package com.intellij.flex.model.bc; import com.intellij.flex.FlexCommonUtils; import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger; import com.intellij.openapi.util.JDOMUtil; import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil; import gnu.trove.THashMap; import org.jdom.Element; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import java.util.*; public class CompilerOptionInfo { public enum OptionType {Group, Boolean, String, Int, File, List, IncludeClasses, IncludeFiles} public enum ListElementType {String, File, FileOrFolder, Class, Boolean, Locale} public static class ListElement { public final String NAME; public final String DISPLAY_NAME; public final ListElementType LIST_ELEMENT_TYPE; public @Nullable final String[] FILE_EXTENSIONS; public final String DEFAULT_VALUE; private ListElement(final String name) { this(name, "", ListElementType.String, null, ""); } private ListElement(final String name, final String displayName, final ListElementType listElementType, final @Nullable String[] fileExtensions, final String defaultValue) { NAME = name; DISPLAY_NAME = displayName; LIST_ELEMENT_TYPE = listElementType; FILE_EXTENSIONS = fileExtensions; DEFAULT_VALUE = defaultValue; } } public static final String LIST_ENTRIES_SEPARATOR = "\n"; public static final String LIST_ENTRY_PARTS_SEPARATOR = "\t"; // if list entry contains several values, e.g. uri and manifest public static final String FLEX_SDK_MACRO_NAME = "FLEX_SDK"; public static final String FLEX_SDK_MACRO = "${" + FLEX_SDK_MACRO_NAME + "}"; private static final String SPECIAL_DEFAULT_VALUE = "SPECIAL"; private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getInstance(CompilerOptionInfo.class.getName()); private static volatile CompilerOptionInfo[] ourRootInfos; private static final Map<String, CompilerOptionInfo> ourIdToInfoMap = new THashMap<>(50); private static final Collection<CompilerOptionInfo> ourOptionsWithSpecialValues = new LinkedList<>(); public static final CompilerOptionInfo DEBUG_INFO = new CompilerOptionInfo("compiler.debug", "fake", OptionType.Boolean, null, null, false, null, true, true, true, true, ""); public static final CompilerOptionInfo EXTERNAL_LIBRARY_INFO = new CompilerOptionInfo("compiler.external-library-path", "fake", OptionType.List, null, new ListElement[]{new ListElement("path-element")}, false, null, true, true, true, true, ""); public static final CompilerOptionInfo LIBRARY_PATH_INFO = new CompilerOptionInfo("compiler.library-path", "fake", OptionType.List, null, new ListElement[]{new ListElement("path-element")}, false, null, true, true, true, true, ""); public static final CompilerOptionInfo INCLUDE_LIBRARY_INFO = new CompilerOptionInfo("compiler.include-libraries", "fake", OptionType.List, null, new ListElement[]{new ListElement("library")}, false, null, true, true, true, true, ""); public static final CompilerOptionInfo SOURCE_PATH_INFO = new CompilerOptionInfo("compiler.source-path", "fake", OptionType.List, null, new ListElement[]{new ListElement("path-element")}, false, null, true, true, true, true, ""); public static final CompilerOptionInfo INCLUDE_CLASSES_INFO = new CompilerOptionInfo("include-classes", "fake", OptionType.List, null, new ListElement[]{new ListElement("class")}, false, null, true, true, true, true, ""); public static final CompilerOptionInfo RSL_ONE_URL_PATH_INFO = new CompilerOptionInfo("runtime-shared-library-path", "fake", OptionType.List, null, new ListElement[]{ new ListElement("path-element"), new ListElement("rsl-url"), new ListElement("policy-file-url") }, false, null, true, true, true, true, ""); public static final CompilerOptionInfo RSL_TWO_URLS_PATH_INFO = new CompilerOptionInfo("runtime-shared-library-path", "fake", OptionType.List, null, new ListElement[]{ new ListElement("path-element"), new ListElement("rsl-url"), new ListElement("policy-file-url"), new ListElement("rsl-url"), new ListElement("policy-file-url") }, false, null, true, true, true, true, ""); public static final CompilerOptionInfo MOBILE_INFO = new CompilerOptionInfo("", "fake", OptionType.Boolean, null, null, false, null, true, true, true, true, ""); public static final CompilerOptionInfo TARGET_PLAYER_INFO = new CompilerOptionInfo("target-player", "fake", OptionType.String, null, null, false, null, true, true, true, true, ""); public static final CompilerOptionInfo MAIN_CLASS_INFO = new CompilerOptionInfo("file-specs.path-element", "fake", OptionType.String, null, null, false, null, true, true, true, true, ""); public static