package org.test4j.module.jmockit.extend; import; import mockit.internal.expectations.transformation.ActiveInvocations; import; import; @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes" }) public class ExpectationsResult { protected Test4JInvocations currExpectations; protected ExpectationsResult(Test4JInvocations expectations) { this.currExpectations = expectations; } public void thenReturn(Object o) { if (o instanceof Throwable) { currExpectations.thenReturn(o); } else { ActiveInvocations.addResult(o); } } /** * return value parsed from xml file * * @param claz the class of the return object * @param json */ public void thenReturnFrom(Class claz, String json) { Object o = JSONHelper.fromJsonFile(claz, json); thenReturn(o); } /** * return value parsed from xml file * * @param claz the class of the return object * @param path class path of the xml file * @param json */ public void thenReturnFrom(Class claz, Class clazPath, String json) { String path = ClazzHelper.getPathFromPath(clazPath); Object o = JSONHelper.fromJsonFile(claz, path + File.separatorChar + json); thenReturn(o); } public void thenReturn(Object o, Object... os) { thenReturn(o); for (Object o1 : os) { thenReturn(o1); } } public void thenThrows(Throwable e) { ActiveInvocations.addResult(e); } public void thenThrows(Throwable e, Throwable... es) { thenThrows(e); for (Throwable e1 : es) { thenThrows(e1); } } }