package com.intellij.lang.javascript.flex.debug; import com.intellij.icons.AllIcons; import com.intellij.javascript.JSDebuggerSupportUtils; import com.intellij.lang.javascript.JavaScriptSupportLoader; import com.intellij.lang.javascript.psi.*; import com.intellij.lang.javascript.psi.resolve.JSImportHandlingUtil; import com.intellij.openapi.application.ApplicationManager; import com.intellij.openapi.application.ReadAction; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.Document; import com.intellij.openapi.project.DumbService; import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project; import com.intellij.openapi.util.NullableComputable; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Pair; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Ref; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile; import com.intellij.psi.*; import com.intellij.psi.impl.source.tree.injected.InjectedLanguageUtil; import com.intellij.psi.util.PsiTreeUtil; import com.intellij.psi.xml.XmlFile; import com.intellij.ui.ColoredTextContainer; import com.intellij.ui.SimpleTextAttributes; import com.intellij.xdebugger.XDebuggerUtil; import com.intellij.xdebugger.XSourcePosition; import com.intellij.xdebugger.evaluation.ExpressionInfo; import com.intellij.xdebugger.evaluation.XDebuggerEvaluator; import com.intellij.xdebugger.frame.XCompositeNode; import com.intellij.xdebugger.frame.XStackFrame; import com.intellij.xdebugger.frame.XValueChildrenList; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NonNls; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import; import java.util.*; /** * @author nik */ public class FlexStackFrame extends XStackFrame { private static final String ANONYMOUS = "<anonymous>"; private final FlexDebugProcess myDebugProcess; @Nullable private final XSourcePosition mySourcePosition; @Nullable private final String myFileNameIfSourcePositionIsNull; // for presentation only private final int myLineIfSourcePositionIsNull; // for presentation only @NonNls static final String DELIM = " = "; private Map<String,String> qName2IdMap; private List<String> scopeChain; private final XDebuggerEvaluator myXDebuggerEvaluator = new FlexDebuggerEvaluator(); private String myScope = UNKNOWN_SCOPE; private int myFrameIndex; @NonNls protected static final String UNKNOWN_SCOPE = "<unknown>"; static final String CLASS_MARKER = ", class='"; static final String CANNOT_EVALUATE_EXPRESSION = "Cannot evaluate expression: "; FlexStackFrame(final FlexDebugProcess debugProcess, final @Nullable XSourcePosition sourcePosition) { myDebugProcess = debugProcess; mySourcePosition = sourcePosition; myFileNameIfSourcePositionIsNull = null; myLineIfSourcePositionIsNull = -1; } /** * Use this constructor only if it is not possible to find existing VirtualFile and create corresponding XSourcePosition */ FlexStackFrame(final FlexDebugProcess debugProcess, @Nullable final String fileName, final int line) { myDebugProcess = debugProcess; mySourcePosition = null; myFileNameIfSourcePositionIsNull = "<null>".equals(fileName) ? null : fileName; myLineIfSourcePositionIsNull = line; } @Override @Nullable public XSourcePosition getSourcePosition() { return mySourcePosition; } @Override public void computeChildren(@NotNull final XCompositeNode node) { List<DebuggerCommand> commands = new ArrayList<>(); commands.add(new MyDebuggerCommand("print this", node, true, FlexValue.ValueType.This)); commands.add(new MyDebuggerCommand("info arguments", node, false, FlexValue.ValueType.Parameter)); commands.add(new MyDebuggerCommand("info locals", node, false, FlexValue.ValueType.Variable)); //commands.add(new MyDebuggerCommand("info variables", node, false)); if (mySourcePosition != null) { commands.add(new DebuggerCommand("does not matter", CommandOutputProcessingType.SPECIAL_PROCESSING) { @Override public void post(FlexDebugProcess flexDebugProcess) throws IOException { ensureQName2IdMapLoaded(); final XValueChildrenList resultChildren = new XValueChildrenList(1); Boolean insideFunExpr = ReadAction.compute(() -> { Project project = getDebugProcess().getSession().getProject(); PsiElement element = XDebuggerUtil.getInstance().findContextElement(mySourcePosition.getFile(), mySourcePosition.getOffset(), project, true); JSFunction function = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(element, JSFunction.class); return function instanceof JSFunctionExpression; }); if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(insideFunExpr)) { // public function outer(outerArg:String):Function { // return function middle(middleArg:String):Function { // return function inner(innerArg:String):String { // return outerArg + middleArg + innerArg; // [BREAKPOINT] // } // } // } // // info scopechain gives following: // 0 = [Object 103989057, class='global'] // 1 = [Object 101988361, class='Object'] // 2 = [Object 101989657, class='<anonymous>'] // 3 = [Object 103989057, class='global'] // 4 = [Object 102001417, class='Object'] // 5 = [Object 102001873, class='pack::HelloFlex4/outer'] // 6 = [Object 106803361, class='pack::HelloFlex4'] // 7 = [Object 105768929, class='pack::HelloFlex4$'] // 8 = [Object 54750369, class='spark.components::Application$'] // 9 = ... // Interesting for us: closures and one object after the last closure, // i.e. in this case #2, #5 and #6. scopeChain = new ArrayList<>(2); String firstTokenAfterLastClosure = null; for (String token : qName2IdMap.keySet()) { final int slashIndex = token.indexOf('/'); if (slashIndex != -1 || token.contains(ANONYMOUS)) { final String funName = token.substring(slashIndex + 1); addScopeChainElement(token, funName, resultChildren); } else if (firstTokenAfterLastClosure == null && resultChildren.size() > 0) { firstTokenAfterLastClosure = token; } } if (firstTokenAfterLastClosure != null) { addScopeChainElement(firstTokenAfterLastClosure, firstTokenAfterLastClosure, resultChildren); } } node.addChildren(resultChildren, false); } @Override public String read(FlexDebugProcess flexDebugProcess) throws IOException { return ""; } private void addScopeChainElement(final String token, final String funName, final XValueChildrenList resultChildren) { final String id = qName2IdMap.get(token); final String path = "#" + validObjectId(id); scopeChain.add(path); final String name = "Locals of " + funName; final String flexValueResult = "[Object " + id + CLASS_MARKER + token + "']"; resultChildren.add(name, new FlexValue(FlexStackFrame.this, myDebugProcess, mySourcePosition, name, path, flexValueResult, null, FlexValue.ValueType.ScopeChainEntry)); } }); } myDebugProcess.sendCommand( new CompositeDebuggerCommand(node, commands.toArray(new DebuggerCommand[commands.size()])) { @Override protected void obsolete() { super.obsolete(); node.addChildren(XValueChildrenList.EMPTY, true); } @Override protected void succeeded() { super.succeeded(); node.addChildren(XValueChildrenList.EMPTY, true); } } ); } private String addFrameOffset(String text) { text="frame " + (myFrameIndex != 0 ? myFrameIndex: "")+ "\n"+text; return text; } @Override public XDebuggerEvaluator getEvaluator() { return myXDebuggerEvaluator; } public void setFrameIndex(final int frameIndex) { myFrameIndex = frameIndex; } private @NonNls String buildCommandForExpression(final String _expression) { if (_expression.indexOf('=') != -1) { String evalCommand = ReadAction.compute(() -> { final PsiFile fromText = PsiFileFactory.getInstance(myDebugProcess.getSession().getProject()) .createFileFromText("A.js2", JavaScriptSupportLoader.ECMA_SCRIPT_L4, _expression); final PsiElement[] elements = fromText.getChildren(); if (elements.length == 1 && elements[0] instanceof JSExpressionStatement) { final JSExpression expression = ((JSExpressionStatement)elements[0]).getExpression(); if (expression instanceof JSAssignmentExpression) { JSAssignmentExpression expr = (JSAssignmentExpression)expression; final JSExpression lOperand = expr.getLOperand(); final String lOperandText = lOperand == null ? null : lOperand.getText(); final JSExpression rOperand = expr.getROperand(); if (lOperandText != null && rOperand != null) { return addFrameOffset("set " + lOperandText + " = " + rOperand.getText() + "\nprint " + lOperandText); } } } return null; }); if (evalCommand != null) return evalCommand; } return addFrameOffset("print " + _expression); } private void ensureQName2IdMapLoaded() { if (qName2IdMap != null) return; qName2IdMap = myDebugProcess.getQName2IdIfSameEqualityObject(getEqualityObject()); if (qName2IdMap != null) return; qName2IdMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); final DebuggerCommand command = new DebuggerCommand("info scopechain", CommandOutputProcessingType.SPECIAL_PROCESSING) { @Override CommandOutputProcessingMode onTextAvailable(@NonNls final String s) { final StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(s, "\r\n"); while (tokenizer.hasMoreElements()) { String line = tokenizer.nextToken(); // 1 = [Object 22610377, class='A$'] int lBracketPos = line.indexOf('['); int rBracketPos = line.lastIndexOf(']'); if (lBracketPos == -1 || rBracketPos == -1) continue; line = line.substring(lBracketPos + 1, rBracketPos); String id = line.substring(line.indexOf(' ') + 1, line.indexOf(',')); String qName = line.substring(line.indexOf('\'') + 1, line.lastIndexOf('\'')); qName = qName.replace("::","."); qName2IdMap.put(qName, id); } myDebugProcess.setQName2Id(qName2IdMap, getEqualityObject()); return CommandOutputProcessingMode.DONE; } }; myDebugProcess.sendAndProcessOneCommand(command, e -> { FlexDebugProcess.log(e); return null; }); } class EvaluateCommand extends DebuggerCommand { private String result; private final XDebuggerEvaluator.XEvaluationCallback callback; private final String expression; private int responseCount; private boolean myFinished; EvaluateCommand(String _expression, final XDebuggerEvaluator.XEvaluationCallback _callback) { super(buildCommandForExpression(_expression), CommandOutputProcessingType.SPECIAL_PROCESSING); expression = _expression; callback = _callback; } @Override CommandOutputProcessingMode onTextAvailable(@NonNls String line) { if (myDebugProcess.filterStdResponse(line)) return CommandOutputProcessingMode.PROCEEDING; return proceedWithEvaluationResponse(line); } private CommandOutputProcessingMode proceedWithEvaluationResponse(String line) { ++responseCount; if (responseCount == 1) { // skip frame return CommandOutputProcessingMode.PROCEEDING; } return doOnTextAvailable(line); } CommandOutputProcessingMode doOnTextAvailable(@NonNls String s) { if (cannotEvaluateResponse(s) && mySourcePosition != null) { ensureQName2IdMapLoaded(); evaluateFromTypeMap(); return CommandOutputProcessingMode.DONE; } if (getText().contains("\n") && s.length() == 0) { // implicit set command was issued with empty result return CommandOutputProcessingMode.PROCEEDING; } dispatchResult(s); return CommandOutputProcessingMode.DONE; } private boolean cannotEvaluateResponse(String s) { return s.contains("could not be evaluated"); } private void evaluateFromTypeMap() { assert mySourcePosition != null; final int dotPos = expression.indexOf('.'); final String typeName = dotPos != -1 ? expression.substring(0, dotPos):expression; final String resolvedName = DumbService.getInstance(myDebugProcess.getSession().getProject()).runReadActionInSmartMode(() -> { final VirtualFile virtualFile = mySourcePosition.getFile(); final PsiFile file = PsiManager.getInstance(myDebugProcess.getSession().getProject()).findFile(virtualFile); final int offset = mySourcePosition.getOffset(); PsiElement element = file == null ? null : file.findElementAt(offset); if (file instanceof XmlFile) { final PsiLanguageInjectionHost psiLanguageInjectionHost = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(element, PsiLanguageInjectionHost.class); if (psiLanguageInjectionHost != null) { final Ref<PsiElement> result = new Ref<>(); InjectedLanguageUtil.enumerate(psiLanguageInjectionHost, (injectedPsi, places) -> { final int injectedStart = InjectedLanguageUtil.getInjectedStart(places); result.set(injectedPsi.findElementAt(offset - injectedStart + (places.get(0).getPrefix().length()))); }); element = result.get(); } } return element == null ? typeName : JSImportHandlingUtil.resolveTypeName(typeName, element); }); boolean