package com.jetbrains.lang.dart.ide.errorTreeView; import com.intellij.icons.AllIcons; import com.intellij.openapi.application.ApplicationManager; import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project; import com.intellij.openapi.roots.ProjectFileIndex; import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.LocalFileSystem; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile; import com.intellij.util.ui.ColumnInfo; import com.intellij.util.ui.ListTableModel; import com.jetbrains.lang.dart.ide.annotator.DartAnnotator; import icons.DartIcons; import org.dartlang.analysis.server.protocol.AnalysisError; import org.dartlang.analysis.server.protocol.AnalysisErrorSeverity; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableCellRenderer; import javax.swing.table.TableCellRenderer; import java.awt.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.List; class DartProblemsTableModel extends ListTableModel<DartProblem> { private static final TableCellRenderer MESSAGE_RENDERER = new DefaultTableCellRenderer() { @Override public JLabel getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) { // Do not emphasize focused cell, drawing the whole row as selected is enough final JLabel label = (JLabel)super.getTableCellRendererComponent(table, value, isSelected, false, row, column); final DartProblem problem = (DartProblem)value; setText(problem.getErrorMessage()); setToolTipText(generateToolTipText(problem.getErrorMessage(), problem.getCorrectionMessage())); final String severity = problem.getSeverity(); setIcon(AnalysisErrorSeverity.ERROR.equals(severity) ? AllIcons.General.Error : AnalysisErrorSeverity.WARNING.equals(severity) ? DartIcons.Dart_warning : AllIcons.General.Information); return label; } }; @NotNull private static String generateToolTipText(@Nullable final String message, @Nullable final String correction) { String messageSanitized = StringUtil.notNullize(message).replaceAll("\\\\n", "\n"); String correctionSanitized = StringUtil.notNullize(correction).replaceAll("\\\\n", "\n"); return correctionSanitized.isEmpty() ? messageSanitized : messageSanitized + "\n\n" + correctionSanitized; } private static final TableCellRenderer LOCATION_RENDERER = new DefaultTableCellRenderer() { @Override public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) { // Do not emphasize focused cell, drawing the whole row as selected is enough return super.getTableCellRendererComponent(table, value, isSelected, false, row, column); } }; private final Project myProject; @NotNull private final DartProblemsPresentationHelper myPresentationHelper; // Kind of hack to keep a reference to the live collection used in a super class, but it allows to improve performance greatly. // Having it in hand we can do bulk rows removal with a single fireTableRowsDeleted() call afterwards private final List<DartProblem> myItems; private RowSorter.SortKey mySortKey = new RowSorter.SortKey(1, SortOrder.ASCENDING); private int myErrorCount = 0; private int myWarningCount = 0; private int myHintCount = 0; private int myErrorCountAfterFilter = 0; private int myWarningCountAfterFilter = 0; private int myHintCountAfterFilter = 0; private final Comparator<DartProblem> myDescriptionComparator = new DartProblemsComparator(DartProblemsComparator.MESSAGE_COLUMN_ID); private final Comparator<DartProblem> myLocationComparator = new DartProblemsComparator(DartProblemsComparator.LOCATION_COLUMN_ID); public DartProblemsTableModel(@NotNull final Project project, @NotNull final DartProblemsPresentationHelper presentationHelper) { myProject = project; myPresentationHelper = presentationHelper; myItems = new ArrayList<>(); setColumnInfos(new ColumnInfo[]{createDescriptionColumn(), createLocationColumn()}); setItems(myItems); setSortable(true); } @NotNull private ColumnInfo<DartProblem, DartProblem> createDescriptionColumn() { return new ColumnInfo<DartProblem, DartProblem>("Description") { @Nullable @Override public Comparator<DartProblem> getComparator() { return myDescriptionComparator; } @Nullable @Override public TableCellRenderer getRenderer(@NotNull final DartProblem problem) { return MESSAGE_RENDERER; } @NotNull @Override public DartProblem valueOf(@NotNull final DartProblem problem) { return problem; } }; } @NotNull private ColumnInfo<DartProblem, String> createLocationColumn() { return new ColumnInfo<DartProblem, String>("Location") { @Nullable @Override public Comparator<DartProblem> getComparator() { return myLocationComparator; } @Nullable @Override public TableCellRenderer getRenderer(DartProblem problem) { return LOCATION_RENDERER; } @NotNull @Override public String valueOf(@NotNull final DartProblem problem) { return problem.getPresentableLocation(); } }; } @Override public RowSorter.SortKey getDefaultSortKey() { return mySortKey; } @Override public boolean canExchangeRows(int oldIndex, int newIndex) { return false; } @Override public void exchangeRows(int idx1, int idx2) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } @Override