package org.test4j.module.database.dbop; import static org.test4j.module.database.dbop.DBOperator.IN_DB_OPERATOR; import java.util.List; import org.test4j.hamcrest.iassert.object.impl.CollectionAssert; import org.test4j.hamcrest.iassert.object.impl.LongAssert; import org.test4j.hamcrest.iassert.object.impl.ObjectAssert; import org.test4j.hamcrest.iassert.object.intf.ICollectionAssert; import org.test4j.hamcrest.iassert.object.intf.INumberAssert; import org.test4j.hamcrest.iassert.object.intf.IObjectAssert; import org.test4j.json.JSON; import org.test4j.module.ICore.DataMap; import org.test4j.module.database.dbop.ITableOp; import org.test4j.module.database.utility.DBHelper; import org.test4j.module.database.utility.SqlRunner; import; import; import; @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) public class TableOp implements ITableOp { private String table; public TableOp(String table) { this.table = table; if (StringHelper.isBlankOrNull(this.table)) { throw new RuntimeException("the table name can't be null."); } } public ITableOp clean() { IN_DB_OPERATOR.set(true); try { String sql = "delete from " + table; SqlRunner.instance.execute(sql); return this; } finally { IN_DB_OPERATOR.set(false); } } public void commit() { IN_DB_OPERATOR.set(true); try { SqlRunner.instance.commit(); } finally { IN_DB_OPERATOR.set(false); } } public void rollback() { IN_DB_OPERATOR.set(true); try { SqlRunner.instance.rollback(); } finally { IN_DB_OPERATOR.set(false); } } public ITableOp insert(DataMap data, DataMap... more) { IN_DB_OPERATOR.set(true); try { InsertOp.insertNoException(table, data); for (DataMap map : more) { InsertOp.insertNoException(table, map); } return this; } finally { IN_DB_OPERATOR.set(false); } } public ITableOp insert(String json, String... more) { IN_DB_OPERATOR.set(true); try { DataMap map = JSON.toObject(json, DataMap.class); InsertOp.insertNoException(table, map); for (String item : more) { map = JSON.toObject(item, DataMap.class); InsertOp.insertNoException(table, map); } return this; } finally { IN_DB_OPERATOR.set(false); } } public ITableOp insert(final int count, final DataMap datas) { IN_DB_OPERATOR.set(true); try { DataSet ds = new EmptyDataSet();, datas); ds.insert(table); return this; } finally { IN_DB_OPERATOR.set(false); } } public ITableOp insert(DataSet dataset) { IN_DB_OPERATOR.set(true); try { if (dataset == null) { throw new RuntimeException("the insert dataset can't be null."); } dataset.insert(table); return this; } finally { IN_DB_OPERATOR.set(false); } } public ICollectionAssert query() { IN_DB_OPERATOR.set(true); try { String query = "select * from " + table; List list = SqlRunner.instance.queryMapList(query); return new CollectionAssert(list); } finally { IN_DB_OPERATOR.set(false); } } public ICollectionAssert queryList(Class pojo) { IN_DB_OPERATOR.set(true); try { String query = "select * from " + table; List list = SqlRunner.instance.queryList(query, pojo); return new CollectionAssert(list); } finally { IN_DB_OPERATOR.set(false); } } public INumberAssert count() { IN_DB_OPERATOR.set(true); try { String query = "select count(*) from " + table; Number number = (Number) SqlRunner.instance.query(query, Object.class); return new LongAssert(number.longValue()); } finally { IN_DB_OPERATOR.set(false); } } public IObjectAssert queryAs(Class pojo) { IN_DB_OPERATOR.set(true); try { String query = "select * from " + table; Object o = SqlRunner.instance.query(query, pojo); return new ObjectAssert(o); } finally { IN_DB_OPERATOR.set(false); } } public ICollectionAssert queryWhere(String where) { IN_DB_OPERATOR.set(true); try { String query = "select * from " + table + " where " + where; List list = SqlRunner.instance.queryMapList(query); return new CollectionAssert(list); } finally { IN_DB_OPERATOR.set(false); } } public ICollectionAssert queryWhere(DataMap dataMap) { IN_DB_OPERATOR.set(true); try { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder("select * from "); query.append(table).append(" "); String where = DBHelper.getWhereCondiction(dataMap); query.append(where); List list = SqlRunner.instance.queryMapList(query.toString(), dataMap); return new CollectionAssert(list); } finally { IN_DB_OPERATOR.set(false); } } }