package org.jetbrains.plugins.cucumber.psi; import com.intellij.psi.formatter.FormatterTestCase; /** * @author yole */ public class GherkinFormatterTest extends FormatterTestCase { public void testComments() { doTextTest("Feature: test\n" + " #comment\n" + "\n" + " Scenario: test\n" + " Given test\n" + "\n" + " #comment\n" + " Scenario: user writes a flush left comment and reformats\n" + " Given test\n" + " #test\n" + " | a | b |\n" + " | a | b |\n" + " #comment\n" + " Then test2"); } public void testPystring() { doTextTest( "Feature: Resolve from property key to value\n" + "\n" + " Background:\n" + " Given a Rails project\n" + " And a Rails directory structure\n" + "\n" + " Scenario: Resolve with to property with single declaration\n" + " Given a Rails locale file \"en\" with text\n" + " \"\"\"\n" + " en:\n" + " hello: \"Hello\"\n" + " hello_world: Hello world\n" + " hello_rubymine: Hello RubyMine\n" + " \"\"\"\n" + " And I open a Rails controller \"foo\" with text\n" + " \"\"\"\n" + " class FooController < ApplicationController\n" + " def index\n" + " flash[:notice] = t(:\"hello_world\")\n" + " end\n" + " end\n" + " \"\"\"\n" + " And I put the caret at hello_world\n" + " Then reference should resolve to \"Hello world\" in \"en.yml\"" ); } public void testReadonlyBlock() { doTextTest( "@javascript\n" + "Feature: Autocompletion\n" + "\n" + " Scenario:\n" + " Given a blog post named \"Random\" with:\n" + " \"\"\"\n" + " Some Title, Eh?\n" + " ===============\n" + " Here is the first paragraph of my blog post.\n" + " Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing\n" + " elit.\n" + " \"\"\"" ); } public void testSimple() { doTextTest( "Feature: Search\n" + "In order to learn more\n" + "As an information seeker\n" + "I want to find more information\n" + "Scenario: Find what I'm looking for\n" + "Given I am on the Google search page\n" + "When I search for \"rspec\"\n" + "Then I should see a link to\n" + "Scenario Outline: Add two numbers\n" + "When I press add\n" + "Then the result should be 1", "Feature: Search\n" + " In order to learn more\n" + " As an information seeker\n" + " I want to find more information\n" + "\n" + " Scenario: Find what I'm looking for\n" + " Given I am on the Google search page\n" + " When I search for \"rspec\"\n" + " Then I should see a link to\n" + "\n" + " Scenario Outline: Add two numbers\n" + " When I press add\n" + " Then the result should be 1" ); } public void testStepTableArg() { doTextTest( "Feature: Outline Sample\n" + "\n" + " Scenario: I have tables\n" + " Given step with table\n" + "|||\n" + " | state | other_state |\n" + " | missing | passing|\n" + " | passing| passing |\n" + "| failing | passing |\n" + "|||\n" + " And other scenario\n" + " | 1 | Description |\n" + " | | This is a description of a thing |\n" + " | | A thing with no name |\n", "Feature: Outline Sample\n" + "\n" + " Scenario: I have tables\n" + " Given step with table\n" + " | | |\n" + " | state | other_state |\n" + " | missing | passing |\n" + " | passing | passing |\n" + " | failing | passing |\n" + " | | |\n" + " And other scenario\n" + " | 1 | Description |\n" + " | | This is a description of a thing |\n" + " | | A thing with no name |\n" ); } public void testTable() { doTextTest( "Feature: Outline Sample\n" + "\n" + " Scenario: I have no steps\n" + "\n" + " Scenario Outline: Test state\n" + " Given <state> without a table\n" + " Given <other_state> without a table\n" + " Examples: Rainbow colours\n" + " | state | other_state |\n" + " | missing | passing|\n" + " | passing| passing |\n" + "| failing | passing |\n" + "Examples:Only passing\n" + "| state | other_state |\n" + "| passing | passing |\n" + "|||", "Feature: Outline Sample\n" + "\n" + " Scenario: I have no steps\n" + "\n" + " Scenario Outline: Test state\n" + " Given <state> without a table\n" + " Given <other_state> without a table\n" + " Examples: Rainbow colours\n" + " | state | other_state |\n" + " | missing | passing |\n" + " | passing | passing |\n" + " | failing | passing |\n" + " Examples:Only passing\n" + " | state | other_state |\n" + " | passing | passing |\n" + " | | |" ); } protected void doTextTest(String text) { doTextTest(text, text); } @Override protected String getBasePath() { return ""; } @Override protected String getFileExtension() { return GherkinFileType.INSTANCE.getDefaultExtension(); } }