isGlobal = false; boolean handled = false; if (!resolvedName.equals(typeName) || (isGlobal = typeName.equals("global"))) { final String id = qName2IdMap.get(resolvedName + (isGlobal ? "":"$")); if (id != null) { handled = true; DebuggerCommand evaluateCommand = new EvaluateCommand("#"+id+(dotPos != -1 ?expression.substring(dotPos):""), callback) { @Override CommandOutputProcessingMode doOnTextAvailable(@NonNls final String s) { dispatchResult(s); return CommandOutputProcessingMode.DONE; } }; myDebugProcess.sendAndProcessOneCommand(evaluateCommand, e -> { FlexDebugProcess.log(e); return null; }); } } else if (scopeChain != null) { for(String id2:scopeChain) { final Ref<Boolean> resolved = new Ref<>(); DebuggerCommand evaluateCommand = new EvaluateCommand(id2 + "." + expression, callback) { @Override CommandOutputProcessingMode doOnTextAvailable(@NonNls final String s) { if (!cannotEvaluateResponse(s)) { resolved.set(Boolean.TRUE); dispatchResult(s); } return CommandOutputProcessingMode.DONE; } }; myDebugProcess.sendAndProcessOneCommand(evaluateCommand, e -> { FlexDebugProcess.log(e); return null; }); if (resolved.get() == Boolean.TRUE) { handled = true; break; } } } if (!handled) { dispatchResult(CANNOT_EVALUATE_EXPRESSION + expression); } } protected void dispatchResult(String s) { final int i = s.indexOf(DELIM); if (i != -1) s = s.substring(i + DELIM.length()); result = s.trim(); if (callback != null) { ApplicationManager.getApplication().executeOnPooledThread( () -> callback.evaluated(new FlexValue(FlexStackFrame.this, myDebugProcess, mySourcePosition, expression, expression, result, null, FlexValue.ValueType.Other))); } else { synchronized (this) { myFinished = true; notify(); } } } void waitTillExecutionEnd() { synchronized (this) { if (myFinished) return; try { while(true) { wait(); if (result != null) break;} } catch (InterruptedException ex) { FlexDebugProcess.log(ex); return; } } } } static String validObjectId(String s) { // some object ids from Flash player are negative (e.g. on Linux) and can not be consumed back e.g. for tracing // so we transform them into unsigned ones assuming there is just sign transmition problem (see IDEA-49837) long idVal = Long.parseLong(s); return s.charAt(0) == '-' ? Long.toString(idVal & 0xFFFFFFFFL) : Long.toString(idVal); } private class FlexDebuggerEvaluator extends XDebuggerEvaluator { public boolean isCodeFragmentEvaluationSupported() { return false; } @Override public void evaluate(@NotNull final String expression, @NotNull final XEvaluationCallback callback, @Nullable XSourcePosition expressionPosition) { final EvaluateCommand command = new EvaluateCommand(expression, callback); myDebugProcess.sendCommand(command); } @Nullable @Override public ExpressionInfo getExpressionInfoAtOffset(@NotNull Project project, @NotNull Document document, final int offset, boolean sideEffectsAllowed) { return JSDebuggerSupportUtils.getExpressionAtOffset(project, document, offset); } } String eval(final String expression, FlexDebugProcess process) { final EvaluateCommand command = new EvaluateCommand(expression, null); process.sendAndProcessOneCommand(command, null); return command.result; } public FlexDebugProcess getDebugProcess() { return myDebugProcess; } @Override public void customizePresentation(@NotNull final ColoredTextContainer component) { component.append(myScope, SimpleTextAttributes.REGULAR_ATTRIBUTES); if (mySourcePosition != null) { component.append(" in ", SimpleTextAttributes.REGULAR_ATTRIBUTES); component.append(mySourcePosition.getFile().getName(), SimpleTextAttributes.REGULAR_ATTRIBUTES); component.append(":" + (mySourcePosition.getLine() + 1), SimpleTextAttributes.REGULAR_ATTRIBUTES); } else if (myFileNameIfSourcePositionIsNull != null) { component.append(" in ", SimpleTextAttributes.REGULAR_ATTRIBUTES); component.append(myFileNameIfSourcePositionIsNull, SimpleTextAttributes.REGULAR_ATTRIBUTES); if (myLineIfSourcePositionIsNull >= 0) { component.append(":" + myLineIfSourcePositionIsNull, SimpleTextAttributes.REGULAR_ATTRIBUTES); } } component.setIcon(AllIcons.Debugger.StackFrame); } public