package org.freeplane.plugin.script.proxy; import groovy.lang.Closure; import java.awt.Color; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import javax.swing.Icon; import org.freeplane.core.util.FreeplaneIconUtils; import org.freeplane.core.util.FreeplaneVersion; import org.freeplane.features.edge.EdgeStyle; import org.freeplane.features.filter.condition.ICondition; import org.freeplane.features.format.FormattedDate; import org.freeplane.features.format.FormattedNumber; import org.freeplane.features.format.FormattedObject; import org.freeplane.features.format.IFormattedObject; import; import org.freeplane.features.styles.IStyle; import org.freeplane.plugin.script.ExecuteScriptException; /** * This interface alone defines the api for accessing the internal state of the Freeplane. All read-write methods * and properties (with rare, documented exceptions in {@link Controller} and {@link Map}) support undo and * rollback on exceptions. * <p> * Every Proxy subinterface comes in two variants: * <ul> * <li>A read-only interface, like {@link NodeRO}. This collects only the methods that don't change the * underlying object (in case of <code>NodeRO</code> this would be <code>NodeModel</code>. * <li>A read-write interface, like {@link Node}. This inherits from the respective read-only interface all its * methods and properties and adds write access to the underlying object. * </ul> * The main point of this distinction are formulas: <em>Only the methods defined in the read-only interfaces are * supported in Formulas!</em>. Changing values in a Formula are against the Formula concept and lead to corruption * of the caching mechanism for Formulas. */ public interface Proxy { /** Node's attribute table: <code>node.attributes</code> - read-only. * <p> * Attributes are name - value pairs assigned to a node. A node may have multiple attributes * with the same name. */ interface AttributesRO { /** alias for {@link #getFirst(String)}. * @deprecated before 1.1 - use {@link #get(int)}, {@link #getFirst(String)} or {@link #getAll(String)} instead. */ @Deprecated Object get(final String name); /** returns the <em>first</em> value of an attribute with the given name or null otherwise. * @since 1.2 */ Object getFirst(final String name); /** returns all values for the attribute name. */ List<Object> getAll(final String name); /** returns all attribute names in the proper sequence. The number of names returned * is equal to the number of attributes. * <pre> * // rename attribute * int i = 0; * for (String name : attributes.getNames()) { * if (name.equals("xy")) * attributes.set(i, "xyz", attributes.get(i)); * ++i; * } * </pre> */ List<String> getNames(); /** @deprecated since 1.2 use #getNames() instead. */ List<String> getAttributeNames(); /** returns all values as a list of {@link Convertible}. * @since 1.2 */ List<? extends Convertible> getValues(); /** returns all attributes as a map. Note that this will erase duplicate keys. * <code>node.attributes =</code> * @since 1.2 */ java.util.Map<String, Object> getMap(); /** returns the attribute value at the given index. * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if index is out of range <tt>(index * < 0 || index >= size())</tt>.*/ Object get(final int index); /** returns the attribute key at the given index. * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if index is out of range <tt>(index * < 0 || index >= size())</tt>.*/ String getKey(final int index); /** @deprecated since 1.2 - use {@link #findFirst(String)} instead. */ int findAttribute(final String name); /** returns the index of the first attribute with the given name if one exists or -1 otherwise. * For searches for <em>all</em> attributes with a given name <code>getAttributeNames()</code> * must be used. * @since 1.2*/ int findFirst(final String name); /** returns the values of all attributes for which the closure returns true. The fact that the values are * returned as a list of {@link Convertible} enables conversion. The following formula sums all attributes * whose names are not equal to 'TOTAL': * <pre> * = attributes.findValues{key,val-> key != 'TOTAL'}.sum(0){it.num0} * </pre> * @param closure A closure that accepts two arguments (String key, Object value) and returns boolean/Boolean. * @since 1.2 */ List<? extends Convertible> findValues(Closure<Boolean> closure); /** the number of attributes. It is <code>size() == getAttributeNames().size()</code>. */ int size(); /** returns <code>getAttributeNames().isEmpty()</code>. * @since 1.2 */ boolean isEmpty(); } /** Node's attribute table: <code>node.attributes</code> - read-write. * <p> * <b>Notes on attribute setters:</b><ul> * <li> All setter methods try to convert strings to dates, numbers or URIs. * <li> All setter methods apply a default formatting (for display) of the value for dates and numbers. * <li> Attributes don't have style properties so the value objects must know about the right formatting for * themselves. * <li> To enforce a certain formatting use format(): <pre>node['creationDate'] = format(new Date(), 'MM/yyyy')</pre> * </ul> * <p> * <b>Examples:</b> * <pre> * // == text * node["attribute name"] = "a value" * assert node["attribute name"] == "a value" * assert node.attributes.getFirst("attribute name") == "a value" // the same * // == numbers and others * // converts numbers and other stuff with toString() * node["a number"] = 1.2 * assert node["a number"].text == "1.2" * assert node["a number"].num == 1.2d * // == dates * def date = new Date() * node["a date"] = date * assert node["a date"].object.getClass().simpleName == "FormattedDate" * assert node["a date"].date == format(date) * // == enforce formats on attribute values * node["another date"] = format(date, 'yyyy|MM|dd') * assert node["another date"].date == format(date, 'yyyy|MM|dd') * // change the date while keeping the silly format * def index = node.attributes.findAttribute("another date") * node.attributes.set(index, new Date(0L)) * // == URIs * def uri = new URI("") * node["uri"] = uri * assert node["uri"].object.getClass().simpleName == "URI" * assert node["uri"].object == uri * // == remove an attribute * node["removed attribute"] = "to be removed" * assert node["removed attribute"] == "to be removed" * node["removed attribute"] = null * assert node.attributes.findFirst("removed attribute") == -1 * </pre> */ interface Attributes extends AttributesRO { /** sets the value of the attribute at an index. This method will not create new attributes. * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if index is out of range <tt>(index * < 0 || index >= size())</tt>. */ void set(final int index, final Object value); /** sets name and value of the attribute at the given index. This method will not create new attributes. * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if index is out of range <tt>(index * < 0 || index >= size())</tt>. */ void set(final int index, final String name, final Object value); /** removes the <em>first</em> attribute with this name. * @return true on removal of an existing attribute and false otherwise. * @deprecated before 1.1 - use {@link #remove(int)} or {@link #removeAll(String)} instead. */ @Deprecated boolean remove(final String name); /** removes <em>all</em> attributes with this name. * @return true on removal of an existing attribute and false otherwise. */ boolean removeAll(final String name); /** removes the attribute at the given index. * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if index is out of range <tt>(index * < 0 || index >= size())</tt>. */ void remove(final int index); /** adds an attribute if there is no attribute with the given name or changes * the value <em>of the first</em> attribute with the given name. */ void set(final String name, final Object value); /** adds an attribute no matter if an attribute with the given name already exists. */ void add(final String name, final Object value); /** removes all attributes. * @since 1.2 */ void clear(); } /** Graphical connector between nodes:<code>node.connectorsIn</code> / <code>node.connectorsOut</code> * - read-only. */ interface ConnectorRO { Color getColor(); String getColorCode(); /** @since 1.2 */ boolean hasEndArrow(); /**@deprecated since 1.2 - use {@link #hasEndArrow()} instead */ ArrowType getEndArrow(); String getMiddleLabel(); Node getSource(); String getSourceLabel(); /** @since 1.2 */ boolean hasStartArrow(); /** @deprecated since 1.2 - use {@link #hasStartArrow()} instead */ ArrowType getStartArrow(); Node getTarget(); String getTargetLabel(); boolean simulatesEdge(); } /** Graphical connector between nodes:<code>node.connectorsIn</code> / <code>node.connectorsOut</code> * - read-write. */ interface Connector extends ConnectorRO { void setColor(Color color); /** @param rgbString a HTML color spec like #ff0000 (red) or #222222 (darkgray). * @since 1.2 */ void setColorCode(String rgbString); /** @since 1.2 */ void setEndArrow(boolean showArrow); /** @deprecated since 1.2 - use {@link #setEndArrow(boolean)} instead */ void setEndArrow(ArrowType arrowType); void setMiddleLabel(String label); void setSimulatesEdge(boolean simulatesEdge); void setSourceLabel(String label); /** @since 1.2 */ void setStartArrow(boolean showArrow); /** @deprecated since 1.2 - use {@link #setStartArrow(boolean)} instead */ void setStartArrow(ArrowType arrowType); void setTargetLabel(String label); } /** Access to global state: <code>c</code> - read-only. */ interface ControllerRO { /** if multiple nodes are selected returns one (arbitrarily chosen) * selected node or the selected node for a single node selection. */ Node getSelected(); /** A read-only list of selected nodes. That is you cannot select a node by adding it to the returned list. */ List<Node> getSelecteds(); /** returns List<Node> of Node objects sorted on Y * * @param differentSubtrees if true * children/grandchildren/grandgrandchildren/... nodes of selected * parent nodes are excluded from the result. */ List<Node> getSortedSelection(boolean differentSubtrees); /** * returns Freeplane version. * Use it like this: * <pre> * import org.freeplane.core.util.FreeplaneVersion * import org.freeplane.core.ui.components.UITools * * def required = FreeplaneVersion.getVersion("1.1.2"); * if (c.freeplaneVersion < required) * UITools.errorMessage("Freeplane version " + c.freeplaneVersion * + " not supported - update to at least " + required); * </pre> */ FreeplaneVersion getFreeplaneVersion(); /** returns the directory where user settings, logfiles, templates etc. are stored. * @since 1.2 */ File getUserDirectory(); /** Starting from the root node, recursively searches for nodes for which * <code>condition.checkNode(node)</code> returns true. * @see Node#find(ICondition) for searches on subtrees * @deprecated since 1.2 use {@link #find(Closure)} instead. */ List<Node> find(ICondition condition); /** * Starting from the root node, recursively searches for nodes (in breadth-first sequence) for which * <code></code> returns true. * <p> * A find method that uses a Groovy closure ("block") for simple custom searches. As this closure * will be called with a node as an argument (to be referenced by <code>it</code>) the search can * evaluate every node property, like attributes, icons, node text or notes. * <p> * Examples: * <pre> * def nodesWithNotes = c.find{ it.noteText != null } * * def matchingNodes = c.find{ it.text.matches(".