package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.scapeemulator.util.ChatUtils; public class Friends { public enum FriendsListStatus { LOADING, CONNECTING, CONNECTED } private final Player player; private List<Long> friendsList; private List<Long> ignoreList; private static final int ON = 0; private static final int FRIENDS = 1; private static final int OFF = 2; private static final int HIDE = 3; private int messageTicket; public Friends(Player player) { this.player = player; friendsList = new ArrayList<Long>(); ignoreList = new ArrayList<Long>(); } public void init() { player.send(new FriendsListStatusMessage((byte) FriendsListStatus.CONNECTED.ordinal())); for (long friend : friendsList) { Player other = World.getWorld().getPlayerByLongName(friend); if (other != null) { if (other.getFriends().canPlayerSeeMe(player)) { player.send(new FriendStatusMessage(friend, 1)); continue; } } player.send(new FriendStatusMessage(friend, 0)); } if (ignoreList.size() > 0) { player.send(new SendIgnoresMessage(ignoreList)); } for (Player other : World.getWorld().getPlayers()) { if (canPlayerSeeMe(other)) { other.getFriends().loggedIn(player); } } } public void logout() { for (Player other : World.getWorld().getPlayers()) { other.getFriends().loggedOut(player); } } public void privateChatSent(long name, byte[] packed) { if (!friendsList.contains(name)) { return; } // Repack the text to ensure its all valid String text = ChatUtils.unpack(packed); packed = new byte[256]; int len = ChatUtils.pack(text, packed); packed = Arrays.copyOf(packed, len); Player other = World.getWorld().getPlayerByLongName(name); if (other != null) { if (other.getFriends().canPlayerSeeMe(player)) { other.send(new PrivateChatReceivedMessage(player.getLongUsername(), (byte) player.getRights(), packed, other.getFriends().getNextMessageTicket())); player.send(new PrivateChatSentMessage(name, packed)); } } } public void addFriend(long name) { if (friendsList.contains(name) || ignoreList.contains(name) || name == player.getLongUsername()) { return; } if (friendsList.size() >= 200) { player.sendMessage("Your friends list is full!"); return; } friendsList.add(name); Player other = World.getWorld().getPlayerByLongName(name); if (other != null) { if (other.getFriends().canPlayerSeeMe(player)) { loggedIn(other); } if (player.getSettings().getPrivateChat() == FRIENDS) { other.getFriends().loggedIn(player); } } } public void addIgnore(long name) { if (friendsList.contains(name) || ignoreList.contains(name) || name == player.getLongUsername()) { return; } if (ignoreList.size() >= 100) { player.sendMessage("Your ignore list is full!"); return; } ignoreList.add(name); Player other = World.getWorld().getPlayerByLongName(name); if (other != null) { other.getFriends().loggedOut(player); } } public void removeFriend(long name) { if (!friendsList.contains(name)) { return; } Player other = World.getWorld().getPlayerByLongName(name); if (other != null) { if (player.getSettings().getPrivateChat() == FRIENDS) { other.getFriends().loggedOut(player); } } friendsList.remove(name); } public void removeIgnore(long name) { if (!ignoreList.contains(name)) { return; } Player other = World.getWorld().getPlayerByLongName(name); if (other != null) { if (player.getSettings().getPrivateChat() == ON) { other.getFriends().loggedIn(player); } } ignoreList.remove(name); } public void loggedIn(Player other) { if (friendsList.contains(other.getLongUsername())) { player.send(new FriendStatusMessage(other.getLongUsername(), 1)); } } public void loggedOut(Player other) { if (friendsList.contains(other.getLongUsername())) { player.send(new FriendStatusMessage(other.getLongUsername(), 0)); } } public boolean canPlayerSeeMe(Player other) { switch (player.getSettings().getPrivateChat()) { case FRIENDS: return friendsList.contains(other.getLongUsername()); case ON: return !ignoreList.contains(other.getLongUsername()); default: return false; } } public void refresh() { for (Player other : World.getWorld().getPlayers()) { if (canPlayerSeeMe(other)) { other.getFriends().loggedIn(player); } else { other.getFriends().loggedOut(player); } } } public void changePrivateChatSetting(int status) { if (status > 2 || status < 0 || status == player.getSettings().getPrivateChat()) { return; } player.getSettings().setPrivateChat(status); refresh(); } public void changePublicChatSetting(int status) { if (status > 3 || status < 0 || status == player.getSettings().getPublicChat()) { return; } player.getSettings().setPublicChat(status); } public void changeTradeRequestsSetting(int status) { if (status > 2 || status < 0 || status == player.getSettings().getTradeRequests()) { return; } player.getSettings().setTradeRequests(status); } public void loadedLists(List<Long> friendsList, List<Long> ignoreList) { this.friendsList = friendsList; this.ignoreList = ignoreList; } public List<Long> getFriendsList() { return friendsList; } public List<Long> getIgnoreList() { return ignoreList; } public int getNextMessageTicket() { return ++messageTicket; } }