package org.test4j.datafilling.filler.pojo; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.test4j.datafilling.Filler; import org.test4j.datafilling.annotations.FillWith; import org.test4j.datafilling.common.AttributeInfo; import org.test4j.datafilling.common.ClassFieldInfo; import org.test4j.datafilling.common.FillingConstants; import org.test4j.datafilling.exceptions.PoJoFillException; import org.test4j.datafilling.filler.PoJoFiller; import org.test4j.datafilling.strategy.AttributeStrategy; import org.test4j.datafilling.strategy.DataFactory; import; @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) public class SetterMethodFiller extends PoJoFiller { public SetterMethodFiller(DataFactory strategy, Map<String, Type> argsTypeMap) { super(strategy, argsTypeMap); } public <T> T fillingWithSetter(AttributeInfo pojoAttr, int depth) throws PoJoFillException { try { ClassFieldInfo classInfo = pojoAttr.getClassInfo(); Object instance = pojoAttr.newInstance(); for (Method setter : classInfo.getClassSetters()) { Object o = fillPoJoWithSetter(pojoAttr, depth, argsTypeMap, setter); new MethodAccessor(setter).invoke(instance, new Object[] { o }); } return (T) instance; } catch (Exception e) { throw new PoJoFillException("An filling exception occurred:" + e.getMessage(), e); } } private FillWith getFilling(AttributeInfo fieldAttr) { for (Annotation annotation : fieldAttr.getAttrAnnotations()) { if (FillWith.class.isAssignableFrom(annotation.getClass())) { FillWith filling = (FillWith) annotation; return filling; } } return null; } /** * 通过setter方法来填充PoJo实例 * * @param pojoInstance pojo实例 * @param depth 当前填充深度 * @param typeArgsMap 泛型名称的类型对 * @param setter set方法 * @throws Exception */ private Object fillPoJoWithSetter(AttributeInfo pojoAttr, int depth, final Map<String, Type> typeArgsMap, Method setter) throws Exception { Class[] parameterTypes = setter.getParameterTypes(); if (parameterTypes.length != 1) { throw new IllegalStateException("A JavaBean setter should have only one argument"); } AttributeInfo fieldAttr = getFieldAttributeInfo(pojoAttr, typeArgsMap, setter); FillWith attributeStrategyAnnotation = getFilling(fieldAttr); if (null != attributeStrategyAnnotation) { AttributeStrategy attributeStrategy = attributeStrategyAnnotation.value().newInstance(); return returnAttributeDataStrategyValue(fieldAttr.getAttrClaz(), attributeStrategy); } else if (fieldAttr.isNestedAttribute()) { return getNestedObjectInstance(pojoAttr, depth, typeArgsMap); } else { Object setterArg = new Filler(strategy, typeArgsMap).fillingAttribute(fieldAttr); return setterArg; } } private AttributeInfo getFieldAttributeInfo(AttributeInfo pojoAttr, final Map<String, Type> typeArgsMap, Method setter) { Type attributeType = setter.getGenericParameterTypes()[0]; String attributeName = ClassFieldInfo.extractFieldNameFromSetterMethod(setter); List<Annotation> pojoAttributeAnnotations = retrieveFieldAnnotations(pojoAttr, setter); AttributeInfo fieldAttr = AttributeInfo.exactArgAttributeInfo(attributeType, typeArgsMap); fieldAttr.setPojoClaz(pojoAttr.getAttrClaz()).setAttrName(attributeName); fieldAttr.setAttrAnnotations(pojoAttributeAnnotations); return fieldAttr; } /** * Given the original class and the setter method, it returns all * annotations for the field or an empty collection if no custom annotations * were found on the field * * @param clazz The class containing the annotated attribute * @param setter The setter method * @return all annotations for the field */ private List<Annotation> retrieveFieldAnnotations(AttributeInfo pojoAttr, Method setter) { List<Annotation> retValue = new ArrayList<Annotation>(); String attributeName = ClassFieldInfo.extractFieldNameFromSetterMethod(setter); Field setterField = null; Class clazz = pojoAttr.getAttrClaz(); while (clazz != null) { try { setterField = clazz.getDeclaredField(attributeName); break; } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { clazz = clazz.getSuperclass(); } catch (SecurityException e) { throw e; } } if (setterField != null) { Annotation[] annotations = setterField.getAnnotations(); if (annotations != null && annotations.length != 0) { retValue = Arrays.asList(annotations); } } return retValue; } /** * 创建循环引用对象 * * @param depth * @param typeArgsMap * @param attributeType * @return * @throws Exception */ private Object getNestedObjectInstance(AttributeInfo pojoAttr, int depth, final Map<String, Type> typeArgsMap) throws Exception { if (depth < FillingConstants.MAX_DEPTH) { Object o = new PoJoFiller(this.strategy, typeArgsMap).fillingPoJo(pojoAttr, depth + 1); return o; } else { Object o = new PoJoFiller(strategy, typeArgsMap).fillingWithConstructorsOrFactory(pojoAttr); return o; } } }