package com.intellij.lang.javascript.flex.debug; import com.intellij.javascript.flex.mxml.MxmlJSClass; import com.intellij.javascript.flex.resolve.ActionScriptClassResolver; import com.intellij.lang.javascript.index.JavaScriptIndex; import com.intellij.lang.javascript.psi.*; import com.intellij.lang.javascript.psi.ecmal4.JSClass; import com.intellij.lang.javascript.psi.resolve.JSInheritanceUtil; import com.intellij.openapi.module.Module; import com.intellij.openapi.module.ModuleUtilCore; import com.intellij.openapi.project.DumbService; import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Pair; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Ref; import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil; import com.intellij.psi.PsiElement; import com.intellij.psi.PsiFile; import; import; import com.intellij.psi.util.PsiTreeUtil; import com.intellij.psi.xml.XmlAttribute; import com.intellij.psi.xml.XmlFile; import com.intellij.psi.xml.XmlTag; import com.intellij.util.ArrayUtil; import com.intellij.util.PlatformIcons; import com.intellij.xdebugger.XDebuggerUtil; import com.intellij.xdebugger.XSourcePosition; import com.intellij.xdebugger.evaluation.XDebuggerEvaluator; import com.intellij.xdebugger.frame.*; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NonNls; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import org.jetbrains.debugger.DebuggerSupportUtils; import javax.swing.*; import java.util.*; class FlexValue extends XValue { private FlexStackFrame myFlexStackFrame; private final FlexDebugProcess myDebugProcess; private final @Nullable XSourcePosition mySourcePosition; private final String myName; private final String myExpression; private final String myResult; private @Nullable final String myParentResult; private final ValueType myValueType; private Icon myPreferredIcon; private static final String OBJECT_MARKER = "Object "; private static final String XML_TYPE = "XML"; private static final String XMLLIST_TYPE = "XMLList"; static final String TEXT_MARKER = " text "; static final String ELEMENT_MARKER = " element "; private static final String ESCAPE_START = "IDEA-ESCAPE-START"; private static final String ESCAPE_END = "IDEA-ESCAPE-END"; private static final String VECTOR_PREFIX = "__AS3__.vec::"; private static final String VECTOR = "Vector"; private static final String GENERIC_VECTOR_PREFIX = "Vector.<"; private static final String[] COLLECTIONS_WITH_DIRECT_CONTENT = { "Array", VECTOR, "mx.collections.ListCollectionView", "mx.collections.ArrayCollection", "mx.collections.XMLListCollection", }; private static final String[] COLLECTION_CLASSES = ArrayUtil.mergeArrays( COLLECTIONS_WITH_DIRECT_CONTENT, "mx.collections.ArrayList", "mx.collections.AsyncListView" ); private static final Comparator<XValue> ourArrayElementsComparator = (o1, o2) -> { if (o1 instanceof FlexValue && o2 instanceof FlexValue) { String name = ((FlexValue)o1).myName; String name2 = ((FlexValue)o2).myName; if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(name) && !StringUtil.isEmpty(name2) && Character.isDigit(name.charAt(0)) && Character.isDigit(name2.charAt(0)) ) { try { return Integer.parseInt(name) - Integer.parseInt(name2); } catch (NumberFormatException ignore) {/**/} } if (name == null) { return name2 == null ? 