*\\d.*") } * def texts = matchingNodes.collect{ it.text } * print "node texts containing numbers:\n " + texts.join("\n ") * </pre> * @param closure a Groovy closure that returns a boolean value. The closure will receive * a NodeModel as an argument which can be tested for a match. * @return all nodes for which <code></code> returns true. * @see Node#find(Closure) for searches on subtrees */ List<Node> find(Closure<Boolean> closure); /** * Returns all nodes of the map in breadth-first order, that is, for the following map, * <pre> * 1 * 1.1 * 1.1.1 * 1.1.2 * 1.2 * 2 * </pre> * [1, 1.1, 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.2, 2] is returned. * @see Node#find(Closure) for searches on subtrees * @since 1.2 */ List<Node> findAll(); /** * Returns all nodes of the map in depth-first order, that is, for the following map, * <pre> * 1 * 1.1 * 1.1.1 * 1.1.2 * 1.2 * 2 * </pre> * [1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1, 1.2, 1, 2] is returned. * @see Node#findAllDepthFirst() for subtrees * @since 1.2 */ List<Node> findAllDepthFirst(); /** returns the current zoom factor. A value of 1 means 100%. * @since 1.2 */ float getZoom(); /** returns false if the system 'nonInteractive' is set. This can be used in actions to not open dialogs etc. * @since 1.2 */ boolean isInteractive(); } /** Access to global state: <code>c</code> - read-write. */ interface Controller extends ControllerRO { void centerOnNode(Node center); /** Starts editing node, normally in the inline editor. Does not block until edit has finished. * @since 1.2.2 */ void edit(Node node); /** opens the appropriate popup text editor. Does not block until edit has finished. * @since 1.2.2 */ void editInPopup(Node node); void select(Node toSelect); /** selects branchRoot and all children */ void selectBranch(Node branchRoot); /** toSelect is a List<Node> of Node objects */ void selectMultipleNodes(List<Node> toSelect); /** reset undo / redo lists and deactivate Undo for current script */ void deactivateUndo(); /** invokes undo once - for testing purposes mainly. * @since 1.2 */ void undo(); /** invokes redo once - for testing purposes mainly. * @since 1.2 */ void redo(); /** The main info for the status line with key="standard", use null to remove. Removes icon if there is one. */ void setStatusInfo(String info); /** Info for status line, null to remove. Removes icon if there is one. * @see #setStatusInfo(String, String, String) */ void setStatusInfo(String infoPanelKey, String info); /** Info for status line - text and icon - null stands for "remove" (text or icon) * @param infoPanelKey "standard" is the left most standard info panel. If a panel with * this name doesn't exist it will be created. * @param info Info text * @param iconKey key as those that are used for nodes (see {@link Icons#addIcon(String)}). * <pre> * println("all available icon keys: " + FreeplaneIconUtils.listStandardIconKeys()) * c.setStatusInfo("standard", "hi there!", "button_ok"); * </pre> * @see FreeplaneIconUtils * @since 1.2 */ void setStatusInfo(String infoPanelKey, String info, String iconKey); /** @deprecated since 1.2 - use {@link #setStatusInfo(String, String, String)} */ void setStatusInfo(String infoPanelKey, Icon icon); /** opens a new map with a default name in the foreground. * @since 1.2 */ Map newMap(); /** opens a new map for url in the foreground if it isn't opened already. * @since 1.2 */ Map newMap(URL url); /** a value of 1 means 100%. * @since 1.2 */ void setZoom(final float ratio); } /** Edge to parent node: <code></code> - read-only. */ interface EdgeRO { Color getColor(); String getColorCode(); EdgeStyle getType(); int getWidth(); } /** Edge to parent node: <code></code> - read-write. */ interface Edge extends EdgeRO { void setColor(Color color); /** @param rgbString a HTML color spec like #ff0000 (red) or #222222 (darkgray). * @since 1.2 */ void setColorCode(String rgbString); void setType(EdgeStyle type); /** can be -1 for default, 0 for thin, >0 */ void setWidth(int width); } /** External object: <code>node.externalObject</code> - read-only. */ interface ExternalObjectRO { /** returns the object's uri if set or null otherwise. * @since 1.2 */ String getUri(); /** returns the current zoom level as ratio, i.e. 1.0 is returned for 100%. * If there is no external object 1.0 is returned. */ float getZoom(); /** @deprecated since 1.2 - use {@link #getUri()} instead. */ String getURI(); } /** External object: <code>node.externalObject</code> - read-write. */ interface ExternalObject extends ExternalObjectRO { /** setting null uri means remove external object. */ void setUri(String uri); /** set to 1.0 to set it to 100%. If the node has no object assigned this method does nothing. */ void setZoom(float zoom); /** @deprecated since 1.2 - use {@link #setUri(String)} instead. */ void setURI(String uri); } /** Node's font: <code></code> - read-only. */ interface FontRO { String getName(); int getSize(); boolean isBold(); boolean isBoldSet(); boolean isItalic(); boolean isItalicSet(); boolean isNameSet(); boolean isSizeSet(); } /** Node's font: <code></code> - read-write. */ interface Font extends FontRO { void resetBold(); void resetItalic(); void resetName(); void resetSize(); void setBold(boolean bold); void setItalic(boolean italic); void setName(String name); void setSize(int size); } /** Node's icons: <code>node.icons</code> - read-only. */ interface IconsRO { /** returns the name of the icon at the given index (starting at 0) or null if <code>index >= size</code>. * Use it like this: <pre> * def secondIconName = node.icons[1] * </pre> * @since 1.2 */ String getAt(int index); /** returns the name of the first icon if the node has an icon assigned or null otherwise. Equivalent: <code>node.icons[0]</code>. * @since 1.2 */ String getFirst(); /** returns true if the node has an icon of this name. * @since 1.2 */ boolean contains(String name); /** returns the number of icons the node has. * @since 1.2 */ int size(); /** returns a read-only list of the names of the icons the node has. Think twice before you use this method * since it leads to ugly code, e.g. use <code>node.icons.first</code> or <code>node.icons[0]</code> instead of * <code>node.icons.icons[0]</code>. */ List<String> getIcons(); /** returns a list of the urls of the icons the node has. */ List<URL> getUrls(); } /** Node's icons: <code>node.icons</code> - read-write. */ interface Icons extends IconsRO { /** * adds an icon to a node if an icon for the given key can be found. The same icon can be added multiple * times. * <pre> * println("all available icon keys: " + FreeplaneIconUtils.listStandardIconKeys()) * node.icons.addIcon("button_ok") * </pre> * @see FreeplaneIconUtils */ void add(String name); /** @deprecated since 1.2 - use {@link #add(String)} instead. */ void addIcon(String name); /** deletes the icon at the given index, returns true if success (icon existed). */ boolean remove(int index); /** deletes first occurence of icon with the given name, returns true if success (icon existed). */ boolean remove(String name); /** @deprecated since 1.2 - use {@link #remove(String)} instead. */ boolean removeIcon(String name); } /** Node's link: <code></code> - read-only. * <p> * None of the getters will throw an exception, even if you call, e.g. getNode() on a File link. * Instead they will return null. To check the link type evaluate getUri().getScheme() or the result * of the special getters.*/ interface LinkRO { /** returns the link text, a stringified URI, if a link is defined and null otherwise. * @since 1.2 */ String getText(); /** returns the link as URI if defined and null otherwise. Won't throw an exception. * @since 1.2 */ URI getUri(); /** returns the link as File if defined and if the link target is a valid File URI and null otherwise. * @see File#File(URI). * @since 1.2 */ File getFile(); /** returns the link as Node if defined and if the link target is a valid local link to a node and null otherwise. * @since 1.2 */ Node getNode(); /** @deprecated since 1.2 - use {@link #getText()} instead. */ String get(); } /** Node's link: <code></code> - read-write. */ interface Link extends LinkRO { /** target is a stringified URI. Removes any link if uri is null. * To get a local link (i.e. to another node) target should be: "#" + nodeId or better use setNode(Node). * @throws IllegalArgumentException if target is not convertible into a {@link URI}. * @since 1.2 */ void setText(String target); /** sets target to uri. Removes any link if uri is null. * @since 1.2 */ void setUri(URI uri); /** sets target to file. Removes any link if file is null. * @since 1.2 */ void setFile(File file); /** target is a node of the same map. Shortcut for setTarget("#" + node.nodeId) * Removes any link if node is null. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if node belongs to another map. * @since 1.2 */ void setNode(Node node); /** @deprecated since 1.2 - use {@link #setText(String)} instead. * @return true if target could be converted to an URI and false otherwise. */ boolean set(String target); } /** The map a node belongs to: <code></code> - read-only. */ interface MapRO { /** @since 1.2 */ Node getRoot(); /** @deprecated since 1.2 - use {@link #getRoot()} instead. */ Node getRootNode(); /** returns the node if the map contains it or null otherwise. */ Node node(String id); /** returns the physical location of the map if available or null otherwise. */ File getFile(); /** returns the title of the MapView. * @since 1.2 */ String getName(); /** @since 1.2 */ boolean isSaved(); /** @since 1.2 */ Color getBackgroundColor(); /** returns HTML color spec like #ff0000 (red) or #222222 (darkgray). * @since 1.2 */ String getBackgroundColorCode(); } /** The map a node belongs to: <code></code> - read-write. */ interface Map extends MapRO { /** * closes a map. Note that there is <em>no undo</em> for this method! * @param force close map even if there are unsaved changes. * @param allowInteraction if (allowInteraction && ! force) a saveAs dialog will be opened if there are * unsaved changes. * @return false if the saveAs was cancelled by the user and true otherwise. * @throws RuntimeException if the map contains changes and parameter force is false. * @since 1.2 */ boolean close(boolean force, boolean allowInteraction); /** * saves the map to disk. Note that there is <em>no undo</em> for this method. * @param allowInteraction if a saveAs dialog should be opened if the map has no assigned URL so far. * @return false if the saveAs was cancelled by the user and true otherwise. * @throws RuntimeException if the map has no assigned URL and parameter allowInteraction is false. * @since 1.2 */ boolean save(boolean allowInteraction); /** @since 1.2 */ void setSaved(boolean isSaved); /** Sets the map (frame/tab) title. Note that there is <em>no undo</em> for this method! * @since 1.2 */ void setName(String title); /** @since 1.2 */ void setBackgroundColor(Color color); /** @param rgbString