package com.intellij.lang.javascript.flex; import com.intellij.lang.ant.config.execution.AntBuildMessageView; import com.intellij.lang.ant.config.execution.AntMessage; import com.intellij.lang.ant.config.execution.AntMessageCustomizer; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.LocalFileSystem; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import static com.intellij.lang.ant.config.execution.AntBuildMessageView.MessageType; public class FlexAntMessageCustomizer extends AntMessageCustomizer { private static final String ERROR_MARKER = " Error: "; private static final String WARNING_MARKER = " Warning: "; public static final String COL_MARKER = "col: "; @Nullable public AntMessage createCustomizedMessage(final String text, final int priority) { // Searching for the same pattern as in FlexCompilerHandler.errorPattern, but avoid regexp for the sake of performance // Pattern.compile("(.*?)(\\(\\D.*\\))?(?:\\((-?\\d+)\\))?: ?(?:col: (-?\\d+):?)? (Warning|Error): (.*)"); // C:\work\flex_projects\ant\src\com\flexTasks\ col: 29 Error: Syntax error: leftparen before l. boolean isWarning = false; int errorOrWarningIndex = text.indexOf(ERROR_MARKER); if (errorOrWarningIndex == -1) { errorOrWarningIndex = text.indexOf(WARNING_MARKER); isWarning = true; } if (errorOrWarningIndex > 0) { final String pathAndInfoAndPosition = text.substring(0, errorOrWarningIndex); final int braceIndex = pathAndInfoAndPosition.indexOf('('); if (braceIndex > 0) { final String potentialPath = pathAndInfoAndPosition.substring(0, braceIndex); final String lowercasedPath = potentialPath.toLowerCase(); if (lowercasedPath.endsWith(".as") || lowercasedPath.endsWith(".mxml") || lowercasedPath.endsWith(".fxg") || lowercasedPath.endsWith(".css")) { final String infoAndPosition = pathAndInfoAndPosition.substring(lowercasedPath.length()); final int lineOpenBraceIndex = infoAndPosition.lastIndexOf("("); final int lineCloseBraceIndex = lineOpenBraceIndex < 0 ? -1 : infoAndPosition.indexOf("):", lineOpenBraceIndex); if (lineOpenBraceIndex >= 0 && lineCloseBraceIndex > lineOpenBraceIndex + 1) { final String lineString = infoAndPosition.substring(lineOpenBraceIndex + 1, lineCloseBraceIndex); try { final int line = Integer.parseInt(lineString); int column = 1; final int colIndex = infoAndPosition.indexOf(COL_MARKER, lineCloseBraceIndex); if (colIndex > 0 && colIndex < infoAndPosition.length() - COL_MARKER.length() - 1) { final String colString = infoAndPosition.substring(colIndex + COL_MARKER.length(), infoAndPosition.length()); column = Integer.parseInt(colString); } final VirtualFile file = LocalFileSystem.getInstance().findFileByPath(potentialPath); if (file != null) { final String textWithoutPosition = potentialPath + infoAndPosition.substring(0, lineOpenBraceIndex) + ": " + text.substring(errorOrWarningIndex + ERROR_MARKER.length()); return new AntMessage(isWarning ? MessageType.MESSAGE : MessageType.ERROR, isWarning ? AntBuildMessageView.PRIORITY_WARN : AntBuildMessageView.PRIORITY_ERR, textWithoutPosition, file, line, column); } } catch (NumberFormatException ignore) {/*ignore*/} } } } } return null; } }