package net.sf.jabref.export; import java.util.Set; import net.sf.jabref.BibtexDatabase; import net.sf.jabref.Globals; import net.sf.jabref.MetaData; import net.sf.jabref.sql.SQLutil; /** * MySQLExport contributed by Lee Patton. */ public class MySQLExport extends ExportFormat { public MySQLExport() { super(Globals.lang("MySQL database"), "mysql", null, null, ".sql"); } /** * First method called when user starts the export. * * @param database * The bibtex database from which to export. * @param file * The filename to which the export should be writtten. * @param encoding * The encoding to use. * @param keySet * The set of IDs of the entries to export. * @throws java.lang.Exception * If something goes wrong, feel free to throw an exception. The * error message is shown to the user. */ public void performExport(final BibtexDatabase database, final MetaData metaData, final String file, final String encoding, Set<String> keySet) throws Exception { SQLutil.exportDatabase(database, metaData, keySet, file, SQLutil.DBTYPE.MYSQL); } }