package org.freeplane.plugin.script.addons; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Vector; import org.freeplane.main.addons.AddOnProperties; import org.freeplane.n3.nanoxml.XMLElement; import org.freeplane.plugin.script.ExecuteScriptAction.ExecutionMode; import org.freeplane.plugin.script.ScriptingEngine; import org.freeplane.plugin.script.ScriptingPermissions; /** For all add-ons that are installed via installScriptAddon.groovy - themes and script collections. */ public class ScriptAddOnProperties extends AddOnProperties { public static class Script { public String name; public File file; public ExecutionMode executionMode; public String menuTitleKey; public String menuLocation; public ScriptingPermissions permissions; public String keyboardShortcut; public String scriptBody; // transient - copy of public boolean active = true; public String toString() { return name + "(" + executionMode + "/" + menuTitleKey + "/" + menuLocation + "" + ")"; } } private List<Script> scripts; public ScriptAddOnProperties(String name) { super(AddOnType.SCRIPT); setName(name); } public ScriptAddOnProperties(final XMLElement addOnelement) { super(AddOnType.SCRIPT, addOnelement); this.scripts = parseScripts(addOnelement.getChildrenNamed("scripts")); validate(); } private void validate() { if (scripts == null) throw new RuntimeException(this + ": on parsing add-on XML file: scripts may not be null"); for (Script script : scripts) { if ( == null) throw new RuntimeException(this + ": on parsing add-on XML file: no name"); if (script.file == null) throw new RuntimeException(this + ": on parsing add-on XML file: Script file " + script + "not defined"); if (!script.file.exists()) throw new RuntimeException(this + ": on parsing add-on XML file: Script " + script + " does not exist"); if (script.executionMode == null) throw new RuntimeException(this + ": on parsing add-on XML file: no execution_mode"); if (script.menuTitleKey == null) throw new RuntimeException(this + ": on parsing add-on XML file: no menu title key"); if (script.menuLocation == null) throw new RuntimeException(this + ": on parsing add-on XML file: no menu location"); if (script.permissions == null) throw new RuntimeException(this + ": on parsing add-on XML file: no permissions"); } } private List<Script> parseScripts(Vector<XMLElement> xmlElements) { final ArrayList<Script> scripts = new ArrayList<Script>(); if (xmlElements == null || xmlElements.isEmpty()) return scripts; for (XMLElement scriptXmlNode : xmlElements.get(0).getChildren()) { final Script script = new Script(); for (Entry<Object, Object> entry : scriptXmlNode.getAttributes().entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey().equals("name")) { = (String) entry.getValue(); } else if (entry.getKey().equals("file")) { script.file = new File(entry.getValue().toString()); } else if (entry.getKey().equals("executionMode")) { script.executionMode = parseExecutionMode(entry.getValue().toString()); } else if (entry.getKey().equals("menuTitleKey")) { script.menuTitleKey = entry.getValue().toString(); } else if (entry.getKey().equals("menuLocation")) { script.menuLocation = entry.getValue().toString(); } } script.permissions = new ScriptingPermissions(scriptXmlNode.getAttributes()); fixUnsetFile(script); scripts.add(script); } return scripts; } /** This code is needed to set Script.file in earlier installations. * @deprecated remove before the next stable release! */ private void fixUnsetFile(Script script) { if (script.file == null) script.file = new File(ScriptingEngine.getUserScriptDir(),; } public static ExecutionMode parseExecutionMode(final String executionModeString) { try { return ExecutionMode.valueOf(executionModeString.toUpperCase()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("invalid execution mode found in " + executionModeString, e); } } public List<Script> getScripts() { return scripts; } public static String getNameKey(final String name) { return "addons." + name; } public XMLElement toXml() { final XMLElement xmlElement = super.toXml(); addScriptsAsChild(xmlElement); return xmlElement; } private void addScriptsAsChild(XMLElement parent) { XMLElement xmlElement = new XMLElement("scripts"); for (Script script : scripts) { XMLElement scriptXmlElement = new XMLElement("script"); scriptXmlElement.setAttribute("name",; scriptXmlElement.setAttribute("file", script.file == null ? null : script.file.getPath()); scriptXmlElement.setAttribute("menuTitleKey", script.menuTitleKey); scriptXmlElement.setAttribute("menuLocation", script.menuLocation); scriptXmlElement.setAttribute("executionMode", script.executionMode.toString()); final List<String> permissionNames = ScriptingPermissions.getPermissionNames(); for (String permission : permissionNames) { scriptXmlElement.setAttribute(permission, Boolean.toString(script.permissions.get(permission))); } xmlElement.addChild(scriptXmlElement); } parent.addChild(xmlElement); } @Override public boolean supportsOperation(String opName) { if (opName.equals(OP_DEACTIVATE)) return isActive() && !scripts.isEmpty(); return super.supportsOperation(opName); } }