package org.freeplane.plugin.script.proxy; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.freeplane.core.util.FreeplaneIconUtils; import org.freeplane.core.util.HtmlUtils; import org.freeplane.core.util.LogUtils; import org.freeplane.features.filter.Filter; import org.freeplane.features.mode.Controller; import org.freeplane.features.text.NodeContainsCondition; import org.freeplane.features.text.TextController; import org.freeplane.features.ui.ViewController; import org.freeplane.plugin.script.proxy.Proxy.Map; import org.freeplane.plugin.script.proxy.Proxy.Node; public class ScriptApiTest { ControllerProxy c; NodeProxy node; private Map map; private Comparator<NodeProxy> nodeComparator = new Comparator<NodeProxy>() { public int compare(NodeProxy o1, NodeProxy o2) { return new Integer(System.identityHashCode(o1.getDelegate())).compareTo(System.identityHashCode(o2 .getDelegate())); } }; @SuppressWarnings("serial") public static class TestException extends RuntimeException { public TestException(String message, Throwable cause) { super(message, cause); } public TestException(String message) { super(message); } } public ScriptApiTest(ControllerProxy c, NodeProxy node) { this.c = c; this.node = node; } public static void runAll(ControllerProxy c, NodeProxy node) { final long startMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); int failures = 0; int errors = 0; int pass = 0; Method tearDown = null; try { tearDown = ScriptApiTest.class.getMethod("tearDown"); } catch (Exception e) { // ignore } for (Method method : ScriptApiTest.class.getMethods()) { if (!method.getName().startsWith("test")) continue; // new fixture final ScriptApiTest instance = new ScriptApiTest(c, node); try { method.invoke(instance); + ": pass"); pass++; } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof TestException) { LogUtils.warn(method.getName() + ": failure: " + e.getCause().getMessage(), e.getCause()); failures++; } else { LogUtils.warn(method.getName() + ": error invoking test: " + e.getCause().getMessage(), e .getCause()); errors++; } } catch (Throwable e) { LogUtils.warn(method.getName() + ": other error: " + e.getMessage(), e); errors++; } finally { try { if (tearDown != null) tearDown.invoke(instance); } catch (Throwable e) { LogUtils.warn("failure executing tearDown after " + method.getName(), e); } } } double seconds = (System.currentTimeMillis() - startMillis) / 1000.; String message = null; String iconKey = null; if (errors + failures == 0) { message = "success! " + pass + " tests passed in " + seconds + " seconds"; iconKey = "button_ok"; } else { message = "error! test result: " + errors + " errors, " + failures + " failures; " + pass + " tests passed in " + seconds + " seconds"; iconKey = "button_cancel"; }; c.setStatusInfo(ViewController.STANDARD_STATUS_INFO_KEY, message, iconKey); } public void tearDown() { if (map != null) map.close(true, false); } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public void test_AttributesRO_get_String_name() { map = setupMapWithSomeAttributes(); assertEquals("first value should be found", "va1", map.getRoot().getAttributes().get("a1")); assertEquals("should return null for non-existing attributes", null, map.getRoot().getAttributes().get("x")); } private Map setupMapWithSomeAttributes() { createTestMap(); map.getRoot().getAttributes().add("a1", "va1"); map.getRoot().getAttributes().add("a1", "va2"); map.getRoot().getAttributes().add("a1", "va3"); map.getRoot().getAttributes().add("b1", "vb1"); return map; } private void assertEquals(String message, Object expected, Object actual) { message = (message == null || message.length() == 0) ? "Failure" : message; boolean isEqual = expected == null && actual == null || expected != null && actual != null && expected.equals(actual); if (!isEqual) { fail(message + ". Expected: " + expected + ", but was: " + actual); } } private void assertTrue(String message, boolean test) { if (!test) fail(message); } private void assertFalse(String message, boolean test) { if (test) fail(message); } private void fail(final String m) { throw new TestException(m); } private Map createTestMap() { map = c.newMap(); map.getRoot().createChild("first node"); map.getRoot().createChild("second node"); return map; } private Node firstChild(final Node node) { return