final CompilerOptionInfo OUTPUT_PATH_INFO = new CompilerOptionInfo("output", "fake", OptionType.String, null, null, false, null, true, true, true, true, ""); public static final CompilerOptionInfo ACCESSIBLE_INFO = new CompilerOptionInfo("compiler.accessible", "fake", OptionType.Boolean, null, null, false, null, true, true, true, true, ""); public static final CompilerOptionInfo PRELOADER_INFO = new CompilerOptionInfo("compiler.preloader", "fake", OptionType.String, null, null, false, "4.5", true, true, true, true, ""); public static final CompilerOptionInfo WARN_NO_CONSTRUCTOR_INFO = new CompilerOptionInfo("compiler.warn-no-constructor", "fake", OptionType.Boolean, null, null, false, null, true, true, true, true, ""); public static final CompilerOptionInfo LINK_REPORT_INFO = new CompilerOptionInfo("link-report", "fake", OptionType.File, "xml", null, false, null, true, true, true, true, ""); public static final CompilerOptionInfo LOAD_EXTERNS_INFO = new CompilerOptionInfo("load-externs", "fake", OptionType.File, "xml", null, false, null, true, true, true, true, ""); public static final CompilerOptionInfo FONT_MANAGERS_INFO = new CompilerOptionInfo("compiler.fonts.managers", "fake", OptionType.List, null, new ListElement[]{new ListElement("manager-class")}, false, null, true, true, true, true, ""); public static final CompilerOptionInfo SWF_VERSION_INFO = new CompilerOptionInfo("swf-version", "fake", OptionType.String, null, null, false, "4.5", true, true, true, true, ""); public static final CompilerOptionInfo STATIC_RSLS_INFO = new CompilerOptionInfo("static-link-runtime-shared-libraries", "fake", OptionType.Boolean, null, null, false, null, true, true, true, true, ""); public static final CompilerOptionInfo INCLUDE_NAMESPACES_INFO = new CompilerOptionInfo("include-namespaces", "fake", OptionType.List, null, new ListElement[]{new ListElement("uri")}, false, null, true, true, true, true, ""); public static final CompilerOptionInfo RLMS_INFO_FOR_UI = new CompilerOptionInfo("rlm.list.fake", "fake", OptionType.List, null, new ListElement[]{ new ListElement("fake", "Main Class", ListElementType.Class, null, ""), new ListElement("fake", "Output File", ListElementType.String, null, ""), new ListElement("fake", "Optimize", ListElementType.Boolean, null, "true")}, false, null, true, true, true, true, ""); public static final CompilerOptionInfo CSS_FILES_INFO_FOR_UI = new CompilerOptionInfo("css.files.list.fake", "fake", OptionType.List, null, new ListElement[]{new ListElement("fake", "CSS Files", ListElementType.File, new String[]{"css"}, "")}, false, null, true, true, true, true, ""); public static final CompilerOptionInfo INCLUDE_FILE_INFO_FOR_UI = new CompilerOptionInfo("", "fake", OptionType.List, null, new ListElement[]{new ListElement("fake", "Files And Folders", ListElementType.FileOrFolder, null, "")}, false, null, true, true, true, true, ""); public static final CompilerOptionInfo INCLUDE_FILE_INFO = new CompilerOptionInfo("include-file", "fake", OptionType.List, null, new ListElement[]{new ListElement("name"), new ListElement("path")}, false, null, true, true, true, true, ""); public final String ID; public final String DISPLAY_NAME; public final OptionType TYPE; public final @Nullable String FILE_EXTENSION; // for options with TYPE=OptionType.File public final ListElement[] LIST_ELEMENTS; // for options with TYPE=OptionType.List public final boolean ADVANCED; private final CompilerOptionInfo[] myChildOptionInfos; private final @Nullable String mySinceVersion; private final boolean myOkForAir; private final boolean myOkForPureAS; private final boolean myOkForSwf; private final boolean myOkForSwc; private final String myDefaultValue; private CompilerOptionInfo(final @NotNull String id, final @NotNull String displayName, final @NotNull OptionType optionType, final @Nullable String fileExtension, final @Nullable ListElement[] listElements, final boolean advanced, final @Nullable String sinceVersion, final boolean okForAir, final boolean okForPureAS, final boolean okForSwf, final boolean okForSwc, final String defaultValue) { assert optionType != OptionType.Group; ID = id; DISPLAY_NAME = displayName; TYPE = optionType; FILE_EXTENSION = fileExtension; LIST_ELEMENTS = listElements; ADVANCED = advanced; mySinceVersion = sinceVersion; myOkForAir = okForAir; myOkForPureAS = okForPureAS; myOkForSwf = okForSwf; myOkForSwc = okForSwc; myDefaultValue = defaultValue; myChildOptionInfos = null; } private CompilerOptionInfo(final @NotNull String groupDisplayName, final