package com.intellij.flex.refactoring; import com.intellij.flex.util.FlexTestUtils; import com.intellij.javascript.flex.css.FlexStylesIndexableSetContributor; import com.intellij.javascript.flex.mxml.schema.FlexSchemaHandler; import com.intellij.lang.javascript.JSChangeSignatureTestBase; import com.intellij.lang.javascript.JSTestOption; import com.intellij.lang.javascript.JSTestOptions; import com.intellij.lang.javascript.flex.FlexModuleType; import com.intellij.lang.javascript.psi.ecmal4.JSAttributeList; import com.intellij.lang.javascript.refactoring.changeSignature.JSParameterInfo; import com.intellij.openapi.application.WriteAction; import com.intellij.openapi.module.Module; import com.intellij.openapi.module.ModuleManager; import com.intellij.openapi.module.ModuleType; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.newvfs.impl.VfsRootAccess; import com.intellij.refactoring.util.CommonRefactoringUtil; import com.intellij.testFramework.PsiTestUtil; import com.intellij.util.ArrayUtil; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import static com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VfsUtilCore.convertFromUrl; import static com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VfsUtilCore.urlToPath; public class FlexChangeSignatureTest extends JSChangeSignatureTestBase { @Override public void setUp() throws Exception { VfsRootAccess.allowRootAccess(getTestRootDisposable(), urlToPath(convertFromUrl(FlexSchemaHandler.class.getResource("z.xsd"))), urlToPath(convertFromUrl(FlexStylesIndexableSetContributor.class.getResource("")))); super.setUp(); } protected String[] getActiveFileNames() { return new String[]{"", "From.mxml"}; } @NotNull @Override protected String getTestRoot() { return "/flexChangeSignature/"; } @Override protected String getTestDataPath() { return FlexTestUtils.getTestDataPath(""); } @Override protected ModuleType getModuleType() { return FlexModuleType.getInstance(); } @Override protected void setUpJdk() { FlexTestUtils.setupFlexSdk(myModule, getTestName(false), getClass()); } public void testAddParam1() throws Exception { doTest("bar", JSAttributeList.AccessType.PUBLIC, "int", new String[]{"zzz"}, new JSParameterInfo("stringParam", "String", "", "\"def\"", -1)); } @JSTestOptions(JSTestOption.WithFlexSdk) public void testAddParam2() throws Exception { doTest("blablabala__12", JSAttributeList.AccessType.PACKAGE_LOCAL, "", new String[]{"zzz"}, new JSParameterInfo("p", "mx.messaging.AbstractConsumer", "", "CONS", -1), new JSParameterInfo("p2", "", "null", "DISP", -1)); } @JSTestOptions(JSTestOption.WithFlexSdk) public void testAddParam3() throws Exception { doTest("bar", JSAttributeList.AccessType.PACKAGE_LOCAL, "", new String[]{"zzz"}, new JSParameterInfo("p1", "int", "", "100", -1), new JSParameterInfo("p2", "String", "abc", "\"def\"", -1), new JSParameterInfo("p3", "Boolean", "false", "", -1), new JSParameterInfo("p4", "...", "", "", -1)); } @JSTestOptions(JSTestOption.WithFlexSdk) public void testRemoveParam1() throws Exception { doTest("foo", JSAttributeList.AccessType.PRIVATE, "", new String[]{"zzz"}); } @JSTestOptions(JSTestOption.WithFlexSdk) public void testChangeParam1() throws Exception { doTest("renamed", JSAttributeList.AccessType.PACKAGE_LOCAL, "Boolean", new String[]{"bar"}, new JSParameterInfo("i2", "Number", "", "", 1), new JSParameterInfo("sss", "String", "\"abc\"", "", 0), new JSParameterInfo("o", "", "FOO", "", 2), new JSParameterInfo("rest2", "...", "", "", 3)); } @JSTestOptions(JSTestOption.WithFlexSdk) public void testProp1() throws Exception { doTest("v2", JSAttributeList.AccessType.PROTECTED, "Number", ArrayUtil.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY); } @JSTestOptions(JSTestOption.WithFlexSdk) public void testProp2() throws Exception { doTest("v2", JSAttributeList.AccessType.PROTECTED, "void", ArrayUtil.