node.getChildren().get(0); } private Node firstChild() { return firstChild(map.getRoot()); } public void test_AttributesRO_getAll_String_name() { map = setupMapWithSomeAttributes(); assertEquals("all values should be found", list("va1", "va2", "va3"), map.getRoot().getAttributes().getAll( "a1")); assertEquals("all values should be found", Collections.singletonList("vb1"), map.getRoot().getAttributes() .getAll("b1")); assertEquals("should return empty list for non-existing attributes", Collections.EMPTY_LIST, map.getRoot() .getAttributes().getAll("x")); } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public void test_AttributesRO_getAttributeNames() { map = setupMapWithSomeAttributes(); assertEquals("all names should be found", list("a1", "a1", "a1", "b1"), map.getRoot().getAttributes() .getAttributeNames()); } public void test_AttributesRO_get_int_index() { map = setupMapWithSomeAttributes(); assertEquals("find by index", "va1", map.getRoot().getAttributes().get(0)); assertEquals("find by index", "va2", map.getRoot().getAttributes().get(1)); assertEquals("find by index", "va3", map.getRoot().getAttributes().get(2)); assertEquals("find by index", "vb1", map.getRoot().getAttributes().get(3)); try { map.getRoot().getAttributes().get(4); fail("expect IndexOutOfBoundsException on get(int) with illegal index"); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // OK - expected } } public void test_AttributesRO_findAttribute_String_name() { map = setupMapWithSomeAttributes(); assertEquals("first matching attribute should be found", 0, map.getRoot().getAttributes().findFirst("a1")); } public void test_AttributesRO_size() { map = setupMapWithSomeAttributes(); assertEquals("count attributes", 4, map.getRoot().getAttributes().size()); } public void test_Attributes_set_int_index_String_value() { map = setupMapWithSomeAttributes(); map.getRoot().getAttributes().set(3, "VB1"); map.getRoot().getAttributes().set(1, "VA2"); assertEquals("values should be updated", list("va1", "VA2", "va3"), map.getRoot().getAttributes().getAll( "a1")); assertEquals("values should be updated", list("VB1"), map.getRoot().getAttributes().getAll("b1")); try { map.getRoot().getAttributes().set(4, "xx"); fail("expect IndexOutOfBoundsException on set(int, value) with illegal index"); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // OK - expected } } public void test_Attributes_set_int_index_String_name_String_value() { map = setupMapWithSomeAttributes(); map.getRoot().getAttributes().set(1, "c1", "VC1"); assertEquals("values should be updated", list("va1", "va3"), map.getRoot().getAttributes().getAll("a1")); assertEquals("values should be updated", 1, map.getRoot().getAttributes().findFirst("c1")); assertEquals("values should be updated", "VC1", map.getRoot().getAttributes().get(1)); try { map.getRoot().getAttributes().set(4, "xx", "yy"); fail("expect IndexOutOfBoundsException on set(int, name, value) with illegal index"); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // OK - expected } } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public void test_Attributes_remove_String_name() { map = setupMapWithSomeAttributes(); map.getRoot().getAttributes().remove("a1"); assertEquals("first matching attribute should be removed", list("va2", "va3"), map.getRoot() .getAttributes().getAll("a1")); assertEquals("first matching attribute should be removed", 3, map.getRoot().getAttributes().size()); } private <T> List<T> list(T... args) { return Arrays.asList(args); } private <T> Set<T> set(T... args) { return set(Arrays.asList(args)); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private <T> Set<T> set(List<T> list) { TreeSet<T> set = null; if (list.size() > 0 && list.get(0) instanceof Node) set = new TreeSet<T>((Comparator<T>) nodeComparator); else set = new TreeSet<T>(); set.addAll(list); return set; } public void test_Attributes_removeAll_String_name() { map = setupMapWithSomeAttributes(); map.getRoot().getAttributes().removeAll("a1"); assertEquals("all matching attributes should be removed", list(), map.getRoot().getAttributes() .getAll("a1")); assertEquals("all matching attribute should be removed", 1, map.getRoot().getAttributes().size()); } public void test_Attributes_remove_int_index() { map = setupMapWithSomeAttributes(); // remove