package; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import junit.framework.TestCase; import net.sf.jabref.BibtexEntry; import net.sf.jabref.Globals; import net.sf.jabref.JabRefPreferences; import net.sf.jabref.export.layout.Layout; import net.sf.jabref.export.layout.LayoutHelper; import net.sf.jabref.imports.BibtexParser; import net.sf.jabref.imports.ParserResult; public class LayoutTest extends TestCase { /** * Initialize Preferences. */ protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); if (Globals.prefs == null) { Globals.prefs = JabRefPreferences.getInstance(); } } /** * Return Test data. */ public String t1BibtexString() { return "@article{canh05,\n" + " author = {This\nis\na\ntext},\n" + " title = {Effective work practices for floss development: A model and propositions},\n" + " booktitle = {Hawaii International Conference On System Sciences (HICSS)},\n" + " year = {2005},\n" + " owner = {oezbek},\n" + " timestamp = {2006.05.29},\n" + " url = {},\n" + " abstract = {\\~{n}\n" + "\\~n\n" + "\\'i\n" + "\\i\n" + "\\i}\n" + "}\n"; } public BibtexEntry t1BibtexEntry() throws IOException { return bibtexString2BibtexEntry(t1BibtexString()); } public static BibtexEntry bibtexString2BibtexEntry(String s) throws IOException { ParserResult result = BibtexParser.parse(new StringReader(s)); Collection<BibtexEntry> c = result.getDatabase().getEntries(); assertEquals(1, c.size()); return c.iterator().next(); } public String layout(String layoutFile, String entry) throws Exception { BibtexEntry be = bibtexString2BibtexEntry(entry); StringReader sr = new StringReader(layoutFile.replaceAll("__NEWLINE__", "\n")); Layout layout = new LayoutHelper(sr).getLayoutFromText(Globals.FORMATTER_PACKAGE); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(layout.doLayout(be, null)); return sb.toString(); } public void testLayoutBibtextype() throws Exception { assertEquals("Other", layout("\\bibtextype", "@other{bla, author={This\nis\na\ntext}}")); assertEquals("Article", layout("\\bibtextype", "@article{bla, author={This\nis\na\ntext}}")); assertEquals("Misc", layout("\\bibtextype", "@misc{bla, author={This\nis\na\ntext}}")); } public void testHTMLChar() throws Exception { String layoutText = layout("\\begin{author}\\format[HTMLChars]{\\author}\\end{author} ", "@other{bla, author={This\nis\na\ntext}}"); assertEquals("This is a text ", layoutText); layoutText = layout("\\begin{author}\\format[HTMLChars]{\\author}\\end{author}", "@other{bla, author={This\nis\na\ntext}}"); assertEquals("This is a text", layoutText); layoutText = layout("\\begin{author}\\format[HTMLChars]{\\author}\\end{author} ", "@other{bla, author={This\nis\na\n\ntext}}"); assertEquals("This is a<p>text ", layoutText); } public void testPluginLoading() throws Exception { String layoutText = layout("\\begin{author}\\format[NameFormatter]{\\author}\\end{author}", "@other{bla, author={Joe Doe and Jane, Moon}}"); assertEquals("Joe Doe, Moon Jane", layoutText); } /** * [ 1495181 ] Dotless i and tilde not handled in preview * * @throws Exception */ public void testLayout() throws Exception { String layoutText = layout( "<font face=\"arial\">\\begin{abstract}<BR><BR><b>Abstract: </b> \\format[HTMLChars]{\\abstract}\\end{abstract}</font>", t1BibtexString()); assertEquals( "<font face=\"arial\"><BR><BR><b>Abstract: </b> ñ ñ í ı ı</font>", layoutText); } }