package org.test4j.json.decoder; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.lang.reflect.GenericArrayType; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.test4j.json.JSONException; import org.test4j.json.decoder.base.BaseDecoder; import org.test4j.json.decoder.base.DecoderException; import org.test4j.json.decoder.base.DecoderFactory; import org.test4j.json.helper.JSONArray; import org.test4j.json.helper.JSONMap; import org.test4j.json.helper.JSONObject; import; @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) public class ArrayDecoder extends BaseDecoder { public static final BaseDecoder toARRAY = new ArrayDecoder(); public <T> T decode(JSONObject json, Type toType, Map<String, Object> references) { if (json == null) { return null; } if (json instanceof JSONMap) { Object o = this.parseFromJSONMap((JSONMap) json, toType, references); return (T) o; } else if (json instanceof JSONArray) { List list = this.parseFromJSONArray(((JSONArray) json), toType, references); Object[] a = this.getArray(toType); return (T) list.toArray(a); } else { throw new DecoderException( "illegal type for ArrayDecoder. the type can only is JSONArray or JSONMap, but actual is JSONSingle."); } } private <T> T parseFromJSONMap(JSONMap map, Type toType, Map<String, Object> references) { String referenceID = map.getReferFromJSONProp(); if (referenceID != null) { Object o = references.get(referenceID); return (T) o; } Type type = map.getClazzFromJSONFProp(toType); if (this.accept(type) == false) { throw new JSONException("JSONMap must have property that declared the array type."); } JSONObject array = map.getValueFromJSONProp(); if (!(array instanceof JSONArray)) { throw new JSONException("illegal type for ArrayDecoder. the type can only be JSONArray, but actual is " + array.getClass().getName()); } List list = this.parseFromJSONArray(((JSONArray) array), toType, references); Object[] a = this.getArray(toType); Object oa = list.toArray(a); String newID = map.getReferenceID(); if (newID != null) { references.put(newID, oa); } return (T) oa; } private final List parseFromJSONArray(JSONArray jsonArray, Type toType, Map<String, Object> references) { List list = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator<JSONObject> it = jsonArray.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { JSONObject jsonObject =; Type componentType = this.getComponent(jsonObject, toType); IDecoder decoder = DecoderFactory.getDecoder(componentType); Object o = decoder.decode(jsonObject, componentType, references); list.add(o); } return list; } public boolean accept(Type type) { if (type instanceof Class) { return ((Class) type).isArray(); } else if (type instanceof GenericArrayType) { return true; } else { return false; } } private Object[] getArray(Type type) { while (type instanceof GenericArrayType) { type = ((GenericArrayType) type).getGenericComponentType(); } if (!(type instanceof Class)) { return new String[0]; } int length = 0; Class argClaz = (Class) type; while (argClaz.getComponentType() != null) { argClaz = argClaz.getComponentType(); length++; } int[] dimensions = new int[length]; for (int index = 0; index < length; index++) { dimensions[index] = 0; } argClaz = PrimitiveHelper.getPrimitiveBoxType(argClaz); return (Object[]) Array.newInstance(argClaz, dimensions); } private Type getComponent(Type toType) { if (toType instanceof Class) { Class claz = ((Class) toType).getComponentType(); return Object.class.equals(claz) ? HashMap.class : claz; } else if (toType instanceof GenericArrayType) { return ((GenericArrayType) toType).getGenericComponentType(); } else { throw new DecoderException("the ArrayDecoder only accpt array type, but actual is:" + toType); } } private Type getComponent(JSONObject jo, Type toType) { Type argType = this.getComponent(toType); if (!(jo instanceof JSONMap)) { return argType; } Type type = ((JSONMap) jo).getClazzFromJSONFProp(argType); return type; } }