0 : -1; } else if (name2 == null) { return 1; } return name.compareToIgnoreCase(name2); } return 1; }; enum ValueType { This(PlatformIcons.CLASS_ICON), Parameter(PlatformIcons.PARAMETER_ICON), Variable(PlatformIcons.VARIABLE_ICON), Field(PlatformIcons.FIELD_ICON), ScopeChainEntry(PlatformIcons.CLASS_INITIALIZER), Other(null); private @Nullable final Icon myIcon; ValueType(final @Nullable Icon icon) { myIcon = icon; } } FlexValue(final FlexStackFrame flexStackFrame, final FlexDebugProcess flexDebugProcess, final @Nullable XSourcePosition sourcePosition, final String name, final String expression, final String result, final @Nullable String parentResult, final @NotNull ValueType valueType) { myFlexStackFrame = flexStackFrame; myDebugProcess = flexDebugProcess; mySourcePosition = sourcePosition; myName = name; myExpression = expression; myResult = unescape(result, flexDebugProcess.isFlexSdk_4_12plus_IdeMode()); myParentResult = parentResult; myValueType = valueType; } String getResult() { return myResult; } @Override public String getEvaluationExpression() { return myExpression; } public void setPreferredIcon(final Icon preferredIcon) { myPreferredIcon = preferredIcon; } private Icon getIcon() { return myPreferredIcon == null ? myValueType.myIcon : myPreferredIcon; } @Override public void computePresentation(@NotNull XValueNode node, @NotNull XValuePlace place) { final boolean isObject = myResult.contains(OBJECT_MARKER); String val = myResult; String typeFromFlexValueResult = null; String additionalInfo = null; if (isObject) { final Pair<String, String> typeAndAdditionalInfo = getTypeAndAdditionalInfo(myResult); typeFromFlexValueResult = typeAndAdditionalInfo.first; additionalInfo = typeAndAdditionalInfo.second; if (typeFromFlexValueResult != null) { try { val = "[".concat(getObjectId(myResult, myResult.indexOf(OBJECT_MARKER), OBJECT_MARKER)).concat("]"); } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { FlexDebugProcess.log(new Exception(myResult, e)); } } } if ((XML_TYPE.equals(typeFromFlexValueResult) || XMLLIST_TYPE.equals(typeFromFlexValueResult)) && myExpression.indexOf('=') == -1) { if (myDebugProcess.isDebuggerFromSdk3()) { if (XMLLIST_TYPE.equals(typeFromFlexValueResult)) { setXmlListPresentation(node, val, this); return; } else if (additionalInfo != null) { setXmlPresentation(node, additionalInfo, this); return; } } else { scheduleToXmlStringCalculation(node, typeFromFlexValueResult); // return; no return - show default presentation until toXmlString calculated } } final String type = getType(typeFromFlexValueResult); if (type != null && isCollection(type)) { if (type.equals(VECTOR) || type.startsWith(GENERIC_VECTOR_PREFIX)) { scheduleVectorPresentation(node, typeFromFlexValueResult); } else { scheduleCollectionSizePresentation(node, typeFromFlexValueResult, ""); } } val = setFullValueEvaluatorIfNeeded(node, val, false); node.setPresentation(getIcon(), typeFromFlexValueResult, val, isObject); } private static boolean isCollectionWithDirectContent(final String fqn) { return fqn != null && ArrayUtil.contains(fqn, COLLECTIONS_WITH_DIRECT_CONTENT); } private static boolean isCollection(final @NotNull String type) { return isGenericVector(type) || ArrayUtil.contains(type, COLLECTION_CLASSES); } private void scheduleVectorPresentation(final XValueNode node, final String type) { final FlexStackFrame.EvaluateCommand command = EvaluateCommand(myExpression + ".fixed", new XDebuggerEvaluator.XEvaluationCallback() { @Override public void evaluated(@NotNull XValue result) { if (!node.isObsolete()) { final String resultText = ((FlexValue)result).myResult; final String prefix = ("true".equals(resultText) || "false".equals(resultText)) ? "fixed = " + resultText : ""; node.setPresentation(getIcon(), type, prefix, true); scheduleCollectionSizePresentation(node, type, prefix); } } @Override public void errorOccurred(@NotNull String errorMessage) { } }); myDebugProcess.addPendingCommand(new CompositeDebuggerCommand(node, command), 100); } private void scheduleCollectionSizePresentation(final XValueNode node, final String type, final String prefix) { final FlexStackFrame.EvaluateCommand