package org.test4j.module.spring.utility; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.springframework.aop.framework.MockCglib2AopProxy; import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactory; import org.test4j.module.Test4JException; import org.test4j.module.core.TestContext; import org.test4j.module.core.utility.MessageHelper; import org.test4j.module.core.utility.ModulesManager; import org.test4j.module.spring.SpringModule; import org.test4j.module.spring.SpringTestedContext; import org.test4j.module.spring.annotations.SpringContext; import org.test4j.module.spring.strategy.ApplicationContextFactory; import org.test4j.module.spring.strategy.Test4JBeanFactory; import org.test4j.module.spring.strategy.Test4JSpringContext; import org.test4j.module.spring.strategy.injector.SpringBeanInjector; import; import; import; @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public class SpringModuleHelper { /** * 获得当前测试类spring容器中名称为beanname的spring bean * * @param beanName * @return */ public static Object getBeanByName(String beanname) { BeanFactory factory = SpringTestedContext.getSpringBeanFactory(); if (factory == null) { throw new RuntimeException("can't find SpringApplicationContext for tested class:" + TestContext.currTestedClazzName()); } else { Object bean = factory.getBean(beanname); return bean; } } /** * 往测试对象中注入spring bean<br> * 支持注解<br> * o @SpringBeanByName <br> * o @SpringBeanByType <br> * o @Autowired <br> * o @Resource * * @param injected */ public static void setSpringBean(Object injected) { Test4JBeanFactory beanFactory = SpringTestedContext.getSpringBeanFactory(); if (beanFactory != null) { SpringBeanInjector.injectSpringBeans(beanFactory, injected); } } /** * 强制重新加载spring 容器<br> * Forces the reloading of the application context the next time that it is * requested. If classes are given only contexts that are linked to those * classes will be reset. If no classes are given, all cached contexts will * be reset. * * @param classes The classes for which to reset the contexts */ public static void invalidateApplicationContext() { boolean springModuleEnabled = ModulesManager.isModuleEnabled(SpringModule.class); if (springModuleEnabled) { SpringModule module = ModulesManager.getModuleInstance(SpringModule.class); module.invalidateApplicationContext(); } } private static final Map<Class, Test4JSpringContext> SHARED_SPRING_CONTEXT = new HashMap<Class, Test4JSpringContext>(); /** * 初始化当前测试类用到的spring application context对象 * * @param testedObject * @param contextFactory * @return does initial spring context successfully */ public static Test4JSpringContext initSpringContext(Class testClazz, ApplicationContextFactory contextFactory) { Test4JSpringContext springContext = SpringTestedContext.getSpringContext(); if (springContext != null) { return springContext; } SpringContext annotation = AnnotationHelper.getClassLevelAnnotation(SpringContext.class, testClazz); Class declaredAnnotationClazz = AnnotationHelper.getClassWithAnnotation(SpringContext.class, testClazz); if (annotation == null) { return null; } boolean share = annotation.share(); Test4JSpringContext context = null; if (share) { context = SHARED_SPRING_CONTEXT.get(declaredAnnotationClazz); } if (context == null) { context = newSpringContext(testClazz, contextFactory, annotation); } if (share) { SHARED_SPRING_CONTEXT.put(declaredAnnotationClazz, context); } SpringTestedContext.setSpringContext(springContext); return context; } /** * 创建新的spring容器 * * @param testClazz * @param contextFactory * @param locations * @param ignoreNoSuchBean * @return */ private static Test4JSpringContext newSpringContext(Class testClazz, ApplicationContextFactory contextFactory, SpringContext annotation) { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); String[] locations = annotation.value(); boolean allowLazy = annotation.allowLazy(); Test4JSpringContext springContext = contextFactory.createApplicationContext(Arrays.asList(locations), false, allowLazy); springContext.setShared(annotation.share()); springContext.refresh(); long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; MessageHelper.warn(String.format("take %d ms to init spring context for test obejct[%s]", duration, testClazz.getName())); return springContext; } /** * 释放测试类的spring容器 * * @param springContext * AbstractApplicationContext实例,这里定义为Object是方便其它模块脱离spring依赖 */ public static void closeSpringContext(Object springContext) { if (springContext == null) { return; } if (!(springContext instanceof Test4JSpringContext)) { String error = String.format("there must be something error, the type[%s] object isn't a spring context.", springContext.getClass().getName()); throw new RuntimeException(error); } Test4JSpringContext context = (Test4JSpringContext) springContext; if (context.isShared() == false) { context.destroy(); MessageHelper.warn("close spring context for class:" + TestContext.currTestedClazzName()); } } /** * 返回spring代理的目标对象 * * @param target * @return */ public static Object getAdvisedObject(Object target) { if (target instanceof org.springframework.aop.framework.Advised) { try { return ((org.springframework.aop.framework.Advised) target).getTargetSource().getTarget(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Test4JException(e); } } else { return target; } } /** * 清空spring AOP容器的Dump容器,防止多次启动spring容器导致的Cglib AOP内存泄漏 */ public static void resetDumpReference() { boolean isAvailable = ClazzHelper.isClassAvailable("org.aspectj.weaver.Dump"); if (isAvailable == false) { return; } org.aspectj.weaver.Dump.reset(); } static boolean USE_ENHANCER_CACHED = ConfigHelper.getBoolean("spring.enhancer.cache.used", true); /** * 全局性替换Cglib2AopProxy类的createEnhancer方法<br> * 将net.sf.cglib.proxy.Enhancer的useCache置为false<br> * 防止多次启动spring容器导致的Cglib AOP内存泄漏 */ public static void mockCglibAopProxy() { if (USE_ENHANCER_CACHED) { return; } boolean isAvailable = ClazzHelper.isClassAvailable("org.springframework.aop.framework.Cglib2AopProxy"); if (!isAvailable) { return; } new MockCglib2AopProxy(); } }