void setScope(final String scope) { myScope = scope; } private String myQualifiedFunctionName; @Override public Object getEqualityObject() { if (myQualifiedFunctionName == null) { // myScope is filled async if (mySourcePosition != null) { final FlexDebugProcess flexDebugProcess = getDebugProcess(); final Project project = flexDebugProcess.getSession().getProject(); final VirtualFile file = mySourcePosition.getFile(); final JSFunction function = ApplicationManager.getApplication().runReadAction((NullableComputable<JSFunction>)() -> { final PsiElement element = XDebuggerUtil.getInstance().findContextElement(file, mySourcePosition.getOffset(), project, true); return PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(element, JSFunction.class); }); String name; myQualifiedFunctionName = file.getPath() + (function != null ? "#" + ((name = function.getName()) != null ? name:function.getTextOffset()) :""); } else { myQualifiedFunctionName = "unknown"; } } return myQualifiedFunctionName; } private class MyDebuggerCommand extends DebuggerCommand { private final boolean hasFrame; private final XValueChildrenList resultChildren; private int current; private final XCompositeNode myNode; private final FlexValue.ValueType myValueType; public MyDebuggerCommand(String text, XCompositeNode node, boolean _hasFrame, FlexValue.ValueType valueType) { super(_hasFrame ? addFrameOffset(text):text, CommandOutputProcessingType.SPECIAL_PROCESSING); myNode = node; resultChildren = new XValueChildrenList(3); hasFrame = _hasFrame; myValueType = valueType; } @Override CommandOutputProcessingMode onTextAvailable(@NonNls final String s) { final int offsetIndex = hasFrame ? 1:0; // frame command if (current >= offsetIndex) { final StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(s, "\r\n", true); Pair<String, StringBuilder> previousNameAndValue = null; // may be incomplete if value contains new line symbols while (tokenizer.hasMoreElements()) { final String token = tokenizer.nextToken(); if (token.length() == 0) continue; if (token.charAt(0) == '\r' || token.charAt(0) == '\n') { // Tokenizer delimiter may be a part of String variable value if (previousNameAndValue != null) { previousNameAndValue.second.append(token); } else { FlexDebugProcess.log("Unexpected token: [" + token + "], full string: [" + s + "]"); } continue; } final int i = token.indexOf(DELIM); if (i == -1) { if (previousNameAndValue != null) { previousNameAndValue.second.append(token); } else { FlexDebugProcess.log("Unexpected token: [" + token + "], full string: [" + s + "]"); } continue; } @NonNls String name = token.substring(0, i); if (name.startsWith("$")) { // $x is legal variable name, this evaluation is $1 boolean completeDigits = name.length() > 1; for (int j = 1; j < name.length(); ++j) { completeDigits &= Character.isDigit(name.charAt(j)); if (!completeDigits) break; } if (completeDigits) name = "this"; } if (previousNameAndValue != null) { String prevName = previousNameAndValue.first; resultChildren.add(prevName, new FlexValue(FlexStackFrame.this, myDebugProcess, mySourcePosition, prevName, prevName, removeTrailingNewLines(previousNameAndValue.second), null, myValueType)); } previousNameAndValue = Pair.create(name, new StringBuilder(token.substring(i + DELIM.length()))); } if (previousNameAndValue != null) { String prevName = previousNameAndValue.first; resultChildren.add(prevName, new FlexValue(FlexStackFrame.this, myDebugProcess, mySourcePosition, prevName, prevName, removeTrailingNewLines(previousNameAndValue.second), null, myValueType)); } } ++current; if (current == offsetIndex + 1) { myNode.addChildren(resultChildren, false); return CommandOutputProcessingMode.DONE; } else { return CommandOutputProcessingMode.PROCEEDING; } } private String removeTrailingNewLines(final StringBuilder builder) { while (builder.length() > 0 && ((builder.charAt(builder.length() - 1) == '\r') || builder.charAt(builder.length() - 1) == '\n')) { builder.deleteCharAt(builder.length() - 1); } return builder.toString(); } } }