package; import static; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import org.test4j.module.Test4JException; import org.test4j.module.core.utility.ConfigurationLoader; import org.test4j.module.core.utility.IPropItem; import org.test4j.module.core.utility.MessageHelper; /** * test4j配置文件工具类 * * @author darui.wudr */ @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) public class ConfigHelper implements IPropItem { /** * Property key of the SQL dialect of the underlying DBMS implementation */ public static final String PROPKEY_DATABASE_DIALECT = "database.dialect"; private static Properties properties = null; /** * Returns all properties that are used to configure test4j. * * @return a <code>Properties</code> object */ public static Properties getConfiguration() { if (properties == null) { properties = ConfigurationLoader.loading(); } return properties; } /** * 返回log级别 * * @return */ public static int logLevel() { String level = getString("log.level", "INFO"); if ("DEBUG".equalsIgnoreCase(level)) { return MessageHelper.DEBUG; } else if ("INFO".equalsIgnoreCase(level)) { return MessageHelper.INFO; } else if ("WARNING".equalsIgnoreCase(level)) { return MessageHelper.WARNING; } else if ("ERROR".equalsIgnoreCase(level)) { return MessageHelper.ERROR; } return MessageHelper.INFO; } public static String getString(String key) { String value = getConfiguration().getProperty(key); return value; } /** * 获取test4j配置项 * * @param key * @param defaultValue 默认值 * @return */ public static String getString(String key, String defaultValue) { String value = getConfiguration().getProperty(key); if (StringHelper.isBlankOrNull(value)) { return defaultValue; } else { return value.trim(); } } /** * 先从properties中获取key的属性值,如果找不到再从test4j配置中查找<br> * <br> * Gets the string value for the property with the given name.<br> * If no such property is found or the value is empty, then to find in * test4j configuration.<br> * If the final value is empty or null, an exception will be raised. * * @param properties * @param key * @return */ public static String getString(Properties properties, String key) { String value = getString(properties, key, ""); if (StringHelper.isBlankOrNull(value)) { throw new Test4JException("No value found for property " + key); } else { return value.trim(); } } /** * Gets the string value for the property with the given name. If no such * property is found or the value is empty, the given default value is * returned. * * @param propertyName The name, not null * @param defaultValue The default value * @param properties The properties, not null * @return The trimmed string value, not null */ public static String getString(Properties properties, String key, String defaultValue) { String value = null; if (properties == null) { value = getConfiguration().getProperty(key); } else { value = properties.getProperty(key); if (StringHelper.isBlankOrNull(value)) { value = getConfiguration().getProperty(key); } } if (StringHelper.isBlankOrNull(value)) { return defaultValue; } else { return value.trim(); } } /** * Gets the list of comma separated string values for the property with the * given name. If no such property is found or the value is empty, an empty * list is returned. Empty elements (",,") will not be added. A space * (", ,") is not empty, a "" will be added. * * @param propertyName The name, not null * @return The trimmed string list, empty if none found */ public static List<String> getStringList(String propertyName) { return getStringList(propertyName, false); } /** * Gets the list of comma separated string values for the property with the * given name. If no such property is found or the value is empty, an empty * list is returned if not required, else an exception is raised. Empty * elements (",,") will not be added. A space (", ,") is not empty, a "" * will be added. * * @param propertyName The name, not null * @param required If true an exception will be raised when the property is * not found or empty * @return The trimmed string list, empty or exception if none found */ public static List<String> getStringList(String propertyName, boolean required) { String values = getString(propertyName); if (values == null || "".equals(values.trim())) { if (required) { throw new Test4JException("No value found for property " + propertyName); } return new ArrayList<String>(0); } String[] splitValues = values.split(","); List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(splitValues.length); for (String value : splitValues) { result.add(value.trim()); } if (required && result.isEmpty()) { throw new Test4JException("No value found for property " + propertyName); } return result; } public static boolean getBoolean(String key) { String prop = getConfiguration().getProperty(key); return "true".equalsIgnoreCase(prop); } public static boolean getBoolean(String key, boolean defaultValue) { String value = getConfiguration().getProperty(key); if (StringHelper.isBlankOrNull(value)) { return defaultValue; } else { return "true".equalsIgnoreCase(value); } } public static int getInteger(String key, int defaultValue) { String prop = getConfiguration().getProperty(key); try { int i = Integer.valueOf(prop); return i; } catch (Throwable e) { return defaultValue; } } /** * Checks whether the property with the given name exists in the test4j or * in the given properties. * * @param key The property name, not null * @return True if the property exitsts */ public static boolean hasProperty(String key) { String value = getString(key); return value != null; } /** * Gets an instance of the type specified by the property with the given * name. If no such property is found, the value is empty or the instance * cannot be created, an exception will be raised. * * @param clazNameProperty the property of class name, not null. * @return The instance value, not null */ public static <T> T getInstance(String clazNameProperty) { String className = getString(clazNameProperty); return (T) createInstanceOfType(className); } /** * Retrieves the concrete instance of the class with the given type as * configured by the given <code>Configuration</code>. Tries to retrieve a * specific implementation first (propery key = fully qualified name of the * interface type + '.impl.className.' + implementationDiscriminatorValue). * If this key does not exist, the generally configured instance is * retrieved (same property key without the * implementationDiscriminatorValue). * * @param type The type of the instance * @param implementationDiscriminatorValues The values that define which * specific implementation class should be used. This is * typically an environment specific property, like the DBMS that * is used. * @return The configured instance */ public static <T> T getInstanceOf(Class<? extends T> type, String... implementationDiscriminatorValues) { String implClassName = getConfiguredClassName(type, implementationDiscriminatorValues); MessageHelper.debug("Creating instance of " + type + ". Implementation class " + implClassName); return (T) createInstanceOfType(implClassName); } /** * 默认数据库驱动class * * @return */ public static String databaseDriver() { return getConfiguration().getProperty(PROPKEY_DATASOURCE_DRIVERCLASSNAME); } /** * 默认数据库连接url * * @return */ public static String databaseUrl() { return getConfiguration().getProperty(PROPKEY_DATASOURCE_URL); } public static String databaseUserName() { return getConfiguration().getProperty(PROPKEY_DATASOURCE_USERNAME); } public static String databasePassword() { return getConfiguration().getProperty(PROPKEY_DATASOURCE_PASSWORD); } public static boolean doesDisableConstraints() { String disableConstraints = getConfiguration().getProperty(DBMAINTAINER_DISABLECONSTRAINTS); return "TRUE".equalsIgnoreCase(disableConstraints); } /** * 除非显示的声明了database.istest=false,否则test4j认为只能连接测试库 * * @return */ public static boolean doesOnlyTestDatabase() { String onlytest = getConfiguration().getProperty(CONNECT_ONLY_TESTDB); return !"FALSE".equalsIgnoreCase(onlytest); } /** * 判断是否是spring的data source bean name<br> * <br> * beanName.equals("")是为了兼容老版本中属性的定义 * * @param beanName * @return */ public static boolean isSpringDataSourceName(String beanName) { String dataSourceName = getConfiguration().getProperty(SPRING_DATASOURCE_NAME); // beanName.equals("")是为了兼容老版本中属性的定义 return beanName.equals(dataSourceName) || beanName.equals(""); } public static boolean autoExport() { String auto = getConfiguration().getProperty(dbexport_auto); if (auto != null && auto.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { return true; } else { return false; } } public static boolean isScript() { String script = getConfiguration().getProperty("dbexport.script"); if (script != null && script.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * 默认的数据库类型 * * @return */ public static String databaseType() { String type = System.getProperty(PROPKEY_DATABASE_TYPE);// from vm if (!StringHelper.isBlankOrNull(type)) { return type; } // from test4j property type = getConfiguration().getProperty(PROPKEY_DATABASE_TYPE); return type; } /** * dbfit测试结果文件输出目录 * * @return */ public static String dbfitDir() { String dir = getConfiguration().getProperty("dbfit.dir"); return StringHelper.isBlankOrNull(dir) ? "target/dbfit" : dir; } public static void disableDbMaintain() { // disable dbmaintainer properties getConfiguration().setProperty("updateDataBaseSchema.enabled", "false"); getConfiguration().setProperty("dbMaintainer.dbVersionSource.autoCreateVersionTable", "false"); } /** * Retrieves the class name of the concrete instance of the class with the * given type as configured by the given <code>Configuration</code>. Tries * to retrieve a specific implementation first (propery key = fully * qualified name of the interface type + '.impl.className.' + * implementationDiscriminatorValue). If this key does not exist, the * generally configured instance is retrieved (same property key without the * implementationDiscriminatorValue). * * @param type The type of the instance * @param implementationDiscriminatorValues The values that define which * specific implementation class should be used. This is * typically an environment specific property, like the DBMS that * is used. * @return The configured class name */ public static String getConfiguredClassName(Class type, String... implementationDiscriminatorValues) { String propKey = type.getName() + ".implClassName"; // first try specific instance using the given discriminators if (implementationDiscriminatorValues != null) { String implementationSpecificPropKey = propKey; for (String implementationDiscriminatorValue : implementationDiscriminatorValues) { implementationSpecificPropKey += '.' + implementationDiscriminatorValue; } if (ConfigHelper.hasProperty(implementationSpecificPropKey)) { return getString(implementationSpecificPropKey); } } // specifig not found, try general configured instance if (ConfigHelper.hasProperty(propKey)) { return getString(propKey); } // no configuration found throw new Test4JException("Missing configuration for " + propKey); } }