public boolean isCellEditable(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) { return false; } public void removeRows(final int firstRow, final int lastRow) { assert lastRow >= firstRow; for (int i = lastRow; i >= firstRow; i--) { final DartProblem removed = myItems.remove(i); if (AnalysisErrorSeverity.ERROR.equals(removed.getSeverity())) myErrorCount--; if (AnalysisErrorSeverity.WARNING.equals(removed.getSeverity())) myWarningCount--; if (AnalysisErrorSeverity.INFO.equals(removed.getSeverity())) myHintCount--; updateProblemsCountAfterFilter(removed, false); } fireTableRowsDeleted(firstRow, lastRow); } public void removeAll() { final int rowCount = getRowCount(); if (rowCount > 0) { myItems.clear(); fireTableRowsDeleted(0, rowCount - 1); } myErrorCount = 0; myWarningCount = 0; myHintCount = 0; myErrorCountAfterFilter = 0; myWarningCountAfterFilter = 0; myHintCountAfterFilter = 0; } /** * If <code>selectedProblem</code> was removed and similar one added again then this method returns the added one, * so that the caller could update selected row in the table */ @Nullable public DartProblem setErrorsAndReturnReplacementForSelection(@NotNull final Map<String, List<AnalysisError>> filePathToErrors, @Nullable final DartProblem selectedProblem) { final boolean selectedProblemRemoved = removeRowsForFilesInSet(filePathToErrors.keySet(), selectedProblem); return addErrorsAndReturnReplacementForSelection(filePathToErrors, selectedProblemRemoved ? selectedProblem : null); } private boolean removeRowsForFilesInSet(@NotNull final Set<String> filePaths, @Nullable final DartProblem selectedProblem) { // Looks for regions in table items that should be removed and removes them. // For performance reasons we try to call removeRows() as rare as possible, that means with regions as big as possible. // Logic is based on the fact that all errors for each particular file are stored continuously in the myItems model boolean selectedProblemRemoved = false; int matchedFilesCount = 0; for (int i = getRowCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { final DartProblem problem = getItem(i); if (filePaths.contains(problem.getSystemIndependentPath())) { matchedFilesCount++; final int lastRowToDelete = i; if (problem == selectedProblem) { selectedProblemRemoved = true; } DartProblem lastProblemForCurrentFile = problem; int j = i - 1; while (j >= 0) { final DartProblem previousProblem = getItem(j); if (previousProblem.getSystemIndependentPath().equals(lastProblemForCurrentFile.getSystemIndependentPath())) { // previousProblem should be removed from the table as well j--; if (previousProblem == selectedProblem) { selectedProblemRemoved = true; } continue; } if (filePaths.contains(previousProblem.getSystemIndependentPath())) { matchedFilesCount++; // continue iterating the table because we met a range of problems for another file that also should be removed lastProblemForCurrentFile = previousProblem; j--; if (previousProblem == selectedProblem) { selectedProblemRemoved = true; } continue; } break; } final int firstRowToDelete = j + 1; removeRows(firstRowToDelete, lastRowToDelete); if (matchedFilesCount == filePaths.size()) { break; } //noinspection AssignmentToForLoopParameter i = j + 1; // rewind according to the amount of removed rows } } return selectedProblemRemoved; } @Nullable private DartProblem addErrorsAndReturnReplacementForSelection(@NotNull final Map<String, List<AnalysisError>> filePathToErrors, @Nullable final DartProblem oldSelectedProblem) { DartProblem newSelectedProblem = null; final List<DartProblem> problemsToAdd = new ArrayList<>(); for (Map.Entry<String, List<AnalysisError>> entry : filePathToErrors.entrySet()) { final String filePath = entry.getKey(); final VirtualFile vFile = LocalFileSystem.getInstance().findFileByPath(filePath); final List<AnalysisError> errors = vFile != null && ProjectFileIndex.getInstance(myProject).isInContent(vFile) ? entry.getValue() : AnalysisError.EMPTY_LIST; for (AnalysisError analysisError : errors) { if (DartAnnotator.shouldIgnoreMessageFromDartAnalyzer(filePath, analysisError.getLocation().getFile())) { continue; } final DartProblem problem = new DartProblem(myProject, analysisError); problemsToAdd.add(problem); if (oldSelectedProblem != null && lookSimilar(problem, oldSelectedProblem) && (newSelectedProblem == null || // check if current problem is closer to oldSelectedProblem (Math.abs(oldSelectedProblem.getLineNumber() - newSelectedProblem.getLineNumber()) >= Math.abs(oldSelectedProblem.getLineNumber() - problem.getLineNumber())))) { newSelectedProblem = problem; } if (AnalysisErrorSeverity.ERROR.equals(problem.getSeverity())) myErrorCount++; if (AnalysisErrorSeverity.WARNING.equals(problem.getSeverity())) myWarningCount++; if (AnalysisErrorSeverity.INFO.equals(problem.getSeverity())) myHintCount++; updateProblemsCountAfterFilter(problem, true); } } if (!problemsToAdd.isEmpty()) { addRows(problemsToAdd); } return newSelectedProblem; } private