package gnu.dtools.ritopt; /** * * * Version: * $Id: 2268 2007-08-19 23:37:05Z coezbek $ */ import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; /** * This class is used as a repository for options. The Options class maintains * an OptionModule repository for general options. The user may create option * modules so that their options can overlap and be categorized. Option * modules are invoked by specifying the option name delimited with square * brackets.<p> * * For example, suppose we are writing a program called ServerManager * that manages both an ftp and http server. One option that both a ftp * and http kernel might have in common is the number of seconds before * a request times out. Option modules are used to process two different * values with the same option name. The shell command below demonstrates * how two different modules are invoked.<p> * <pre> * java ServerManager :http: --timeout=15 :ftp: --timeout=25 * </pre> * * Refer to the tutorial for more information on how to use option modules. * * <hr> * * <pre> * Copyright (C) Damian Ryan Eads, 2001. All Rights Reserved. * * ritopt is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * ritopt is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with ritopt; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * </pre> * * @author Damian Eads */ public class OptionModule implements OptionRegistrar { /** * A repository of options registered with this module. */ private HashMap<String, Option> options; /** * The name of this module. */ private String name; /** * Returns whether this module is deprecated. */ private boolean deprecated; /** * The default short option. */ public static final char DEFAULT_SHORT_OPTION = '\0'; /** * The default long option. */ public static final String DEFAULT_LONG_OPTION = null; /** * The default description. */ public static final String DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION = "No description given"; /** * The default deprecation status. */ public static final boolean DEFAULT_DEPRECATED = false; /** * The default module name. */ public static final String DEFAULT_MODULE_NAME = "Special"; /** * Constructs an OptionModule with the default name. */ public OptionModule() { this( DEFAULT_MODULE_NAME ); } /** * Constructs an OptionModule with the name passed. * * @param name The name of the module. */ public OptionModule( String name ) { options = new HashMap<String, Option>(); = name; deprecated = false; } /** * Register an option into the repository as a long option. * * @param longOption The long option name. * @param option The option to register. */ public void register( String longOption, Option option ) { register( longOption, DEFAULT_SHORT_OPTION, option ); } /** * Register an option into the repository as a short option. * * @param shortOption The short option name. * @param option The option to register. */ public void register( char shortOption, Option option ) { register( DEFAULT_LONG_OPTION, shortOption, option ); } /** * Register an option into the repository both as a short and long option. * * @param longOption The long option name. * @param shortOption The short option name. * @param option The option to register. */ public void register( String longOption, char shortOption, Option option ) { register( longOption, shortOption, DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION, option ); } /** * Register an option into the repository both as a short and long option. * Initialize its description with the description passed. * * @param longOption The long option name. * @param shortOption The short option name. * @param description The description of the option. * @param option The option to register. */ public void register( String longOption, char shortOption, String description, Option option ) { register( longOption, shortOption, description, option, DEFAULT_DEPRECATED ); } /** * Register an option into the repository both as a short and long option. * Initialize its description with the description passed. * * @param longOption The long option name. * @param shortOption The short option name. * @param description The description of the option. * @param option The option to register. * @param deprecated A boolean indicating whether an option should * be deprecated. */ public void register( String longOption, char shortOption, String description, Option option, boolean deprecated ) { if ( optionExists( option ) ) { throw new OptionRegistrationException( "Option Already Registered", option ); } option.setLongOption( longOption ); option.setShortOption( shortOption ); option.setDeprecated( deprecated ); option.setDescription( description ); options.put( option.getHashKey(), option ); } /** * Returns whether the option exists in this module. * * @param option The option to check for existance. * * @return A boolean value indicating whether the option passed exists. */ public boolean optionExists( Option option ) { return optionExists( option.getShortOption() ) || optionExists( option.getLongOption() ); } /** * Returns whether the option referred by a short option exists in this * module. * * @param shortOption The option to check for existance. * * @return A boolean value indicating whether the option passed exists. */ public boolean optionExists(char shortOption) { for (Option next : options.values()) { char c = next.getShortOption(); if (c != 0 && c == shortOption) return true; } return false; } /** * Returns whether the option referred by a long option exists in this * module. * * @param longOption The option to check for existance. * * @return A boolean value indicating whether the option passed exists. */ public boolean optionExists(String longOption) { for (Option next : options.values()) { String s = next.getLongOption(); if (s != null && s.equals(longOption)) return true; } return false; } /** * Return an iterator over the option repository contained in this module. * * @return An iterator over the repository. */ public Iterator<Option> getOptionIterator() { return options.values().iterator(); } /** * Returns the option referred by the long option passed. * * @param shortOption * The option to retrieve. * * @return An option referred to by this module. null is returned if it does * not exist. */ public Option getOption(char shortOption) { Option retval = null; for (Option next : options.values()) { char c = next.getShortOption(); if (c != '\0' && c == shortOption) retval = next; } return retval; } /** * Returns the option referred by the long option passed. * * @param longOption The option to retrieve. * * @return An option referred to by this module. null is returned * if it does not exist. */ public Option getOption(String longOption) { Option retval = null; for (Option next : options.values()) { String s = next.getLongOption(); if (s != null && s.equals(longOption)) retval = next; } return retval; } /** * Returns the help information as a String. * * @return The help information as a String. */ public String getHelp() { String retval = ""; for (Option next : options.values()) { retval += next.getHelp() + "\n"; } return retval; } /** * Writes the help information to a print stream. * * @param ps * The print stream to write to. */ public void writeFileToPrintStream(PrintStream ps) { ps.println(":" + name + ":"); for (Option next : options.values()) { ps.println(next.getOptionFileLine()); } } /** * Returns whether this module is deprecated. * * @return A boolean value indicating whether this module is deprecated. */ public boolean isDeprecated() { return deprecated; } /** * Sets whether this module is deprecated. * * @param deprecated The new status. */ public void setDeprecated( boolean deprecated ) { this.deprecated = deprecated; } /** * Called by the OptionsProcessor when an option in the target module * is invoked. * * @param shortOption The option to invoke. * @param text The text to pass to the modifier. */ public void action( char shortOption, char text ) { action( shortOption, "" + text ); } /** * Called by the OptionsProcessor when an option in the target module * is invoked. * * @param longOption The option to invoke. * @param text The text to pass to the modifier. */ public void action( String longOption, char text ) { action( longOption, "" + text ); } /** * Called by the OptionsProcessor when an option in the target module * is invoked. * * @param shortOption The option to invoke. * @param text The text to pass to the modifier. */ public void action( char shortOption, String text ) { Option op = getOption( shortOption ); if ( op == null ) throw new OptionProcessingException( "Option -" + shortOption + " does not" + " exist in module '" + name + "'." ); op.setInvoked( true ); op.action(); op.modify( text ); } /** * Called by the OptionsProcessor when an option in the target module * is invoked. * * @param longOption The option to invoke. * @param text The text to pass to the modifier. */ public void action( String longOption, String text ) { Option op = getOption( longOption ); if ( op == null ) throw new OptionProcessingException( "Option --" + longOption + " does not" + " exist in module '" + name + "'." ); op.setInvoked( true ); op.action(); op.modify( text ); } /** * Set the name of this module. * * @param name The new name. */ public void setName( String name ) { = name; } /** * Returns the name of this module. * * @return The name of this module. */ public String getName() { return name; } } /** OptionModule **/