package games.strategy.triplea.delegate; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; import; import games.strategy.engine.message.IRemote; import games.strategy.triplea.MapSupport; import games.strategy.triplea.attachments.ICondition; import games.strategy.triplea.attachments.PlayerAttachment; import games.strategy.triplea.attachments.TriggerAttachment; import games.strategy.util.CompositeMatchAnd; import games.strategy.util.CompositeMatchOr; import games.strategy.util.Match; import games.strategy.util.Util; /** * Logic for activating tech rolls. This delegate requires the * TechnologyDelegate to run correctly. */ @MapSupport public class TechActivationDelegate extends BaseTripleADelegate { private boolean m_needToInitialize = true; /** Creates new TechActivationDelegate. */ public TechActivationDelegate() {} /** * Called before the delegate will run. In this class, this does all the * work. */ @Override public void start() { super.start(); final GameData data = getData(); if (!m_needToInitialize) { return; } // Activate techs final Map<PlayerID, Collection<TechAdvance>> techMap = DelegateFinder.techDelegate(data).getAdvances(); final Collection<TechAdvance> advances = techMap.get(m_player); if ((advances != null) && (advances.size() > 0)) { // Start event m_bridge.getHistoryWriter().startEvent(m_player.getName() + " activating " + advancesAsString(advances)); for (final TechAdvance advance : advances) { // advance.perform(m_bridge.getPlayerID(), m_bridge, m_data); TechTracker.addAdvance(m_player, m_bridge, advance); } } // empty techMap.put(m_player, null); if (games.strategy.triplea.Properties.getTriggers(data)) { // First set up a match for what we want to have fire as a default in this delegate. List out as a composite match // OR. // use 'null, null' because this is the Default firing location for any trigger that does NOT have 'when' set. final Match<TriggerAttachment> techActivationDelegateTriggerMatch = new CompositeMatchAnd<>( TriggerAttachment.availableUses, TriggerAttachment.whenOrDefaultMatch(null, null), new CompositeMatchOr<TriggerAttachment>(TriggerAttachment.unitPropertyMatch(), TriggerAttachment.techMatch(), TriggerAttachment.supportMatch())); // get all possible triggers based on this match. final HashSet<TriggerAttachment> toFirePossible = TriggerAttachment.collectForAllTriggersMatching( new HashSet<>(Collections.singleton(m_player)), techActivationDelegateTriggerMatch, m_bridge); if (!toFirePossible.isEmpty()) { // get all conditions possibly needed by these triggers, and then test them. final HashMap<ICondition, Boolean> testedConditions = TriggerAttachment.collectTestsForAllTriggers(toFirePossible, m_bridge); // get all triggers that are satisfied based on the tested conditions. final Set<TriggerAttachment> toFireTestedAndSatisfied = new HashSet<>( Match.getMatches(toFirePossible, TriggerAttachment.isSatisfiedMatch(testedConditions))); // now list out individual types to fire, once for each of the matches above. TriggerAttachment.triggerUnitPropertyChange(toFireTestedAndSatisfied, m_bridge, null, null, true, true, true, true); TriggerAttachment.triggerTechChange(toFireTestedAndSatisfied, m_bridge, null, null, true, true, true, true); TriggerAttachment.triggerSupportChange(toFireTestedAndSatisfied, m_bridge, null, null, true, true, true, true); } } shareTechnology(); m_needToInitialize = false; } @Override public void end() { super.end(); m_needToInitialize = true; } @Override public boolean delegateCurrentlyRequiresUserInput() { return false; } private void shareTechnology() { final PlayerAttachment pa = PlayerAttachment.get(m_player); if (pa == null) { return; } final Collection<PlayerID> shareWith = pa.getShareTechnology(); if (shareWith == null || shareWith.isEmpty()) { return; } final GameData data = getData(); final Collection<TechAdvance> currentAdvances = TechTracker.getCurrentTechAdvances(m_player, data); for (final PlayerID p : shareWith) { final Collection<TechAdvance> availableTechs = TechnologyDelegate.getAvailableTechs(p, data); final Collection<TechAdvance> toGive = Util.intersection(currentAdvances, availableTechs); if (!toGive.isEmpty()) { // Start event m_bridge.getHistoryWriter() .startEvent(m_player.getName() + " giving technology to " + p.getName() + ": " + advancesAsString(toGive)); for (final TechAdvance advance : toGive) { TechTracker.addAdvance(p, m_bridge, advance); } } } } @Override public Serializable saveState() { final TechActivationExtendedDelegateState state = new TechActivationExtendedDelegateState(); state.superState = super.saveState(); state.m_needToInitialize = m_needToInitialize; return state; } @Override public void loadState(final Serializable state) { final TechActivationExtendedDelegateState s = (TechActivationExtendedDelegateState) state; super.loadState(s.superState); m_needToInitialize = s.m_needToInitialize; } // Return string representing all advances in collection private static String advancesAsString(final Collection<TechAdvance> advances) { final Iterator<TechAdvance> iter = advances.iterator(); int count = advances.size(); final StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(); while (iter.hasNext()) { final TechAdvance advance =; text.append(advance.getName()); count--; if (count > 1) { text.append(", "); } if (count == 1) { text.append(" and "); } } return text.toString(); } @Override public Class<? extends IRemote> getRemoteType() { return null; } } class TechActivationExtendedDelegateState implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1742776261442260882L; Serializable superState; public boolean m_needToInitialize; }