/* * Copyright 2000-2013 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.coldFusion; import com.intellij.coldFusion.model.CfmlLanguage; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; /** * Created by Lera Nikolaenko * Date: 14.01.2009 */ public class CfscriptParserTest extends CfmlCodeInsightFixtureTestCase { public void testSimpleStatement() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testTwoSimpleStatements() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testIfExpression() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testIfElseExpression() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testIfElseNestedExpression() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testWhileExpression() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testSwitchExpression() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testActionExpression() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testActionSaveContentExpression() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testDefaultAttribute() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testAttributesInFunctionDefinition() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testAttributesInProperty() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testNewExpressionInReturn() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testStructArrayAsReferenceExpression() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testEmptyOneLineComment() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testOneLineComment() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testMultiLineComment() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testInvalidDivisionOperator() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testCfml_24_try_bug() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testDotBracesConstruction() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testCfsetTag() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testBraceStructure() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testOldFunctionSyntax() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testNewComponentSyntax() throws Throwable { doTest("/newSyntax"); } public void testNewComponentSyntax11() throws Throwable { doTest("/newSyntax"); } public void testNewInitAsReturnStatement() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testDefaultFunctionNameInCf8() throws Throwable { Util.runTestWithLanguageLevel(() -> { doTest(); return null; }, CfmlLanguage.CF8, getProject()); } public void testDefaultFunctionName() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testNewFunctionSyntax1() throws Throwable { doTest("/newSyntax"); } public void testNewFunctionSyntax2() throws Throwable { doTest("/newSyntax"); } public void testNewFunctionSyntax3() throws Throwable { doTest("/newSyntax"); } public void testNewFunctionSyntax4() throws Throwable { doTest("/newSyntax"); } public void testComponentAsReturnType() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testParameterAttributes() throws Throwable { doTest("/newSyntax"); } public void testDefineComponentWithoutTag() throws Throwable { doTest("/newSyntax"); } public void testAllowImportsBeforeComponentDecl() throws Throwable { doTest("/newSyntax"); } public void testConsequentCaseLabels() throws Throwable { doTest(""); } public void testMultipleStatementsInCase() throws Throwable { doTest(""); } public void testInfiniteCycleWhileCaseParsing() throws Throwable { this. doTest(""); } public void testCreateStructWithQuotedLValue() throws Throwable { this.doTest(""); } public void testDefaultValueInFunctionDefinition() throws Throwable { this.doTest(""); } public void testTernaryOperator() throws Throwable { doTest(""); } public void testAbort() throws Throwable { doTest(""); } public void testAbortAttributeInProperty() throws Throwable { doTest(""); } public void testPropertyAsVariable() throws Throwable { doTest(""); } public void testDefineInterfaceCaseInsensitive() throws Throwable { doTest("/newSyntax"); } public void testInclude() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testPageencoding() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testForInWithVar() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testConcateq() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testImplicitArrayOrStruct() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testForInWithArray() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testForInWithField() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testStruct_cf10() throws Throwable { doTest(); } public void testElvis_cf11() throws Throwable { doTest(); } private void doTest() throws IOException { doTest(""); } /** * @param relatedPath - "/directory" * @throws IOException */ private void doTest(String relatedPath) throws IOException { Util.doParserTest(getTestName(true), getProject(), getDataSubpath() + relatedPath + "/"); } protected String getDataSubpath() { return CfmlTestUtil.BASE_TEST_DATA_PATH + "/cfscript/parser"; } }