from the rear to keep the index stable (otherwise remove(1) twice) map.getRoot().getAttributes().remove(2); map.getRoot().getAttributes().remove(1); assertEquals("attribute should be removed", list("va1"), map.getRoot().getAttributes().getAll("a1")); assertEquals("attribute should be removed", 2, map.getRoot().getAttributes().size()); } public void test_Attributes_set_String_name_String_value() { map = setupMapWithSomeAttributes(); map.getRoot().getAttributes().set("a1", "VA1"); map.getRoot().getAttributes().set("c1", "vc1"); assertEquals("first matching attribute should be changed", list("VA1", "va2", "va3"), map.getRoot() .getAttributes().getAll("a1")); assertEquals("attribute should be added", list("vc1"), map.getRoot().getAttributes().getAll("c1")); assertEquals("attribute should be added", 5, map.getRoot().getAttributes().size()); } public void test_Attributes_add_String_name_String_value() { map = setupMapWithSomeAttributes(); map.getRoot().getAttributes().add("a1", "va1"); map.getRoot().getAttributes().set("c1", "vc1"); assertEquals("attribute should be added", list("va1", "va2", "va3", "va1"), map.getRoot().getAttributes() .getAll("a1")); assertEquals("attribute should be added", list("vc1"), map.getRoot().getAttributes().getAll("c1")); assertEquals("attribute should be added", 6, map.getRoot().getAttributes().size()); } // // public void test_ConnectorRO_getColor() { // // } // // public void test_ConnectorRO_getEndArrow() { // // } // // public void test_ConnectorRO_getMiddleLabel() { // // } // // public void test_ConnectorRO_getSource() { // // } // // public void test_ConnectorRO_getSourceLabel() { // // } // // public void test_ConnectorRO_getStartArrow() { // // } // // public void test_ConnectorRO_getTarget() { // // } // // public void test_ConnectorRO_getTargetLabel() { // // } // // public void test_ConnectorRO_simulatesEdge() { // // } // // public void test_Connector_setColor_Color_color() { // // } // // public void test_Connector_setEndArrow_ArrowType_arrowType() { // // } // // public void test_Connector_setMiddleLabel_String_label() { // // } // // public void test_Connector_setSimulatesEdge_boolean_simulatesEdge() { // // } // // public void test_Connector_setSourceLabel_String_label() { // // } // // public void test_Connector_setStartArrow_ArrowType_arrowType() { // // } // // public void test_Connector_setTargetLabel_String_label() { // // } public void test_ControllerRO_getSelected() { map = c.newMap(); assertEquals("new root node should be selected", map.getRoot(), c.getSelected()); final Node firstChild = map.getRoot().createChild("child 1"); final Node secondChild = map.getRoot().createChild("child 2"); // FIXME: why aren't the new node selected? assertEquals("root node should still be selected after adding nodes", map.getRoot(), c.getSelected()); c.selectMultipleNodes(list(firstChild, secondChild)); // what's the rule? assertEquals("last selected node should be returned", secondChild, c.getSelected()); } public void test_ControllerRO_getSelecteds() { map = c.newMap(); assertEquals("new root node should be selected", map.getRoot(), c.getSelected()); final Node firstChild = map.getRoot().createChild("child 1"); final Node secondChild = map.getRoot().createChild("child 2"); assertEquals("root node should still be selected after adding nodes", set(map.getRoot()), set(c .getSelecteds())); c.selectMultipleNodes(list(firstChild, secondChild)); assertEquals("only the nodes selected via selectMultipleNodes should be returned", set(firstChild, secondChild), set(c.getSelecteds())); } public void test_ControllerRO_getSortedSelection_boolean_differentSubtrees() { } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public void test_ControllerRO_find_ICondition_condition() { map = c.newMap(); @SuppressWarnings("unused") final Node firstChild = map.getRoot().createChild("child 1"); final Node secondChild = map.getRoot().createChild("child 2"); final List<Node> found = c.find(new NodeContainsCondition(TextController.FILTER_NODE, "child 2", false)); assertEquals("one matching node should be found", list(secondChild), found); } public void test_ControllerRO_find_Closure_closure() { } public void test_Controller_centerOnNode_Node_center() { map = c.newMap(); final Node firstChild = map.getRoot().createChild("child 