package games.strategy.triplea.delegate; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import; import; import games.strategy.triplea.Constants; import games.strategy.triplea.TripleAUnit; import games.strategy.triplea.attachments.TerritoryAttachment; import games.strategy.triplea.attachments.UnitAttachment; import games.strategy.triplea.util.TransportUtils; import games.strategy.util.CompositeMatchAnd; import games.strategy.util.IntegerMap; import games.strategy.util.Match; import games.strategy.util.Triple; /** * Provides some static methods for validating game edits. */ public class EditValidator { private static String validateTerritoryBasic(final GameData data, final Territory territory) { final String result = null; /* * // territory cannot contain enemy units * if (!Matches.territoryIsEmptyOfCombatUnits(data, player).match(territory)) * return "Territory contains enemy units"; */ /* * // territory cannot be in a pending battle * BattleTracker battleTracker = DelegateFinder.battleDelegate(data).getBattleTracker(); * if (battleTracker.getPendingBattle(territory, true) != null) * return "Territory contains a pending SBR battle"; * if (battleTracker.getPendingBattle(territory, false) != null) * return "Territory contains a pending battle"; */ // territory cannot be in an UndoableMove route final List<UndoableMove> moves = DelegateFinder.moveDelegate(data).getMovesMade(); for (final UndoableMove move : moves) { if (move.getRoute().getStart() == territory || move.getRoute().getEnd() == territory) { return "Territory is start or end of a pending move"; } } return result; } public static String validateChangeTerritoryOwner(final GameData data, final Territory territory, final PlayerID player) { String result = null; if (Matches.TerritoryIsWater.match(territory) && territory.getOwner().equals(PlayerID.NULL_PLAYERID) && TerritoryAttachment.get(territory) == null) { return "Territory is water and has no attachment"; } if ((result = validateTerritoryBasic(data, territory)) != null) { return result; } return result; } public static String validateAddUnits(final GameData data, final Territory territory, final Collection<Unit> units) { String result = null; if (units.isEmpty()) { return "No units selected"; } final PlayerID player = units.iterator().next().getOwner(); // check land/water sanity if (territory.isWater()) { if (!Match.allMatch(units, Matches.UnitIsSea)) { if (Match.someMatch(units, Matches.UnitIsLand)) { if (!Match.allMatch(units, Matches.alliedUnit(player, data))) { return "Can't add mixed nationality units to water"; } final Match<Unit> friendlySeaTransports = new CompositeMatchAnd<>(Matches.UnitIsTransport, Matches.UnitIsSea, Matches.alliedUnit(player, data)); final Collection<Unit> seaTransports = Match.getMatches(units, friendlySeaTransports); final Collection<Unit> landUnitsToAdd = Match.getMatches(units, Matches.UnitIsLand); if (!Match.allMatch(landUnitsToAdd, Matches.UnitCanBeTransported)) { return "Can't add land units that can't be transported, to water"; } seaTransports.addAll(territory.getUnits().getMatches(friendlySeaTransports)); if (seaTransports.isEmpty()) { return "Can't add land units to water without enough transports"; } final Map<Unit, Unit> mapLoading = TransportUtils.mapTransportsToLoad(landUnitsToAdd, seaTransports); if (!mapLoading.keySet().containsAll(landUnitsToAdd)) { return "Can't add land units to water without enough transports"; } } if (Match.someMatch(units, Matches.UnitIsAir)) { if (Match.someMatch(units, new CompositeMatchAnd<>(Matches.UnitIsAir, Matches.UnitCanLandOnCarrier.invert()))) { return "Cannot add air to water unless it can land on carriers"; } // Set up matches final Match<Unit> friendlyCarriers = new CompositeMatchAnd<>(Matches.UnitIsCarrier, Matches.alliedUnit(player, data)); final Match<Unit> friendlyAirUnits = new CompositeMatchAnd<>(Matches.UnitIsAir, Matches.alliedUnit(player, data)); // Determine transport capacity final int carrierCapacityTotal = AirMovementValidator.carrierCapacity(territory.getUnits().getMatches(friendlyCarriers), territory) + AirMovementValidator.carrierCapacity(units, territory); final int carrierCost = AirMovementValidator.carrierCost(territory.getUnits().getMatches(friendlyAirUnits)) + AirMovementValidator.carrierCost(units); if (carrierCapacityTotal < carrierCost) { return "Can't add more air units to water without sufficient space"; } } } } else { /* * // Can't add to enemy territory * if (Matches.isTerritoryEnemy(player, data).match(territory) && !Matches.TerritoryIsWater.match(territory)) * return "Can't add units to enemy territory"; */ if (Match.someMatch(units, Matches.UnitIsSea)) { return "Can't add sea units to land"; } } if ((result = validateTerritoryBasic(data, territory)) != null) { return result; } return result; } public static String validateRemoveUnits(final GameData data, final Territory territory, final Collection<Unit> units) { String result = null; if (units.isEmpty()) { return "No units selected"; } /* * all units should be same owner * if (!Match.allMatch(units, Matches.unitIsOwnedBy(player))) * return "Not all units have the same owner"; */ if ((result = validateTerritoryBasic(data, territory)) != null) { return result; } // if transport selected, all transported units must be deleted too for (final