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY, new JSParameterInfo("value", "Number", "", "", 0)); } @JSTestOptions(JSTestOption.WithFlexSdk) public void testPropagate1() throws Exception { doTest("foo", JSAttributeList.AccessType.PACKAGE_LOCAL, "", new String[]{"bar", "zzz", "abc", "nopropagate"}, new JSParameterInfo("s", "String", "", "", 0), new JSParameterInfo("added1", "Number", "", "added1def", -1), new JSParameterInfo("added2", "Object", "", "added2def", -1)); } public void testConflicts1() throws Exception { String[] conflicts = new String[]{ "There is already a parameter p1 in method, String). It will conflict with the new parameter.", "There is already a parameter p1 in the method, String). It will conflict with the renamed parameter.", "There is already a variable p2 in method, String). It will conflict with the new parameter.", "There is already a variable p3 in method, String). It will conflict with the new parameter.", "There is already a variable p1 in method From.pp(). It will conflict with the new parameter.", "There is already a variable p2 in method From.pp(). It will conflict with the new parameter.", "There is already a variable p3 in method From.pp(). It will conflict with the new parameter.", "There is already a variable p1 in function pp2(). It will conflict with the new parameter.", "Class From already contains a method bar()", "Method, String) with internal visibility won't be accessible from function zz()", "Method, String) with internal visibility won't be able to participate in hierarchy" }; doTestConflicts("bar", JSAttributeList.AccessType.PACKAGE_LOCAL, "String", conflicts, new String[]{"pp", "zz"}, new JSParameterInfo("p1", "String", "", "", 0), // p1 new JSParameterInfo("p1", "String", "", "", 1), // p2->p1 new JSParameterInfo("p1", "String", "", "a", -1), new JSParameterInfo("p2", "String", "", "b", -1), new JSParameterInfo("p3", "String", "", "c", -1)); } public void testConflicts2() throws Exception { String[] conflicts = new String[]{ "There is already a variable value2 in the property From.prop. It will conflict with the renamed parameter.", "Property From.prop with private visibility won't be accessible from function ttt()", "Class From already contains a field _prop2" }; doTestConflicts("prop2", JSAttributeList.AccessType.PRIVATE, "*", conflicts, ArrayUtil.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY, new JSParameterInfo("value2", "", "", "foo", 0)); } @JSTestOptions(JSTestOption.WithFlexSdk) public void testMxml() throws Exception { doTest("abc2", JSAttributeList.AccessType.PACKAGE_LOCAL, "", new String[]{"ref", "aaa"}, new JSParameterInfo("s", "String", "", "\"def\"", -1), new JSParameterInfo("p", "int", "", "0", -1), new JSParameterInfo("z", "Object", "", "this", -1)); } @JSTestOptions(JSTestOption.WithFlexSdk) public void testExistingSignature() throws Exception { doTest("foo", JSAttributeList.AccessType.PACKAGE_LOCAL, "", new String[]{"bar"}, new JSParameterInfo("p", "int", "15", "2000", -1), new JSParameterInfo("s", "String", "null", "\"abcde\"", -1)); } public void testAddParam4() throws Exception { doTest("foo", JSAttributeList.AccessType.PACKAGE_LOCAL, "void", new String[]{"zzz"}, new JSParameterInfo("i", "int", "", "777", -1), new JSParameterInfo("p", "String", "\"default\"", "", 0), new JSParameterInfo("z", "Test", "null", "", -1)); } public void testAddParam5() throws Exception { doTest("foo", JSAttributeList.AccessType.PACKAGE_LOCAL, "void", new String[]{"zzz"}, new JSParameterInfo("p", "String", "", "\"abc\"", -1), new JSParameterInfo("args", "...", "", "", 0)); } public void testNested() throws Exception { doTest("nested2", JSAttributeList.AccessType.PACKAGE_LOCAL, "int", new String[]{"test"}, new JSParameterInfo("p", "String", "", "\"abc\"", -1)); } public void testSuperConstructorCall() throws Exception { doTest("From", JSAttributeList.AccessType.PACKAGE_LOCAL, "", new String[]{"FromEx"}, new JSParameterInfo("p", "String", "", "", 0), new JSParameterInfo("b", "Boolean", "", "true", -1)); } public void testSuperConstructorCall2() throws Exception { doTest("A", JSAttributeList.AccessType.PUBLIC, "", new String[]{"B"}, new JSParameterInfo("p", "String", "", "", 0), new JSParameterInfo("b", "Boolean", "", "true", -1)); } public void testNamespace() throws Exception { doTest("foo2", JSAttributeList.AccessType.PUBLIC, "", new String[]{"bar", "barZ"}, new JSParameterInfo("p", "", "", "", 0)); } public void testNamespace2() throws Exception { doTest("foo2", JSAttributeList.AccessType.PRIVATE, "", new String[]{"bar"}, new JSParameterInfo("p", "", "", "", 0)); } public void testAddParam6() throws Exception { doTest("doSmth", JSAttributeList.AccessType.PACKAGE_LOCAL, "", new String[]{"A", "B"}, new JSParameterInfo("s", "String", "", "\"abc\"", -1), new JSParameterInfo("args", "...", "", "", 0)); } public void testAddParam7() throws Exception { doTest("doSmth", JSAttributeList.AccessType.PACKAGE_LOCAL, "", new String[]{"zz"}, new JSParameterInfo("s", "String", "", "", 1), new JSParameterInfo("i", "int", "", "", 0), new JSParameterInfo("b", "Type", "", "def", -1), new JSParameterInfo("i2", "int", "0", "", 2), new JSParameterInfo("p", "From", "null", "", 3)); } @JSTestOptions(JSTestOption.WithFlexSdk) public void testNoPropagateToSdkInheritor() throws Exception { myAfterCommitRunnable = () -> FlexTestUtils.addLibrary(myModule, "Lib", getTestDataPath() + getTestRoot() + getTestName(false), "Flex_small.swc", null, null); doTest("abc", JSAttributeList.AccessType.PACKAGE_LOCAL, "", new String[]{"bar", "listener"}); } private void doTestInaccessible() throws Exception { try { doTest("", JSAttributeList.AccessType.PACKAGE_LOCAL, "", null); fail("Refactoring should be inaccessible"); } catch (CommonRefactoringUtil.RefactoringErrorHintException e) { // expected } } public void testAnonymousFunction1() throws Exception { doTestInaccessible(); } public void testAnonymousFunction2() throws Exception { doTestInaccessible(); } public void testAnonymousFunction3() throws Exception { doTestInaccessible(); } public void testAnonymousFunction4() throws Exception { doTest("v2", JSAttributeList.AccessType.PACKAGE_LOCAL, "String", new String[]{"foo"}, new JSParameterInfo("b2", "String", "", "", 1), new JSParameterInfo("a2", "int", "", "", 0), new JSParameterInfo("c", "Boolean", "", "false", -1)); } public void testAnonymousFunction5() throws Exception { doTest("sayLoud", JSAttributeList.AccessType.PUBLIC, "void", new String[]{"usage1", "usage2"}, new JSParameterInfo("message", "String", "", "", 0), new JSParameterInfo("loud", "Boolean", "true", "false", -1)); } @JSTestOptions(JSTestOption.WithFlexSdk) public void testEventHandlerCall() throws Exception { doTest("", JSAttributeList.AccessType.PACKAGE_LOCAL, "void", ArrayUtil.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY, new JSParameterInfo("i", "int", "", "1000", -1)); } public void testAnonymousFunction6() throws Exception { myAfterCommitRunnable = () -> -> { String root = getTestRoot() + getTestName(false) + "/module2"; Module module2 = ModuleManager.getInstance(myProject).newModule(getTestDataPath() + root, getModuleType().getId()); myModulesToDispose.add(module2); PsiTestUtil.addSourceRoot(module2, getVirtualFile(root)); FlexTestUtils.addFlexModuleDependency(module2, myModule); }); doTestInaccessible(); } public void testPropagateToFunctionExpression() throws Exception { doTest("", JSAttributeList.AccessType.PACKAGE_LOCAL, "", new String[]{"f1"}, new JSParameterInfo("i", "int", "", "100", -1)); } public void testImportsForAgrumentsAndInitializers() throws Exception { doTest("foo", JSAttributeList.AccessType.PACKAGE_LOCAL, "", null, new JSParameterInfo("p1", "com.Foo", "aaa.A.SIZE", "new com.Foo()", -1), new JSParameterInfo("p2", "com.Bar", "bbb.B.ourLength", "com.Bar.SIZE", -1), new JSParameterInfo("p3", "String", "", "com.Foo.MESSAGE", -1), new JSParameterInfo("p4", "bar.Zzz", "", "bar.Zzz.func(new bar.Yyy(), uuu.glob(com.Const))", -1), new JSParameterInfo("p5", "bar.Yyy", "", "unresolved", -1)); } public void testIncompatibleOverrideConflict() throws Exception { String[] conflicts = new String[]{ "Overriding method has different number of parameters than refactored method Method will be ignored during refactoring." }; doTestConflicts("foo2", JSAttributeList.AccessType.PUBLIC, "", conflicts, null, new JSParameterInfo("j", "int", "", "", 0)); } public void testIncompatibleImplementationConflict() throws Exception { String[] conflicts = new String[]{ "Implementing method has different number of parameters than refactored method Method will be ignored during refactoring." }; doTestConflicts("foo", JSAttributeList.AccessType.PUBLIC, "", conflicts, null, new JSParameterInfo("j", "int", "", "", 0)); } public void testIncompatibleImplementation() throws Exception { myIgnoreConflicts = true; doTest("foo2", JSAttributeList.AccessType.PUBLIC, "", null, new JSParameterInfo("j", "int", "", "", 0)); } }