/* * Created on 09-Dec-2003 */ package net.sf.jabref.labelPattern; /* * Created on 09-Dec-2003 */ /** * How this works: * The fields used to autogeneratr keys are stored in an ArrayList * with the first item of the list being a string representation of * the key pattern and the second item the spacer character. * The order of the fields in the autogenerated key will match the * order of the fields in the ArrayList. * * Each entry type will have its own corrosponding ArrayList, to handle * this, we will have a Hashtable where an entry type > ArrayList. * There will be a default KP, which will parent a userdefined KP. * * Upon generatring keys we will itentify the type of entry, fetch * the proper Array, store the spacer in a temp. String. By reading the * field in the Array, the proper value will be fetched and stored in a * StringBuffer, with the spacer between each field. * * Btw. we wont allow for keys like [auth][year]_[pages], is this a * problem? * * * @author Ulrik Stervbo (ulriks AT ruc.dk) */ //public class DefaultLabelPatterns extends ListResourceBundle{ public class DefaultLabelPatterns extends LabelPattern{ public DefaultLabelPatterns(){ /** * There's no need to set all defaults; only those that should differ * from the global default in LabelPatternUtil.DEFAULT_LABELPATTERN. */ /*addLabelPattern("book", "[auth]_[year]"); addLabelPattern("booklet", "[auth]_[year]"); addLabelPattern("conference", "[auth]_[year]"); addLabelPattern("inbook", "[auth]_[year]"); addLabelPattern("incollection", "[auth]_[year]"); addLabelPattern("inproceedings", "[auth]_[year]"); addLabelPattern("manual", "[auth]_[year]"); addLabelPattern("mastersthesis", "[auth]_[year]"); addLabelPattern("misc", "[auth]_[year]"); addLabelPattern("phdthesis", "[auth]_[year]"); addLabelPattern("proceedings","[auth]_[year]"); addLabelPattern("techreport", "[auth]_[year]"); addLabelPattern("unpublished", "[auth]_[year]");*/ } }