a HTML color spec like #ff0000 (red) or #222222 (darkgray). * @since 1.2 */ void setBackgroundColorCode(String rgbString); /** install a Groovy closure as the current filter in this map. If <code>closure</code> is null then filtering will * be disabled. The filter state of a node can be checked by {@link Node#isVisible()}. <br> * To undo filtering use <em>Tools -> Undo</em>. After execution of the following you have to use it seven times to * return to the initial filter state. * <pre> * // show only matching nodes *{ it.text.contains("todo") } * // equivalent: * = { it.text.contains("todo") } * * // show anchestors of matching nodes *, false){ it.text.contains("todo") } * // equivalent: *, false, { it.text.contains("todo") }) * * // show descendants of matching nodes *, true){ it.text.contains("todo") } * // equivalent: *, true, { it.text.contains("todo") }) * * // remove filter * = null * </pre> * @since 1.2 */ public void filter(final Closure<Boolean> closure); /** alias for {@link #filter(Closure)}. Enables assignment to the <code>filter</code> property. * @since 1.2 */ public void setFilter(final Closure<Boolean> closure); /** With {@link #filter(Closure)} neither anchestors not descendants of the visible nodes are shown. Use this * method to control these options. * @see #filter(Closure) * @since 1.2 */ public void filter(final boolean showAnchestors, final boolean showDescendants, final Closure<Boolean> closure); /** alias for {@link #setFilter(boolean, boolean, Closure)} * @see #filter(Closure) * @since 1.2 */ public void setFilter(final boolean showAnchestors, final boolean showDescendants, final Closure<Boolean> closure); /** reinstalls the previously undone filter if there is any. * Note: undo/redo for filters is separate to the undo/redo for other map state. * @since 1.2 */ public void redoFilter(); /** removes the current filter and reinstalls the previous filter if there is any. * Note: undo/redo for filters is separate to the undo/redo for other map state. * @since 1.2 */ public void undoFilter(); } /** The currently selected node: <code>node</code> - read-only. */ interface NodeRO { Attributes getAttributes(); /** allows to access attribute values like array elements. Note that the returned type is a * {@link Convertible}, not a String. Nevertheless it behaves like a String in almost all respects, * that is, in Groovy scripts it understands all String methods like lenght(), matches() etc. * <pre> * // standard way * node.attributes.set("attribute name", "12") * // implicitely use getAt() * def val = node["attribute name"] * // use all conversions that Convertible provides (num, date, string, ...) * assert val.num == new Long(12) * // or use it just like a string * assert val.startsWith("1") * </pre> * @throws ExecuteScriptException * @since 1.2 */ Convertible getAt(String attributeName); /** returns the index (0..) of this node in the (by Y coordinate sorted) * list of this node's children. Returns -1 if childNode is not a child * of this node. */ int getChildPosition(Node childNode); /** returns the children of this node ordered by Y coordinate. */ List<Node> getChildren(); Collection<Connector> getConnectorsIn(); Collection<Connector> getConnectorsOut(); /** returns the raw HTML text of the details if there is any or null otherwise. * @since 1.2 */ String getDetailsText(); /** returns the text of the details as a Convertible like {@link #getNote()} for notes. * @since 1.2 */ Convertible getDetails(); /** returns true if node details are hidden. * @since 1.2 */ boolean getHideDetails(); ExternalObject getExternalObject(); Icons getIcons(); Link getLink(); /** use it to create and inspect {@link Reminder}s. This property is never null. */ Reminder getReminder(); /** the map this node belongs to. */ Map getMap(); /** @deprecated since 1.2 - use Node.getId() instead. */ String getNodeID(); /** @since 1.2 */ String getId(); /** if countHidden is false then only nodes that are matched by the * current filter are counted. */ int getNodeLevel(boolean countHidden); /** * Returns a Convertible object for the plain not text. Convertibles behave like Strings in most respects. * Additionally String methods are overridden to handle Convertible arguments as if the argument were the * result of Convertible.getText(). * @return Convertible getString(), getText() and toString() will return plain text instead of the HTML. * Use {@link #getNoteText()} to get the HTML text. * @throws ExecuteScriptException * @since 1.2 */ Convertible getNote(); /** Returns the HTML text of the node. (Notes always contain HTML text.) * @throws ExecuteScriptException */ String getNoteText(); /** @since 1.2 */ Node getParent(); /** @deprecated since 1.2 - use {@link #getParent()} instead. */ Node getParentNode(); /** returns the next node with respect to this node in breadth-first order. * Returns null if this node is the only one in the map. */ Node getNext(); /** returns the previous node with respect to this node in breadth-first order. * Returns null if this node is the only one in the map. */ Node getPrevious(); /** The style attributes of a node can either be changed by assigning a named style like this: * <pre> = 'style.ok'</pre> * or by changing attributes for this node individually like this: * <pre> = '#FF0000'</pre> * Conditional styles of a node can only be investigated by {@link Node#hasStyle(String)}. Here a script that * creates an index of all nodes having the style 'todo': * <pre> * def todos ='To Do') * c.find{ it.hasStyle('todo') }.each { * def child = todos.createChild(it.text) * = it * } * </pre> */ NodeStyle getStyle(); /** returns true if the node has the style of this name - either manually set or as a conditional style or it is * "default" which all nodes have. The following statement will always be true: * @since 1.2 */ boolean hasStyle(String styleName); /** use this method to remove all tags from an HTML node. Formulas are not evaluated. * @since 1.2 */ String getPlainText(); /** use this method to remove all tags from an HTML node. * @deprecated since 1.2 - use getPlainText() or getTo().getPlain() instead. */ String getPlainTextContent(); /** The visible text of this node. Use {@link #getPlainText()} to remove HTML. * @since 1.2 */ String getDisplayedText(); String getTransformedText(); String getShortText(); /** The html text of this node. Use {@link #getPlainText()} to remove HTML. * @since 1.2 */ String getText(); /** The object that's displayed as the node text - normally the raw text of this node (then this method is * equivalent to {@link #getText()}). * But in case of typed content (for numbers, dates and calendars) {@link #getObject()} returns * a proper {@link IFormattedObject}. Use {@link #getPlainText()} to remove HTML. * @since 1.2 */ Object getObject(); /** returns the format string of the formatter if available and null otherwise. * @since 1.2 */ String getFormat(); /** * returns an object that performs conversions (method name is choosen to give descriptive code): * <dl> * <dt> <dd>Long or Double, see {@link Convertible#getDate()}. * <dt> <dd>Date, see {@link Convertible#getDate()}. * <dt> <dd>Text, see {@link Convertible#getString()}. * <dt> <dd>an alias for getString(), see {@link Convertible#getText()}. * <dt> <dd>returns what fits best, see {@link Convertible#getObject()}. * </dl> * @return ConvertibleObject * @throws ExecuteScriptException on formula evaluation errors * @throws ConversionException on parse errors, e.g. if is invoked on "0.25" * @since 1.2 */ Convertible getTo(); /** an alias for {@link #getTo()}. * @throws ExecuteScriptException on formula evaluation errors * @since 1.2 */ Convertible getValue(); /** Returns a <a href="">BASE64</a> encoded node text * (see {@link Node#setBinary(byte[])}) as a binary object. Errors are signaled by a null return value. * Whitespace characters are ignored.<br> * Note that this method is not able to catch all encoding errors! * @since 1.2 */ byte[] getBinary(); /** returns true if p is a parent, or grandparent, ... of this node, or if it <em>is equal<em> * to this node; returns false otherwise. */ boolean isDescendantOf(Node p); boolean isFolded(); /** returns true if this node is freely positionable. * @since 1.2 */ public boolean isFree(); boolean isLeaf(); boolean isLeft(); boolean isRoot(); boolean isVisible(); boolean isMinimized(); /** Starting from this node, recursively searches for nodes for which * <code>condition.checkNode(node)</code> returns true. * @deprecated since 1.2 use {@link #find(Closure)} instead. */ List<Node> find(ICondition condition); /** Starting from this node, recursively searches for nodes for which <code></code> * returns true. See {@link Controller#find(Closure)} for details. */ List<Node> find(Closure<Boolean> closure); /** Returns all nodes of the branch that starts with this node in breadth-first order. * @see Controller#findAll() for subtrees * @since 1.2 */ List<Node> findAll(); /** Returns all nodes of the branch that starts with this node in depth-first order. * @see Controller#findAllDepthFirst() for subtrees. * @since 1.2 */ List<Node> findAllDepthFirst(); Date getLastModifiedAt(); Date getCreatedAt(); } /** The currently selected node: <code>node</code> - read-write. */ interface Node extends NodeRO { /** adds a new Connector to the given target node and returns the new * connector for optional further editing (style); also enlists the * Connector on the target Node object. */ Connector addConnectorTo(Node target); /** as above, using String targetNodeId instead of Node object to establish the connector. */ Connector addConnectorTo(String targetNodeId); /** inserts *new* node as child, takes care of all construction work and * internal stuff inserts as last child. */ Node createChild(); /** like {@link #createChild()} but sets the node text to the given text. * <pre> * // instead of * def child = node.createChild(); child.setObject(value); * // use * def child = node.createChild(value); * </pre> * @since 1.2 */ Node createChild(Object value); /** inserts *new* node as child, takes care of all construction work and * internal stuff */ Node createChild(int position); /** inserts a copy of node as a new child. * @since 1.2 */ Node appendChild(NodeRO node); /** inserts a copy of the branch starting with node as a new child branch. * @since 1.2 */ Node appendBranch(NodeRO node); void delete(); void moveTo(Node parentNode); void moveTo(Node parentNode, int position); /** removes the given connector on both sides. */ void removeConnector(Connector connectorToBeRemoved); /** * A node's text is String valued. This methods provides automatic conversion to String in the same way as * for {@link #setText(Object)}, that is special conversion is provided for dates and calendars, other * types are converted via value.toString(). * * If the conversion result is not valid HTML it will be automatically converted to HTML. * * @param details An object for conversion to String. Use null to unset the details. Works well for all types * that {@link Convertible} handles, particularly {@link Convertible}s itself. * @since 1.2 */ void setDetails(Object details); /** use node.hideDetails = true/false to control