package org.test4j.module.jmockit.utility; import; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import mockit.Mocked; import org.test4j.module.core.utility.MessageHelper; public class JMockitModuleHelper { /** * 判断 @SpringBeanByName @SpringBeanByType 定义的字段是否和 @NonStrict @Mocked 定义在一起<br> * 这种定义在逻辑意义上是无效的<br> * 如果碰到这种情况,抛出运行时异常 * * @param field */ public static void doesSpringBeanFieldIllegal(Field field) { Annotation[] annotations = field.getAnnotations(); for (Annotation annotation : annotations) { if (Mocked.class.isInstance(annotation)) { throw new RuntimeException( "@SpringBeanByName/@SpringBeanByType can't define with @Mocked together. you may be hope to use @SpringBeanFrom @Mocked."); } } } private static final Pattern JAR_REGEX = Pattern.compile(".*test4j\\.nodep[-._\\d]*(-SNAPSHOT)?.jar"); private static final String Nodep_Jar_Path = "test4j.nodep.jar"; private static String hitsMessage = null; /** * 返回 -javaagent:.../ 提示 * * @return */ public static String getJMockitJavaagentHit() { if (hitsMessage == null) { String jarPath = getJMockitJarPath(); StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(); buff.append("If JMockit isn't initialized. Please check that your JVM is started with command option:"); buff.append("-javaagent:" + jarPath); hitsMessage = buff.toString(); MessageHelper .warn("If JMockit isn't initialized. Please check that your JVM is started with command option:"); System.err.println("\t -javaagent:" + jarPath); } return hitsMessage; } private static String getJMockitJarPath() { String javaClazzPaths = System.getProperty("java.class.path"); if (javaClazzPaths == null) { return Nodep_Jar_Path; } String[] classPath = javaClazzPaths.split(File.pathSeparator); if (classPath == null) { return Nodep_Jar_Path; } for (String cpEntry : classPath) { if (JAR_REGEX.matcher(cpEntry).matches()) { return cpEntry; } } return Nodep_Jar_Path; } }