package net.sf.jabref.export; import net.sf.jabref.BibtexDatabase; import net.sf.jabref.MetaData; import; import java.util.Set; import javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter; public interface IExportFormat { /** * Name to call this format in the console. */ String getConsoleName(); /** * Name to display to the user (for instance in the Save file format drop * down box. */ String getDisplayName(); /** * A file filter that accepts filetypes that this exporter would create. */ FileFilter getFileFilter(); /** * Perform the export. * * @param database * The database to export from. * @param metaData * The database's metadata. * @param file * The filename to write to. * @param encoding * The encoding to use. * @param entryIds * (may be null) A Set containing the IDs of all entries that * should be exported. If null, all entries will be exported. * @throws Exception * @see #performExport(BibtexDatabase, Set, Writer) */ void performExport(BibtexDatabase database, MetaData metaData, String file, String encoding, Set<String> entryIds) throws Exception; }