package org.test4j.spec.scenario.step; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.test4j.spec.annotations.Given; import org.test4j.spec.annotations.Named; import org.test4j.spec.annotations.Then; import org.test4j.spec.annotations.When; import org.test4j.spec.inner.ISpecMethod; import org.test4j.spec.inner.ISpecMethod.SpecMethodID; import org.test4j.spec.scenario.step.SpecMethod; import org.test4j.testng.Test4J; import org.testng.annotations.Test; @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" }) public class SpecMethodTest extends Test4J { @Test(groups = "spec") public void testFindMethods_Normal() { Map<SpecMethodID, ISpecMethod> map = SpecMethod.findMethods(StepMethodDemo.class); SpecMethodID("given1", 0), // <br> new SpecMethodID("given2", 2),// <br> new SpecMethodID("given3", 3),// <br> new SpecMethodID("when", 2),// <br> new SpecMethodID("then", 2)// <br> ); } @Test(groups = "spec") public void testFindMethods_HasSameMethodID() { try { SpecMethod.findMethods(SameMethodID.class);; } catch (RuntimeException e) { String msg = e.getMessage(); want.string(msg).contains("named given2 and with 2 arguments"); } } @Test(groups = "spec") public void testGetParaAnnotationNames() throws Exception { SpecMethod specMethod = reflector.newInstance(SpecMethod.class); List<String> names = specMethod.getParaAnnotationNames(SameMethodID.class.getMethod("given2", String.class, int.class)); want.list(names).isEqualTo(Arrays.asList("arg1", "arg2")); } @Test(groups = "spec") public void testGetParaTypes() throws Exception { SpecMethod specMethod = reflector.newInstance(SpecMethod.class); List<Type> types = specMethod.getParaTypes(SameMethodID.class.getMethod("given2", String.class, int.class)); want.list(types).isEqualTo(Arrays.asList(String.class, int.class)); } } class SameMethodID { @Given public void given2(@Named("arg1") String arg1, @Named("arg2") Boolean arg2) { } @Given public void given2(@Named("arg1") String arg1, @Named("arg2") int arg2) { } } class StepMethodDemo { @Given public void given1() { } @Given public void given2(@Named("arg1") String arg1, @Named("arg2") Boolean arg2) { } @Given public void given3(@Named("arg1") String arg1, @Named("arg2") int arg2, @Named("arg3") Object[] arg3) { } @When public void when(@Named("arg1") String arg1, @Named("arg2") Boolean arg2) { } @Then public void then(@Named("arg1") String arg1, @Named("arg2") Boolean arg2) { } }