visibility of details. * @since 1.2 */ void setHideDetails(boolean hide); void setFolded(boolean folded); /** set to true if this node should be freely positionable: * <pre> * = true * = true * </pre> * @since 1.2 */ void setFree(boolean free); void setMinimized(boolean shortened); /** * Set the note text: * <ul> * <li>This methods provides automatic conversion to String in a way that node.getNote().getXyz() * methods will be able to convert the string properly to the wanted type. * <li>Special conversion is provided for dates and calendars: They will be converted in a way that * and node.note.calendar will work. All other types are converted via value.toString(). * <li>If the conversion result is not valid HTML it will be automatically converted to HTML. * </ul> * <p> * <pre> * // converts numbers and other stuff with toString() * node.note = 1.2 * assert node.note.text == "<html><body><p>1.2" * assert node.note.plain == "1.2" * assert node.note.num == 1.2d * // == dates * // a date in some non-UTC time zone * def date = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSZ"). * parse("1970-01-01 00:00:00.000-0200") * // converts to "1970-01-01T02:00:00.000+0000" (GMT) * // - note the shift due to the different time zone * // - the missing end tags don't matter for rendering * node.note = date * assert node.note == "<html><body><p>1970-01-01T02:00:00.000+0000" * assert node.note.plain == "1970-01-01T02:00:00.000+0000" * assert == date * // == remove note * node.note = null * assert node.note.text == null * </pre> * @param value An object for conversion to String. Works well for all types that {@link Convertible} * handles, particularly {@link Convertible}s itself. * @since 1.2 (note that the old setNoteText() did not support non-String arguments. */ void setNote(Object value); /** @deprecated since 1.2 - use {@link #setNote(Object)} instead. */ void setNoteText(String text); /** An alias for {@link #setObject(Object)}. * @see #setObject(Object) * @since 1.2 */ void setText(Object value); /** * A node's text object is normally String valued but it can be of any type since every Object can be converted * to String for display. This methods provides automatic conversion to String in a way that * methods will be able to convert the string properly to the wanted type. * <p> * Special support is provided for numbers, dates and calendars that are stored unconverted. For display of * them a standard formatter is used (use #setFormat() to change it). You may also pass {@link IFormattedObject} * instances ({@link FormattedDate}, {@link FormattedNumber} or {@link FormattedObject}) directly to determine * the format in one pass. * <p> * All other types are converted via value.toString(). * <p><b>Numbers</b> * <pre> * double number = 1.2222222d * node.object = number * // to enable math with node.object its type is not FormattedNumber * assert node.object.class.simpleName == "Double" * assert == "Double" * // use globally bound TextUtils object * def defaultNumberFormat = textUtils.defaultNumberFormat * assert node.format != null * // e.g. "1.22" * assert node.text == defaultNumberFormat.format(number) * assert == number * assert + 1.0 == number + 1.0 * assert node.object + 1.0 == number + 1.0 * </pre> * <p><b>Dates</b> * <pre> * def date = new Date(0) // when Unix time began * node.object = date * assert node.object.class.simpleName == "FormattedDate" * assert == "FormattedDate" * // use globally bound TextUtils object * def defaultDateFormat = textUtils.defaultDateFormat * assert node.object.toString() == defaultDateFormat.format(date) * assert node.format == defaultDateFormat.pattern * // e.g. "01/01/1970" * assert node.text == defaultDateFormat.format(date) * assert == date * </pre> * <p><b>Date/Time</b> * <pre> * def date = new Date(0) // when Unix time began * // the default format for dates does not contain a time component. Use node.dateTime to override it. * node.dateTime = date * assert node.object.class.simpleName == "FormattedDate" * assert == "FormattedDate" * // use globally bound TextUtils object * def defaultDateFormat = textUtils.defaultDateTimeFormat * assert node.object.toString() == defaultDateFormat.format(date) * assert node.format == defaultDateFormat.pattern * // e.g. "01/01/1970 01:00" * assert node.text == defaultDateFormat.format(date) * assert == date * </pre> * @param value A not-null object. * @since 1.2 */ void setObject(Object value); /** sets the node text to a default formatted datetime object. (After setObject(Date) no time component is * displayed so use this method if you want the time to be displayed.) * @see #setObject(Object) * @since 1.2 */ void setDateTime(Date date); /** Converts data to a <a href="">BASE64</a> encoded string and * sets it as this node's text. Long lines are folded to a length a bit less than 80. * @since 1.2 */ void setBinary(byte[] data); /** sets the format string of the formatter. It has to be appropriate for the data type of the contained object, * otherwise the format is simply ignored. For instance use "dd.MM.yyyy" for dates but not for numbers: * <pre> * node.object = new Date() * node.format = "dd.MMM.yyyy" // ok: "13.07.2011" * node.format = "#.00" // still "13.07.2011". See log: "cannot format 13.07.2011 with #.00: multiple points" * </pre> * Numbers: * <pre> * node.object = 1.122 * node.format = "#.