/* Copyright (c) 2000-2006 hamcrest.org */ package org.test4j.hamcrest; import org.junit.Test; import org.test4j.module.ICore; import ext.test4j.hamcrest.Description; import ext.test4j.hamcrest.Matcher; import ext.test4j.hamcrest.StringDescription; public abstract class AbstractMatcherTest implements ICore { /** * Create an instance of the Matcher so some generic safety-net tests can be * run on it. */ protected abstract Matcher<?> createMatcher(); public <T> void assertMatches(String message, Matcher<? super T> c, T arg) { want.bool(c.matches(arg)).is(message, true); } public static <T> void assertDoesNotMatch(String message, Matcher<? super T> c, T arg) { want.bool(c.matches(arg)).is(message, false); } public static void assertDescription(String expected, Matcher<?> matcher) { Description description = new StringDescription(); description.appendDescriptionOf(matcher); want.string(description.toString()).isEqualTo("Expected description", expected); } public static <T> void assertMismatchDescription(String expected, Matcher<? super T> matcher, T arg) { Description description = new StringDescription(); want.bool(matcher.matches(arg)).is("Precondtion: Matcher should not match item.", false); matcher.describeMismatch(arg, description); want.string(description.toString()).isEqualTo("Expected mismatch description", expected); } @Test public void testIsNullSafe() { // should not throw a NullPointerException createMatcher().matches(null); } @Test public void testCopesWithUnknownTypes() { // should not throw ClassCastException createMatcher().matches(new UnknownType()); } public static class UnknownType { } }