command = EvaluateCommand(myExpression + ".length", new XDebuggerEvaluator.XEvaluationCallback() { @Override public void evaluated(@NotNull XValue result) { if (!node.isObsolete()) { final String resultText = ((FlexValue)result).myResult; final int index = resultText.indexOf(" (0x"); if (index != -1) { final String value = (prefix.isEmpty() ? "" : prefix + ", ") + "size = " + resultText.substring(0, index); node.setPresentation(getIcon(), type, value, true); } } } @Override public void errorOccurred(@NotNull String errorMessage) { } }); myDebugProcess.addPendingCommand(new CompositeDebuggerCommand(node, command), 100); } private static void setXmlListPresentation(final XValueNode node, final String value, final FlexValue flexValue) { node.setFullValueEvaluator(new XFullValueEvaluator() { @Override public void startEvaluation(@NotNull XFullValueEvaluationCallback callback) { new XmlObjectEvaluator(flexValue, callback).startEvaluation(); } }); node.setPresentation(flexValue.getIcon(), XMLLIST_TYPE, value, true); } private static void setXmlPresentation(final XValueNode node, final String additionalInfo, final FlexValue flexValue) { /* additionalInfo may look like following: "text element content" "element <root attr=\"attrValue\">" "element <child/>" */ final boolean isElement = additionalInfo.startsWith(ELEMENT_MARKER + "<") && additionalInfo.endsWith(">"); final boolean isEmptyElement = isElement && additionalInfo.endsWith("/>"); final boolean isText = !isElement && additionalInfo.startsWith(TEXT_MARKER); if (isText || isElement) { String textToShow; if (isText) { textToShow = additionalInfo.substring(TEXT_MARKER.length()); } else if (isEmptyElement) { textToShow = additionalInfo.substring(ELEMENT_MARKER.length()); } else { final String startTag = additionalInfo.substring(ELEMENT_MARKER.length()); final int spaceIndex = startTag.indexOf(" "); final String tagName = startTag.substring(1, spaceIndex > 0 ? spaceIndex : startTag.length() - 1); textToShow = startTag + "..." + "</" + tagName + "> "; if (textToShow.length() > XValueNode.MAX_VALUE_LENGTH) { textToShow = textToShow.substring(0, XValueNode.MAX_VALUE_LENGTH); } node.setFullValueEvaluator(new XFullValueEvaluator() { @Override public void startEvaluation(@NotNull XFullValueEvaluationCallback callback) { new XmlObjectEvaluator(flexValue, callback).startEvaluation(); } }); node.setPresentation(flexValue.getIcon(), XML_TYPE, textToShow, true); return; } textToShow = setFullValueEvaluatorIfNeeded(node, textToShow, true); node.setPresentation(flexValue.getIcon(), XML_TYPE, textToShow, true); return; } node.setPresentation(flexValue.getIcon(), XML_TYPE, setFullValueEvaluatorIfNeeded(node, additionalInfo, true), true); } private void scheduleToXmlStringCalculation(final XValueNode node, final String type) { final FlexStackFrame.EvaluateCommand command = EvaluateCommand(myExpression + ".toXMLString()", new XDebuggerEvaluator.XEvaluationCallback() { @Override public void evaluated(@NotNull XValue result) { setResult(((FlexValue)result).myResult, node, type, true); } @Override public void errorOccurred(@NotNull String errorMessage) { setResult(errorMessage, node, type, true); } private void setResult(String value, XValueNode node, String type, boolean hasChildren) { if (!node.isObsolete()) { value = setFullValueEvaluatorIfNeeded(node, value, true); node.setPresentation(getIcon(), type, value, hasChildren); } } }); myDebugProcess.addPendingCommand(new CompositeDebuggerCommand(node, command), 700); } private static String setFullValueEvaluatorIfNeeded(final XValueNode node, String value, final boolean isXml) { final String fullValue = value; final int lfIndex = fullValue.indexOf('\n'); final int