##" // ok: "1.12" (US, GB, ...) or "1,12" (Germany, ...) * node.format = "#.0000" // ok: "1.1220" (US, GB, ...) or "1,1220" (Germany, ...) * </pre> * @see #setObject(Object) * @since 1.2 */ void setFormat(String format); void setLastModifiedAt(Date date); void setCreatedAt(Date date); // Attributes /** * Allows to set and to change attribute like array (or map) elements. * See description of {@link Attributes} for details. * @param value An object for conversion to String. Works well for all types that {@link Convertible} * handles, particularly {@link Convertible}s itself. Use null to unset an attribute. * @return the new value */ Object putAt(String attributeName, Object value); /** allows to set all attributes at once: * <pre> * node.attributes = [:] // clear the attributes * assert node.attributes.size() == 0 * node.attributes = ["1st" : "a value", "2nd" : "another value"] // create 2 attributes * assert node.attributes.size() == 2 * node.attributes = ["one attrib" : new Double(1.22)] // replace all attributes * assert node.attributes.size() == 1 * assert node.attributes.getFirst("one attrib") == "1.22" // note the type conversion * assert node["one attrib"] == "1.22" // here we compare Convertible with String * </pre> */ void setAttributes(java.util.Map<String, Object> attributes); void setLeft(boolean isLeft); } /** Node's style: <code></code> - read-only. */ interface NodeStyleRO { IStyle getStyle(); /** Returns the name of the node's style if set or null otherwise. For styles with translated names the * translation key is returned to make the process robust against language setting changes. * It's guaranteed that <code> =</code> does not change the style. * @since 1.2.2 */ String getName(); Node getStyleNode(); Color getBackgroundColor(); /** returns HTML color spec like #ff0000 (red) or #222222 (darkgray). * @since 1.2 */ String getBackgroundColorCode(); Edge getEdge(); Font getFont(); /** @deprecated since 1.2 - use {@link #getTextColor()} instead. */ Color getNodeTextColor(); /** @since 1.2 */ Color getTextColor(); String getTextColorCode(); /** @since 1.2 treue if the floating style is set for the node (aka "free node"). */ boolean isFloating(); } /** Node's style: <code></code> - read-write. */ interface NodeStyle extends NodeStyleRO { void setStyle(IStyle style); /** Selects a style by name, see menu Styles -> Pre/Userdefined styles for valid style names or use * {@link #getName()} to display the name of a node's style. * It's guaranteed that <code> =</code> does not change the style. * @param styleName can be the name visible in the style menu or its translation key as returned by * {@link #getName()}. (Names of predefined styles are subject to translation.) * Only translation keys will continue to work if the language setting is changed. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the style does not exist. * @since 1.2.2 */ void setName(String styleName); void setBackgroundColor(Color color); /** @param rgbString a HTML color spec like #ff0000 (red) or #222222 (darkgray). * @since 1.2 */ void setBackgroundColorCode(String rgbString); /** @deprecated since 1.2 - use {@link #setTextColor(Color)} instead. */ void setNodeTextColor(Color color); /** @since 1.2 */ void setTextColor(Color color); /** @param rgbString a HTML color spec like #ff0000 (red) or #222222 (darkgray). * @since 1.2 */ void setTextColorCode(String rgbString); /** @param sets the floating style for the node (aka "free node"). Should normally only applied to direct * children of the root node. * @since 1.2 */ void setFloating(boolean floating); } /** Reminder: <code>node.reminder</code> - read-only. * <pre> * def rem = node.reminder * if (!rem.remindAt) * c.statusInfo = "this node has no reminder" * else * c.statusInfo = "reminder fires at ${rem.remindAt} and then every ${rem.period} ${rem.periodUnit}" * </pre> */ interface ReminderRO { /** The timestamp when the reminder fires first. */ Date getRemindAt(); /** One of ["MINUTE", "HOUR", "DAY", "WEEK", "MONTH", "YEAR"]. */ String getPeriodUnit(); /** Count in units of "PeriodUnit". (period=2, periodUnit="WEEK") reminds every two weeks. */ Integer getPeriod(); /** optional: a Groovy script to execute when the reminder fires. */ String getScript(); } /** Reminder: <code>node.reminder</code> - read-write. For creating and modifying reminders: * <pre> * def reminder = node.reminder * if (!reminder) * c.statusInfo = "node has no reminder" * else * c.statusInfo = "node has a reminder: $reminder" * * def inAMinute = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + 60*1000) * node.reminder.createOrReplace(inAMinute, "WEEK", 2) * if ( { * node.reminder.setScript("loadUri(new URI('${}#${}'))") * } * // a click on the node opens time management dialog * = 'menuitem:_$TimeListAction$0' * </pre> */ interface Reminder extends ReminderRO { // /** Creates a new reminder. Removes existing reminders for the same node if they exist. // * @param remindAt The timestamp when the reminder should fire. */ // void createOrReplace(Date remindAt); /** Creates a periodic reminder. To make the reminder fire every second week: * <pre> * node.reminder.createOrReplace(new Date() + 1, "WEEK", 2) * </pre> * @param remindAt The timestamp when the reminder fires first. * @param periodUnit one of ["MINUTE", "HOUR", "DAY", "WEEK", "MONTH", "YEAR"]. * @param period counts the periodUnits. * @throws Exception if there is no reminder yet. */ void createOrReplace(Date remindAt, String periodUnit, Integer period); /** optional: a Groovy script to execute when the reminder fires. * @param scriptSource the script itself, not a path to a file. * @throws NullPointerException if there is no reminder yet. */ void setScript(String scriptSource); /** removes a reminder from a node. It's not an error if there is no reminder to remove. */ void remove(); } }