package org.juxtapose.streamline.util.subscriber; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import org.juxtapose.streamline.producer.ISTMEntryKey; import org.juxtapose.streamline.stm.ISTM; import org.juxtapose.streamline.util.ISTMEntrySubscriber; import org.juxtapose.streamline.util.ISTMEntry; /** * @author Pontus J�rgne * Feb 2, 2012 * Copyright (c) Pontus J�rgne. All rights reserved * A data sequencer is used where each data update must be handled in proper order without any misses. * To deal with race conditions incoming data is only redistributed to the subscriber if sequence number matches the expected sequence numner, * otherwise the update is put on a queue to wait until all previous updates have been processed. * This implementation could be extended to use the Disruptor ringbuffer. */ public class DataSequencer implements ISTMEntrySubscriber { ConcurrentHashMap<Long, Sequence> queue = new ConcurrentHashMap<Long, Sequence>(); AtomicReference<Sequence> polePosition = new AtomicReference<Sequence>(Sequence.INIT_SEQUENCE); final ISequencedDataSubscriber subscriber; final ISTM stm; final ISTMEntryKey key; final int priority; /** * @param inSubscriber * @param inSTM * @param inKey */ public DataSequencer( ISequencedDataSubscriber inSubscriber, ISTM inSTM, ISTMEntryKey inKey, int inPriority ) { subscriber = inSubscriber; stm = inSTM; key = inKey; priority = inPriority; } public void start() { stm.subscribeToData( key, this ); } public void stop() { stm.unsubscribeToData( key, this ); } /** * @return */ private boolean updatePolePosition() { Sequence next = polePosition.get(); if( next.type == Sequence.TYPE_NO_OBJ ) { Sequence nextSeq = queue.remove( ); if( nextSeq != null ) { return polePosition.compareAndSet( next, nextSeq ); } } return false; } private boolean trySequence( Sequence inPoleObj, int inType, Long inID, Sequence inTrySequence ) { if( inPoleObj.type == inType && inID )) { if( polePosition.compareAndSet( inPoleObj, inTrySequence ) ) { subscriber.dataUpdated( this ); assert polePosition.get().type == Sequence.TYPE_NO_OBJ : "Object has not been remove from pole position"; while( updatePolePosition() ) { subscriber.dataUpdated( this ); assert polePosition.get().type == Sequence.TYPE_NO_OBJ : "Object has not been remove from pole position"; } return true; } } return false; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.juxtapose.streamline.util.IDataSubscriber#updateData(java.lang.String, org.juxtapose.streamline.util.IPublishedData, boolean) */ public void updateData( ISTMEntryKey inKey, ISTMEntry inData, boolean inFirstUpdate ) { Sequence syncObj = new Sequence( inData.getSequenceID(), inData, Sequence.TYPE_OBJ); Sequence poleObj = polePosition.get(); if( trySequence( poleObj, Sequence.TYPE_NO_OBJ,, syncObj ) ) return; if( trySequence( Sequence.INIT_SEQUENCE, Sequence.TYPE_INIT,, syncObj ) ) return; else { do { poleObj = polePosition.get(); queue.remove( ); if( trySequence( poleObj, Sequence.TYPE_NO_OBJ,, syncObj ) ) return; else if( >= ) { return; } else { queue.put(, syncObj ); } }while( polePosition.get() != poleObj ); } } /** * @return */ public ISTMEntry get() { Sequence ret = polePosition.get(); Sequence inBetweenSequence = new Sequence(, null, Sequence.TYPE_NO_OBJ ); polePosition.set( inBetweenSequence ); return ret.object; } public ISTMEntryKey getDataKey() { return key; } @Override public int getPriority() { return priority; } }