crIndex = fullValue.indexOf('\r'); if (fullValue.length() > XValueNode.MAX_VALUE_LENGTH || lfIndex > -1 && lfIndex < fullValue.length() - 1 || crIndex > -1 && crIndex < fullValue.length() - 1) { final boolean quoted = fullValue.charAt(0) == '\'' && fullValue.charAt(fullValue.length() - 1) == '\''; final boolean doubleQuoted = fullValue.charAt(0) == '\"' && fullValue.charAt(fullValue.length() - 1) == '\"'; if (value.length() > XValueNode.MAX_VALUE_LENGTH) { final String ending = doubleQuoted ? "\" " : quoted ? "\' " : " "; value = value.substring(0, XValueNode.MAX_VALUE_LENGTH).concat(ending); } value = value.trim(); final String unquoted = quoted || doubleQuoted ? fullValue.substring(1, fullValue.length() - 1) : fullValue; node.setFullValueEvaluator( new XFullValueEvaluator() { @Override public void startEvaluation(@NotNull XFullValueEvaluationCallback callback) { callback.evaluated(StringUtil.convertLineSeparators(unquoted), isXml ? XmlObjectEvaluator.MONOSPACED_FONT : null); } }); } return value; } @Override public XValueModifier getModifier() { return new XValueModifier() { @Override public void setValue(@NotNull String _expression, @NotNull final XModificationCallback callback) { FlexStackFrame.EvaluateCommand command = EvaluateCommand(myExpression + "=" + _expression, null) { @Override protected void dispatchResult(String s) { super.dispatchResult(s); callback.valueModified(); } }; myDebugProcess.sendCommand(command); } }; } @Override public void computeChildren(@NotNull final XCompositeNode node) { final int i = myResult.indexOf(OBJECT_MARKER); if (i == -1) super.computeChildren(node); final String typeFromFlexValueResult = getTypeAndAdditionalInfo(myResult).first; final String expression; try { expression = referenceObjectBase(i, OBJECT_MARKER); } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { FlexDebugProcess.log(new Exception(myResult, e)); node.addChildren(XValueChildrenList.EMPTY, true); return; } final FlexStackFrame.EvaluateCommand command = EvaluateCommand(expression, null) { @Override CommandOutputProcessingMode doOnTextAvailable(@NonNls final String resultS) { StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(resultS, "\r\n"); // skip first token; it contains $-prefix followed by myResult: $6 = [Object 30860193, class='__AS3__.vec::Vector.<String>'] tokenizer.nextToken(); final LinkedHashMap<String, FlexValue> fieldNameToFlexValueMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(tokenizer.countTokens()); final NodeClassInfo nodeClassInfo = DumbService.getInstance(myDebugProcess.getSession().getProject()).runReadActionInSmartMode(() -> { final Project project = myDebugProcess.getSession().getProject(); final JSClass jsClass = mySourcePosition == null ? null : findJSClass(project, ModuleUtilCore.findModuleForFile(mySourcePosition.getFile(), project), typeFromFlexValueResult); return jsClass == null ? null : NodeClassInfo.getNodeClassInfo(jsClass); }); while (tokenizer.hasMoreElements()) { final String s = tokenizer.nextToken().trim(); if (s.length() == 0) continue; final int delimIndex = s.indexOf(FlexStackFrame.DELIM); if (delimIndex == -1) { FlexDebugProcess.log("Unrecognized string:" + s); continue; } final String fieldName = s.substring(0, delimIndex); final String result = s.substring(delimIndex + FlexStackFrame.DELIM.length()); if (result.startsWith("[Setter ")) { // such values do not give any useful information: // [Setter 62, name='Child@3d613bb::staticSetter'] // [Setter 78] continue; } String evaluatedPath = myExpression; if (fieldName.length() > 0 && Character.isDigit(fieldName.charAt(0))) { evaluatedPath += "[\"" + fieldName + "\"]"; } else { evaluatedPath += "." + fieldName; } // either parameter of