1"); // no actual test c.centerOnNode(firstChild); } public void test_Controller_select_Node_toSelect() { map = c.newMap(); final Node firstChild = map.getRoot().createChild("child 1"); final Node secondChild = map.getRoot().createChild("child 2"); final Node thirdChild = map.getRoot().createChild("child 3");; final Set<Node> set = set(secondChild); final Set<Node> selected = set(c.getSelecteds()); assertEquals("one node should be selected", set, selected);; assertEquals("one node should be selected", set(firstChild), set(c.getSelecteds()));; assertEquals("one node should be selected", set(thirdChild), set(c.getSelecteds())); } public void test_Controller_selectBranch_Node_branchRoot() { map = c.newMap(); final Node child1 = map.getRoot().createChild("child 1"); final Node child2 = map.getRoot().createChild("child 2"); final Node grandchild1 = child1.createChild("child 1.1"); final Node grandchild2 = child1.createChild("child 1.2"); final Node grandGrandChild = child1.createChild("child 1.1.1"); c.selectBranch(child1); assertEquals("all node of the branch should be selected", set(child1, grandchild1, grandchild2, grandGrandChild), set(c.getSelecteds())); c.selectBranch(child2); assertEquals("one node should be selected", set(child2), set(c.getSelecteds())); } public void test_Controller_selectMultipleNodes_List_Node_toSelect() { // see test_ControllerRO_getSelected() } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public void test_Controller_undo_redo_stuff() { map = c.newMap(); map.getRoot().createChild("child 1"); assertFalse("node should be there before undo", c.find(new NodeContainsCondition(TextController.FILTER_NODE, "child 1", false)).isEmpty()); c.undo(); assertTrue("node should be away after undo", c.find(new NodeContainsCondition(TextController.FILTER_NODE, "child 1", false)).isEmpty()); c.redo(); assertFalse("node should be there after redo", c.find(new NodeContainsCondition(TextController.FILTER_NODE, "child 1", false)).isEmpty()); c.deactivateUndo(); c.undo(); assertTrue("node should still be there after undo since undo is deactivated", c.find( new NodeContainsCondition(TextController.FILTER_NODE, "child 1", false)).isEmpty()); } public void test_Controller_setStatusInfo_String_info() { // no actual test c.setStatusInfo("test statusinfo"); // no actual test - info should be removed c.setStatusInfo(null); } public void test_Controller_setStatusInfo_String_infoPanelKey_String_info() { // no actual test final String infoPanelKey = "testStatusPanel"; c.setStatusInfo(infoPanelKey, "someid"); // no actual test - info should be removed c.setStatusInfo(infoPanelKey, (String) null); } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public void test_Controller_setStatusInfo_String_infoPanelKey_Icon_icon() { final List<String> keys = FreeplaneIconUtils.listStandardIconKeys(); assertTrue("find out about the available icons with FreeplaneIconUtils.listStandardIconKeys() -> " + keys, keys.contains("button_ok")); // no actual test c.setStatusInfo("standard", FreeplaneIconUtils.createStandardIcon("button_ok")); // no actual test - info should be removed c.setStatusInfo(null); } public void test_Controller_setStatusInfo_String_infoPanelKey_String_info_String_iconKey() { final List<String> keys = FreeplaneIconUtils.listStandardIconKeys(); final String iconKey = "button_ok"; assertTrue("check if FreeplaneIconUtils.listStandardIconKeys() contains '" + iconKey + "'; list content: " + keys, keys.contains(iconKey)); // no actual test final String infoPanelKey = "standard"; c.setStatusInfo(infoPanelKey, "hi there!", iconKey); // no actual test - info should be removed c.setStatusInfo(infoPanelKey, (String) null); } public void test_Controller_newMap() { map = c.newMap(); } // // public void test_EdgeRO_getColor() { // // } // // public void test_EdgeRO_getType() { // // } // // public void test_EdgeRO_getWidth() { // // } // // public void test_Edge_setColor_Color_color() { // // } // // public void test_Edge_setType_EdgeStyle_type() { // // } // // public void test_Edge_setWidth_int_width() { // // } // // public void test_ExternalObjectRO_getURI() { // // } // // public void test_ExternalObjectRO_getZoom() { // // } // // public void test_ExternalObject_setURI_String_uri() { // // } // // public void