Unit unit : Match.getMatches(units, Matches.UnitCanTransport)) { if (!units.containsAll(TransportTracker.transporting(unit))) { return "Can't remove transport without removing transported units"; } } // if transported units selected, transport must be deleted too for (final Unit unit : Match.getMatches(units, Matches.UnitCanBeTransported)) { final Unit transport = TransportTracker.transportedBy(unit); if (transport != null && !units.contains(transport)) { return "Can't remove transported units without removing transport"; } } // TODO: if carrier selected, all carried planes must be deleted too // TODO: if carried planes selected, carrier must be deleted too return result; } public static String validateAddTech(final GameData data, final Collection<TechAdvance> techs, final PlayerID player) { final String result = null; if (techs == null) { return "No tech selected"; } if (player == null) { return "No player selected"; } if (!games.strategy.triplea.Properties.getTechDevelopment(data)) { return "Technology not enabled"; } if (player.getAttachment(Constants.TECH_ATTACHMENT_NAME) == null) { return "Player has no Tech Attachment"; } for (final TechAdvance tech : techs) { if (tech == null) { return "No tech selected"; } if (!TechnologyDelegate.getAvailableTechs(player, data).contains(tech)) { return "Technology not available for this player"; } } return result; } public static String validateRemoveTech(final GameData data, final Collection<TechAdvance> techs, final PlayerID player) { final String result = null; if (techs == null) { return "No tech selected"; } if (player == null) { return "No player selected"; } if (!games.strategy.triplea.Properties.getTechDevelopment(data)) { return "Technology not enabled"; } for (final TechAdvance tech : techs) { if (tech == null) { return "No tech selected"; } if (!TechTracker.getCurrentTechAdvances(player, data).contains(tech)) { return "Player does not have this tech"; } if (tech.getProperty().equals(TechAdvance.TECH_PROPERTY_INDUSTRIAL_TECHNOLOGY)) { return "Cannot remove " + TechAdvance.TECH_NAME_INDUSTRIAL_TECHNOLOGY; } if (tech.getProperty().equals(TechAdvance.TECH_PROPERTY_IMPROVED_SHIPYARDS)) { return "Cannot remove " + TechAdvance.TECH_NAME_IMPROVED_SHIPYARDS; } } return result; } public static String validateChangeHitDamage(final GameData data, final IntegerMap<Unit> unitDamageMap, final Territory territory) { String result = null; if (unitDamageMap == null || unitDamageMap.isEmpty()) { return "Damage map is empty"; } if ((result = validateTerritoryBasic(data, territory)) != null) { return result; } final Collection<Unit> units = new ArrayList<>(unitDamageMap.keySet()); if (!territory.getUnits().getUnits().containsAll(units)) { return "Selected Territory does not contain all of the selected units"; } final PlayerID player = units.iterator().next().getOwner(); // all units should be same owner if (!Match.allMatch(units, Matches.unitIsOwnedBy(player))) { return "Not all units have the same owner"; } if (!Match.allMatch(units, Matches.UnitHasMoreThanOneHitPointTotal)) { return "Not all units have more than one total hitpoints"; } for (final Unit u : units) { final int dmg = unitDamageMap.getInt(u); if (dmg < 0 || dmg >= UnitAttachment.get(u.getType()).getHitPoints()) { return "Damage cannot be less than zero or equal to or greater than unit hitpoints (if you want to kill the " + "unit, use remove unit)"; } } return result; } public static String validateChangeBombingDamage(final GameData data, final IntegerMap<Unit> unitDamageMap, final Territory territory) { String result = null; if (unitDamageMap == null || unitDamageMap.isEmpty()) { return "Damage map is empty"; } if ((result = validateTerritoryBasic(data, territory)) != null) { return result; } if (!games.strategy.triplea.Properties.getDamageFromBombingDoneToUnitsInsteadOfTerritories(data)) { return "Game does not allow bombing damage"; } final Collection<Unit> units = new ArrayList<>(unitDamageMap.keySet()); if (!territory.getUnits().getUnits().containsAll(units)) { return "Selected Territory does not contain all of the selected units"; } final PlayerID player = units.iterator().next().getOwner(); // all units should be same owner if (!Match.allMatch(units, Matches.unitIsOwnedBy(player))) { return "Not all units have the same owner"; } if (!Match.allMatch(units, Matches.UnitCanBeDamaged)) { return "Not all units can take bombing damage"; } for (final Unit u : units) { final int dmg = unitDamageMap.getInt(u); if (dmg < 0 || dmg > ((TripleAUnit) u).getHowMuchDamageCanThisUnitTakeTotal(u, territory)) { return "Damage cannot be less than zero or greater than the max damage of the unit"; } } return result; } public static String validateChangePoliticalRelationships(final GameData data, final Collection<Triple<PlayerID, PlayerID, RelationshipType>> relationshipChanges) { final String result = null; if (relationshipChanges == null || relationshipChanges.isEmpty()) { return "Relationship Changes are empty"; } for (final Triple<PlayerID, PlayerID, RelationshipType> relationshipChange : relationshipChanges) { if (relationshipChange.getFirst() == null || relationshipChange.getSecond() == null) { return "Players are null"; } if (relationshipChange.getThird() == null) { return "New Relationship is null"; } } return result; } }