static function from scopechain or a field. Static functions from scopechain look like following: // // [Object 52571545, class='Main$/staticFunction'] final ValueType valueType = typeFromFlexValueResult != null && typeFromFlexValueResult.indexOf('/') > -1 ? ValueType.Parameter : ValueType.Field; final FlexValue flexValue = new FlexValue(myFlexStackFrame, myDebugProcess, mySourcePosition, fieldName, evaluatedPath, result, FlexValue.this.myResult, valueType); addValueCheckingDuplicates(flexValue, fieldNameToFlexValueMap); } addChildren(node, fieldNameToFlexValueMap, nodeClassInfo); return CommandOutputProcessingMode.DONE; } }; myDebugProcess.sendCommand(command); } public boolean canNavigateToTypeSource() { final boolean isObject = myResult.contains(OBJECT_MARKER); if (isObject && mySourcePosition != null) { final Pair<String, String> typeAndAdditionalInfo = getTypeAndAdditionalInfo(myResult); final String typeFromFlexValueResult = typeAndAdditionalInfo.first; return typeFromFlexValueResult != null; } return false; } public void computeTypeSourcePosition(@NotNull final XNavigatable navigatable) { if (mySourcePosition == null) { navigatable.setSourcePosition(null); return; } final boolean isObject = myResult.contains(OBJECT_MARKER); if (isObject) { final Pair<String, String> typeAndAdditionalInfo = getTypeAndAdditionalInfo(myResult); final String typeFromFlexValueResult = typeAndAdditionalInfo.first; if (typeFromFlexValueResult != null) { final Project project = myDebugProcess.getSession().getProject(); final JSClass jsClass = findJSClass(project, ModuleUtilCore.findModuleForFile(mySourcePosition.getFile(), project), typeFromFlexValueResult); navigatable.setSourcePosition(DebuggerSupportUtils.calcSourcePosition(jsClass)); return; } } navigatable.setSourcePosition(null); } public boolean canNavigateToSource() { return mySourcePosition != null && (myValueType == ValueType.Variable || myValueType == ValueType.Parameter || myValueType == ValueType.Field && myParentResult != null); } @Override public void computeSourcePosition(@NotNull final XNavigatable navigatable) { if (mySourcePosition == null) { navigatable.setSourcePosition(null); return; } XSourcePosition result = null; final Project project = myDebugProcess.getSession().getProject(); if (myValueType == ValueType.Variable) { final PsiElement contextElement = XDebuggerUtil.getInstance().findContextElement(mySourcePosition.getFile(), mySourcePosition.getOffset(), project, true); final JSFunction jsFunction = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(contextElement, JSFunction.class); if (jsFunction != null) { final Ref<JSVariable> varRef = new Ref<>(); jsFunction.accept(new JSElementVisitor() { @Override public void visitJSElement(final JSElement node) { if (varRef.isNull()) { node.acceptChildren(this); } } @Override public void visitJSVariable(final JSVariable node) { if (myName.equals(node.getName())) { varRef.set(node); } super.visitJSVariable(node); } }); if (!varRef.isNull()) { result = DebuggerSupportUtils.calcSourcePosition(varRef.get()); } } } else if (myValueType == ValueType.Parameter) { final PsiElement contextElement = XDebuggerUtil.getInstance().findContextElement(mySourcePosition.getFile(), mySourcePosition.getOffset(), project, true); final JSFunction jsFunction = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(contextElement, JSFunction.class); final JSParameter[] parameters = jsFunction == null ? JSParameter.EMPTY_ARRAY : jsFunction.getParameterVariables(); for (final JSParameter parameter : parameters) { if (myName.equals(parameter.getName())) { result = DebuggerSupportUtils.calcSourcePosition(parameter); break; } } } else if (myValueType == ValueType.Field && myParentResult != null) { final String typeFromFlexValueResult = getTypeAndAdditionalInfo(myParentResult).first; final JSClass jsClass = findJSClass(project, ModuleUtilCore.findModuleForFile(mySourcePosition.getFile(), project), typeFromFlexValueResult); if (jsClass != null) { final Ref<PsiElement> fieldRef = new Ref<>(); fieldRef.set(JSInheritanceUtil.findMember(myName, jsClass, JSInheritanceUtil.SearchedMemberType.FieldsAndMethods, JSFunction.FunctionKind.GETTER, true)); if (fieldRef.isNull() && jsClass instanceof MxmlJSClass) { final PsiFile file = jsClass.getContainingFile(); final XmlFile xmlFile = file instanceof XmlFile ? (XmlFile)file : null; final XmlTag rootTag = xmlFile == null ? null : xmlFile.getRootTag(); if (rootTag != null) { NodeClassInfo.processSubtagsRecursively(rootTag, tag -> { final XmlAttribute idAttr = tag.getAttribute("id"); final String id = idAttr == null ? null : idAttr.getValue(); if (id != null && id.equals(myName)) { fieldRef.set(idAttr); } return !MxmlJSClass.isTagThatAllowsAnyXmlContent(tag); }); } } result = DebuggerSupportUtils.calcSourcePosition(fieldRef.get()); } } navigatable.setSourcePosition(result); } private static void addValueCheckingDuplicates(final FlexValue flexValue, final LinkedHashMap<String, FlexValue> fieldNameToFlexValueMap) { final String name = flexValue.myName; FlexValue existingValue; if ((existingValue = fieldNameToFlexValueMap.get("_" + name)) != null && existingValue.getResult().equals(flexValue.getResult())) { fieldNameToFlexValueMap.remove("_" + name); } else if (name.startsWith("_") && name.length() > 1 && (existingValue = fieldNameToFlexValueMap.get(name.substring(1))) != null && existingValue.getResult().equals(flexValue.getResult())) { return; } fieldNameToFlexValueMap.put(name, flexValue); } private static void addChildren(final XCompositeNode node, final LinkedHashMap<String, FlexValue> fieldNameToFlexValueMap, final @Nullable NodeClassInfo nodeClassInfo) { final List<FlexValue> elementsOfCollection = new LinkedList<>(); final XValueChildrenList ownStaticFields = new XValueChildrenList(); final XValueChildrenList ownStaticProperties = new XValueChildrenList(); final XValueChildrenList ownFields = new XValueChildrenList(); final XValueChildrenList ownProperties = new XValueChildrenList(); final XValueChildrenList inheritedStaticFields = new XValueChildrenList(); final XValueChildrenList inheritedStaticProperties = new XValueChildrenList(); final XValueChildrenList inheritedFields = new XValueChildrenList(); final XValueChildrenList inheritedProperties = new XValueChildrenList(); for (final Map.Entry<String, FlexValue> entry : fieldNameToFlexValueMap.entrySet()) { final String name = entry.getKey(); final FlexValue flexValue = entry.getValue(); if (isInteger(name)) { elementsOfCollection.add(flexValue); continue; } if (nodeClassInfo == null) { ownFields.add(name, flexValue); } else { if (updateIconAndAddToListIfMatches(name, flexValue, nodeClassInfo.myOwnStaticFields, ownStaticFields) || updateIconAndAddToListIfMatches(name, flexValue, nodeClassInfo.myOwnStaticProperties, ownStaticProperties) || updateIconAndAddToListIfMatches(name, flexValue, nodeClassInfo.myOwnFields, ownFields) || updateIconAndAddToListIfMatches(name, flexValue, nodeClassInfo.myOwnProperties, ownProperties) || updateIconAndAddToListIfMatches(name, flexValue, nodeClassInfo.myInheritedStaticFields, inheritedStaticFields) || updateIconAndAddToListIfMatches(name, flexValue, nodeClassInfo.myInheritedStaticProperties, inheritedStaticProperties) || updateIconAndAddToListIfMatches(name, flexValue, nodeClassInfo.myInheritedFields, inheritedFields) || updateIconAndAddToListIfMatches(name, flexValue, nodeClassInfo.myInheritedProperties, inheritedProperties)) { continue; } (nodeClassInfo.myIsDynamic ? ownFields : inheritedFields).add(name, flexValue); } } Collections.sort(elementsOfCollection, ourArrayElementsComparator); XValueChildrenList inheritedNodeSingletonList = XValueChildrenList.EMPTY; if (inheritedStaticFields.size() + inheritedStaticProperties.size() + inheritedFields.size() + inheritedProperties.size() > 0) { if (inheritedStaticFields.size() + inheritedStaticProperties.size() > 0) { final XValueChildrenList inheritedStatics = createWrappingGroupList("Static members", inheritedStaticFields, inheritedStaticProperties); inheritedNodeSingletonList = createWrappingGroupList("Inherited members", inheritedStatics, inheritedFields, inheritedProperties); } else { inheritedNodeSingletonList = createWrappingGroupList("Inherited members", inheritedStaticFields, inheritedStaticProperties, inheritedFields, inheritedProperties); } } if (nodeClassInfo != null && isCollectionWithDirectContent(nodeClassInfo.myFqn)) { final XValueChildrenList fieldsAndPropertiesSingletonList = createWrappingGroupList("Fields and properties", inheritedNodeSingletonList, ownStaticFields, ownStaticProperties, ownFields, ownProperties); node.addChildren(fieldsAndPropertiesSingletonList, false); } else { node.addChildren(inheritedNodeSingletonList, false); if (ownStaticFields.size() + ownStaticProperties.size() > 0) { node.addChildren(createWrappingGroupList("Static members", ownStaticFields, ownStaticProperties), false); } node.addChildren(ownFields, false); node.addChildren(ownProperties, false); } final XValueChildrenList elementsOfCollectionList = new XValueChildrenList(); for (final FlexValue flexValue : elementsOfCollection) { elementsOfCollectionList.add(flexValue.myName, flexValue); } node.addChildren(elementsOfCollectionList, true); } private static XValueChildrenList createWrappingGroupList(final String groupName, final XValueChildrenList... listsToWrap) { final XValueGroup group = new XValueGroup(groupName) { @Override public void computeChildren(@NotNull final XCompositeNode node) { for (final XValueChildrenList list : listsToWrap) { node.addChildren(list, false); } node.addChildren(XValueChildrenList.EMPTY, true); } }; final XValueChildrenList inheritedSingleNodeList = new XValueChildrenList(); inheritedSingleNodeList.addTopGroup(group); return inheritedSingleNodeList; } private static boolean updateIconAndAddToListIfMatches(final String name, final FlexValue flexValue, final Map<String, Icon> nameToIconMap, final XValueChildrenList list) { final Icon icon = nameToIconMap.get(name); if (icon != null) { flexValue.setPreferredIcon(icon); list.add(flexValue.myName, flexValue); return true; } return false; } private static boolean isInteger(final String s) { try { //noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored Integer.parseInt(s); return true; } catch (NumberFormatException ignored) { return false; } } private String referenceObjectBase(int i, String marker) { // expression may have incorrect syntax like x.dict1.-1. (see examples in // so it is more reliable to use objectId //if (myDebugProcess.isDebuggerFromSdk4()) { // return expression + "."; //} return "#" + getObjectId(myResult, i, marker) + "."; } private static String getObjectId(String result, int i, String marker) { String s = result.substring(i + marker.length(), result.indexOf(',')); return FlexStackFrame.validObjectId(s); } /** * Examples of type (<code>getTypeAndAdditionalInfo().first</code>) : * <ul> * <li><code>null</code></li> * <li><code></code></li> * <li><code>Main$/staticFunction</code></li> * <li><code>XML</code></li> * <li><code>pack.SomeClass$</code></li> * <li><code>Vector.