test_ExternalObject_setZoom_float_zoom() { // // } // // public void test_FontRO_getName() { // // } // // public void test_FontRO_getSize() { // // } // // public void test_FontRO_isBold() { // // } // // public void test_FontRO_isBoldSet() { // // } // // public void test_FontRO_isItalic() { // // } // // public void test_FontRO_isItalicSet() { // // } // // public void test_FontRO_isNameSet() { // // } // // public void test_FontRO_isSizeSet() { // // } // // public void test_Font_resetBold() { // // } // // public void test_Font_resetItalic() { // // } // // public void test_Font_resetName() { // // } // // public void test_Font_resetSize() { // // } // // public void test_Font_setBold_boolean_bold() { // // } // // public void test_Font_setItalic_boolean_italic() { // // } // // public void test_Font_setName_String_name() { // // } // // public void test_Font_setSize_int_size() { // // } // // public void test_IconsRO_getIcons() { // // } // // public void test_Icons_addIcon_String_name() { // // } // // public void test_Icons_removeIcon_String_iconID() { // // } // // public void test_LinkRO_get() { // // } // // public void test_Link_set_String_target() { // // } public void test_MapRO_getRoot() { map = c.newMap(); assertEquals("the root node shouldn't have a parent", null, map.getRoot().getParent()); } public void test_MapRO_node_String_id() { map = c.newMap(); final Node firstChild = map.getRoot().createChild("child 1"); final String id = firstChild.getId(); assertEquals("get by id returned wrong node", firstChild, map.node(id)); } public void test_MapRO_getFile() { map = c.newMap(); assertTrue("the file of a new map should be null", map.getFile() == null); } public void test_Map_close() { Map originalMap = node.getMap(); map = c.newMap(); map.getRoot().createChild("child 1"); assertFalse("a new map should have been opened", originalMap.equals(map)); map.close(true, false); assertEquals("the original map should be selected again", originalMap.getName(), c.getSelected().getMap() .getName()); // let tearDown() some work to do... map = c.newMap(); } public void test_Map_save() { } public void test_NodeRO_getAttributes() { createTestMap(); map.getRoot().getAttributes().add("a1", "va1"); assertEquals("value should be found", "va1", map.getRoot().getAttributes().get(0)); } public void test_NodeRO_getChildPosition_Node_childNode() { map = c.newMap(); final Node child1 = map.getRoot().createChild("child 1"); final Node child2 = map.getRoot().createChild("child 2"); assertEquals("wrong position", 0, map.getRoot().getChildPosition(child1)); assertEquals("wrong position", 1, map.getRoot().getChildPosition(child2)); } public void test_NodeRO_getChildren() { map = c.newMap(); final Node child1 = map.getRoot().createChild("child 1"); final Node child2 = map.getRoot().createChild("child 2"); final List<Node> children = map.getRoot().getChildren(); assertEquals("wrong children count", 2, children.size()); assertEquals("wrong order", child1, children.get(0)); assertEquals("wrong order", child2, children.get(1)); } // // public void test_NodeRO_getConnectorsIn() { // // } // // public void test_NodeRO_getConnectorsOut() { // // } // // public void test_NodeRO_getExternalObject() { // // } public void test_NodeRO_getIcons() { map = c.newMap(); final Node root = map.getRoot(); assertTrue("by default a node has no icons", root.getIcons().getIcons().isEmpty()); root.getIcons().add("bee"); assertEquals("one icon added", 1, root.getIcons().getIcons().size()); } public void test_NodeRO_getLink() { map = c.newMap(); final Node root = map.getRoot(); assertEquals("by default a node has no links", null, root.getLink().getText()); final String url = "file://blabla.txt"; root.getLink().setText(url); assertEquals("a link should have been added", url, root.getLink().getText()); } public void test_NodeRO_getMap() { map = c.newMap(); final Node root = map.getRoot(); assertEquals("???", map, root.getMap()); } public void test_NodeRO_getId() { map = c.newMap(); final Node root = map.getRoot(); assertTrue("unknown node id pattern in '" + root.getId() + "'", root.getId().matches("ID_[1-9]\\d+")); } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public void test_NodeRO_getNodeID() { map = c.newMap(); final Node root = map.getRoot(); assertTrue("unknown