package org.test4j.spec.util; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.test4j.spec.util.XmlHelper.MethodNode; import; public class MethodNodeParser { private final char[] chars; private final int total; private int currIndex; public MethodNodeParser(String text) { this.chars = (text + "\0").toCharArray(); = text.length(); this.currIndex = 0; } public List<MethodNode> parseMethodNodes() { List<MethodNode> nodes = new ArrayList<MethodNode>(); StringBuffer textBuff = new StringBuffer(); while (currIndex < total) { boolean isBngParaElement = this.isBgnParaElement(this.currIndex); if (isBngParaElement) { this.addMethodText(nodes, textBuff.toString()); textBuff = new StringBuffer(); MethodNode paraNode = this.parseParameterName(this.currIndex); if (paraNode == null) { throw new RuntimeException( "there must be some wrong, the method parseParameterName should return a MethodNode instance or throw an Exception."); } this.parseParameterValue(paraNode, this.currIndex); nodes.add(paraNode); } else { char ch = chars[currIndex]; textBuff.append(ch); currIndex++; } } this.addMethodText(nodes, textBuff.toString()); return nodes; } /** * 增加文本节点 * * @param nodes * @param text */ final void addMethodText(List<MethodNode> nodes, String text) { if (StringHelper.isBlankOrNull(text)) { return; } MethodNode textNode = new MethodNode(false); textNode.setText(text); nodes.add(textNode); } final char currIndexChar() { return this.chars[this.currIndex]; } /** * 从currIndex位置开始解析参数内容<br> * 并且将游标移到下一区域的开始 * * @return */ final void parseParameterValue(MethodNode method, int index) { StringBuffer value = new StringBuffer(); index = this.skipWhitespace(index); boolean isStartCDATA = this.isStartCDATA(index); boolean isEndCDATA = false; if (isStartCDATA) { index = index + 9; } boolean isEndParaNode = false; while (index < total) { char ch = this.chars[index]; if (ch == '<') { isEndParaNode = this.isEndParaElement(index); if (isEndParaNode) { break; } boolean isStart = this.isBgnParaElement(index); if (isStart) { throw new RuntimeException( "you haven't end with previous para element, but renew a para elemetn at index[" + this.currIndex + "]"); } } if (isEndCDATA) { throw new RuntimeException("expected end of para element at index[" + index + "]."); } if (ch == ']') { isEndCDATA = this.isEndCDATA(index); if (isEndCDATA) { index = this.skipWhitespace(index + 3); continue; } } value.append(ch); index++; } if (isStartCDATA && !isEndCDATA) { throw new RuntimeException("you have \"<![CDATA[\" begin of para value, but not end with \"]]>\""); } if (!isStartCDATA && isEndCDATA) { throw new RuntimeException("you have \"]]>\" end of para value, but not begin with \"<![CDATA[\""); } if (!isEndParaNode) { throw new RuntimeException("The element type 'para' must be terminated by the matching end-tag '</para>'"); } method.setText(value.toString()); } /** * 判断是否是para元素结尾 </para><br> * 如果是,则将当前游标指向下一个区域的开始 * * @param index * @return */ final boolean isEndParaElement(int index) { char ch = this.chars[index]; if (ch != '<') { return false; } index = this.skipWhitespace(index + 1); ch = this.chars[index]; if (ch != '/') { return false; } index = this.skipWhitespace(index + 1); boolean isParaKey = this.isParaKey(index); if (!isParaKey) { return false; } index = this.skipWhitespace(index + 4); ch = this.chars[index]; if (ch != '>') { throw new RuntimeException(String.format(EXPECTED_CHAR_ERROR, '>', index, ch)); } this.currIndex = index + 1; return true; } /** * 判断是否是para元素开头 <para<br> * 如果是,则将当前游标指向name属性 * * @param index * @return */ final boolean isBgnParaElement(int index) { char ch = this.chars[index]; if (ch != '<') { return false; } index = this.skipWhitespace(index + 1); boolean isParaKey = isParaKey(index); if (isParaKey == false) { return false; } index = this.skipWhitespace(index + 4); this.currIndex = index; return true; } static final String EXPECTED_CHAR_ERROR = "expected char('%s') at index[%d], but actual is '%s'."; /** * 解析参数名称 name="???"><br> * 将当前游标移到参数内容开始位置,并构造MethodNode(参数)返回 * * @return */ final MethodNode parseParameterName(int index) { index = this.skipWhitespace(index); boolean isParaName = this.isParaName(index); if (isParaName == false) { throw new RuntimeException("only name property allowed by para element, error at index[" + index + "]"); } index = this.skipWhitespace(index + 4); char ch = chars[index]; if (ch != '=') { throw new RuntimeException(String.format(EXPECTED_CHAR_ERROR, '=', index, ch)); } index = this.skipWhitespace(index + 1); ch = chars[index]; if (ch != '"') { throw new RuntimeException(String.format(EXPECTED_CHAR_ERROR, '"', index, ch)); } StringBuffer paraName = new StringBuffer(); ch = chars[++index]; while (index < total && ch != '"') { paraName.append(ch); ch = chars[++index]; } index = this.skipWhitespace(index + 1); ch = chars[index]; if (ch != '>') { throw new RuntimeException(String.format(EXPECTED_CHAR_ERROR, '>', index, ch)); } MethodNode paraNode = new MethodNode(true); paraNode.setParaName(paraName.toString()); if (StringHelper.isBlankOrNull(paraNode.getParaName())) { throw new RuntimeException("the name of para can't be null! index at " + index); } this.currIndex = index + 1; return paraNode; } /** * 是否是保留字 para * * @param index * @return */ private boolean isParaKey(int index) { boolean isParaKey = this.isKey(index, new char[] { 'p', 'a', 'r', 'a' }, true); return isParaKey; } /** * 是否是name属性 * * @param index * @return */ private boolean isParaName(int index) { boolean isParaName = this.isKey(index, new char[] { 'n', 'a', 'm', 'e' }, true); return isParaName; } /** * 是否是 <![CDATA[ 关键字 * * @param index * @return */ private boolean isStartCDATA(int index) { boolean isCDATA = this.isKey(index, new char[] { '<', '!', '[', 'C', 'D', 'A', 'T', 'A', '[' }, false); return isCDATA; } /** * 是否是 ]]>关键字 * * @param index * @return */ private boolean isEndCDATA(int index) { boolean isCDATA = this.isKey(index, new char[] { ']', ']', '>' }, false); return isCDATA; } /** * 从index开始的字符串是否是关键字 * * @param index * @param key * @param ignoreCase * 是否忽略关键字字符的大小写 * @return */ private boolean isKey(int index, char[] key, boolean ignoreCase) { for (char ch : key) { if (!ignoreCase && chars[index] == ch && index < total) { index++; continue; } if (ignoreCase && (chars[index] == toLower(ch) || chars[index] == toUpper(ch)) && index < total) { index++; continue; } return false; } return true; } char toLower(char ch) { return String.valueOf(ch).toLowerCase().charAt(0); } char toUpper(char ch) { return String.valueOf(ch).toUpperCase().charAt(0); } /** * 跳过空白字符 */ final int skipWhitespace(int index) { char ch = chars[index]; while (StringHelper.isSpace(ch) && index < total) { index++; ch = chars[index]; } return index; } }