static boolean lookSimilar(@NotNull final DartProblem problem1, @NotNull final DartProblem problem2) { return problem1.getSeverity().equals(problem2.getSeverity()) && problem1.getErrorMessage().equals(problem2.getErrorMessage()) && problem1.getSystemIndependentPath().equals(problem2.getSystemIndependentPath()); } private void updateProblemsCountAfterFilter(@NotNull final DartProblem problem, final boolean incrementNotDecrement) { if (myPresentationHelper.shouldShowProblem(problem)) { if (incrementNotDecrement) { if (AnalysisErrorSeverity.ERROR.equals(problem.getSeverity())) myErrorCountAfterFilter++; if (AnalysisErrorSeverity.WARNING.equals(problem.getSeverity())) myWarningCountAfterFilter++; if (AnalysisErrorSeverity.INFO.equals(problem.getSeverity())) myHintCountAfterFilter++; } else { if (AnalysisErrorSeverity.ERROR.equals(problem.getSeverity())) myErrorCountAfterFilter--; if (AnalysisErrorSeverity.WARNING.equals(problem.getSeverity())) myWarningCountAfterFilter--; if (AnalysisErrorSeverity.INFO.equals(problem.getSeverity())) myHintCountAfterFilter--; } } } public void setSortKey(@NotNull final RowSorter.SortKey sortKey) { mySortKey = sortKey; } public void onFilterChanged() { ApplicationManager.getApplication().assertIsDispatchThread(); if (myPresentationHelper.areFiltersApplied()) { myErrorCountAfterFilter = 0; myWarningCountAfterFilter = 0; myHintCountAfterFilter = 0; for (DartProblem problem : myItems) { updateProblemsCountAfterFilter(problem, true); } } else { myErrorCountAfterFilter = myErrorCount; myWarningCountAfterFilter = myWarningCount; myHintCountAfterFilter = myHintCount; } } boolean hasErrors() { return myErrorCount > 0; } boolean hasWarnings() { return myWarningCount > 0; } @NotNull public String getStatusText() { final StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); final List<String> summary = new ArrayList<>(); if (myPresentationHelper.isShowErrors() && myErrorCountAfterFilter > 0) { summary.add(myErrorCountAfterFilter + " " + StringUtil.pluralize("error", myErrorCountAfterFilter)); } if (myPresentationHelper.isShowWarnings() && myWarningCountAfterFilter > 0) { summary.add(myWarningCountAfterFilter + " " + StringUtil.pluralize("warning", myWarningCountAfterFilter)); } if (myPresentationHelper.isShowHints() && myHintCountAfterFilter > 0) { summary.add(myHintCountAfterFilter + " " + StringUtil.pluralize("hint", myHintCountAfterFilter)); } if (summary.isEmpty()) { if (myPresentationHelper.areFiltersApplied()) { return getFilterTypeText(); } else { return ""; } } if (summary.size() == 2) { b.append(StringUtil.join(summary, " and ")); } else { b.append(StringUtil.join(summary, ", ")); } if (myPresentationHelper.areFiltersApplied()) { b.append(" ("); b.append(getFilterTypeText()); b.append(")"); } return b.toString(); } private String getFilterTypeText() { final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); switch (myPresentationHelper.getFileFilterMode()) { case All: break; case ContentRoot: builder.append("filtering by current content root"); break; case DartPackage: builder.append("filtering by current Dart package"); break; case Directory: builder.append("filtering by current directory"); break; case File: builder.append("filtering by current file"); break; } if (!myPresentationHelper.isShowErrors() || !myPresentationHelper.isShowWarnings() || !myPresentationHelper.isShowHints()) { builder.append(builder.length() == 0 ? "filtering by severity" : " and severity"); } return builder.toString(); } private class DartProblemsComparator implements Comparator<DartProblem> { private static final int MESSAGE_COLUMN_ID = 0; private static final int LOCATION_COLUMN_ID = 1; private final int myColumn; DartProblemsComparator(final int column) { myColumn = column; } @Override public int compare(@NotNull final DartProblem problem1, @NotNull final DartProblem problem2) { if (myPresentationHelper.isGroupBySeverity()) { final int s1 = getSeverityIndex(problem1); final int s2 = getSeverityIndex(problem2); if (s1 != s2) { // Regardless of sorting direction, if 'Group by severity' is selected then we should keep errors on top return mySortKey.getSortOrder() == SortOrder.ASCENDING ? s1 - s2 : s2 - s1; } } if (myColumn == MESSAGE_COLUMN_ID) { return, problem2.getErrorMessage(), false); } if (myColumn == LOCATION_COLUMN_ID) { final int result =, problem2.getPresentableLocationWithoutLineNumber(), false); if (result != 0) { return result; } else { // Regardless of sorting direction, line numbers within the same file should be sorted in ascending order return mySortKey.getSortOrder() == SortOrder.ASCENDING ? problem1.getLineNumber() - problem2.getLineNumber() : problem2.getLineNumber() - problem1.getLineNumber(); } } return 0; } private int getSeverityIndex(@NotNull final DartProblem problem) { final String severity = problem.getSeverity(); if (AnalysisErrorSeverity.ERROR.equals(severity)) { return 0; } if (AnalysisErrorSeverity.WARNING.equals(severity)) { return 1; } return 2; } } }