package org.test4j.json.decoder.spec; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.test4j.json.JSONException; import org.test4j.json.encoder.object.spec.MethodEncoder; import org.test4j.json.helper.JSONArray; import org.test4j.json.helper.JSONMap; import org.test4j.json.helper.JSONObject; import org.test4j.json.helper.JSONSingle; import; @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) public class MethodDecoder extends SpecDecoder { public static MethodDecoder toMethod = new MethodDecoder(); @Override public Method decodeFrom(JSONMap map) throws Exception { String methodName = this.getMethodName(map); Class clazz = this.getDeclareClazz(map); Class[] parameterTypes = this.getParaTyps(map); Method method = clazz.getDeclaredMethod(methodName, parameterTypes); return method; } private Class[] getParaTyps(JSONMap map) { JSONObject types = map.get(MethodEncoder.JSON_METHOD_PARATYPE); if (types == null) { return new Class[0]; } if (!(types instanceof JSONArray)) { throw new RuntimeException("todo"); } List<Class> list = new ArrayList<Class>(); JSONArray array = (JSONArray) types; for (Iterator<JSONObject> it = array.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { JSONObject type =; if (type == null || !(type instanceof JSONSingle)) { throw new JSONException("the type of method must be a String,but actual is:" + String.valueOf(type)); } String typename = ((JSONSingle) type).toStringValue(); list.add(ClazzHelper.getClazz(typename)); } return list.toArray(new Class[0]); } private String getMethodName(JSONMap map) { JSONObject name = map.get(MethodEncoder.JSON_METHOD_NAME); if (name == null || !(name instanceof JSONSingle)) { throw new JSONException("the methodname of json must be string, but actual is " + String.valueOf(name)); } String methodName = ((JSONSingle) name).toStringValue(); return methodName; } private Class getDeclareClazz(JSONMap map) { JSONObject declared = map.get(MethodEncoder.JSON_METHOD_DECLAREDBY); if (declared == null || !(declared instanceof JSONSingle)) { throw new JSONException("the method declared type of json must be string, but actual is " + String.valueOf(declared)); } String className = ((JSONSingle) declared).toStringValue(); return ClazzHelper.getClazz(className); } public boolean accept(Type type) { return Method.class.equals(type); } }