package org.test4j.datafilling.filler.primitive; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; import org.test4j.datafilling.Filler; import org.test4j.datafilling.annotations.BooleanValuePojo; public class BooleanFillerTest { @Test public void testGetFilling() throws Exception { BooleanValuePojo pojo = Filler.filling(BooleanValuePojo.class); Assert.assertNotNull("The pojo cannot be null!", pojo); boolean boolDefaultToTrue = pojo.isBoolDefaultToTrue(); Assert.assertTrue("The boolean attribute forced to true should be true!", boolDefaultToTrue); boolean boolDefaultToFalse = pojo.isBoolDefaultToFalse(); Assert.assertFalse("The boolean attribute forced to false should be false!", boolDefaultToFalse); Boolean boolObjectDefaultToFalse = pojo.getBoolObjectDefaultToFalse(); Assert.assertNotNull("The boolean object forced to false should not be null!", boolObjectDefaultToFalse); Assert.assertFalse("The boolean object forced to false should have a value of false!", boolObjectDefaultToFalse); Boolean boolObjectDefaultToTrue = pojo.getBoolObjectDefaultToTrue(); Assert.assertNotNull("The boolean object forced to true should not be null!", boolObjectDefaultToTrue); Assert.assertTrue("The boolean object forced to true should have a value of true!", boolObjectDefaultToTrue); } }