node id pattern in '" + root.getNodeID() + "'", root.getNodeID().matches("ID_[1-9]\\d+")); } public void test_NodeRO_getNodeLevel_boolean_countHidden() { createTestMap(); assertEquals("root is level 0", 0, map.getRoot().getNodeLevel(true)); final Node child = firstChild(); assertEquals("children are at level 1", 1, child.getNodeLevel(false)); final Node grandchild = child.createChild(); assertEquals("grandchildren are at level 2", 2, grandchild.getNodeLevel(false)); assertEquals("grandchildren are at level 2 - countHidden only matters if there are hidden nodes" // , 2, grandchild.getNodeLevel(true)); // seems that the countHidden flag isn't testable here since it's not possible to filter nodes (and it // doesn't make sense to extent the API for that), right? } public void test_NodeRO_getNote_getPlain(){ map = c.newMap(); final Node rootNode = map.getRoot(); final String plainText = " xx\nx "; rootNode.setNote(plainText); assertEquals("", HtmlUtils.plainToHTML(plainText), rootNode.getNoteText()); assertEquals("", HtmlUtils.plainToHTML(plainText), rootNode.getNote().getText()); assertEquals("", plainText, rootNode.getNote().getPlain()); final String xml = "<x> yyy </x>"; rootNode.setNote(xml); assertEquals("", HtmlUtils.plainToHTML(xml), rootNode.getNoteText()); // in Groovy also assert HtmlUtils.plainToHTML(" xxx ") == root.note would be OK assertEquals("", HtmlUtils.plainToHTML(xml), rootNode.getNote().getText()); assertEquals("", xml, rootNode.getNote().getPlain()); rootNode.setNote("<html> <em>zzzzz</em> </hmtl>"); assertEquals("", "zzzzz", rootNode.getNote().getPlain()); } public void test_NodeRO_getNote() { map = c.newMap(); final Node root = map.getRoot(); root.setNote(" xxx "); // in Groovy also assert HtmlUtils.plainToHTML(" xxx ") == root.note would be OK assertEquals("", HtmlUtils.plainToHTML(" xxx "), root.getNote().getText()); assertEquals("", HtmlUtils.plainToHTML(" xxx "), root.getNoteText()); root.setNote(" x\nxx "); // in Groovy also assert HtmlUtils.plainToHTML(" xxx ") == root.note would be OK assertEquals("", HtmlUtils.plainToHTML(" x\nxx "), root.getNote().getText()); assertEquals("", HtmlUtils.plainToHTML(" x\nxx "), root.getNoteText()); } public void test_NodeRO_getParent() { createTestMap(); final Node root = map.getRoot(); assertEquals("root has no parent", null, root.getParent()); final Node child = firstChild(root); assertEquals("", root, child.getParent()); } // public void test_NodeRO_getStyle() { // // } // public void test_NodeRO_getPlainText() { map = c.newMap(); final Node root = map.getRoot(); final String plainText = " xxx "; root.setText(plainText); assertEquals("", plainText, root.getText()); assertEquals("plain text should be kept untouched", plainText, root.getPlainText()); final String xml = "<x> yyy </x>"; root.setText(xml); assertEquals("xml tags are not stripped", xml, root.getPlainText()); root.setText("<html> <em>zzzzz</em> </hmtl>"); assertEquals("html tags should be stripped", "zzzzz", root.getPlainText()); } public void test_NodeRO_getPlainTextContent() { // getPlainTextContent() is deprecated - see #test_NodeRO_getPlainText() } public void test_NodeRO_getText() { map = c.newMap(); final Node root = map.getRoot(); root.setText(" xxx "); assertEquals("", " xxx ", root.getText()); root.setText(" x\nxx "); assertEquals("", " x\nxx ", root.getText()); } public void test_NodeRO_isDescendantOf_Node_p() { createTestMap(); final Node root = map.getRoot(); assertTrue("a node is its own descendant", root.isDescendantOf(root)); assertFalse("siblings aren't descendants of each other", firstChild(root).isDescendantOf( root.getChildren().get(1))); assertFalse("siblings aren't descendants of each other", root.getChildren().get(1).isDescendantOf( firstChild(root))); assertTrue("children are descendants of their parents", firstChild(root).isDescendantOf(root)); final Node grandchild = firstChild(root).createChild(); assertTrue("grandchildren are descendants of their parents", firstChild(root).isDescendantOf(root)); assertTrue("grandchildren are descendants of their grandparents", grandchild.isDescendantOf(root)); } public void test_NodeRO_isFolded() { createTestMap(); final Node root = map.getRoot(); final Node child = firstChild(); final Node grandchild = child.createChild("grandchild"); assertFalse("initially