOUT = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(1); private static final long GET_NAVIGATION_TIMEOUT = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(1); private static final long GET_ASSISTS_TIMEOUT = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMillis(100); private static final long GET_FIXES_TIMEOUT = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMillis(100); private static final long STATEMENT_COMPLETION_TIMEOUT = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMillis(100); private static final long GET_SUGGESTIONS_TIMEOUT = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(1); private static final long FIND_ELEMENT_REFERENCES_TIMEOUT = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(1); private static final long GET_TYPE_HIERARCHY_TIMEOUT = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(10); private static final long EXECUTION_CREATE_CONTEXT_TIMEOUT = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(1); private static final long EXECUTION_MAP_URI_TIMEOUT = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(1); private static final long ANALYSIS_IN_TESTS_TIMEOUT = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(10); private static final long TESTS_TIMEOUT_COEFF = 10; private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getInstance("#com.jetbrains.lang.dart.analyzer.DartAnalysisServerService"); private static final String STACK_TRACE_MARKER = "#0"; private static final long MIN_DISRUPTION_TIME = 5000L; // 5 seconds minimum between error report balloons private static final int MAX_DISRUPTIONS_PER_SESSION = 20; // Do not annoy the user too many times private static final int DEBUG_LOG_CAPACITY = 30; private static final int MAX_DEBUG_LOG_LINE_LENGTH = 200; // Saw one line while testing that was > 50k @NotNull private final Project myProject; private boolean myInitializationOnServerStartupDone = false; // Do not wait for server response under lock. Do not take read/write action under lock. private final Object myLock = new Object(); @Nullable private AnalysisServer myServer; @Nullable private StdioServerSocket myServerSocket; @NotNull private String myServerVersion = ""; @NotNull private String mySdkVersion = ""; @Nullable private String mySdkHome = null; private final DartServerRootsHandler myRootsHandler; private final Map<String, Long> myFilePathWithOverlaidContentToTimestamp = new THashMap<>(); private final List<String> myVisibleFiles = new ArrayList<>(); private final Set<Document> myChangedDocuments = new THashSet<>(); private final Alarm myUpdateFilesAlarm; @NotNull private final Queue<CompletionInfo> myCompletionInfos = new LinkedList<>(); @NotNull private final Queue<SearchResultsSet> mySearchResultSets = new LinkedList<>(); @NotNull private final DartServerData myServerData; private volatile boolean myAnalysisInProgress; private volatile boolean myPubListInProgress; @NotNull private final Alarm myShowServerProgressAlarm; @Nullable private ProgressIndicator myProgressIndicator; private final Object myProgressLock = new Object(); private boolean myHaveShownInitialProgress; private boolean mySentAnalysisBusy; // files with red squiggles in Project View. This field is also used as a lock to access these 3 collections @NotNull private final Set<String> myFilePathsWithErrors = new THashSet<>(); // how many files with errors are in this folder (recursively) @NotNull private final TObjectIntHashMap<String> myFolderPathsWithErrors = new TObjectIntHashMap<>(); // errors hash is tracked to optimize error notification listener: do not handle equal notifications more than once @NotNull private final TObjectIntHashMap<String> myFilePathToErrorsHash = new TObjectIntHashMap<>(); public long maxMillisToWaitForServerResponse = 0L; @NotNull private final InteractiveErrorReporter myErrorReporter = new InteractiveErrorReporter(); @NotNull private final EvictingQueue<String> myDebugLog = EvictingQueue.create(DEBUG_LOG_CAPACITY); public static String getClientId() { return ApplicationNamesInfo.getInstance().getFullProductName().replaceAll(" ", "-"); } private static String getClientVersion() { return ApplicationInfo.getInstance().getApiVersion(); } private final AnalysisServerListener myAnalysisServerListener = new AnalysisServerListenerAdapter() { @Override public void computedAnalyzedFiles(List<String> filePaths) { configureImportedLibraries(filePaths); } @Override public void computedErrors(@NotNull final String filePathSD, @NotNull final List<AnalysisError> errors) { final String fileName = PathUtil.getFileName(filePathSD); final ProgressIndicator indicator = myProgressIndicator; if (indicator != null) { indicator.setText(DartBundle.message("dart.analysis.progress.with.file", fileName)); } final List<AnalysisError> errorsWithoutTodo = errors.isEmpty() ? Collections.emptyList() : new ArrayList<>(errors.size()); boolean hasSevereProblems = false; for (AnalysisError error : errors) { if (AnalysisErrorSeverity.ERROR.equals(error.getSeverity()) || AnalysisErrorSeverity.WARNING.equals(error.getSeverity())) { hasSevereProblems = true; } if (!AnalysisErrorType.TODO.equals(error.getType())) { errorsWithoutTodo.add(error); } } final String filePathSI = FileUtil.toSystemIndependentName(filePathSD); final int oldHash; synchronized (myFilePathsWithErrors) { // TObjectIntHashMap returns 0 if there's no such entry, it's equivalent to empty error set for this file oldHash = myFilePathToErrorsHash.get(filePathSI); } final int newHash = errorsWithoutTodo.isEmpty() ? 0 : ensureNotZero(errorsWithoutTodo.hashCode()); // do nothing if errors are the same as were already handled previously if (oldHash == newHash && !myServerData.isErrorInfoLost(filePathSI)) return; final boolean visible = myVisibleFiles.contains(filePathSD); if (myServerData.computedErrors(filePathSI, errorsWithoutTodo, visible)) { onErrorsUpdated(filePathSI, errorsWithoutTodo, hasSevereProblems, newHash); } } @Override public void computedHighlights(@NotNull final String filePath, @NotNull final List<HighlightRegion> regions) { myServerData.computedHighlights(FileUtil.toSystemIndependentName(filePath), regions); } @Override public void computedImplemented(String _filePath, List<ImplementedClass> implementedClasses, List<ImplementedMember> implementedMembers) { myServerData.computedImplemented(FileUtil.toSystemIndependentName(_filePath), implementedClasses, implementedMembers); } @Override public void computedNavigation(@NotNull final String _filePath, @NotNull final List<NavigationRegion> regions) { myServerData.computedNavigation(FileUtil.toSystemIndependentName(_filePath), regions); } @Override public void computedOverrides(@NotNull final String _filePath, @NotNull final