package; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile; import gnu.trove.TIntArrayList; import gnu.trove.TIntObjectHashMap; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.TestOnly; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import static*; public class MovieSymbolTranscoder extends SymbolTranscoderBase { private byte[] symbolName; private TIntObjectHashMap<PlacedObject> placedObjects; // we cannot mark placedObject as used and iterate existing map (placedObjects) - order of items in map is not predictable, // but we must write placed object in the same order as it was read private List<PlacedObject> usedPlacedObjects; // symbolName - utf8 bytes @TestOnly public void transcode(File in, File out, byte[] symbolName) throws IOException { this.symbolName = symbolName; //noinspection IOResourceOpenedButNotSafelyClosed transcode(new FileInputStream(in), in.length(), out, false); } public void transcode(@NotNull VirtualFile in, @NotNull File out, @NotNull String symbolName) throws IOException { this.symbolName = symbolName.getBytes(); transcode(in, out); } @Override protected void transcode(boolean writeBounds) throws IOException { fileLength = SYMBOL_CLASS_TAG_FULL_LENGTH + SwfUtil.getWrapLength(); final PlacedObject exportedSymbol = transcode(); buffer.position(exportedSymbol.start + 2); if (writeBounds) { writeMovieBounds(); } final byte[] symbolOwnClassAbc = getSymbolOwnClassAbc(buffer.getShort()); fileLength += symbolOwnClassAbc.length; SwfUtil.header(fileLength, out); writeUsedPlacedObjects(); writePlacedObject(exportedSymbol); out.write(symbolOwnClassAbc); writeSymbolClass(exportedSymbol.newId); SwfUtil.footer(out); } private PlacedObject transcode() throws IOException { placedObjects = new TIntObjectHashMap<>(); int spriteId = -1; int tagStart; analyze: while ((tagStart = buffer.position()) < buffer.limit()) { final int tagCodeAndLength = buffer.getShort(); final int type = tagCodeAndLength >> 6; int length = tagCodeAndLength & 0x3F; if (length == 63) { length = buffer.getInt(); } final int position = buffer.position(); switch (type) { case TagTypes.End: break analyze; case TagTypes.DefineShape: case TagTypes.DefineShape2: case TagTypes.DefineShape3: case TagTypes.DefineShape4: case TagTypes.DefineSprite: placedObjects.put(buffer.getShort(), new PlacedObject(position, length, type, tagStart)); break; case TagTypes.ExportAssets: case TagTypes.SymbolClass: spriteId = processExportAssetsOrSymbolClass(); if (spriteId == -1) { break; } else { break analyze; } } buffer.position(position + length); } if (spriteId == -1) { throw new IOException("Can't find symbol"); } usedPlacedObjects = new ArrayList<>(placedObjects.size()); bounds = null; final PlacedObject exportedSymbol = placedObjects.get(spriteId); exportedSymbol.used = true; processDefineSprite(exportedSymbol); exportedSymbol.newId = usedPlacedObjects.size() + 1; fileLength += exportedSymbol.fileLength(); return exportedSymbol; } private void processDefineSprite(PlacedObject placedObject) throws IOException { buffer.position(placedObject.start + 4); final int endPosition = placedObject.start + placedObject.length; while (true) { final int tagStart = buffer.position(); final int tagCodeAndLength = buffer.getShort(); final int type = tagCodeAndLength >> 6; int length = tagCodeAndLength & 0x3F; if (length == 63) { length = buffer.getInt(); } final int start = buffer.position(); switch (type) { case TagTypes.DoAction: case TagTypes.DoInitAction: placedObject.prepareSparseWrite(); if (placedObject.positions == null) { placedObject.positions = new TIntArrayList(); placedObject.actualLength = placedObject.length; } placedObject.positions.add(tagStart); final int fullLength = length + (start - tagStart); placedObject.positions.add(tagStart + fullLength); placedObject.actualLength -= fullLength; continue; case TagTypes.PlaceObject: case TagTypes.PlaceObject3: throw new IOException("PlaceObject and PlaceObject3 are not supported"); case TagTypes.PlaceObject2: processPlaceObject2(placedObject, length, start); break; } final int newPosition = start + length; if (newPosition < endPosition) { buffer.position(newPosition); } else { break; } } } private static int computeFullLength(int length) { return recordHeaderLength(length) + length; } private void processPlaceObject2(final PlacedObject placedObject, final int length, final int position) throws IOException { int flags = buffer.get(); int objectIdPosition = -1; if ((flags & HAS_CLIP_ACTION) != 0) { flags &= ~HAS_CLIP_ACTION; int bufferPosition = buffer.position(); buffer.put(bufferPosition - 1, (byte)flags); bufferPosition += 2; // Depth if ((flags & HAS_CHARACTER) != 0) { objectIdPosition = bufferPosition; bufferPosition += 2; } if ((flags & HAS_MATRIX) != 0) { buffer.position(bufferPosition); decodeMatrix(); bufferPosition = buffer.position(); } if ((flags & HAS_COLOR_TRANSFORM) != 0) { decodeColorTransform(); bufferPosition = buffer.position(); } if ((flags & HAS_RATIO) != 