nothing should be folded", root.isFolded()); assertFalse("initially nothing should be folded", child.isFolded()); root.setFolded(true); assertFalse("root isn't foldable", root.isFolded()); child.setFolded(true); assertTrue("node should be folded now", child.isFolded()); assertFalse("folding is not recursive in terms of isFolded()", grandchild.isFolded()); child.setFolded(false); assertFalse("node should be unfolded again", child.isFolded()); grandchild.setFolded(true); assertFalse("a node without children is not foldable", grandchild.isFolded()); // test undo of folding - give the new node a child first to make it foldable grandchild.createChild("grandgrandchild"); grandchild.setFolded(true); assertTrue("node should be folded now", grandchild.isFolded()); c.undo(); assertFalse("folding should be undone now", grandchild.isFolded()); } public void test_NodeRO_isLeaf() { map = c.newMap(); final Node root = map.getRoot(); assertTrue("even root is a leaf, if single", root.isLeaf()); root.createChild("child"); assertFalse("root is never a leaf, even without children", root.isLeaf()); assertTrue("child without children should be leaf", firstChild(root).isLeaf()); firstChild(root).createChild("grandchild"); assertFalse("child with children is not a leaf", firstChild(root).isLeaf()); } // // public void test_NodeRO_isLeft() { // // } // public void test_NodeRO_isRoot() { createTestMap(); assertTrue("root has no parent", map.getRoot().getParent() == null); } public void test_NodeRO_isVisible() { map = c.newMap(); map.getRoot().createChild("first node"); map.getRoot().createChild("second node"); assertTrue("initially all nodes should be visible", firstChild().isVisible()); new Filter(new NodeContainsCondition(TextController.FILTER_NODE, "first", false), true, true, true).applyFilter(this, Controller .getCurrentController().getMap(), true); assertTrue("first node should be matched by the filter", firstChild().isVisible()); assertFalse("second node should not be matched by the filter", map.getRoot().getChildren().get(1).isVisible()); c.setStatusInfo("filter", (String) null); } /** copy of {@link #test_ControllerRO_find_ICondition_condition()}. */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public void test_NodeRO_find_ICondition_condition() { map = c.newMap(); @SuppressWarnings("unused") final Node firstChild = map.getRoot().createChild("child 1"); final Node secondChild = map.getRoot().createChild("child 2"); final List<Node> found = c.find(new NodeContainsCondition(TextController.FILTER_NODE, "child 2", false)); assertEquals("one matching node should be found", list(secondChild), found); } // public void test_NodeRO_find_Closure_closure() { // // } public void test_NodeRO_getLastModifiedAt() { map = c.newMap(); final Node child = map.getRoot().createChild("a node"); final Date initialLastModifiedAt = child.getLastModifiedAt(); long diff = System.currentTimeMillis() - initialLastModifiedAt.getTime(); // one second should be enough assertTrue("lastModifiedAt seems to be set incorrectly. It says it's " + diff + " ms ago", // diff >= 0 && diff < 1000L); // createChild() initially set both timestamps to the same value and changes modifiedAt directly // afterwards in setText() diff = initialLastModifiedAt.getTime() - child.getCreatedAt().getTime(); assertTrue("modifiedAt and createdAt should be set nearly to the same timestamp initially but modifiedAt = " + initialLastModifiedAt.getTime() + ", createdAt = " + child.getCreatedAt().getTime(), // diff >= 0 && diff < 50); final Date epoch = new Date(0); child.setLastModifiedAt(epoch); child.setText("changed"); assertTrue("lastModifiedAt should be changed after changing the node text", // child.getLastModifiedAt().after(epoch)); } public void test_NodeRO_getCreatedAt() { map = c.newMap(); final Node child = map.getRoot().createChild("a node"); final Date initialCreatedAt = child.getCreatedAt(); final long diff = System.currentTimeMillis() - initialCreatedAt.getTime(); // one second should be enough assertTrue("createdAt seems to be set incorrectly. It says it's " + diff + " ms ago", // diff >= 0 && diff < 1000L); final Date epoch = new Date(0); child.setCreatedAt(epoch); child.setText("changed"); assertEquals("createdAt should not be changed after changing