List<OverrideMember> overrides) { myServerData.computedOverrides(FileUtil.toSystemIndependentName(_filePath), overrides); } @Override public void flushedResults(@NotNull final List<String> _filePaths) { final List<String> filePaths = new ArrayList<>(_filePaths.size()); for (String path : _filePaths) { filePaths.add(FileUtil.toSystemIndependentName(path)); } myServerData.onFlushedResults(filePaths); for (String filePath : filePaths) { onErrorsUpdated(filePath, AnalysisError.EMPTY_LIST, false, 0); } } @Override public void computedCompletion(@NotNull final String completionId, final int replacementOffset, final int replacementLength, @NotNull final List<CompletionSuggestion> completions, final boolean isLast) { synchronized (myCompletionInfos) { myCompletionInfos.add(new CompletionInfo(completionId, replacementOffset, replacementLength, completions, isLast)); myCompletionInfos.notifyAll(); } } @Override public void computedSearchResults(String searchId, List<SearchResult> results, boolean last) { synchronized (mySearchResultSets) { mySearchResultSets.add(new SearchResultsSet(searchId, results, last)); mySearchResultSets.notifyAll(); } } @Override public void serverConnected(@Nullable String version) { myServerVersion = version != null ? version : ""; } @Override public void serverError(boolean isFatal, @Nullable String message, @Nullable String stackTrace) { if (message == null) message = "<no error message>"; if (stackTrace == null) stackTrace = "<no stack trace>"; if (!isFatal && stackTrace.startsWith("#0 checkValidPackageUri (package:package_config/src/util.dart:72)")) { return; } String errorMessage = "Dart analysis server, SDK version " + mySdkVersion + ", server version " + myServerVersion + ", " + (isFatal ? "FATAL " : "") + "error: " + message + "\n" + stackTrace;; } @Override public void serverStatus(@Nullable final AnalysisStatus analysisStatus, @Nullable final PubStatus pubStatus) { final boolean wasBusy = myAnalysisInProgress || myPubListInProgress; if (analysisStatus != null) myAnalysisInProgress = analysisStatus.isAnalyzing(); if (pubStatus != null) myPubListInProgress = pubStatus.isListingPackageDirs(); if (!wasBusy && (myAnalysisInProgress || myPubListInProgress)) { final Runnable delayedRunnable = () -> { if (myAnalysisInProgress || myPubListInProgress) { startShowingServerProgress(); } }; // 50ms delay to minimize blinking in case of consequent start-stop-start-stop-... events that happen with pubStatus events // 300ms delay to avoid showing progress for very fast analysis start-stop cycle that happens with analysisStatus events final int delay = pubStatus != null && pubStatus.isListingPackageDirs() ? 50 : 300; myShowServerProgressAlarm.addRequest(delayedRunnable, delay, ModalityState.any()); } if (!myAnalysisInProgress && !myPubListInProgress) { stopShowingServerProgress(); } } }; private static int ensureNotZero(int i) { return i == 0 ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : i; } private void startShowingServerProgress() { if (!myHaveShownInitialProgress) { myHaveShownInitialProgress = true; final Task.Backgroundable task = new Task.Backgroundable(myProject, DartBundle.message("dart.analysis.progress.title"), false) { @Override public void run(@NotNull final ProgressIndicator indicator) { if (DartAnalysisServerService.this.myProject.isDisposed()) return; if (!myAnalysisInProgress && !myPubListInProgress) return; indicator.setText(DartBundle.message("dart.analysis.progress.title")); if (ApplicationManager.getApplication().isDispatchThread()) { if (!ApplicationManager.getApplication().isUnitTestMode()) { LOG.error("wait() in EDT"); } } else { try { myProgressIndicator = indicator; waitWhileServerBusy(); } finally { myProgressIndicator = null; } } } }; ProgressManager.getInstance().run(task); } DartAnalysisServerMessages.sendAnalysisStarted(myProject, true); mySentAnalysisBusy = true; } /** * Must use it each time right after reading any offset or length from any class from org.dartlang.analysis.server.protocol package */ public int getConvertedOffset(@Nullable final VirtualFile file, final int originalOffset) { if (originalOffset <= 0 || file == null) return originalOffset; return myFilePathWithOverlaidContentToTimestamp.containsKey(file.getPath()) ? originalOffset : FileOffsetsManager.getInstance().getConvertedOffset(file, originalOffset); } /** * Must use it right before sending any offsets and lengths to the AnalysisServer */ private int getOriginalOffset(@Nullable final VirtualFile file, final int convertedOffset) { if (file == null) return convertedOffset; return myFilePathWithOverlaidContentToTimestamp.containsKey(file.getPath()) ? convertedOffset : FileOffsetsManager.getInstance().getOriginalOffset(file, convertedOffset); } public int[] getConvertedOffsets(@NotNull final VirtualFile file, final int[] _offsets) { final int[] offsets = new int[_offsets.length]; for (int i = 0; i < _offsets.length; i++) { offsets[i] = getConvertedOffset(file, _offsets[i]); } return offsets; } public int[] getConvertedLengths(@NotNull final VirtualFile file, final int[] _offsets, final int[] _lengths) { final int[] offsets = getConvertedOffsets(file, _offsets); final int[] lengths = new int[_lengths.length]; for (int i = 0; i < _lengths.length; i++) { lengths[i] = getConvertedOffset(file, _offsets[i] + _lengths[i]) - offsets[i]; } return lengths; } public static boolean isDartSdkVersionSufficient(@NotNull final DartSdk sdk) { return StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(sdk.getVersion(), MIN_SDK_VERSION) >= 0; } public void addCompletions(@NotNull final VirtualFile file, @NotNull final String completionId, @NotNull final CompletionSuggestionConsumer consumer) { while (true) { ProgressManager.checkCanceled(); synchronized (myCompletionInfos) { CompletionInfo completionInfo; while ((completionInfo = myCompletionInfos.poll()) != null) { if (!completionInfo.myCompletionId.equals(completionId)) continue; if (!completionInfo.isLast) continue; for (final CompletionSuggestion completion : completionInfo.myCompletions) { final int convertedReplacementOffset = getConvertedOffset(file, completionInfo.myOriginalReplacementOffset); final int convertedReplacementLength = getConvertedOffset(file, completionInfo.myOriginalReplacementLength); consumer.consumeCompletionSuggestion(convertedReplacementOffset, convertedReplacementLength, completion); } return; } try { myCompletionInfos.wait(CHECK_CANCELLED_PERIOD); } catch (InterruptedException e) { return; } } } } public static class FormatResult { @Nullable private final List<SourceEdit> myEdits; private final int myOffset; private final int myLength; public FormatResult(@Nullable final List<SourceEdit> edits, final int selectionOffset, final int selectionLength) { myEdits = edits; myOffset = selectionOffset; myLength = selectionLength; } public int getLength() { return myLength; } public int getOffset() { return myOffset; } @Nullable public List<SourceEdit> getEdits() { return myEdits; } } private void configureImportedLibraries(@NotNull final Collection<String> filePaths) { DumbService.getInstance(myProject).smartInvokeLater(() -> doConfigureImportedLibraries(myProject, filePaths)); } private static void doConfigureImportedLibraries(@NotNull final Project project, @NotNull final Collection<String> filePaths) { final DartSdk sdk = DartSdk.getDartSdk(project); if (sdk == null) return; final ProjectFileIndex fileIndex = ProjectRootManager.getInstance(project).getFileIndex(); final SortedSet<String> folderPaths = new TreeSet<>(); final Collection<String> rootsToAddToLib = new THashSet<>(); for (final String path : filePaths) { if (path != null) { folderPaths.add(PathUtil.getParentPath(FileUtil.toSystemIndependentName(path))); } } outer: for (final String path : folderPaths) { final VirtualFile vFile = LocalFileSystem.getInstance().findFileByPath(path); if (!path.startsWith(sdk.getHomePath() + "/") && (vFile == null || !fileIndex.isInContent(vFile))) { for (String configuredPath : rootsToAddToLib) { if (path.startsWith(configuredPath + "/")) { continue outer; // folderPaths is sorted so subfolders go after parent folder } } rootsToAddToLib.add(path); } } final Processor<? super PsiFileSystemItem> falseProcessor = (Processor<PsiFileSystemItem>)item -> false; final Condition<Module> moduleFilter = module -> DartSdkLibUtil.isDartSdkEnabled(module) && !FilenameIndex.processFilesByName(PubspecYamlUtil.PUBSPEC_YAML, false, falseProcessor, module.getModuleContentScope(), project, null); final DartFileListener.DartLibInfo libInfo = new DartFileListener.DartLibInfo(true); libInfo.addRoots(rootsToAddToLib); final Library library = DartFileListener.updatePackagesLibraryRoots(project, libInfo); DartFileListener.updateDependenciesOnDartPackagesLibrary(project, moduleFilter, library); } public DartAnalysisServerService(@NotNull final Project project) { myProject = project; myRootsHandler = new DartServerRootsHandler(project); myServerData = new DartServerData(this); myUpdateFilesAlarm = new Alarm(Alarm.ThreadToUse.POOLED_THREAD, project); myShowServerProgressAlarm = new Alarm(project); } private static void setDasLogger() { if (Logging.getLogger() != { return; // already registered } Logging.setLogger(new { @Override public void logError(String message) { LOG.error(message); } @Override public void logError(String message, Throwable exception) { LOG.error(message, exception); } @Override public void logInformation(String message) { LOG.debug(message); } @Override public void logInformation(String message, Throwable exception) { LOG.debug(message, exception); } }); } private void registerFileEditorManagerListener() { myProject.getMessageBus().connect().subscribe(FileEditorManagerListener.FILE_EDITOR_MANAGER, new FileEditorManagerListener() { @Override public void fileOpened(@NotNull final FileEditorManager source, @NotNull final VirtualFile file) { if (!"dart.projects.without.pubspec", false) && (PubspecYamlUtil.PUBSPEC_YAML.equals(file.getName()) || file.getFileType() == DartFileType.INSTANCE)) { DartSdkUpdateChecker.mayBeCheckForSdkUpdate(source.getProject()); } updateCurrentFile(); if (isLocalAnalyzableFile(file)) { updateVisibleFiles(); } } @Override public void selectionChanged(@NotNull FileEditorManagerEvent event) { updateCurrentFile(); if (isLocalAnalyzableFile(event.getOldFile()) || isLocalAnalyzableFile(event.getNewFile())) { updateVisibleFiles(); } } @Override public void fileClosed(@NotNull final FileEditorManager source, @NotNull final VirtualFile file) { updateCurrentFile(); if (isLocalAnalyzableFile(file)) { // file could be opened in more than one editor, so this check is needed if (FileEditorManager.getInstance(myProject).getSelectedEditor(file) == null) { myServerData.onFileClosed(file); } updateVisibleFiles(); } } }); } private void registerDocumentListener() { final DocumentListener documentListener = new DocumentListener() { @Override public void beforeDocumentChange(DocumentEvent e) { if (myServer == null) return; myServerData.onDocumentChanged(e); final VirtualFile file = FileDocumentManager.getInstance().getFile(e.getDocument()); if (isLocalAnalyzableFile(file)) { for (VirtualFile fileInEditor : FileEditorManager.getInstance(myProject).getOpenFiles()) { if (fileInEditor.equals(file)) { synchronized (myLock) { myChangedDocuments.add(e.getDocument()); } break; } } } myUpdateFilesAlarm.cancelAllRequests(); myUpdateFilesAlarm.addRequest(DartAnalysisServerService.this::updateFilesContent, UPDATE_FILES_TIMEOUT); } }; EditorFactory.getInstance().getEventMulticaster().addDocumentListener(documentListener, myProject); } @NotNull public static DartAnalysisServerService getInstance(@NotNull final Project project) { return ServiceManager.getService(project, DartAnalysisServerService.class); } @NotNull public Project getProject() { return myProject; } @Override public void dispose() { stopServer(); } @NotNull public List<DartServerData.DartError> getErrors(@NotNull final VirtualFile file) { return myServerData.getErrors(file); } public List<DartServerData.DartError> getErrors(@NotNull final SearchScope scope) { return myServerData.getErrors(scope); } @NotNull public List<DartServerData.DartHighlightRegion> getHighlight(@NotNull final VirtualFile file) { return myServerData.getHighlight(file); } @NotNull public List<DartServerData.DartNavigationRegion> getNavigation(@NotNull final VirtualFile file) { return myServerData.getNavigation(file); } @NotNull public List<DartServerData.DartOverrideMember> getOverrideMembers(@NotNull final VirtualFile file) { return myServerData.getOverrideMembers(file); } @NotNull public List<DartServerData.DartRegion> getImplementedClasses(@NotNull final VirtualFile file) { return myServerData.getImplementedClasses(file); } @NotNull public List<DartServerData.DartRegion> getImplementedMembers(@NotNull final VirtualFile file) { return myServerData.getImplementedMembers(file); } void updateCurrentFile() { UIUtil.invokeLaterIfNeeded(() -> { final VirtualFile[] files = FileEditorManager.getInstance(myProject).getSelectedFiles(); if (files.length > 0) { DartProblemsView.getInstance(myProject).setCurrentFile(files[0]); } }); } void updateVisibleFiles() { ApplicationManager.getApplication().assertReadAccessAllowed(); synchronized (myLock) { final List<String> newVisibleFiles = new ArrayList<>(); for (VirtualFile file : FileEditorManager.getInstance(myProject).getSelectedFiles()) { if (isLocalAnalyzableFile(file)) { newVisibleFiles.add(FileUtil.toSystemDependentName(file.getPath())); } } if (!Comparing.haveEqualElements(myVisibleFiles, newVisibleFiles)) { myVisibleFiles.clear(); myVisibleFiles.addAll(newVisibleFiles); analysis_setPriorityFiles(); analysis_setSubscriptions(); } } } /** * Return true if the given file can be analyzed by Dart Analysis Server. */ @Contract("null->false") public static boolean isLocalAnalyzableFile(@Nullable final VirtualFile file) { if (file != null && file.isInLocalFileSystem()) { return file.getFileType() == DartFileType.INSTANCE || HtmlUtil.isHtmlFile(file) || file.getName().equals(DartYamlFileTypeFactory.DOT_ANALYSIS_OPTIONS); } return false; } public void updateFilesContent() { if (myServer != null) { ApplicationManager.getApplication().runReadAction(this::doUpdateFilesContent); } } private void doUpdateFilesContent() { // may be use DocumentListener to collect deltas instead of sending the whole Document.getText() each time? AnalysisServer server = myServer; if (server == null) { return; } myUpdateFilesAlarm.cancelAllRequests(); final Map<String, Object> filesToUpdate = new THashMap<>(); ApplicationManager.getApplication().assertReadAccessAllowed(); synchronized (myLock) { final Set<String> oldTrackedFiles = new THashSet<>(myFilePathWithOverlaidContentToTimestamp.keySet()); final FileDocumentManager fileDocumentManager = FileDocumentManager.getInstance(); // some documents in myChangedDocuments may be updated by external change, suxh as switch branch, that's why we track them, // getUnsavedDocuments() is not enough, we must make sure that overlaid content is sent for for myChangedDocuments as well (to trigger DAS notifications) final Set<Document> documents = new THashSet<>(myChangedDocuments); myChangedDocuments.clear(); ContainerUtil.addAll(documents, fileDocumentManager.getUnsavedDocuments()); for (Document document : documents) { final VirtualFile file = fileDocumentManager.getFile(document); if (isLocalAnalyzableFile(file)) { oldTrackedFiles.remove(file.getPath()); final Long oldTimestamp = myFilePathWithOverlaidContentToTimestamp.get(file.getPath()); if (oldTimestamp == null || document.getModificationStamp() != oldTimestamp) { filesToUpdate.put(FileUtil.toSystemDependentName(file.getPath()), new AddContentOverlay(document.getText())); myFilePathWithOverlaidContentToTimestamp.put(file.getPath(), document.getModificationStamp()); } } } // oldTrackedFiles at this point contains only those files that are not in FileDocumentManager.getUnsavedDocuments() any more for (String oldPath : oldTrackedFiles) { final Long removed = myFilePathWithOverlaidContentToTimestamp.remove(oldPath); LOG.assertTrue(removed != null, oldPath); filesToUpdate.put(FileUtil.toSystemDependentName(oldPath), new RemoveContentOverlay()); } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { final Set<String> overlaid = new THashSet<>(filesToUpdate.keySet()); for (String removeOverlaid : oldTrackedFiles) { overlaid.remove(FileUtil.toSystemDependentName(removeOverlaid)); } if (!overlaid.isEmpty()) { LOG.debug("Sending overlaid content: " + StringUtil.join(overlaid, ",\n")); } if (!oldTrackedFiles.isEmpty()) { LOG.debug("Removing overlaid content: " + StringUtil.join(oldTrackedFiles, ",\n")); } } } if (!filesToUpdate.isEmpty()) { server.analysis_updateContent(filesToUpdate, myServerData::onFilesContentUpdated); } } public boolean updateRoots(@NotNull final List<String> includedRoots, @NotNull final List<String> excludedRoots) { AnalysisServer server = myServer; if (server == null) { return false; } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("analysis_setAnalysisRoots, included:\n" + StringUtil.join(includedRoots, ",\n") + "\nexcluded:\n" + StringUtil.join(excludedRoots, ",\n")); } server.analysis_setAnalysisRoots(includedRoots, excludedRoots, null); return true; } private void onErrorsUpdated(@NotNull final String filePath, @NotNull final List<AnalysisError> errors, final boolean hasSevereProblems, final int errorsHash) { updateFilesWithErrorsSet(filePath, hasSevereProblems, errorsHash); DartProblemsView.getInstance(myProject).updateErrorsForFile(filePath, errors); } private void updateFilesWithErrorsSet(@NotNull final String filePath, final boolean hasSevereProblems, final int errorsHash) { synchronized (myFilePathsWithErrors) { if (errorsHash == 0) { // no errors myFilePathToErrorsHash.remove(filePath); } else { myFilePathToErrorsHash.put(filePath, errorsHash); } if (hasSevereProblems) { if (myFilePathsWithErrors.add(filePath)) { String parentPath = PathUtil.getParentPath(filePath); while (!parentPath.isEmpty()) { final int count = myFolderPathsWithErrors.get(parentPath); // returns zero if there were no path in the map myFolderPathsWithErrors.put(parentPath, count + 1); parentPath = PathUtil.getParentPath(parentPath); } } } else { if (myFilePathsWithErrors.remove(filePath)) { String parentPath = PathUtil.getParentPath(filePath); while (!parentPath.isEmpty()) { final int count = myFolderPathsWithErrors.remove(parentPath); // returns zero if there was no path in the map if (count > 1) { myFolderPathsWithErrors.put(parentPath, count - 1); } parentPath = PathUtil.getParentPath(parentPath); } } } } } private void clearAllErrors() { synchronized (myFilePathsWithErrors) { myFilePathsWithErrors.clear(); myFilePathToErrorsHash.clear(); myFolderPathsWithErrors.clear(); } if (!myProject.isDisposed() && myInitializationOnServerStartupDone) { DartProblemsView.getInstance(myProject).clearAll(); } } @NotNull public List<HoverInformation> analysis_getHover(@NotNull final VirtualFile file, final int _offset) { final String filePath = FileUtil.toSystemDependentName(file.getPath()); final List<HoverInformation> result = Lists.newArrayList(); final AnalysisServer server = myServer; if (server == null) { return HoverInformation.EMPTY_LIST; } final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); final int offset = getOriginalOffset(file, _offset); server.analysis_getHover(filePath, offset, new GetHoverConsumer() { @Override public void computedHovers(HoverInformation[] hovers) { Collections.addAll(result, hovers); latch.countDown(); } @Override public void onError(RequestError error) { logError("analysis_getHover()", filePath, error); latch.countDown(); } }); awaitForLatchCheckingCanceled(server, latch, GET_HOVER_TIMEOUT); return result; } @Nullable public List<DartServerData.DartNavigationRegion> analysis_getNavigation(@NotNull final VirtualFile file, final int _offset, final int length) { final String filePath = FileUtil.toSystemDependentName(file.getPath()); final Ref<List<DartServerData.DartNavigationRegion>> resultRef = Ref.create(); final AnalysisServer server = myServer; if (server == null) { return null; } final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); LOG.debug("analysis_getNavigation(" + filePath + ")"); final int offset = getOriginalOffset(file, _offset); server.analysis_getNavigation(filePath, offset, length, new GetNavigationConsumer() { @Override public void computedNavigation(final List<NavigationRegion> regions) { final List<DartServerData.DartNavigationRegion> dartRegions = new ArrayList<>(regions.size()); for (NavigationRegion region : regions) { if (region.getLength() > 0) { dartRegions.add(DartServerData.createDartNavigationRegion(DartAnalysisServerService.this, file, region)); } } resultRef.set(dartRegions); latch.countDown(); } @Override public void onError(final RequestError error) { if (RequestErrorCode.GET_NAVIGATION_INVALID_FILE.equals(error.getCode())) {"analysis_getNavigation()", filePath, error)); } else { logError("analysis_getNavigation()", filePath, error); } latch.countDown(); } }); awaitForLatchCheckingCanceled(server, latch, GET_NAVIGATION_TIMEOUT); if (latch.getCount() > 0) {"analysis_getNavigation() took more than " + GET_NAVIGATION_TIMEOUT + "ms for file " + filePath); } return resultRef.get(); } @NotNull public List<SourceChange> edit_getAssists(@NotNull final VirtualFile file, final int _offset, final int _length) { final String filePath = FileUtil.toSystemDependentName(file.getPath()); final List<SourceChange> results = Lists.newArrayList(); final AnalysisServer server = myServer; if (server == null) { return results; } final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); final int offset = getOriginalOffset(file, _offset); final int length = getOriginalOffset(file, _offset + _length) - offset; server.edit_getAssists(filePath, offset, length, new GetAssistsConsumer() { @Override public void computedSourceChanges(List<SourceChange> sourceChanges) { results.addAll(sourceChanges); latch.countDown(); } @Override public void onError(final RequestError error) { logError("edit_getAssists()", filePath, error); latch.countDown(); } }); awaitForLatchCheckingCanceled(server, latch, GET_ASSISTS_TIMEOUT); return results; } @Nullable public SourceChange edit_getStatementCompletion(@NotNull final VirtualFile file, final int _offset) { final String filePath = FileUtil.toSystemDependentName(file.getPath()); final AnalysisServer server = myServer; if (server == null) { return null; } final Ref<SourceChange> resultRef = Ref.create(); final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); final int offset = getOriginalOffset(file, _offset); server.edit_getStatementCompletion(filePath, offset, new GetStatementCompletionConsumer() { @Override public void computedSourceChange(SourceChange sourceChange) { resultRef.set(sourceChange); latch.countDown(); } }); awaitForLatchCheckingCanceled(server, latch, STATEMENT_COMPLETION_TIMEOUT); return resultRef.get(); } public void diagnostic_getServerPort(GetServerPortConsumer consumer) { final AnalysisServer server = myServer; if (server == null) { consumer.onError(new RequestError(ExtendedRequestErrorCode.INVALID_SERVER_RESPONSE, "The analysis server is not running.", null)); } else { server.diagnostic_getServerPort(consumer); } } /** * If server responds in less than <code>GET_FIXES_TIMEOUT</code> then this method can be considered synchronous: when exiting this method * <code>consumer</code> is already notified. Otherwise this method is async. */ public void askForFixesAndWaitABitIfReceivedQuickly(@NotNull final VirtualFile file, final int _offset, @NotNull final Consumer<List<AnalysisErrorFixes>> consumer) { final String filePath = FileUtil.toSystemDependentName(file.getPath()); final AnalysisServer server = myServer; if (server == null) return; final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); final int offset = getOriginalOffset(file, _offset); server.edit_getFixes(filePath, offset, new GetFixesConsumer() { @Override public void computedFixes(final List<AnalysisErrorFixes> fixes) { consumer.consume(fixes); latch.countDown(); } @Override public void onError(final RequestError error) { logError("edit_getFixes()", filePath, error); latch.countDown(); } }); awaitForLatchCheckingCanceled(server, latch, GET_FIXES_TIMEOUT); } public void search_findElementReferences(@NotNull final VirtualFile file, final int _offset, @NotNull final Consumer<SearchResult> consumer) { final String filePath = FileUtil.toSystemDependentName(file.getPath()); final Ref<String> searchIdRef = new Ref<>(); final AnalysisServer server = myServer; if (server == null) return; final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); final int offset = getOriginalOffset(file, _offset); server.search_findElementReferences(filePath, offset, true, new FindElementReferencesConsumer() { @Override public void computedElementReferences(String searchId, Element element) { searchIdRef.set(searchId); latch.countDown(); } @Override public void onError(RequestError error) {"search_findElementReferences()", filePath, error)); latch.countDown(); } }); awaitForLatchCheckingCanceled(server, latch, FIND_ELEMENT_REFERENCES_TIMEOUT); if (latch.getCount() > 0) {"search_findElementReferences() took too long for " + filePath + "@" + offset); return; } final String searchId = searchIdRef.get(); if (searchId == null) { return; } while (true) { ProgressManager.checkCanceled(); synchronized (mySearchResultSets) { SearchResultsSet resultSet; // process already received results while ((resultSet = mySearchResultSets.poll()) != null) { if (! continue; for (final SearchResult searchResult : resultSet.results) { consumer.consume(searchResult); } if (resultSet.isLast) return; } // wait for more results try { mySearchResultSets.wait(CHECK_CANCELLED_PERIOD); } catch (InterruptedException e) { return; } } } } @NotNull public List<TypeHierarchyItem> search_getTypeHierarchy(@NotNull final VirtualFile file, final int _offset, final boolean superOnly) { final String filePath = FileUtil.toSystemDependentName(file.getPath()); final List<TypeHierarchyItem> results = Lists.newArrayList(); final AnalysisServer server = myServer; if (server == null) { return results; } final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); final int offset = getOriginalOffset(file, _offset); server.search_getTypeHierarchy(filePath, offset, superOnly, new GetTypeHierarchyConsumer() { @Override public void computedHierarchy(List<TypeHierarchyItem> hierarchyItems) { results.addAll(hierarchyItems); latch.countDown(); } @Override public void onError(RequestError error) { logError("search_getTypeHierarchy()", filePath, error); latch.countDown(); } }); awaitForLatchCheckingCanceled(server, latch, GET_TYPE_HIERARCHY_TIMEOUT); return results; } @Nullable public String completion_getSuggestions(@NotNull final VirtualFile file, final int _offset) { final String filePath = FileUtil.toSystemDependentName(file.getPath()); final Ref<String> resultRef = new Ref<>(); final AnalysisServer server = myServer; if (server == null) { return null; } final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); final int offset = getOriginalOffset(file, _offset); server.completion_getSuggestions(filePath, offset, new GetSuggestionsConsumer() { @Override public void computedCompletionId(@NotNull final String completionId) { resultRef.set(completionId); latch.countDown(); } @Override public void onError(@NotNull final RequestError error) { // Not a problem. Happens if a file is outside of the project, or server is just not ready yet. latch.countDown(); } }); awaitForLatchCheckingCanceled(server, latch, GET_SUGGESTIONS_TIMEOUT); return resultRef.get(); } @Nullable public FormatResult edit_format(@NotNull final VirtualFile file, final int _selectionOffset, final int _selectionLength, final int lineLength) { final String filePath = FileUtil.toSystemDependentName(file.getPath()); final Ref<FormatResult> resultRef = new Ref<>(); final AnalysisServer server = myServer; if (server == null) return null; final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); final int selectionOffset = getOriginalOffset(file, _selectionOffset); final int selectionLength = getOriginalOffset(file, _selectionOffset + _selectionLength) - selectionOffset; server.edit_format(filePath, selectionOffset, selectionLength, lineLength, new FormatConsumer() { @Override public void computedFormat(final List<SourceEdit> edits, final int selectionOffset, final int selectionLength) { resultRef.set(new FormatResult(edits, selectionOffset, selectionLength)); latch.countDown(); } @Override public void onError(final RequestError error) { if (RequestErrorCode.FORMAT_WITH_ERRORS.equals(error.getCode()) || RequestErrorCode.FORMAT_INVALID_FILE.equals(error.getCode())) {"edit_format()", filePath, error)); } else { logError("edit_format()", filePath, error); } latch.countDown(); } }); awaitForLatchCheckingCanceled(server, latch, EDIT_FORMAT_TIMEOUT); if (latch.getCount() > 0) {"edit_format() took too long for file " + filePath); } return resultRef.get(); } public boolean edit_getRefactoring(String kind, VirtualFile file, int _offset, int _length, boolean validateOnly, RefactoringOptions options, GetRefactoringConsumer consumer) { final String filePath = FileUtil.toSystemDependentName(file.getPath()); final AnalysisServer server = myServer; if (server == null) return false; final int offset = getOriginalOffset(file, _offset); final int length = getOriginalOffset(file, _offset + _length) - offset; server.edit_getRefactoring(kind, filePath, offset, length, validateOnly, options, consumer); return true; } @Nullable public SourceFileEdit edit_organizeDirectives(@NotNull final String _filePath) { final String filePath = FileUtil.toSystemDependentName(_filePath); final Ref<SourceFileEdit> resultRef = new Ref<>(); final AnalysisServer server = myServer; if (server == null) return null; final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); server.edit_organizeDirectives(filePath, new OrganizeDirectivesConsumer() { @Override public void computedEdit(final SourceFileEdit edit) { resultRef.set(edit); latch.countDown(); } @Override public void onError(final RequestError error) { if (RequestErrorCode.FILE_NOT_ANALYZED.equals(error.getCode()) || RequestErrorCode.ORGANIZE_DIRECTIVES_ERROR.equals(error.getCode())) {"edit_organizeDirectives()", filePath, error)); } else { logError("edit_organizeDirectives()", filePath, error); } latch.countDown(); } }); awaitForLatchCheckingCanceled(server, latch, EDIT_ORGANIZE_DIRECTIVES_TIMEOUT); if (latch.getCount() > 0) {"edit_organizeDirectives() took too long for file " + filePath); } return resultRef.get(); } @Nullable public SourceFileEdit edit_sortMembers(@NotNull final String _filePath) { final String filePath = FileUtil.toSystemDependentName(_filePath); final Ref<SourceFileEdit> resultRef = new Ref<>(); final AnalysisServer server = myServer; if (server == null) return null; final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); server.edit_sortMembers(filePath, new SortMembersConsumer() { @Override public void computedEdit(final SourceFileEdit edit) { resultRef.set(edit); latch.countDown(); } @Override public void onError(final RequestError error) { if (RequestErrorCode.SORT_MEMBERS_PARSE_ERRORS.equals(error.getCode()) || RequestErrorCode.SORT_MEMBERS_INVALID_FILE.equals(error.getCode())) {"edit_sortMembers()", filePath, error)); } else { logError("edit_sortMembers()", filePath, error); } latch.countDown(); } }); awaitForLatchCheckingCanceled(server, latch, EDIT_SORT_MEMBERS_TIMEOUT); if (latch.getCount() > 0) {"edit_sortMembers() took too long for file " + filePath); } return resultRef.get(); } public void analysis_reanalyze() { final AnalysisServer server = myServer; if (server == null) return; server.analysis_reanalyze(null); ApplicationManager.getApplication().invokeLater(this::clearAllErrors, ModalityState.NON_MODAL); } private void analysis_setPriorityFiles() { synchronized (myLock) { if (myServer == null) return; if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("analysis_setPriorityFiles, files:\n" + StringUtil.join(myVisibleFiles, ",\n")); } myServer.analysis_setPriorityFiles(myVisibleFiles); } } private void analysis_setSubscriptions() { synchronized (myLock) { if (myServer == null) return; final Map<String, List<String>> subscriptions = new THashMap<>(); subscriptions.put(AnalysisService.HIGHLIGHTS, myVisibleFiles); subscriptions.put(AnalysisService.NAVIGATION, myVisibleFiles); subscriptions.put(AnalysisService.OVERRIDES, myVisibleFiles); if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(mySdkVersion, "1.13") >= 0) { subscriptions.put(AnalysisService.IMPLEMENTED, myVisibleFiles); } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("analysis_setSubscriptions, subscriptions:\n" + subscriptions); } myServer.analysis_setSubscriptions(subscriptions); } } @Nullable public String execution_createContext(@NotNull final String _filePath) { final String filePath = FileUtil.toSystemDependentName(_filePath); final Ref<String> resultRef = new Ref<>(); final AnalysisServer server = myServer; if (server == null) return null; final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); server.execution_createContext(filePath, new CreateContextConsumer() { @Override public void computedExecutionContext(final String contextId) { resultRef.set(contextId); latch.countDown(); } @Override public void onError(final RequestError error) { logError("execution_createContext()", filePath, error); latch.countDown(); } }); awaitForLatchCheckingCanceled(server, latch, EXECUTION_CREATE_CONTEXT_TIMEOUT); if (latch.getCount() > 0) {"execution_createContext() took too long for file " + filePath); } return resultRef.get(); } public void execution_deleteContext(@NotNull final String contextId) { final AnalysisServer server = myServer; if (server != null) { server.execution_deleteContext(contextId); } } @Nullable public String execution_mapUri(@NotNull final String _id, @Nullable final String _filePath, @Nullable final String _uri) { // From the Dart Analysis Server Spec: // Exactly one of the file and uri fields must be provided. If both fields are provided, then an error of type INVALID_PARAMETER will // be generated. Similarly, if neither field is provided, then an error of type INVALID_PARAMETER will be generated. if ((_filePath == null && _uri == null) || (_filePath != null && _uri != null)) { LOG.error("One of _filePath and _uri must be non-null."); return null; } final String filePath = _filePath != null ? FileUtil.toSystemDependentName(_filePath) : null; final Ref<String> resultRef = new Ref<>(); final AnalysisServer server = myServer; if (server == null) return null; final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); server.execution_mapUri(_id, filePath, _uri, new MapUriConsumer() { @Override public void computedFileOrUri(final String file, final String uri) { if (uri != null) { resultRef.set(uri); } else { resultRef.set(file); } latch.countDown(); } @Override public void onError(final RequestError error) { LOG.warn( "execution_mapUri(" + _id + ", " + filePath + ", " + _uri + ") returned error " + error.getCode() + ": " + error.getMessage()); latch.countDown(); } }); awaitForLatchCheckingCanceled(server, latch, EXECUTION_MAP_URI_TIMEOUT); if (latch.getCount() > 0) {"execution_mapUri() took too long for contextID " + _id + " and file or uri " + (filePath != null ? filePath : _uri)); return null; } if (_uri != null && !resultRef.isNull()) { return FileUtil.toSystemIndependentName(resultRef.get()); } return resultRef.get(); } private void startServer(@NotNull final DartSdk sdk) { synchronized (myLock) { mySdkHome = sdk.getHomePath(); final String runtimePath = FileUtil.toSystemDependentName(mySdkHome + "/bin/dart"); String analysisServerPath = FileUtil.toSystemDependentName(mySdkHome + "/bin/snapshots/analysis_server.dart.snapshot"); analysisServerPath = System.getProperty("dart.server.path", analysisServerPath); final DebugPrintStream debugStream = str -> { str = str.substring(0, Math.min(str.length(), MAX_DEBUG_LOG_LINE_LENGTH)); synchronized (myDebugLog) { myDebugLog.add(str); } }; String vmArgsRaw; try { vmArgsRaw = Registry.stringValue("dart.server.vm.options"); } catch (MissingResourceException e) { vmArgsRaw = ""; } String serverArgsRaw = ""; serverArgsRaw += " --useAnalysisHighlight2"; //serverArgsRaw += " --file-read-mode=normalize-eol-always"; try { serverArgsRaw += " " + Registry.stringValue("dart.server.additional.arguments"); } catch (MissingResourceException e) { // NOP } myServerSocket = new StdioServerSocket(runtimePath, StringUtil.split(vmArgsRaw, " "), analysisServerPath, StringUtil.split(serverArgsRaw, " "), debugStream); myServerSocket.setClientId(getClientId()); myServerSocket.setClientVersion(getClientVersion()); final AnalysisServer startedServer = new RemoteAnalysisServerImpl(myServerSocket); try { startedServer.start(); startedServer.server_setSubscriptions(Collections.singletonList(ServerService.STATUS)); if ("dart.projects.without.pubspec", false)) { startedServer.analysis_setGeneralSubscriptions(Collections.singletonList(GeneralAnalysisService.ANALYZED_FILES)); } if (!myInitializationOnServerStartupDone) { myInitializationOnServerStartupDone = true; registerFileEditorManagerListener(); registerDocumentListener(); setDasLogger(); registerQuickAssistIntentions(); } startedServer.addAnalysisServerListener(myAnalysisServerListener); myHaveShownInitialProgress = false; startedServer.addStatusListener(isAlive -> { if (!isAlive) { synchronized (myLock) { if (startedServer == myServer) { stopServer(); } } } }); mySdkVersion = sdk.getVersion(); startedServer.analysis_updateOptions(new AnalysisOptions(true, true, true, true, true, false, true, false)); myServer = startedServer; } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Failed to start Dart analysis server", e); stopServer(); } } } public boolean isServerProcessActive() { synchronized (myLock) { return myServer != null && myServer.isSocketOpen(); } } public boolean isServerResponsive() { if (maxMillisToWaitForServerResponse == 0L) return true; // UI has not finished initialization yet. if (!(myAnalysisInProgress || myPubListInProgress)) return true; long responseMillis, requestMillis; synchronized (myLock) { if (myServer == null) return false; responseMillis = myServer.getLastResponseMillis(); requestMillis = myServer.getLastRequestMillis(); } if (responseMillis == 0L) return true; // Allow UI to start in good state even if it becomes unknown later. if (requestMillis <= responseMillis) return true; long delta = System.currentTimeMillis() - requestMillis; return delta > maxMillisToWaitForServerResponse; } public boolean serverReadyForRequest(@NotNull final Project project) { final DartSdk sdk = DartSdk.getDartSdk(project); if (sdk == null || !isDartSdkVersionSufficient(sdk)) { stopServer(); return false; } ApplicationManager.getApplication().assertReadAccessAllowed(); synchronized (myLock) { if (myServer == null || !sdk.getHomePath().equals(mySdkHome) || !sdk.getVersion().equals(mySdkVersion) || !myServer.isSocketOpen()) { stopServer(); startServer(sdk); if (myServer != null) { myRootsHandler.ensureProjectServed(); } } return myServer != null; } } public void restartServer() { stopServer(); serverReadyForRequest(myProject); } void stopServer() { synchronized (myLock) { if (myServer != null) { LOG.debug("stopping server"); myServer.removeAnalysisServerListener(myAnalysisServerListener); myServer.server_shutdown(); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (myServerSocket != null && myServerSocket.isOpen()) { if (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime > SEND_REQUEST_TIMEOUT) { myServerSocket.stop(); break; } Uninterruptibles.sleepUninterruptibly(CHECK_CANCELLED_PERIOD, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } } stopShowingServerProgress(); myUpdateFilesAlarm.cancelAllRequests(); myServerSocket = null; myServer = null; mySdkHome = null; myFilePathWithOverlaidContentToTimestamp.clear(); myVisibleFiles.clear(); myChangedDocuments.clear(); myServerData.clearData(); myRootsHandler.reset(); if (myProject.isOpen() && !myProject.isDisposed()) { ApplicationManager.getApplication().invokeLater(this::clearAllErrors, ModalityState.NON_MODAL, myProject.getDisposed()); } } } public void