package; import junit.framework.TestCase; import net.sf.jabref.export.layout.format.plugin.NameFormat; public class BibtexNameLayoutFormatterTest extends TestCase { public void testFormatStringStringBibtexEntry() { NameFormat l = new NameFormat(); assertEquals("Doe", l.format("Joe Doe", "1@*@{ll}", null)); assertEquals("moremoremoremore", l.format("Joe Doe and Mary Jane and Bruce Bar and Arthur Kay", "1@*@{ll}@@2@1..1@{ff}{ll}@2..2@ and {ff}{last}@@*@*@more", null)); assertEquals("Doe", l.format("Joe Doe", "1@*@{ll}@@2@1..1@{ff}{ll}@2..2@ and {ff}{last}@@*@*@more", null)); assertEquals("JoeDoe and MaryJ", l.format("Joe Doe and Mary Jane", "1@*@{ll}@@2@1..1@{ff}{ll}@2..2@ and {ff}{l}@@*@*@more", null)); assertEquals("Doe, Joe and Jane, M. and Kamp, J.~A.", l.format("Joe Doe and Mary Jane and John Arthur van Kamp", "1@*@{ll}, {ff}@@*@1@{ll}, {ff}@2..-1@ and {ll}, {f}.", null)); assertEquals("Doe Joe and Jane, M. and Kamp, J.~A.", l.format("Joe Doe and Mary Jane and John Arthur van Kamp", "1@*@{ll}, {ff}@@*@1@{ll} {ff}@2..-1@ and {ll}, {f}.", null)); } public void testFormat() { NameFormat a = new NameFormat(); // Empty case assertEquals("", a.format("")); String formatString = "1@1@{vv }{ll}{ ff}@@2@1@{vv }{ll}{ ff}@2@ and {vv }{ll}{, ff}@@*@1@{vv }{ll}{ ff}@2..-2@, {vv }{ll}{, ff}@-1@ and {vv }{ll}{, ff}"; // Single Names assertEquals("Vandekamp Mary~Ann", a.format("Mary Ann Vandekamp", formatString, null)); // Two names assertEquals("von Neumann John and Black~Brown, Peter", a .format("John von Neumann and Black Brown, Peter",formatString, null)); // Three names assertEquals("von Neumann John, Smith, John and Black~Brown, Peter", a .format("von Neumann, John and Smith, John and Black Brown, Peter", formatString, null)); assertEquals("von Neumann John, Smith, John and Black~Brown, Peter", a .format("John von Neumann and John Smith and Black Brown, Peter", formatString, null)); // Four names assertEquals("von Neumann John, Smith, John, Vandekamp, Mary~Ann and Black~Brown, Peter", a .format("von Neumann, John and Smith, John and Vandekamp, Mary Ann and Black Brown, Peter", formatString, null)); } }