package org.test4j.module.dbfit.model; import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.sql.CallableStatement; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.SQLException; import org.test4j.module.database.environment.normalise.TypeNormaliser; import org.test4j.module.database.environment.normalise.TypeNormaliserFactory; import fit.Fixture; @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes" }) public class DbParameterAccessor extends DbTypeAdapter { public static final int RETURN_VALUE = 0; public static final int INPUT = 1; public static final int OUTPUT = 2; public static final int INPUT_OUTPUT = 3; public static final int SEQUENCE = 4; private int index; // index in effective sql statement (not necessarily the // same as position below) private int direction; private String name; private String placeholder = "?"; // default insert place holder private int sqlType; private int position; // zero-based index of parameter in procedure or // column in table public static Object normaliseValue(Object currVal) throws Exception { if (currVal == null) { return null; } TypeNormaliser tn = TypeNormaliserFactory.getNormaliser(currVal.getClass()); if (tn != null) { currVal = tn.normalise(currVal); } return currVal; } public DbParameterAccessor(DbParameterAccessor acc) { =; this.direction = acc.direction; this.sqlType = acc.sqlType; this.type = acc.type; this.position = acc.position; } public DbParameterAccessor(String name, int direction, int sqlType, Class javaType, int position) { = name; this.direction = direction; this.sqlType = sqlType; this.type = javaType; this.position = position; } public int getSqlType() { return sqlType; } /** * One of the constants from this class declaring whether the param is * input, output or a return value. JDBC does not have a return value * parameter directions, so a new constant list had to be introduced public * static final int RETURN_VALUE=0; public static final int INPUT=1; public * static final int OUTPUT=2; public static final int INPUT_OUTPUT=3; */ public int getDirection() { return direction; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setDirection(int direction) { this.direction = direction; } /** * prepareStament语句的占位符,默认值是"?" * * @return */ public String getPlaceholder() { return placeholder; } public void setPlaceholder(String placeholder) { this.placeholder = placeholder; } // really ugly, but a hack to support mysql, because it will not execute // inserts with a callable statement private CallableStatement convertStatementToCallable() throws SQLException { if (cs instanceof CallableStatement) { return (CallableStatement) cs; } throw new SQLException("This operation requires a callable statement instead of " + cs.getClass().getName()); } /*******************************************/ private PreparedStatement cs; public void bindTo(Fixture f, PreparedStatement cs, int ind) throws SQLException { this.cs = cs; this.fixture = f; this.index = ind; boolean tocall = direction == DbParameterAccessor.OUTPUT || direction == DbParameterAccessor.RETURN_VALUE || direction == DbParameterAccessor.INPUT_OUTPUT; if (tocall) { convertStatementToCallable().registerOutParameter(ind, getSqlType()); } } public void set(Object value) throws Exception { if (direction == OUTPUT || direction == RETURN_VALUE) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Trying to set value of output parameter " + name); } if (value instanceof InputStream) { InputStream is = (InputStream) value; cs.setBinaryStream(index, is, is.available()); } else { cs.setObject(index, value); } } public Object get() throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException { try { if (direction == INPUT) { String err = "Trying to get value of input parameter " + name; throw new UnsupportedOperationException(err); } CallableStatement statment = convertStatementToCallable(); Object o = statment.getObject(index); return normaliseValue(o); } catch (Exception sqle) { throw new InvocationTargetException(sqle); } } /** * Zero-based column or parameter position in a query, table or stored proc */ public int getPosition() { return position; } }