waitForAnalysisToComplete_TESTS_ONLY(@NotNull final VirtualFile file) { assert ApplicationManager.getApplication().isUnitTestMode(); final AnalysisServer server = myServer; if (server == null) return; final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); server.analysis_getErrors(FileUtil.toSystemDependentName(file.getPath()), new GetErrorsConsumer() { @Override public void computedErrors(AnalysisError[] errors) { latch.countDown(); } @Override public void onError(RequestError requestError) { latch.countDown(); LOG.error(requestError.getMessage()); } }); awaitForLatchCheckingCanceled(server, latch, ANALYSIS_IN_TESTS_TIMEOUT / TESTS_TIMEOUT_COEFF); assert latch.getCount() == 0 : "Analysis did't complete in " + ANALYSIS_IN_TESTS_TIMEOUT + "ms."; } private void waitWhileServerBusy() { try { synchronized (myProgressLock) { while (myAnalysisInProgress || myPubListInProgress) { myProgressLock.wait(); } } } catch (InterruptedException e) {/* unlucky */} } private void stopShowingServerProgress() { myShowServerProgressAlarm.cancelAllRequests(); synchronized (myProgressLock) { myAnalysisInProgress = false; myPubListInProgress = false; myProgressLock.notifyAll(); if (mySentAnalysisBusy) { mySentAnalysisBusy = false; DartAnalysisServerMessages.sendAnalysisStarted(myProject, false); } } } public boolean isFileWithErrors(@NotNull final VirtualFile file) { synchronized (myFilePathsWithErrors) { return file.isDirectory() ? myFolderPathsWithErrors.get(file.getPath()) > 0 : myFilePathsWithErrors.contains(file.getPath()); } } public int getFilePathsWithErrorsHash() { synchronized (myFilePathsWithErrors) { return myFilePathsWithErrors.hashCode(); } } private void logError(@NotNull final String methodName, @Nullable final String filePath, @NotNull final RequestError error) { final String trace = error.getStackTrace(); final String partialTrace = trace == null || trace.isEmpty() ? "" : trace.substring(0, Math.min(trace.length(), 1000)); final String message = getShortErrorMessage(methodName, filePath, error) + "\n" + partialTrace + "..."; LOG.error(message); } private String getShortErrorMessage(@NotNull String methodName, @Nullable String filePath, @NotNull RequestError error) { return "Error from " + methodName + (filePath == null ? "" : (", file = " + filePath)) + ", SDK version = " + mySdkVersion + ", server version = " + myServerVersion + ", error code = " + error.getCode() + ": " + error.getMessage(); } private static boolean awaitForLatchCheckingCanceled(@NotNull final AnalysisServer server, @NotNull final CountDownLatch latch, long timeoutInMillis) { if (ApplicationManager.getApplication().isUnitTestMode()) { timeoutInMillis *= TESTS_TIMEOUT_COEFF; } long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (true) { ProgressManager.checkCanceled(); if (!server.isSocketOpen()) { return false; } if (timeoutInMillis != -1 && System.currentTimeMillis() > startTime + timeoutInMillis) { return false; } if (Uninterruptibles.awaitUninterruptibly(latch, CHECK_CANCELLED_PERIOD, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) { return true; } } } /** * see {@link DartQuickAssistIntention} */ private static void registerQuickAssistIntentions() { final IntentionManager intentionManager = IntentionManager.getInstance(); final QuickAssistSet quickAssistSet = new QuickAssistSet(); for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { final DartQuickAssistIntention intention = new DartQuickAssistIntention(quickAssistSet, i); intentionManager.addAction(intention); } } public interface CompletionSuggestionConsumer { void consumeCompletionSuggestion(final int replacementOffset, final int replacementLength, final @NotNull CompletionSuggestion completionSuggestion); } private static class CompletionInfo { @NotNull private final String myCompletionId; /** * must be converted before any usage */ private final int myOriginalReplacementOffset; /** * must be converted before any usage */ private final int myOriginalReplacementLength; @NotNull private final List<CompletionSuggestion> myCompletions; private final boolean isLast; public CompletionInfo(@NotNull final String completionId, int replacementOffset, int originalReplacementLength, @NotNull final List<CompletionSuggestion> completions, boolean isLast) { this.myCompletionId = completionId; this.myOriginalReplacementOffset = replacementOffset; this.myOriginalReplacementLength = originalReplacementLength; this.myCompletions = completions; this.isLast = isLast; } } /** * A set of {@link SearchResult}s. */ private static class SearchResultsSet { @NotNull final String id; @NotNull final List<SearchResult> results; final boolean isLast; public SearchResultsSet(@NotNull String id, @NotNull List<SearchResult> results, boolean isLast) { = id; this.results = results; this.isLast = isLast; } } /** * Ask the user to report an error in the analysis server, subject to these constraints: * - The same message is not reported twice in a row * - The user is not interrupted too often */ private class InteractiveErrorReporter { @NotNull private QueueProcessor<Runnable> myErrorReporter = QueueProcessor.createRunnableQueueProcessor(); private long myPreviousTime; @NotNull private String myPreviousMessage = ""; private int myDisruptionCount = 0; public void report(@NotNull String errorMessage) { if (myDisruptionCount > MAX_DISRUPTIONS_PER_SESSION) return; long timeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (timeStamp - myPreviousTime < MIN_DISRUPTION_TIME) { if (messageDiffers(errorMessage)) { LOG.warn(errorMessage); if (myDisruptionCount > 0) { myDisruptionCount++; // The red flashing icon is somewhat disruptive, but we only count if the user has already been queried. } } return; } myPreviousTime = timeStamp; if (messageDiffers(errorMessage)) { String debugLog = debugLogContent(); myErrorReporter.add(() -> { DartFeedbackBuilder builder = DartFeedbackBuilder.getFeedbackBuilder(); myDisruptionCount++; builder.showNotification(DartBundle.message("dart.analysis.server.error"), myProject, errorMessage, debugLog); }); } myPreviousMessage = errorMessage; } private boolean messageDiffers(@NotNull String errorMessage) { int prevIdx = myPreviousMessage.indexOf(STACK_TRACE_MARKER); if (prevIdx < 0) return !errorMessage.equals(myPreviousMessage); int errIdx = errorMessage.indexOf(STACK_TRACE_MARKER); if (errIdx < 0) return !errorMessage.equals(myPreviousMessage); // Compare Dart stack traces return !errorMessage.substring(errIdx).equals(myPreviousMessage.substring(prevIdx)); } private String debugLogContent() { StringBuilder log = new StringBuilder(); log.append("```\n"); synchronized (myDebugLog) { for (String s : myDebugLog) { log.append(s).append('\n'); } } log.append("```\n"); return log.toString(); } } }