boolean advanced, final @Nullable String sinceVersion, final boolean okForAir, final boolean okForPureAS, final boolean okForSwf, final boolean okForSwc, final CompilerOptionInfo[] childOptionInfos) { ID = null; DISPLAY_NAME = groupDisplayName; TYPE = OptionType.Group; FILE_EXTENSION = null; LIST_ELEMENTS = null; ADVANCED = advanced; mySinceVersion = sinceVersion; myOkForAir = okForAir; myOkForPureAS = okForPureAS; myOkForSwf = okForSwf; myOkForSwc = okForSwc; myDefaultValue = null; myChildOptionInfos = childOptionInfos; } public boolean isGroup() { return TYPE == OptionType.Group; } public boolean isApplicable(final String sdkVersion, final BuildConfigurationNature nature) { if (mySinceVersion != null && !sdkVersion.startsWith(FlexCommonUtils.AIR_SDK_VERSION_PREFIX) && StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(sdkVersion, mySinceVersion) < 0) { return false; } if (!myOkForPureAS && nature.pureAS) return false; if (!myOkForSwf && !nature.isLib()) return false; if (!myOkForSwc && nature.isLib()) return false; return true; } public CompilerOptionInfo[] getChildOptionInfos() { assert TYPE == OptionType.Group; return myChildOptionInfos; } public static CompilerOptionInfo[] getRootInfos() { ensureLoaded(); return ourRootInfos; } public static CompilerOptionInfo getOptionInfo(final String id) { ensureLoaded(); final CompilerOptionInfo info = ourIdToInfoMap.get(id); assert info != null : id; return info; } public static boolean idExists(final String id) { ensureLoaded(); return ourIdToInfoMap.get(id) != null; } public String getDefaultValue(final String sdkVersion, final BuildConfigurationNature nature, final ComponentSet componentSet) { assert !isGroup() : DISPLAY_NAME; if (SPECIAL_DEFAULT_VALUE.equals(myDefaultValue)) { if (ID.startsWith("compiler.debug")) { return "true"; } if ("compiler.locale".equals(ID)) { return "en_US"; } else if ("compiler.theme".equals(ID)) { if (!nature.pureAS && !nature.isDesktopPlatform() && !sdkVersion.startsWith(FlexCommonUtils.AIR_SDK_VERSION_PREFIX) && StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(sdkVersion, "4") >= 0) { if (nature.isMobilePlatform()) return FLEX_SDK_MACRO + "/frameworks/themes/Mobile/mobile.swc"; if (StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(sdkVersion, "4") >= 0 && componentSet == ComponentSet.MxOnly) { return FLEX_SDK_MACRO + "/frameworks/themes/Halo/halo.swc"; } else { return FLEX_SDK_MACRO + "/frameworks/themes/Spark/spark.css"; } } return ""; } /* else if ("compiler.accessible".equals(ID)) { return nature.isMobilePlatform() ? "false" : StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(sdkVersion, "4") >= 0 ? "true" : "false"; } else if ("compiler.preloader".equals(ID)) { return nature.isMobilePlatform() ? "spark.preloaders.SplashScreen" : ""; } else if ("swf-version".equals(ID)) { return StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(sdkVersion, "4.6") >= 0 ? "14" : "11"; } else if ("compiler.fonts.managers".equals(ID)) { return sdkVersion != null && StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(sdkVersion, "4") >= 0 ? "flash.fonts.JREFontManager" + LIST_ENTRIES_SEPARATOR + "flash.fonts.BatikFontManager" + LIST_ENTRIES_SEPARATOR + "flash.fonts.AFEFontManager" + LIST_ENTRIES_SEPARATOR + "flash.fonts.CFFFontManager" : "flash.fonts.JREFontManager" + LIST_ENTRIES_SEPARATOR + "flash.fonts.AFEFontManager" + LIST_ENTRIES_SEPARATOR + "flash.fonts.BatikFontManager"; } else if ("static-link-runtime-shared-libraries".equals(ID)) { return "false"; } else if ("compiler.warn-no-constructor".equals(ID)) { return "false"; } */ assert false : ID; } return myDefaultValue; } public static Collection<CompilerOptionInfo> getOptionsWithSpecialValues() { ensureLoaded(); return ourOptionsWithSpecialValues; } private static void ensureLoaded() { if (ourRootInfos == null) { synchronized (CompilerOptionInfo.class) { if (ourRootInfos == null) { loadInfo(); } } } } private static void loadInfo() { try { final List<CompilerOptionInfo> infos = new ArrayList<>(30); final Element rootElement = JDOMUtil.load(CompilerOptionInfo.class.getResourceAsStream("flex-compiler-options.xml")); assert rootElement != null; assert "options".equals(rootElement.getName()); //noinspection unchecked for (Element element : rootElement.getChildren()) { final CompilerOptionInfo info; if ("group".equals(element.getName())) { info = loadGroup(element); } else { assert "option".equals(element.getName()); info = loadOption(element); } infos.add(info); } ourRootInfos = infos.toArray(new