0) { bufferPosition += 2; } if ((flags & HAS_NAME) != 0) { final int nameLengthWithTerminator = skipAbcName(bufferPosition) + 1; bufferPosition += nameLengthWithTerminator; } if ((flags & HAS_CLIP_DEPTH) != 0) { bufferPosition += 2; } placedObject.prepareSparseWrite(); placedObject.actualLength -= length - (bufferPosition - position); placedObject.positions.add(bufferPosition); placedObject.positions.add(position + length); } else if ((flags & HAS_CHARACTER) != 0) { objectIdPosition = buffer.position() + 2; } // swf spec: "CharacterId is used only when a new character is being added. If a character that is already on the display map is being modified, the CharacterId field is absent." // but in any case we check and use flag referredObject.used - swf may be invalid (but this problem is not encountered yet, develar 05.08.11) if (objectIdPosition != -1) { final int objectId = buffer.getShort(objectIdPosition); final PlacedObject referredObject = placedObjects.get(objectId); if (referredObject.used) { return; } referredObject.used = true; if (referredObject.tagType == TagTypes.DefineSprite) { processDefineSprite(referredObject); fileLength += referredObject.fileLength(); } else if (bounds == null) { findBounds(referredObject); fileLength += referredObject.computeFullLengthAsProvided(); } usedPlacedObjects.add(referredObject); referredObject.newId = usedPlacedObjects.size(); buffer.putShort(objectIdPosition, (short)referredObject.newId); } } private void findBounds(PlacedObject placedObject) throws IOException { buffer.position(placedObject.start + 2); decodeRect(); } private void writeUsedPlacedObjects() throws IOException { // must be written in the same order as it was read Collections.sort(usedPlacedObjects, (o1, o2) -> o1.start < o2.start ? -1 : 1); for (PlacedObject object : usedPlacedObjects) { writePlacedObject(object); } } private void writePlacedObject(PlacedObject object) throws IOException { final TIntArrayList positions = object.positions; if (positions == null) { out.write(data, object.tagStart, object.start - object.tagStart); // little-endian short new id out.write(0xff & object.newId); out.write(0xff & (object.newId >> 8)); out.write(data, object.start + 2, object.length - 2); } else { buffer.position(0); encodeTagHeader(object.tagType, object.actualLength); buffer.putShort((short)object.newId); out.write(data, 0, buffer.position()); writeSparseBytes(positions, object.start + 2, object.start + object.length); } } private void decodeColorTransform() throws IOException { syncBits(); boolean hasAdd = readBit(); @SuppressWarnings("SpellCheckingInspection") boolean hasMult = readBit(); int nBits = readUBits(4); if (hasMult) { readSBits(nBits); readSBits(nBits); readSBits(nBits); readSBits(nBits); } if (hasAdd) { readSBits(nBits); readSBits(nBits); readSBits(nBits); readSBits(nBits); } } @SuppressWarnings("UnusedDeclaration") private void decodeMatrix() throws IOException { syncBits(); boolean hasScale = readBit(); if (hasScale) { int nScaleBits = readUBits(5); int scaleX = readSBits(nScaleBits); int scaleY = readSBits(nScaleBits); } boolean hasRotate = readBit(); if (hasRotate) { int nRotateBits = readUBits(5); int rotateSkew0 = readSBits(nRotateBits); int rotateSkew1 = readSBits(nRotateBits); } int nTranslateBits = readUBits(5); int translateX = readSBits(nTranslateBits); int translateY = readSBits(nTranslateBits); } private boolean readBit() throws IOException { return readUBits(1) != 0; } private int processExportAssetsOrSymbolClass() { final int numSymbols = buffer.getShort(); if (numSymbols == 0) { return -1; } final byte[] data = buffer.array(); for (int i = 0; i < numSymbols; i++) { final int id = buffer.getShort(); int j = buffer.position(); int k = 0; while (true) { final int b = data[j++]; if (b == 0) { if (k == symbolName.length) { return id; } else { break; } } if (b != symbolName[k++]) { //noinspection StatementWithEmptyBody while (data[j++] != 0) { } break; } } buffer.position(j); } return -1; } private static class PlacedObject { private boolean used; private int newId = -1; // we cannot calculate tagStart by length and start - length may be less than 63, but encoded as long tag header private final int tagStart; private final int start; private final int length; private final int tagType; private int actualLength = -1; private TIntArrayList positions; public void prepareSparseWrite() { if (positions == null) { positions = new TIntArrayList(); actualLength = length; } } private PlacedObject(int start, int length, int tagType, int tagStart) { this.start = start; this.length = length; this.tagType = tagType; this.tagStart = tagStart; } public int computeFullLengthAsProvided() { return length + (start - tagStart); } public int fileLength() { if (positions == null) { // we encode length as provided, just copy bytes return computeFullLengthAsProvided(); } else { // we encode length according to rules about long or short tag header return computeFullLength(actualLength); } } } }