package; import static ext.test4j.apache.commons.lang.ClassUtils.getShortClassName; import static; import static; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Formatter that will output all leaf differences in the tree and, in case of * an unordered collection difference, the difference of all best matches. */ public class DefaultDifferenceView implements DifferenceView { /** * True when an unordered collection is being formatted. */ protected boolean outputtingUnorderedCollectionDifference = false; /** * Formatter for object values. */ protected ObjectFormatter objectFormatter = new ObjectFormatter(); /** * The visitor for visiting the difference tree */ protected DifferenceFormatterVisitor differenceFormatterVisitor = new DifferenceFormatterVisitor(); /** * Creates a string representation of the given difference tree. * * @param difference * The root difference, not null * @return The string representation, not null */ public String createView(Difference difference) { return difference.accept(differenceFormatterVisitor, null); } /** * Creates a string representation of a simple difference. * * @param difference * The difference, not null * @param fieldName * The current fieldName, null for root * @return The string representation, not null */ protected String formatDifference(Difference difference, String fieldName) { return formatValues(fieldName, difference.getLeftValue(), difference.getRightValue()); } /** * Creates a string representation of an object difference. * * @param objectDifference * The difference, not null * @param fieldName * The current fieldName, null for root * @return The string representation, not null */ protected String formatDifference(ObjectDifference objectDifference, String fieldName) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); for (Map.Entry<String, Difference> fieldDifference : objectDifference.getFieldDifferences().entrySet()) { String innerFieldName = createFieldName(fieldName, fieldDifference.getKey(), true); result.append(fieldDifference.getValue().accept(differenceFormatterVisitor, innerFieldName)); } return result.toString(); } protected String formatDifferrence(ClassDifference classDifference, String fieldName) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); result.append("Expected: object of type ").append(getShortClassName(classDifference.getLeftClass())); result.append(", actual: object of type ").append(getShortClassName(classDifference.getRightClass())) .append("\n"); return result.toString(); } /** * Creates a string representation of a collection difference. * * @param collectionDifference * The difference, not null * @param fieldName * The current fieldName, null for root * @return The string representation, not null */ protected String formatDifference(CollectionDifference collectionDifference, String fieldName) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); for (Map.Entry<Integer, Difference> elementDifferences : collectionDifference.getElementDifferences() .entrySet()) { String innerFieldName = createFieldName(fieldName, "[" + elementDifferences.getKey() + "]", false); result.append(elementDifferences.getValue().accept(differenceFormatterVisitor, innerFieldName)); } List<?> leftList = collectionDifference.getLeftList(); List<?> rightList = collectionDifference.getRightList(); for (Integer leftIndex : collectionDifference.getLeftMissingIndexes()) { String innerFieldName = createFieldName(fieldName, "[" + leftIndex + "]", false); result.append(formatValues(innerFieldName, leftList.get(leftIndex), NO_MATCH)); } for (Integer rightIndex : collectionDifference.getRightMissingIndexes()) { String innerFieldName = createFieldName(fieldName, "[" + rightIndex + "]", false); result.append(formatValues(innerFieldName, NO_MATCH, rightList.get(rightIndex))); } return result.toString(); } /** * Creates a string representation of a map difference. * * @param mapDifference * The difference, not null * @param fieldName * The current fieldName, null for root * @return The string representation, not null */ protected String formatDifference(MapDifference mapDifference, String fieldName) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); for (Map.Entry<Object, Difference> valueDifference : mapDifference.getValueDifferences().entrySet()) { String innerFieldName = createFieldName(fieldName, formatObject(valueDifference.getKey()), true); result.append(valueDifference.getValue().accept(differenceFormatterVisitor, innerFieldName)); } Map<?, ?> leftMap = mapDifference.getLeftMap(); Map<?, ?