CompilerOptionInfo[infos.size()]); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e); } } private static CompilerOptionInfo loadGroup(final Element groupElement) { final String displayName = groupElement.getAttributeValue("displayName"); assert StringUtil.isNotEmpty(displayName); final String advancedValue = groupElement.getAttributeValue("advanced"); final boolean advanced = advancedValue != null && "true".equals(advancedValue); final String since = groupElement.getAttributeValue("since"); final String okForAirValue = groupElement.getAttributeValue("okForAir"); final boolean okForAir = okForAirValue == null || "false".equals(okForAirValue); final String okForPureASValue = groupElement.getAttributeValue("okForPureAS"); final boolean okForPureAS = okForPureASValue == null || "false".equals(okForPureASValue); final String okForSWFValue = groupElement.getAttributeValue("okForSWF"); final boolean okForSWF = okForSWFValue == null || "false".equals(okForSWFValue); final String okForSWCValue = groupElement.getAttributeValue("okForSWC"); final boolean okForSWC = okForSWCValue == null || "false".equals(okForSWCValue); final List<CompilerOptionInfo> infos = new ArrayList<>(); //noinspection unchecked for (final Element element : groupElement.getChildren()) { final CompilerOptionInfo info; if ("group".equals(element.getName())) { info = loadGroup(element); } else { assert "option".equals(element.getName()); info = loadOption(element); } infos.add(info); } final CompilerOptionInfo[] infosArray = infos.toArray(new CompilerOptionInfo[infos.size()]); return new CompilerOptionInfo(displayName, advanced, since, okForAir, okForPureAS, okForSWF, okForSWC, infosArray); } private static CompilerOptionInfo loadOption(final Element element) { final String id = element.getAttributeValue("id"); assert StringUtil.isNotEmpty(id); final String displayName = element.getAttributeValue("displayName"); assert StringUtil.isNotEmpty(displayName); final String typeValue = element.getAttributeValue("type"); final OptionType type = OptionType.valueOf(typeValue); assert type != OptionType.Group; final String fileExtension = type == OptionType.File ? element.getAttributeValue("fileExtension") : null; final ListElement[] listElements = type == OptionType.List ? readListElements(element) : null; final String advancedValue = element.getAttributeValue("advanced"); final boolean advanced = advancedValue != null && "true".equals(advancedValue); final String since = element.getAttributeValue("since"); final String okForAirValue = element.getAttributeValue("okForAir"); final boolean okForAir = okForAirValue == null || "true".equals(okForAirValue); final String okForPureASValue = element.getAttributeValue("okForPureAS"); final boolean okForPureAS = okForPureASValue == null || "true".equals(okForPureASValue); final String okForSWFValue = element.getAttributeValue("okForSWF"); final boolean okForSWF = okForSWFValue == null || "true".equals(okForSWFValue); final String okForSWCValue = element.getAttributeValue("okForSWC"); final boolean okForSWC = okForSWCValue == null || "true".equals(okForSWCValue); final String defaultValue = StringUtil.notNullize(element.getAttributeValue("default")); final CompilerOptionInfo info = new CompilerOptionInfo(id, displayName, type, fileExtension, listElements, advanced, since, okForAir, okForPureAS, okForSWF, okForSWC, defaultValue); if (SPECIAL_DEFAULT_VALUE.equals(defaultValue)) { ourOptionsWithSpecialValues.add(info); } ourIdToInfoMap.put(id, info); return info; } private static ListElement[] readListElements(final Element element) { final List<ListElement> result = new LinkedList<>(); //noinspection unchecked for (final Element childElement : element.getChildren("listElement")) { final String name = childElement.getAttributeValue("name"); final String displayName = childElement.getAttributeValue("displayName"); assert name != null : element.getName(); final ListElementType listElementType = ListElementType.valueOf(childElement.getAttributeValue("type")); final String fileExtensionRaw = childElement.getAttributeValue("fileExtensions"); final String[] fileExtensions = fileExtensionRaw == null ? null : fileExtensionRaw.split(","); final String defaultValue = StringUtil.notNullize(childElement.getAttributeValue("default")); result.add(new ListElement(name, displayName, listElementType, fileExtensions, defaultValue)); } assert !result.isEmpty() : element.getName(); return result.toArray(new ListElement[result.size()]); } public String toString() { return ID; } }