/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Filename: $RCSfile$ // Purpose: Atom representation. // Language: Java // Compiler: JDK 1.4 // Authors: Joerg K. Wegner // Version: $Revision: 2268 $ // $Date: 2007-08-20 01:37:05 +0200 (Mo, 20 Aug 2007) $ // $Author: coezbek $ // // Copyright (c) Dept. Computer Architecture, University of Tuebingen, Germany // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package wsi.ra.tool; /*==========================================================================* * IMPORTS *========================================================================== */ import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.Vector; /*==========================================================================* * CLASS DECLARATION *========================================================================== */ /** * JabRef helper methods. * * @author wegnerj * @license GPL * @cvsversion $Revision: 2268 $, $Date: 2007-08-20 01:37:05 +0200 (Mo, 20 Aug 2007) $ */ public class WSITools { //~ Constructors /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private WSITools() { } //~ Methods //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * @param vcr {@link java.util.Vector} of <tt>String</tt> * @param buf Description of the Parameter * @return Description of the Return Value */ public static boolean tokenize(Vector<String> vcr, String buf) { return tokenize(vcr, buf, " \t\n"); } /** * @param vcr {@link java.util.Vector} of <tt>String</tt> * @param buf Description of the Parameter * @param delimstr Description of the Parameter * @return Description of the Return Value */ public static boolean tokenize(Vector<String> vcr, String buf, String delimstr) { vcr.clear(); buf = buf + "\n"; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(buf, delimstr); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { vcr.add(st.nextToken()); } return true; } /** * @param vcr {@link java.util.Vector} of <tt>String</tt> * @param s Description of the Parameter * @param delimstr Description of the Parameter * @param limit Description of the Parameter * @return Description of the Return Value */ public static boolean tokenize(Vector<String> vcr, String s, String delimstr, int limit) { System.out.println("Warning: tokenize \"" + s + "\""); vcr.clear(); s = s + "\n"; int endpos = 0; int matched = 0; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(s, delimstr); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String tmp = st.nextToken(); vcr.add(tmp); matched++; if (matched == limit) { endpos = s.lastIndexOf(tmp); vcr.add(s.substring(endpos + tmp.length())); break; } } return true; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // END OF FILE. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////