> rightMap = mapDifference.getRightMap(); for (Object leftKey : mapDifference.getLeftMissingKeys()) { String innerFieldName = createFieldName(fieldName, formatObject(leftKey), true); result.append(formatValues(innerFieldName, leftMap.get(leftKey), "")); } for (Object rightKey : mapDifference.getRightMissingKeys()) { String innerFieldName = createFieldName(fieldName, formatObject(rightKey), true); result.append(formatValues(innerFieldName, rightMap.get(rightKey), "")); } return result.toString(); } protected String formatObject(Object object) { if (object == NO_MATCH) { return "--no match--"; } return objectFormatter.format(object); } /** * Creates a string representation of an unordered collection difference. * * @param unorderedCollectionDifference * The difference, not null * @param fieldName * The current fieldName, null for root * @return The string representation, not null */ protected String formatDifference(UnorderedCollectionDifference unorderedCollectionDifference, String fieldName) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); result.append(fieldName == null ? "" : fieldName + ": "); if (unorderedCollectionDifference.getRightList().size() != unorderedCollectionDifference.getLeftList().size()) { result.append("Collections have a different size: Expected " + unorderedCollectionDifference.getLeftList().size() + ", actual " + unorderedCollectionDifference.getRightList().size() + ".\n"); } Map<Integer, Integer> bestMatchingIndexes = unorderedCollectionDifference.getBestMatchingIndexes(); for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> bestMatchingIndex : bestMatchingIndexes.entrySet()) { int leftIndex = bestMatchingIndex.getKey(); int rightIndex = bestMatchingIndex.getValue(); if (leftIndex == -1) { String innerFieldName = createFieldName(fieldName, "[x," + rightIndex + "]", false); result.append(formatValues(innerFieldName, NO_MATCH, unorderedCollectionDifference.getRightList().get(rightIndex))); continue; } if (rightIndex == -1) { String innerFieldName = createFieldName(fieldName, "[" + leftIndex + ",x]", false); result.append(formatValues(innerFieldName, unorderedCollectionDifference.getLeftList().get(leftIndex), NO_MATCH)); continue; } Difference difference = unorderedCollectionDifference.getElementDifference(leftIndex, rightIndex); if (difference == null) { continue; } String innerFieldName = createFieldName(fieldName, "[" + leftIndex + "," + rightIndex + "]", false); result.append(difference.accept(differenceFormatterVisitor, innerFieldName)); } return result.toString(); } /** * Formats and appends the given fieldname and object values. * * @param fieldName * The field name, null if there is no field name * @param leftValue * The left value * @param rightValue * The right value * @return The string representation, not null */ protected String formatValues(String fieldName, Object leftValue, Object rightValue) { String leftValueFormatted = formatObject(leftValue); String rightValueFormatted = formatObject(rightValue); String valuesFormattedOnOneLine = formatValuesOnOneLine(fieldName, leftValueFormatted, rightValueFormatted); if (valuesFormattedOnOneLine.length() < MAX_LINE_SIZE) { return valuesFormattedOnOneLine; } else { return formatValuesOnMultipleLines(fieldName, leftValueFormatted, rightValueFormatted); } } protected String formatValuesOnOneLine(String fieldName, String leftValueFormatted, String rightValueFormatted) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); if (fieldName != null) { result.append(fieldName).append(": "); } result.append("expected: ").append(leftValueFormatted); result.append(", actual: ").append(rightValueFormatted).append("\n"); return result.toString(); } protected String formatValuesOnMultipleLines(String fieldName, String leftValueFormatted, String rightValueFormatted) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); if (fieldName != null) { result.append(fieldName).append(":\n"); } result.append(" expected: ").append(leftValueFormatted).append("\n"); result.append(" actual: ").append(rightValueFormatted).append("\n\n"); return result.toString(); } /** * Adds the inner field name to the given field name. * * @param fieldName * The field * @param innerFieldName * The field to append, not null * @param includePoint * True if a point should be added * @return The field name */ protected String createFieldName(String fieldName, String innerFieldName, boolean includePoint) { if (fieldName == null) { return innerFieldName; } StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); result.append(fieldName); if (includePoint) { result.append("."); } result.append(innerFieldName); return result.toString(); } /** * The visitor for visiting the difference tree. */ protected class DifferenceFormatterVisitor implements DifferenceVisitor<String, String> { public String visit(Difference difference, String fieldName) { return formatDifference(difference, fieldName); } public String visit(ObjectDifference objectDifference, String fieldName) { return formatDifference(objectDifference, fieldName); } public String visit(ClassDifference classDifference, String fieldName) { return formatDifferrence(classDifference, fieldName); } public String visit(MapDifference mapDifference, String fieldName) { return formatDifference(mapDifference, fieldName); } public String visit(CollectionDifference collectionDifference, String fieldName) { return formatDifference(collectionDifference, fieldName); } public String visit(UnorderedCollectionDifference unorderedCollectionDifference, String fieldName) { return formatDifference(unorderedCollectionDifference, fieldName); } } }