package gnu.dtools.ritopt; /** * * * Version: * $Id: 2209 2007-08-01 18:23:38Z coezbek $ */ import; import; import; /** * Reads data from an input stream and outputs to a print stream. This class * is used by the OptionMenu class to read from both standard output and * standard error simultaneously when a shell command is executed. Since the * StreamPrinter processes streams on a separate thread, deadlock is * prevented.<p> * * <hr> * * <pre> * Copyright (C) Damian Ryan Eads, 2001. All Rights Reserved. * * ritopt is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * ritopt is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with ritopt; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * </pre> * * @author Damian Eads */ public class StreamPrinter implements Runnable, Stoppable { /** * The input stream to read from. */ private InputStream stream; /** * The print stream to redirect to. */ private PrintStream out; /** * The object to stop. */ private Stoppable stop; /** * Whether this StreamPrinter has stopped processing. */ private boolean stopped; /** * Whether the buffer should be flushed. */ private boolean flush; /** * The thread associated with this StreamPrinter. */ private Thread thread; /** * Constructs a new StreamPrinter. * * @param s The stream to read from. * @param p The stream to output to. */ public StreamPrinter( InputStream s, PrintStream p ) { stream = s; out = p; thread = new Thread( this ); } /** * Starts the thread associated with this StreamPrinter. */ public void start() throws InterruptedException { thread.start(); } /** * Sets the object to stop when this object is finished. * * @param tostop The object to stop. */ public void setStop( Stoppable tostop ) { synchronized( this ) { stop = tostop; } } /** * Returns whether this StreamPrinter has stopped processing. * * @returns A boolean value. */ public boolean isStopped() { return stopped; } /** * Sets whether the output stream should be flushed after each output * step. * * @param b A boolean value. */ public void setFlush( boolean flush ) { synchronized ( this ) { this.flush = flush; } } /** * Stops this StreamPrinter's processing. */ public void stop() { synchronized( this ) { stopped = true; } if ( stop != null ) { synchronized( stop ) { if ( !stop.isStopped() ) { stop.stop(); } } } } /** * Joins this StreamPrinter's thread with the other threads. */ public void join() throws InterruptedException { thread.join(); } /** * Start the StreamPrinter thread. This is done automatically during * construction. */ // This implementation is lousy; buffering is needed. public void run() { int buf; try { boolean me; while ( !stopped && ( buf = ) != -1 ) { synchronized( this ) { me = flush; } synchronized( out ) { out.print( (char)buf ); if ( me ) out.flush(); } } } catch ( IOException e ) { out.println( "I/O error" ); } finally { synchronized( out ) { out.flush(); } stop(); } } }