<String></String></code></li> * </ul> */ private static Pair<String, String> getTypeAndAdditionalInfo(final @Nullable String fdbText) { if (fdbText == null) return Pair.create(null, null); // [Object 52571545, class=''] // [Object 52571545, class='Main$/staticFunction'] // [Object 62823129, class='XML@3be9ad9 element <abc/>'] String type = null; String additionalInfo = null; final int classIndex = fdbText.indexOf(FlexStackFrame.CLASS_MARKER); final int lastQuoteIndex = fdbText.lastIndexOf("'"); if (classIndex != -1 && lastQuoteIndex > classIndex) { int typeStart = classIndex + FlexStackFrame.CLASS_MARKER.length(); final String inQuotes = fdbText.substring(typeStart, lastQuoteIndex); final int atIndex = inQuotes.indexOf("@"); if (atIndex > 0) { type = inQuotes.substring(0, atIndex); final int spaceIndex = inQuotes.indexOf(" ", atIndex); if (spaceIndex != -1) { additionalInfo = inQuotes.substring(spaceIndex, inQuotes.length()); } } else { type = inQuotes; } } if ("[]".equals(type)) { type = "Array"; } if (type != null) { type = StringUtil.replace(type, VECTOR_PREFIX, ""); } return Pair.create(type, additionalInfo); } /** * Returned result can contain extra <b>$</b> after real class FQN in case of static context. For example <code>pack.Main$</code> * Also it may contain vector type, e.g. <code>Vector.<int></code> */ @Nullable private static String getType(final String typeFromFlexValueResult) { if (typeFromFlexValueResult != null && !typeFromFlexValueResult.contains("/")) { return typeFromFlexValueResult.replace("::", "."); } return null; } private static boolean isGenericVector(final String type) { return type.startsWith(GENERIC_VECTOR_PREFIX); } @Nullable private static JSClass findJSClass(final Project project, final @Nullable Module module, final String typeFromFlexValueResult) { String type = getType(typeFromFlexValueResult); if (type != null) { if (isGenericVector(type)) { type = VECTOR; } final JavaScriptIndex jsIndex = JavaScriptIndex.getInstance(project); PsiElement jsClass = ActionScriptClassResolver.findClassByQName(type, jsIndex, module); if (!(jsClass instanceof JSClass) && type.endsWith("$")) { // fdb adds '$' to class name in case of static context jsClass = ActionScriptClassResolver.findClassByQName(type.substring(0, type.length() - 1), jsIndex, module); } if (!(jsClass instanceof JSClass) && module != null) { // probably this class came from dynamically loaded module that is not in moduleWithDependenciesAndLibrariesScope(module) final GlobalSearchScope scope = ProjectScope.getAllScope(project); jsClass = ActionScriptClassResolver.findClassByQNameStatic(type, scope); if (!(jsClass instanceof JSClass) && type.endsWith("$")) { jsClass = ActionScriptClassResolver.findClassByQNameStatic(type.substring(0, type.length() - 1), scope); } } return jsClass instanceof JSClass ? (JSClass)jsClass : null; } return null; } /** * Looks for IDEA-ESCAPE-START and IDEA-ESCAPE-END markers in input string and unescapes symbols inside these markers. Markers are removed. */ private static String unescape(String str, final boolean flexSdk_4_12plus_IdeMode) { if (flexSdk_4_12plus_IdeMode) { return StringUtil.unescapeStringCharacters(str); } int escapeEndIndex = 0; int escapeStartIndex; while ((escapeStartIndex = str.indexOf(ESCAPE_START, escapeEndIndex - ESCAPE_START.length())) > -1) { escapeEndIndex = str.indexOf(ESCAPE_END, escapeStartIndex); if (escapeEndIndex < 0) { escapeEndIndex = str.length(); } str = str.substring(0, escapeStartIndex) + StringUtil.unescapeStringCharacters(str.substring(escapeStartIndex + ESCAPE_START.length(), escapeEndIndex)) + (escapeEndIndex + ESCAPE_END.length() <= str.length() ? str.substring(escapeEndIndex + ESCAPE_END.length()) : ""); } return str; } }