the node text", // epoch, child.getCreatedAt()); } // public void test_Node_addConnectorTo_Node_target() { // // } // // public void test_Node_addConnectorTo_String_targetNodeID() { // // } public void test_Node_createChild() { map = c.newMap(); assertEquals("", 0, map.getRoot().getChildren().size()); map.getRoot().createChild(); assertEquals("child should be created", 1, map.getRoot().getChildren().size()); } public void test_Node_createChild_int_position() { map = c.newMap(); final Node root = map.getRoot(); final Node child1 = root.createChild("child 1"); final Node child2 = root.createChild("child 2"); assertEquals("wrong position", 0, root.getChildPosition(child1)); assertEquals("wrong position", 1, root.getChildPosition(child2)); final Node child3 = root.createChild(0); assertEquals("wrong insert position", 0, root.getChildPosition(child3)); assertEquals("node should be shifted", 1, root.getChildPosition(child1)); assertEquals("node should be shifted", 2, root.getChildPosition(child2)); final Node child4 = root.createChild(3); assertEquals("wrong insert position", 3, root.getChildPosition(child4)); assertEquals("node should be shifted", 0, root.getChildPosition(child3)); assertEquals("node should be shifted", 1, root.getChildPosition(child1)); try { root.createChild(-1); fail("a negative position should lead to an exception"); } catch (Throwable e) { } try { root.createChild(5); fail("too large positions should lead to an exception"); } catch (Throwable e) { } } public void test_Node_delete() { map = c.newMap(); final Node root = map.getRoot(); final Node child1 = root.createChild("child 1"); final Node child2 = root.createChild("child 2"); assertEquals("", 2, root.getChildren().size()); child1.delete(); assertEquals("deletion failed", 1, root.getChildren().size()); assertEquals("wrong node deleted", child2, root.getChildren().get(0)); } public void test_Node_moveTo_Node_parentNode() { map = c.newMap(); final Node root = map.getRoot(); final Node child1 = root.createChild("child 1"); final Node child2 = root.createChild("child 2"); final Node grandchild = child1.createChild("grandchild"); assertEquals("child2 should have no children", 0, child2.getChildren().size()); grandchild.moveTo(child2); assertEquals("grandchild should be a child of child2 now", child2, grandchild.getParent()); } public void test_Node_moveTo_Node_parentNode_int_position() { map = c.newMap(); final Node root = map.getRoot(); final Node child1 = root.createChild("child 1"); final Node child2 = root.createChild("child 2"); final Node grandchild = child1.createChild("grandchild"); assertEquals("wrong count of children", 2, root.getChildren().size()); grandchild.moveTo(root, 1); assertEquals("wrong position", child1, root.getChildren().get(0)); assertEquals("wrong position", grandchild, root.getChildren().get(1)); assertEquals("wrong position", child2, root.getChildren().get(2)); } // // public void test_Node_removeConnector_Connector_connectorToBeRemoved() { // // } // public void test_Node_setFolded_boolean_folded() { createTestMap(); final Node child = firstChild(); child.createChild("grandchild"); child.setFolded(true); assertTrue("node should be folded now", child.isFolded()); child.setFolded(false); assertFalse("node should be unfolded again", child.isFolded()); } public void test_Node_setPlainNote_String_text() { // see test_NodeRO_getPlainNote() } public void test_Node_setNoteText_String_text() { // see test_NodeRO_getNote() } public void test_Node_setText_String_text() { // see test_NodeRO_getText() } public void test_Node_setLastModifiedAt_Date_date() { // see test_NodeRO_getLastModifiedAt() } public void test_Node_setCreatedAt_Date_date() { // see test_NodeRO_getCreatedAt() } // public void test_NodeStyleRO_getStyle() { // // } // // public void test_NodeStyleRO_getStyleNode() { // // } // // public void test_NodeStyleRO_getBackgroundColor() { // // } // // public void test_NodeStyleRO_getEdge() { // // } // // public void test_NodeStyleRO_getFont() { // // } // // public void test_NodeStyleRO_getNodeTextColor() { // // } // // public void test_NodeStyle_setStyle_Object_key() { // // } // // public void test_NodeStyle_setBackgroundColor_Color_color() { // // } // // public void test_NodeStyle_setNodeTextColor_Color_color() { // // } }